Will Ming

Chapter 424 Killing Li Mi

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Chapter 420: Killing Li Mi

Li Mi stood on the mobile military tent he sent someone to specially build, watching the rout in front of him recede like a tide with a pale face. At this moment, he finally saw clearly that when he thought he was planning Li Xian meticulously, his own But unknowingly fell into other people's calculations.

He set up a game, and Li Xian also set up a game.

The most critical person in his layout is Pei Renji, and the most critical person in Li Xianbu's layout is Zhang Liang.And the person Li Mi arranged to contact Pei Renji was Zhang Liang.Pei Renji, who thought he had hidden it very deeply, surfaced so easily and embarrassingly.If Li Mi knew the truth, he would vomit blood angrily and blame himself for not investigating.

If he had contacted Pei Renji with someone else, perhaps the situation of today's victory and defeat would be reversed.In fact, Li Xian never doubted that Pei Renji would betray him.With Pei Xingyan around, Li Xian even thought that Pei Renji was more credible than Cheng Zhijie and others.

Because of Pei Renji's incident, Li Xian reflected on his shortcomings.

That's why he took Qing Yuan and left the camp somewhat irresponsibly to test the ability of the Five Flying Tigers of Yanyun Village.After this incident, he knew that the fifth part of Feihu was far from reaching the level he hoped to achieve, but he didn't remind Ye Huaixiu a word, because he knew that Ye Huaixiu had already understood what he meant.

Victory seemed so easy and simple that it was unbelievable.

But the victory still came like this. The green forest soldiers and horses of the battalions under Li Mi's command already distrusted each other, and this distrust was magnified infinitely when facing a crisis.The battalions crashed indiscriminately, and the formation carefully arranged by Li Mi turned into a joke in an instant.

Seeing the rout soldiers fleeing back like crazy crying, Li Mi suddenly smelled a chance to turn defeat into victory in despair.

"That guy Li Xian is extremely arrogant and arrogant. He likes to show off his martial arts in person. If Li Xian goes into battle, he will definitely lead his army to the Chinese army to find me!"

Li Mi suddenly thought of this, his eyes lit up immediately.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was feasible, and in the end he couldn't help but burst out laughing.Seeing him like this, the soldiers guarding him thought he was mad and foolish.

Li Mi looked around and saw that all the battalions were broken, except that the [-] Pushan Public Battalion under his command had a complete organizational system. Although the soldiers also showed fear, they were the most elite [-] soldiers in Wagang Village, and they still maintained their formation to protect Li Mi. Move the military tent left and right.

"Ha ha!"

Li Mi laughed crazily, as if insane.

He had laughed enough, and immediately ordered the Pushan Public Camp to deliberately expose a gap in the front, and then deployed heavy troops on both sides of his tent, so that as long as Li Xian dared to personally lead troops to attack the Chinese army, he would be trapped.As long as Li Xian can be killed, all battalions will be defeated, and today is also a big victory.

What is the loss of 5 horses, and what is the loss of 20 horses?

Li Mi thought proudly that as long as he waved casually, there would be countless people coming to him immediately, and the lost soldiers and horses would be made up within a few months, and the military power would even become stronger.Li Mi has this self-confidence, and now his name is the biggest gold-lettered signboard in the world.

He carefully weaved a pocket, just waiting for Li Xian to drill it himself.

The overall situation he had carefully arranged before was easily broken by Li Xian.Now he has carefully arranged another killing situation. What he didn't expect was that it would be easier and easier for Li Xian to break through.Even rough, rough ones don't have the consciousness to fight life and death with famous generals, and rough ones are a bit like child's play...

It was three stones that broke Li Mi's game this time.

The first boulder, weighing 30 jin, fell on the crowd of Pushan public camp [-] meters away from Li Mi's military camp.Li Mi was startled by the stone falling from the sky, but he was still able to maintain his composure, and ordered the soldiers in a cold voice to keep their formation and not to run around indiscriminately.After the order went down, the second boulder flew over with the whistling sound of the wind. This time, it hit the crowd less than ten meters away from Li Mi's army tent. It also killed more than a dozen people, and several corpses were killed It has been smashed into mud, and even using a broom may not be able to straighten the meat mud.

Li Mi's eyelids twitched a few times, the shock in his heart has reached the point where it cannot be added.

But he didn't think there was any trace of the boulder being thrown at him, let alone that the boulder was actually aimed at him.

500 meters away, Li Xian rode on the big black horse and stared at Li Mi with his clairvoyance in one hand. Seeing that the second boulder was off again, he couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.He turned around and yelled a few words, and then the dozens of soldiers controlling the catapult immediately got busy, adjusting the angle of the catapult and the strength of the cable stirring.

Li Xian watched his men adjust the catapult with satisfaction, then stretched out his hand and pointed forward and shouted a puzzling but exciting sentence.

"For victory, shoot at Li Mi!"

What is firing?

Li Xian didn't bother to explain anything, he just immersed himself in his own little self-entertaining memories.

This boulder was extremely accurate, and it hit Li Mi's mobile tent with a bang. In an instant, the smoke and dust of broken wood exploded. With just one blow, a large and luxurious tent was directly smashed to pieces.The middle of the moving cart was smashed open, and the debris flew four or five meters high.



Seeing that the cart was smashed, Li Xian laughed immediately.He closed one eye and looked forward with one hand holding his clairvoyance. He saw that the cart comparable to Yang Guang's jade chariot was smashed into pieces in the distance, and the smoke and debris flew several meters high. He immediately pursed his lips and laughed , and then made a gesture of victory.

Knowing that the victory has been decided, a lazy person like Li Xian will naturally not rush to kill him himself.

He stretched out his hand and pointed forward, and Qin Qiong immediately rushed towards the place where Li Mi's cart was smashed with the cavalry who had been ready to go.It was only Qin Qiong who rode the yellow pussy to start, Pei Xingyan had already patted the horse and rushed out, the Teller pussy that Li Xian gave him smacked his nose twice, his four hooves kicked out a cloud of dust, the young man with the copper hammer had a look of hatred on his face They killed the Wagang Army.Qin Qiong glanced back at Li Xian, who nodded slightly.

"Don't let him suffer."

Li Xian exhorted.

Qin Qiong hummed, and urged Huang Puma to rush forward after Pei Xingyan.

Riding on the big black horse, Li Xian turned around and ordered: "Kill all of them, including the soldiers and horses of the supply camp. Except for the soldiers who control the catapult, everyone else will press over! Wang Qinian! Take your men forward! Squeeze, if you don’t have a knife, you will kill them even with a rice spoon.”

Wang Qinian glanced at Li Xian resentfully, then turned around to look at the soldiers of the supply battalion who were gearing up under him, and said to himself, do you idiots know what a battlefield is, and each of you is so excited, don't pee your pants when you see blood for a while.When Lao Tzu fought for the first time...

Wang Qinian sighed, and shouted loudly: "Fuck me, be smart, if one of you dies, I have to collect the corpse for you!"

"Don't worry, General!"

A cook with a spoon in his hand jumped out from him, shouting as he ran, "If I die, who will cook for you?"

Wang Qinian opened his mouth and cursed, seeing the soldiers and horses of the supply battalion under his command rushing forward excitedly, he couldn't help but feel a little pride and ambition in his heart.Recalling the embarrassing and embarrassing past when he wet his pants and stuck to his body when he was on the battlefield for the first time, he suddenly smiled boldly and shouted: "Come on, kill, children of the supply camp, follow me to kill Li Mina!" Chop off the servant's head!"

After he finished shouting, he waited for a while, but no one responded.Looking back, where is there another person?

He smiled awkwardly, and looked back at Li Xian, but saw Li Xian looking at him with a half-smile, his old face like elm bark turned red rarely.In order to show that he had the courage to charge forward, he yelled hard and urged the horse to charge forward.While rushing forward, he drew the knife, but he failed to draw it out after several times.


Li Xian called out behind him, and then said with a smile, "Use everything you have, you are really not good enough to go into battle, come...today's big victory, let me hear some loud flattery."

Wang Qinian chuckled, reined in his horse, jumped off his horse, rubbed his hands and walked towards Li Xian, and said triumphantly as he walked, "This is what I am best at, my lord. My lord, you want to listen to me in a subtle way. Or something hot and wild?"

Li Xian smiled, his eyes bright.



Li Mi's personal soldiers hurriedly moved away the debris and broken wood, and searched for Li Mi like digging a grave. I have to say that Li Mi's fate is a bit outrageous, and his luck is also enviable. The big stone rubbed his head and smashed it. On the cart, with a bang, Li Mi, who had no time to jump off, was buried by the broken wood.If it was hit directly by a boulder, I'm afraid there will only be a puddle of mud embedded in the soil.

Hundreds of soldiers from the Pushan Public Camp rummaged through the shattered wreckage of the carriage, digging out several bloody corpses that were not Li Mi.Seeing that Qingqi from Yanyunzhai was about to kill them, a soldier suddenly saw a foot protruding from the edge of the boulder, and saw that the boot belonged to Wei Gong and Li Mi.He hurriedly called people to run over, moved the broken wood away, and when they saw the appearance of the person inside, everyone was stunned in fright.

It was indeed Li Mi, but a half-dead Li Mi soaked in blood.Breathing out, there are still signs of life, but the body is already limp as if there is no bone, one leg was directly pierced by a broken wood, the wood pierced the thigh, and the blood was still gushing unstoppably like a spring come out.

One arm was also broken, the joints were bent in the opposite direction, and the scariest thing was Li Mi's face.On that handsome face that has fascinated countless young girls, there are countless pieces of broken wood,

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