Will Ming

Chapter 423 Pine Forest Town

(Thanks to Nihuofeng, huivasda for the monthly pass, thank you for my sunshine rain, Yaosyue for the reward, please support.)

Chapter 420 Three Pine Forest Town (ten)

Four thousand fine horsemen rushed back and forth in the encirclement of tens of thousands of troops, followed behind that black horse, and killed heartily.First kill the 5000 troops of the former army in Wagang Village, and then enter Li Deren's formation. Under the protection of the enemy's thousands of horses, he cut down the main general Li Deren's formation, and then the army turned into a beautiful arc like a crescent moon, unexpectedly He beheaded Hu Luer, the general of the right army in Wagangzhai, and then rushed to Meng Rang's army, so frightened that Meng Rang turned around and ran away without even daring to fight.

Afterwards, more than [-] cavalrymen smashed through the besieged Wagang army, and quickly charged into Baishe's army. Li Xian's big black horse suddenly appeared in front of Baishe. Li Xian cut off his head with a knife.When Li Xian led the rest of the elite cavalry to join Qin Qiong, those Wagang troops who were ordered to surround Li Xian were defeated by his cavalry, and Li Xian killed the four generals of Wagang Village in one go The middle and low-level generals led by the school lieutenant brigade killed countless.

Thousands of troops avoid black cavalry, and Li Xian's morale is like a rainbow in this battle.

Killing Zhang Qian, Li Deren, Hu Luer, and Baishe was like slapping Li Mi's face four times. Li Mi's face was not only in pain, but also his heart was blocked by a huge stone, which made him suffocate. Want to yell, want to kill, want to tear Li Xian to pieces.

Li Mi's face was gloomy, and the corners of his mouth were still twitching slightly.

"Give Meng to me!"

Li Mi said in a deep voice, his voice was as cold as ice floes in Qingniu Lake in Saibei.

Meng Rang was originally a general he valued very much. This person is different from Hu Luer, the underworld, Baishe, Li Wen, etc., and he is not a person like Zhang Qian who came from a poor family even though he has read some books. Meng Rang He was born in a real wealthy family, possessed a level of knowledge that was absolutely higher than that of ordinary people, had read military books since childhood, and was able to write good articles.Li Mi once said that Meng Rang was both civil and military, and he was talented in both general and prime minister.

But it was such a person who was valued by him and had high hopes, but he didn't even dare to fight and directly abandoned his soldiers and horses, turned around and fled with his own soldiers, how could Li Mi not be angry?

Meng Rang also knew that he had made a big mistake, so he walked up to Li Mi with a blushing face and lowered head.He didn't dare to look directly into Li Mi's eyes, he only raised his head for a glance, then quickly lowered his head again.He was apprehensive and fearful, deeply afraid of Li Mizhi's serious crime of running away.Military law is ruthless, even if Li Mi regards him highly on weekdays, but there is no father and son in front of the battle, he violated the military law, according to Li Mi's temperament, Meng Rang was really afraid that Li Mi would order him to be beheaded.

"Secret Duke... the last general..."

He opened his mouth to explain, but he didn't know how to speak at all.

"Do not blame you!"

Li Mi said with a smile.

When these three words reached Meng Rang's ears, he was startled like a thunderbolt.He raised his head abruptly, but saw that there was no trace of anger on Li Mi's face.

"Hu Lv'er's troops were routed and attacked your army formation. That Yanyun thief Li Xian was too cunning. It was not your fault that he failed to trap him."

Li Mi smiled gently: "Heroes don't care about the length of a moment, regardless of the outcome of the first battle, Meng Rang, do you have the confidence to fight the next battle well?"


Meng Rang felt warm in his heart, and the circles of his eyes couldn't help turning red.He knelt down on one knee and made a big salute, and then solemnly said: "Don't worry, Mi Gong, the general will definitely kill that Yanyun thief Li Xian next time! If the general accepts Mi Gong's trust again, the sky will be struck by lightning, and he will die without a burial." place!"

"Good good!"

Li Mi smiled and helped Meng Rang up, took his hand and said, "I want to hand over all the soldiers and horses of Li Deren, Baishe, and Hu Luer to you, plus your troops, nearly [-] elite soldiers, Do you dare to take the lead? Even if Thief Li rushes out, what's the matter? His entire army is only less than [-], and he has to divide his troops to protect the supply camp. In this battle, our Wagang Village still has a [-]% chance of winning. Can you Dare to build the first feat of killing Li thief?"

"The last will obey!"

Meng Rang stood up fiercely, cupped his fists and said, "Mr. Mi is only waiting for my good news!"

After finishing speaking, Meng Rang turned around and went to the front of the formation.

Li Mi looked at Meng Rang's back and smiled slightly, this smile was chillingly cold.



Meng Rang integrated the remnants of the various ministries, swung his army forward and went straight to the army formation on the Yanyun village to kill them.Sitting on the big black horse, Li Xian looked at the Wagang Army that was coming like a tide in the distance in front of him.He raised his brows, then looked back at Pei Xingyan who had red and swollen eye circles behind him.

"Brother Qin!"

Li Xian withdrew his gaze, looked at Qin Qiong and said: "Although there are many bandits, they are vulnerable, especially after they have just suffered a defeat. They must be timid. You lead all the cavalry, and the bandits who will attack in the future will cut from them." Open, kill the enemy and retreat, and lead Li Mi to lead the army to attack!"

"Subordinates obey!"

Qin Qiong responded, and just as he was about to move forward, Li Xian stopped him and said, "Even though the banditry's combat power is unbearable, brother Qin should not underestimate the enemy. Remember, as long as you can attract Li Mi, it will be fine if you are a bandit soldier. If you resist stubbornly, Brother Qin doesn't have to fight to the death, just force him back. Ten Li Mi, in my eyes, are not as precious as a single hair of Brother Qin."

Li Xian smiled and said: "I will hand over all the cavalry to you, be careful."


Qin Qiong's heart warmed up, and he clasped his fists and said, "Your subordinates only need to bring three thousand cavalry from the headquarters, and leave three thousand cavalry to support them. Besides, in the previous bloody battle, the lord led the [-]-odd brothers to take a break. Don't worry, my lord. To deal with those tens of thousands of chickens and dogs, three thousand elite riders are enough!"

Li Xian nodded with a heroic smile and said, "That's fine, three thousand elite cavalry, we'll poke a few bloody holes out of the first attacking men and horses in Wagang Village, and let them taste the taste of Brother Qin's four-foot spear."

Qin Qiong clasped her fists and said, "Don't worry, my lord, my subordinates will definitely go all out."

"Six points of strength are enough..."

Li Xian smiled and said, "Don't think too highly of those generals in Wagang Village."

Qin Qiong laughed loudly, and was about to turn around and leave when she suddenly heard someone shouting behind her: "Wait a minute!"

Qin Qiong looked back, but saw Pei Xingyan yelling with red eyes, he strode up to Li Xian, bent down and saluted and said, "My lord, I don't want 2000 fine riders, give me [-] men and horses, I will go The head of the general who commanded the attack at Wagang Village was cut off and dedicated to the Lord, and it was also used to pay homage to the spirit of my father who lives in heaven! Without Li Mi, my father would not..."

He looked at Li Xian and said loudly, "My lord, please do it!"


Qin Qiong patted Pei Xingyan on the shoulder and comforted him: "You'd better take a rest, how can you be used in this battle? It's just a group of bandits who have been killed by the lord. Let's see how my brother and I defeat the enemy. You are here How about drumming for me in the formation? If within three drums, I haven't defeated the remnant soldiers in Wagang Village, it won't be too late for you to help me!"


Pei Xingyan stubbornly raised his head, looked at Li Xian's solemn voice and said in a hoarse voice: "My lord, please help me!"

Li Xian pondered for a while, but before he could speak, Pei Xingyan said again: "Your subordinates don't need three thousand elite riders, just two thousand!"

"One thousand five!"

Qin Qiong doesn't know what's wrong, he is such a mature and prudent person, but today he also has a desire to win, he cupped his fists, looked at Li Xian and said loudly: "My lord, give me [-] cavalry, if I can't win, my lord can use military methods." Deal with it, and there will be no complaints in the end!"

"one thousand!"

Pei Xingyan almost roared and shouted, then he knelt down on one knee and said loudly with tears in his eyes: "Please, my lord, let me do it! Give my subordinates a thousand fine horses, and I will kill one of them to avenge my father!"

One thousand... Qin Qiong's expression changed upon hearing these two words.He didn't intend to provoke Pei Xingyan, he was honest, and he really wanted to stop Pei Xingyan from fighting.It's just that it's just the opposite. Pei Xingyan is determined to fight this battle.The attacking enemy army was no less than [-], and [-] elite cavalry... Even Qin Qiong didn't have a shred of confidence.

Li Xian jumped off the big black horse, supported Pei Xingyan with both hands, patted him on the shoulder, and said in silence for a while: "Okay! I will give you two thousand horses and see how you can defeat the invading enemy of Wagang Village." Kill a transparent."

"one thousand!"

Pei Xingyan gritted his teeth and said, "You only need 1000 subordinates!"

With his stubborn temper, even nine cows could not pull him back.

In Pei Xingyan's red eyes, there was a killing intent.



Li Mi really didn't expect that he exchanged kindness for Meng Rang's determination to fight to the death.But Meng Rang's determination, together with his nearly 2 men, was killed by a mere thousand fine riders in Yanyunzhai.Meng Rang mustered up his courage to lose again, and Pei Xingyan led a thousand fine riders to directly emptied the Chinese army under Meng Rang's command. Like a heavy punch, he slammed into Meng Rang's heart, causing him to vomit blood Can't breathe.

Meng Rang vomited blood, he was angry, suffocated, and useless.It wasn't that Pei Xingyan really hit his heart with a hammer.Nearly 2 horses were killed by the previous elite cavalry without any power to fight back!

Pei Xingyan, who was full of hatred, brought the sharpest Yanyun cavalry in a thousand worlds, stabbed in like a knife without any fancy, and then forcibly killed a pair in the densely packed Wagang army, chasing Meng Rang all the way fight.Meng Rang only fought against Pei Xingyan for a few rounds before knowing that he was invincible, and immediately called his own soldiers to rush over to block Pei Xingyan, and he turned around and ran away.

One escaped, the other chased, the general was scared out of his wits, how could his soldiers still have the desire to fight?

Seeing that the former army was defeated again, Li Mi was furious.

The underworld was sent, and Liu Qiangong and his two led two thousand cavalry to rescue Meng Rang, but they were defeated by Qin Qiong's one thousand fine cavalry and returned.The underworld was stabbed to death by Qin Qiong, and Liu Qiangong fled in fright, but his war horse was not as fast as Qin Qiong's Huang Puma, so he was killed by Qin Qiong.

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