Will Ming

Chapter 422 Pine Forest Town

(Thanks to 丨Danzhen, Luo Chenhe, for the reward of water skating, and thanks to Sanxiaolian for the monthly ticket, please.)

Chapter 420 Pine Forest Town ([-])

Since ancient times, there have been countless dead in battles. Where everyone stood, there might have been a dead bone before.People say that once a general succeeds, his bones will dry up, so the history has been flowing for so many years, how many famous generals have emerged in succession, and how many wrecks are scattered all over the place?

How many people died in previous wars is unknown.How many people will die in future wars is also unknown.

But in today's battle, the four thousand elite cavalry led by Li Xian killed nearly five hundred cavalry, but killed Zhang Qian's five thousand Wagangzhai former army, leaving corpses all over the field.When the horse's hooves move, they will inevitably step on a corpse.The soldiers of the Wagangzhai front army found sadly that they had only one dead end no matter whether they were going forward or backward.

Li Deren's supervising team killed people more ruthlessly than Yanyunzhai's Jingqi, and did not leave any way for the soldiers of the former army to survive.As long as someone retreats, a rain of arrows will immediately shoot over.Those who were lucky enough to escape the rain of arrows and rush back could not escape being torn to pieces by the supervising team.

Seeing that few of Zhang Qian's followers were dead, the muscles on Li Deren's face twitched, and then he subconsciously looked at his hands. Although he didn't kill anyone himself, for some reason, he did Suddenly, I felt that my hands were covered with bright red blood.He clenched his fists, and even had the illusion that his palms were sticky with blood.

Although he was a little disdainful of Zhang Qian's move to die, and scolded an idiot, his heart was still shaken. He never thought that there would be people who would be willing to be buried with others.What's more, Zhang Qian is already a fourth-rank Mingwei general sealed by the secret official, why should he die for those people?

But he couldn't help thinking, if he had done that, would he not feel any guilt in his heart, and would die at ease?

Thinking of this, Li Deren spat in a mouthful, thinking it was bad luck, I am living a good life, why bother to think about such unreasonable things as death or not?

Seeing more than a hundred defeated former soldiers fleeing back, begging and screaming, Li Deren waved his hand helplessly, and then a rain of arrows shot out from his side, and the hundreds of defeated former soldiers were shot one after another. overturned.

A broken soldier who was hit by an arrow crawled forward with difficulty, and crawled to Li Deren's feet and grabbed it.Bloody hands smeared Li Deren's clean boots with blood red streaks.

Looking down at the soldier who was shot at the vital point, he knew that the other party was bound to die, so Li Deren felt that he should be more benevolent, so he squatted down, looked into the soldier's eyes and said seriously: "Don't worry, I will ask Mi Gong , to bury your brothers who died in the former army, you can go at ease."


The bloody soldier spat bloody phlegm on Li Deren's face, and then he laughed wildly. Die on the ground.

Li Deren was taken aback, wiped the thick phlegm on his face, kicked the corpse fiercely, and cursed: "Damn, something that doesn't know what is good or bad, it deserves his mother's death if it dies. Everyone in the former army It's no pity to die, Zhang Qian is also an idiot, if he dies, he will be reincarnated as a fucking dog!"

While cursing, his personal lieutenant coughed a few times and said in a low voice, "General...don't kick."

Li Deren raised his head and looked at him, but saw that his archers were all looking at him, everyone's face was full of anger, everyone's face was tear-stained, he didn't realize that his soldiers, They all fired arrows while crying, and whispered sorry while firing arrows.Everyone's eyes were red from crying, and some even closed their eyes and shot feather arrows indiscriminately, not daring to look at those ex-army brothers who had fled back.

He smiled awkwardly and wanted to explain a few words, but he didn't know what to say.

At this time, suddenly a messenger came flying, handed a flag in his hand to Li Deren, and said loudly: "Military Order Migong, the former army has not fought, and Li Deren's troops will be replaced! Even if the battle ends, one soldier after another The pawns must not retreat, or they will be killed without mercy!"

Li Deren looked back subconsciously, but saw that Luo Bingren, the big thief of Jiyin County, had led his troops behind the buttocks of his troops, and Leng Sensen's arrows were aimed at their backs.


Li Deren wailed, and roared crazily: "You must be passing on a false military order, I'm going to see Mi Gong!"

"No need!"

The messenger said coldly: "Duke Mi said that if the Yanyun bandits are killed in this battle, General Li will have contributed a lot, and he will be crowned the champion general."

"I-fuck-you-damn the champion general!"

Li Deren couldn't help cursing loudly, his mouth full of bitterness.



Li Xian killed the former soldiers of the Wagang Village crying for their fathers and mothers, and the timid soldiers of the Wagang Army knelt on the ground and wailed loudly, their noses and tears streaming down their noses, and feces and urine were uncontrollably squeezed out of their crotches.It's just that no one in Yanyunzhai Jingqi, who had lost hundreds of companions, would show any compassion, and he was still cold and ruthless in killing people, without dragging his feet in the slightest.

Li Xian asked Qingqi to divide into countless teams, and combed back and forth like a rake, crushing all the soldiers of the Wagang Army who had been torn into small pieces into pieces.The former army of five thousand was almost wiped out, but Li Xian still didn't think there was anything to be happy about.The loss of hundreds of cavalry made him breathless.

Seeing another group of Wagang Village troops pushing forward in the distance, Li Xian looked back again, and there was a Wagang army on each side encircling them, obviously trying to trap him to death in the formation, and he could still see Many people have already detoured to the back, trying to seal off the northern shore of Songlin Lake.

Li Xian curled his lips, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He stopped the big black horse, and then let the soldiers wave the flag.The fine cavalry who dispersed to kill the defeated soldiers in Wagang Village immediately turned back and quickly gathered under the big red banner.

Li Xian pushed up the visor, looked at the soldiers and horses of the Wagang Army in the distance behind him gradually encircling them, looked through the gap that was about to close, and could see that at the end of his line of sight, the troops under his command were already on the north shore of Songlin Lake and Wang Qinian The supply battalion of the congregation.He smiled, his eyes were particularly bright and charming.

"The people of Wagangzhai are forming a siege!"

Li Xian yelled loudly, and then glanced at the Jingqi under his command.

"If it's not too late for us to fight out now, the supply camp has already converged, and the goal of holding back the Wagang Army has also been achieved, but we have lost nearly five hundred brothers here, are you unwilling?! Kill now Go out, or go out after avenging the brothers?!"


The cavalry shouted without hesitation, not caring at all that the Wagang Army behind them was encircling.

Li Xian smiled and nodded, thinking that Wang Qinian still needs some time to prepare.He looked at the elite knights with awe-inspiring eyes, and said loudly: "If you kill one of my brothers, you will pay back ten times! We lost nearly five hundred brothers in the battle, so we will use ten times the enemy's life to bury the dead brothers! This is not enough, do you dare to accompany me to cut off the five general flags?"

Cut the five-pole flag, throwing the ground with a sound.

The meaning is self-evident, Li Xian wants to kill five generals of Wagangzhai to bury his dead brothers.

"Do you dare to accompany me to cut off the five general flags?"

"Cut the five flags!"

The cavalry shouted loudly, someone was the first to hit the leather armor on his chest with a horizontal knife, making a crackling sound, and then more and more soldiers also knocked on the breastplate with his movements, more than 3000 cavalry, neatly Beating the breastplate, the voice was like a battle song, domineering and awe-inspiring.

"Cut the five flags!"

Li Xian yelled, the black knife pointed at the people and horses in Wagang Village, then slowly pulled off the visor, and urged the big black horse to run over there. The big black horse slowly picked up speed, with its head held high, The speed is getting faster and faster. More than 3000 cavalry followed Li Xian with battle songs, their morale was like a rainbow!



The first flag that was cut off was Zhang Qian, and the second was Li Deren. Li Xian did not kill all the troops as he did when he killed the former army in Wagangzhai just now, but directly killed Li Deren, and killed him with a single blow. He cut off his head, and immediately led the cavalry to kill him.

The reason why they fought with the former army in Wagangzhai before was just to delay the rendezvous of the two armies on Wang Qinian's side.Killing at this time, although it is still to buy time for Wang Qinian, but there is no need to fight, the casualties will become more and more serious if you continue to fight.After beheading Li Deren, Li Xian immediately led his army to kill the Wagang army encircled behind him. He first rushed to the right flank, and the Wanjun cut off the right flank enemy Hu Donkey with a single knife, and then led his army to attack fiercely.

Li Xian's personal soldier jumped off the horse, quickly picked up the third enemy's head, tied his hair to the saddle, saw how Hu Luer was dying, the personal soldier smiled and said, Why are you staring, who told you to come and fight my general without knowing your death?

In his opinion, whoever is an enemy of the general will die, it's that simple.

Simply makes no sense.

Li Xian led his cavalry forward and watched the men and horses of the killed Hu Luer retreat steadily. Before the reinforcements mobilized by Li Mi arrived, he suddenly led the troops around in a circle and slammed into the left wing. In Meng Rang's army, the big thief Meng Rang himself had extraordinary martial arts skills, but he didn't dare to fight Li Xian, and led his own soldiers to avoid Li Xian's sharp edge.Li Xian laughed loudly, the black knife splashed a path of blood, and killed Meng Rangjun in a hole in one go, and drove away with more than [-] cavalry.

Li Mi, who was watching the battle from a high place, turned pale with anger, wishing he could chop off Meng Rang's head with his own hands.

Li Xian broke out of the siege, and then rushed into the underworld Baishe army responsible for intercepting the reinforcements in Yanyun Village. At this time, Qin Qiong had already led the troops to attack on the other side. Unable to break the army and run away, I can only watch Qin Qiong lead the army to meet Li Xian. I thought Li Xian would withdraw to the front

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