Will Ming

Chapter 421 Pine Forest Town

Chapter 420 Pine Forest Town (VIII)

The two rows of shields held their shields half a person's height in their hands, and pushed forward with bowed bodies. Although they were afraid, the supervisory team behind the army had already pushed forward, and they would die if they retreated. Press forward, as long as you don't die, you will earn.

Behind the two rows of shieldmen are the archers who have already lined up.Zhang Qian kept shouting loudly, directing the soldiers to maintain their formation.The imperial soldiers of the Sui Dynasty had created many feats of defeating the cavalry with infantry. For the research and practice of infantry tactics, the Imperial Army soldiers of the Sui Dynasty had reached a near-extreme level.

In the continuous war with the prairie people, the infantry of the government soldiers has a complete set of tactics against the prairie cavalry, which is effective.Zhang Qian is considered a scholar, and he highly admires the tactics of the Fubing, so he has been training his men and horses according to the training method of the Fubing.

So he was confident that he would push back the light cavalry in Yanyun Village with shield players and archers.

Although the large number of spearmen who died before made him lose the opportunity to win, he felt that he could at least save the situation. Even if he couldn't win, he could guarantee that there would be no more casualties.The spearmen were killed and wounded by the cavalry of Yanyunzhai before because Zhang Qian lacked experience in fighting Qingqi. With his tactics, he suffered from it from the very beginning.

Turkic wolf cavalry's tactics, in fact, can be summed up with the biggest feature of being fast.

They pass by like the wind, relying on their absolute speed advantage, and their skilled riding and archery skills to cause huge damage to the enemy.Like a pack of wolves biting frantically, each bite can tear off a large piece of flesh and blood.

Li Xian has a soft spot for commanding light cavalry in combat, so he pays special attention to the changes in cavalry tactics.He has lived on the grassland for a long time, and has specially studied the combat methods of Turkic wolf cavalry.After careful consideration, taking the essence and discarding the dross, Yanyun Jingqi's invincible record was later achieved.

However, the tactics of Turkic wolf cavalry have extremely high requirements on the quality of cavalry.Turkic people climbed on horseback from an early age, five or six-year-old children can gallop on horses, and ten-year-old boys can shoot running hares.Their control of the horses was almost as easy as using their fingers. However, most of the cavalry in the Central Plains began to train after joining the army, and the starting point itself was much lower.

And for the Central Plains cavalry to reach the level of proficiency in handling war horses like wolf cavalry, this requirement itself is already extremely high.Fortunately, the Yanyun elite cavalry under Li Xian's command were once the most elite soldiers of the Sui Dynasty, and the soldiers who came in later had also trained with these soldiers for more than two years.

Therefore, Li Xian was able to command the cavalry - using the improved wolf cavalry tactics.

It was the first time for Zhang Qian to encounter this kind of pestering style of play, and he was not used to it at first.

The loss of a large number of spearmen made Zhang Qian very distressed and annoyed, but there was no point in being annoyed about something that was irreversible.

The archers began to go up and shoot arrows neatly, and the Jingqi of the Yanyun Army who was running horizontally was immediately shot down by many people.Although relying on speed, most of the cavalry left the feathered arrows behind, but the distance was too close and the feathered arrows were too dense. After a round of arrow rain, hundreds of cavalry were shot down.

Li Xian really didn't expect that there were generals in Wagang Village who commanded so well. After discovering that the troops in Wagang Village had changed, Li Xian responded immediately.

If it were an ordinary person, the first thing that would come to mind would be to quickly extend the distance and get out of the range of the feathered arrow, but Li Xian did not do this.

No one could see that Li Xian's face, covered by the visor, showed a serious expression.

He pointed the black knife forward, and rushed towards the rain of arrows!

In fact, the reason is very simple, the range of withdrawing the feather arrow is to run along the feather arrow, if the feather arrow chases from behind, the loss must be huge when retreating.But facing the feather arrow, the archer has no chance to shoot the second arrow at this distance!

The loss of hundreds of cavalry made Li Xian's murderous intent even stronger.

He stared at the archers of the Wagang Army behind the shieldman, killing intent flashed in his eyes.



Knowing the owner's intentions, the big black horse seemed to become even more excited. It raised its head high and barked twice, then leapt up abruptly, jumping over the heads of the two rows of shield bearers, and stepped directly on it. Into the array of archers!

The cavalry of Yanyun Village turned again and turned horizontally into an army formation that rushed towards Wagang Village vertically.The cavalry was like a roaring black dragon flying in a meandering manner, slamming into the Wagang Army's phalanx.

Feather arrows flew towards them, and the front cavalry were shot down one after another by the feather arrows.Some cavalrymen fell off their horses after being hit by arrows, but their feet were still hanging in the stirrups. The horses dragged their masters and still rushed forward. After hitting the ground, it didn't take long for the scalp and flesh to be rubbed off, and the skull collided with the gravel and gravel on the ground.

But the distance was too close. Although Zhang Qian's commander recovered some disadvantages at the first time, he still didn't go in the direction he expected. The Qingqi in Yanyunzhai was not forced to retreat, but directly ran into it.

Although many cavalry were shot down, the archers had no time to shoot another arrow.The horses of the front team stomped fiercely on the shield array of the Wagang Army. The horses smashed open the thin city wall formed by the shields, cut in like knives, and then ruthlessly tore open the bloody hole.

A gap was knocked open in the shield formation, and the soldiers who were knocked into the air were stabbed to death by the elite cavalry of Yanyun village before they could stand up.Among the horses that looked like a jungle of steel, a black knife was particularly eye-catching.

Li Xian stepped over two rows of shield players, and cut off the head of one of the shield players with a knife before landing.At the same time that the thick blood spurted out from the broken neck, Li Xian hacked the archer in front of him to death again.The soldiers behind quickly rushed up to protect Li Xian's sides, and used their shields to block the counterattack of the archers before they died.

Li Xian removed the arm of a Wagang Army soldier with one knife, and cut off half of another's head with one knife.As soon as the black knife was retracted, a Wagang Army shield hand raised his shield and slammed into the big black horse fiercely. He even tried to use his body to knock the big black horse away, but obviously, luck was not on his side.

How could Li Xian, who has long regarded fighting as a routine, give a young man a chance to succeed?

He raised his right arm violently, looked at the shield hand and suddenly roared.


This roar was the catharsis of his killing intent.It was as if a thunder exploded in the clear sky, shaking the shield player's body.

With a bang, the black knife slashed fiercely on the shield, and the huge force was transmitted to the shield. The two hands of the Wagang soldier were shocked and shrank back immediately.The black knife slashed on the shield, directly splitting the infantry shield wrapped in a thick layer of cowhide. With a click, the half-person-high shield was split into two, and the soldier holding the shield was also hit by the huge force on the blade. Take four or five steps back and forth.

The soldier panicked and was already pale with fright.He subconsciously looked at his hands, the tiger's mouth had been shattered, and the blood flowed out unstoppably.But it wasn't the place where his face became distorted with fear, it was the injury on his chest that made him scream out in fright.

When he lowered his head, he found a straight cut in the armor on his chest, and on the exposed skin, there was an equally straight red line.As he stepped back, the red thread suddenly snapped open.

A huge wound appeared, bleeding from the lower abdomen to the shoulder blades, as if his upper body suddenly opened a big mouth, the lips were bright red and miserable.

Then spit out a bright red tongue from the ferocious bloody mouth, but the tongue fell to the ground with a clatter, and could not be retracted anymore.Look carefully, where is the tongue, it is clearly a large mass of bloody intestines and internal organs, and the stench permeates all at once.

When the cavalry crashed into the formation of the Wagang Army, it was like throwing a large stone into a calm lake, and immediately splashed tumbling water, and the lake was also smashed to pieces.

Countless horse spears poked out, killing the archers with extremely low defense one by one.Archers and cavalry fought hand-to-hand, and only those who were slaughtered had any power to resist?The sharp horse spear pierced the heart, the throat, and the skull. The archers of the Wagang Army fell down screaming, and more people retreated in panic.


Zhang Qian shouted anxiously, his voice already hoarse.

"Can't withdraw!"

At this time, Li Deren, Li Mi's general, found Zhang Qian.He looked at the elite cavalry of Yanyun Village who had rushed into the army in a destructive manner in front of him, a flash of fear flashed in his eyes, but he said calmly: "Mi Gong ordered that no matter what, your troops can't retreat, even Fight to the last person, and you can't retreat!"

"But my men can't stop the cavalry anymore! We must send spearmen up as soon as possible, otherwise if the cavalry charge like this again, I can't guarantee whether the rout will attack Duke Mi's central army!"

Zhang Qian roared loudly.

"do not worry!"

Li Deren curled his lips and said: "Your men and horses will never attack the central army, and there will never be a rout of troops fleeing back. I am ordered to supervise the battle, and your men must not retreat, otherwise... there will be no mercy."

Zhang Qian's face changed drastically, and he understood Li Mi's meaning in an instant.



Li Xian led the cavalry to kill blood and blood flying across the crowd of Wagang Army archers. The camp of Zhang Qian's subordinates was completely chaotic. retreated.Zhang Qian watched his soldiers being blocked and slaughtered with a gloomy face, the corners of his mouth twitched but he didn't say a word.

"General Zhang!"

Li Deren looked at Zhang

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