Will Ming

Chapter 420 Pine Forest Town

(Thank you for the monthly ticket of 2, a banban, Zhiqiuwulei, and An Tantan for the reward.)

(ps: give me some time to recover.)

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Chapter 420 Pine Forest Town ([-])

Qingqi is like the wind, passing across the formation of Zhang Qian's front army, and the crossbow arrows are shot into the front rows of the Wagang Army's spear array like locusts. The crossbow arrows are too dense and have almost no defense capabilities. The spearmen were bitten off layer by layer, and soon, the front of the Wagang Army camp was full of corpses.

Li Xian's Qingqi turned sharply, and the dust and smoke from thousands of horses swayed out, rushing into the Wawagang Army's formation like a sandstorm. They couldn't see the crossbow arrows flying fast, and in fact, even if they saw the crossbow arrows, they would never be able to hide.A continuous crossbow that can fire twelve crossbow arrows is basically invincible at this distance.

The shieldmen behind the Wagang army wanted to rush forward to resist the combo of crossbows, but after the spearmen in the front row were gradually overturned by the crossbows, the soldiers behind also began to suffer blows, and the shieldmen had to squat down. Cover yourself completely with a half-person-high shield.

The crossbow arrows shot at the shield covered with cowhide. The sound was a bit dull, but the aggressive sound seemed to hit people's hearts directly. The timid people were so scared that they peed on their pants.

There is nothing shameful about peeing your pants in fear on the battlefield, and no one will laugh at people who pee their pants.

The soldiers hiding behind the shield saved their lives, but they had no time to consider that their own robes in front were still covered by crossbow arrows.Someone rushed forward, trying to pull the injured comrade up from the ground and drag him back to the army formation, but was severely reprimanded by the team around him.

"Keep the formation! Don't move around!"

The team was shouting loudly: "The people in front are already dead, and they died in the past as well. Hold the formation and block the crossbow arrows of the Yanyun army! Save the living, there is no need to save the dead! You leave alone, just There will be gaps in the shield!"

He drew out his horizontal knife and struck it on the shield, making a bang-dang sound to boost the morale of his soldiers.

"Don't be afraid!"

He glanced at the fifty shield bearers under him, raised his jaw and said loudly: "Yan Yun's cavalry only has a few thousand men, and they dare not rush in rashly. We have a hundred thousand troops! One hundred thousand! Even if it is one man per man." Spit is enough to drown the cavalry of the Yanyun army, if you are timid, the enemy will make an inch! If you are brave, the enemy will be afraid!"

He remembered that when the military adviser Xu Shiji was around, he used this to boost morale.This team has never read any books, and he is the son of a woodcutter, but his memory is excellent, and now he can still recite the original words that Xu Shiji shouted when boosting morale.

"People are all the same people, there is no difference. You are afraid of the enemy, and the enemy is also afraid of you. It depends on who has the most courage, and who is the winner on the battlefield. If you take a big step forward, the enemy will retreat. And if you retreat, the enemy will stride forward! You don’t need to think about winning for Wagang Village, but you must win for your own survival! Only by killing your enemies can you survive!”

The team was finishing their speech impassionedly, only to find that their recruits were still shivering behind their shields.He couldn't help but sighed in his heart, saying that he still had a happy and heroic life when he was camping in Wagang Village.At that time, he was also a new recruit. When he first went to the battlefield, the old team encouraged him like this. He remembered that time, and his blood boiled when he heard these words.

Lieutenant Zheng told him that these words were said by military adviser Xu Shiji.

From then on, he remembered the name and told himself that this is a good general, a general who knows how to cherish soldiers.

You don't need to fight to win for Wagang Village, but you must win for your own survival!

But later, the military division left Wagang Village. He didn't know the reason. Some people said that the military division had a rebellious heart and wanted to kill Zhai Dazhai and Shan Erzhai. Li Xian, the great general of the country, bought it.He didn't believe any of these, he didn't think that a general who loved his soldiers like a son would be murderous towards his brothers.But after Xu Shiji left, the broken camp of the gray-clothed army trained by the military division collapsed.

The broken camp managed to turn the tide in several battles one after another, but because the commander was far less capable than Xu Shiji, he used the sharp sword of the broken camp as a stick. The remaining soldiers were completely dispersed by Pu Shangong Li Mi, the new military advisor of Wagangzhai, and integrated into his recruits, completely disintegrating Xu Shiji's remaining influence in Wagangzhai.

He was also promoted from a soldier to a captain, and he was in charge of fifty soldiers.But he didn't feel happy because of it. The inseparable friendship between the brothers in the past can no longer be seen in the current Wagang Village.

Compared with Xu Shiji's command ability, Li Mi didn't know whether he was stronger or weaker, but he knew that when Xu Shiji was around, he would never ignore the lives and deaths of soldiers.While Xu Shiji led the army to victory, he also had to ensure that the soldiers would not die on the battlefield to the greatest extent.But Li Mi was different, he was as eager to win as Xu Shiji, but the way he achieved victory was piled up with endless sacrifices of soldiers.

"Get up! Raise your shield!"

Just as he recalled the past, he heard an order from General Zhang Qian.

The team that has experienced several battles is knowing what to do next. General Zhang Qian knows how to fight better than other leaders of the rebel army who came to Wagangzhai on the green forest road.This person is not the kind of man who leads soldiers and horses to charge forward with more people and counts as a war, but a rare soldier who cares about the art of war in battle formations.

After hearing the military order, the team immediately yelled loudly: "Get up, stand up! Hold up your shield and press forward to block the crossbow arrows for the archers. The archers must move forward and force the cavalry of the Yanyun Army back!"

Few of the recruits immediately carried out the order, and most of them were still squatting on the ground, hiding behind their shields and shivering.Only a few people stood up tremblingly, but seeing that their companions did not move, they hesitated and shrank back.

"Get out of here, Lao Tzu!"

Lieutenant put his foot on the ass of a recruit and cursed loudly: "You bastards! Cowardice will only kill you on the battlefield! Those who disobey the military order will be executed!"

He ran back and forth behind the soldiers under his command, kicking up the soldiers hiding behind the shields.At this time, the supervisor team behind had already come up and started killing people.Under the threat, the shieldman had no choice but to stand up and press forward with the shield, blocking the arrows for the archer behind him.


Zhang Qian shouted loudly: "Save and shoot! Let the arrows go!"



It has to be said that although Zhang Qian was caught off guard by Li Xian's light cavalry tactics, this man's adaptability is still impressive. He quickly thought of a countermeasure to deal with this Qingqi rush tactics, that is to use feather arrows to shoot Yan The cavalry of the cloud army pushed back.

The excellent equipment of the cavalry in Yanyun Village was beyond his expectations, and he couldn't believe that the light cavalry in Yanyun Village was even better equipped than the soldiers of the Sui Dynasty.Before confronting the men and horses of Yanyun Village, he also followed Li Mi to fight against General Liu Changgong of the Sui Dynasty in Baihua Valley. Although the [-] soldiers under Liu Changgong's command were elite, they were far worse than the thousands of cavalry in Yanyun Village one chip.

He didn't understand Li Xian's character, so he didn't understand the composition of Yanyun Village's army either.

Li Xianzai's personality can be said to be very contradictory. He is a person who takes advantage and does not suffer. The old general Zhang Xutuo, the general guard of Qi County, commented on the various rebels in Henan and Hebei. Employers are not suspicious, in fact, he is not suspicious of anyone.Jibei Zhishilang Wang Bo, double-faced, indecisive, but a small person like a wall.Zhai Rang in Wagangzhai has the habit of the rivers and lakes, short-sightedness, and lacks courage. Without the assistance of Xu Shiji, Cheng Zhijie and others, he would be nothing more than a bandit.

When talking about Li Xian, Zhang Xutuo frowned slightly, and after thinking for a long time, he said uncertainly, Li Xian in Yanyun Village... is an insatiable, hateful and shameful person, and he would rather not lack anything that can be bought cheaply.However, the requirements of the opponent's subordinates are extremely strict, and it is better to lack than to overuse.

Later, when Li Xian learned of Zhang Xutuo's comments on him, he laughed heartily, and said with a smile that General Zhang has a pair of sharp eyes, and his vision is really accurate.

In fact, Zhang Xutuo only saw a superficial appearance. I am afraid that no one else can find out what Li Xian's heart is like except himself.Ye Huaixiu once thought that she already knew this person very well, but later she had to admit that her understanding of Li Xian was so shallow that even she couldn't believe it.

Li Xian is a person who is extremely contradictory. He is obviously greedy for life and afraid of death, but after returning from Liaodong, which battle has he not taken the lead?

People say that he is greedy, but until now, his house in Juyeze is still very small, with extremely simple decorations inside, and he will never carry a lot of money with him, because all his money is used to give Soldiers added equipment and distributed pensions to the dead.He has no treasury of his own, so as of now, he has no personal property.

But this is not right, because the entire Dongping County, Qi County, Lu County, and the tens of thousands of hectares of land and millions of people in the three counties, Li Xian regards it as private property, and no one can get involved.

It is this contradictory person who has created countless brilliance.

But today, he seems to want to create even greater brilliance.

What could be more exciting to the soldiers under him than defeating the famous Li Mi head-on?



Zhang Qian's soldiers were out of breath, so they found Li Mi and asked to send troops to support him.

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