Will Ming

Chapter 425 Who will die next?

Chapter 420 Who will die next?

Wang Dangren was originally left behind by Li Mi. He had 1000 new troops, including more than 1000 cavalry, and it was these [-] cavalry that saved Li Mi's life.Zhang Liang wanted to kill Li Mi, but he had to give up because of Wang Dangren's arrival.He killed Li Mi in order to make meritorious deeds and a good future in the future, but if he also lost his life because of killing Li Mi, how could he be willing to do such an idiotic thing?

If he really killed Li Mi recklessly, Wang Dangren would kill him immediately, and then under the banner of avenging Li Mi, he would gather the defeated army and immediately become a powerful man.Zhang Liang would rather Li Mi live well than engage in this loss-making business.If Li Mi is dead, Wang Dangren will definitely not be the opponent of Zhai Rang and Shan Xiongxin, and Wagang Village will stabilize in a short time.

If Li Mi hadn't died, the infighting in Wagang Village would have been more exciting.

Zhang Liang understood this, so he immediately gave up the idea of ​​killing Li Mi.

Naturally, Wang Dangren didn't dare to provoke Li Xian again, so he turned around and ran away after saving Li Mi.He didn't dare to stop halfway, and gathered Hao Xiaode, Li Deqian, Li Shicai and others who were defeated and fled one after another, gathered more than [-] remnants and defeated generals, and fled back to Wagang Village in one breath.With Qin Qiong as the main general and Pei Xingyan as the deputy general, Li Xian led [-] fine cavalry to chase after the defeated Wagang army.

Li Mi woke up during the retreat, and immediately sent people to withdraw part of the troops who attacked Li Yang and garrisoned in Baihua Valley, and then sent people to meet Zhai Rang as quickly as possible, and asked him to retreat immediately.Li Mi knew that his side had already been defeated, and the tens of thousands of troops led by Zhai Rang became a lone army. As long as Dou Jiande's general Wang Fubao knew that he had been defeated, he would immediately withdraw to the state and never cross the south of the river again. Meet Zhai Rang.

As for Zhishilang Wang Bo, Li Mi didn't count him at all.Although that guy claims to have 15 elite soldiers, in fact, there are not even 5000 real soldiers. Most of them are the old and weak people he has kidnapped. Each of them has a sharpened white wax stick in his hand Even if it is a weapon, not to mention a hundred thousand, even if there are 30 such soldiers, they are definitely not the opponent of Xu Shiji who is now sitting in Qi County.

Although Li Mi didn't have much contact with Xu Shiji, he was extremely scrupulous about Xu Shiji.If not, he wouldn't have pushed Xu Shiji out first.The broken camp left by Xu Shiji was the most elite troops in Wagang Village, and it was because of the broken camp that Li Mi was able to surround and kill the old general Zhang Xutuo.Without this strong army trained by Xu Shiji, no matter how well-organized Li Mi's arrangements are, it is very likely that Zhang Xutuo will lead the troops to break out of the encirclement.

So the first thing after killing Zhang Xutuo, Li Mi dispersed and redistributed the soldiers who broke the camp, in order to eliminate the remaining influence of Xu Shiji, and he would never allow anyone to miss Xu Shiji's benefits.

But it is undeniable that Li Mi may be much better than Xu Shiji in terms of scheming, intrigue, debate, knowledge, and communication skills. But when it comes to military training and personally commanding an army to fight, Li Mi's talent is not as good as Xu Shiji.

Li Mi was worried that after the news of his defeat spread, Wang Fubao led his army back to the north, and Wang Bo was defeated by Xu Shiji. At that time, Zhai Rang's [-] troops would be filled with dumplings by Li Xian, Xu Shiji, and Xiong Kuohai's men. , I can't even kill him.That has been alone, the final outcome is self-evident.

In fact, although Li Mi thought of this matter at the first time, it was still too late.

The troops led by Zhai Rang fought six consecutive battles with Xiong Kuo Hai's troops within four days, but Yuwen Shi and Xiong Kuo Hai were close to each other. As long as Zhai Rang made a move, Xiong Kuo Hai resisted the attack, and Yu Wen Shi and immediately sent troops to copy Zhai Rang's retreat .If Zhai Rang attacks Yuwen Shiji, Xiong Kuohai will immediately harass Zhai Rang's retreat.This scene is like a folk story that is often mentioned. Two hunters took out two wolf cubs, and then climbed up a big tree respectively. After the female wolf came back, the hunter kept twisting the ears of the little wolf. Hearing the cub's howl, the mother wolf ran back and forth and eventually died of exhaustion.

During these days, Zhai Rang was exhausted and never won the first battle. Although he lost a lot of troops in the first battle, the losses in the subsequent wars were not big, but it is meaningless to spend it like this.Even if Li Mi is not defeated, Zhai Rang is already planning to retreat.

Wang Fubao is unreliable, Zhai Rang did not defeat Xiongkuohai and Yuwen Shiji for a while, and Wang Fubao crossed the river for a while, watching the people of Wagang Village and the people of Yanyun Village fighting, he was like a spectator. The war between Zhai and Yanyun Zhai was completely ignored, which made Zhai Rang almost vomit blood in anger.

And even more unreliable is Wang Bo, who is a hundred times more unbearable than Zhai Rang.Taking 10,000+ people to attack Qi County, how can he be Xu Shiji's opponent?

In just three battles, Xu Shiji turned Wang Bo into a bare general again, and ran back to Jibei County with only a few hundred routs.

At this time, for some unknown reason, Xue Shixiong, the governor of Zhuojun County, led [-] troops to the south to attack Douzigang. Dou Jiande had to transfer Wang Fubao's troops back to deploy defenses in various counties.

In just half a month, the situation in Henan has changed drastically.

The originally menacing Wagang Army turned into a loner in an instant. Zhai Rang was attacked on three sides. Relying on Shan Xiongxin's bravery and Xie Yingdeng's superior strategy, he killed a bloody road and escaped from the gap between the siege on three sides. Sixty thousand When the army returned to Dongjun, there were less than [-] people.

The seemingly stalemate and bad situation quickly disappeared.

The Wagang army was defeated, and according to Li Xian's temperament, he naturally wanted to beat the dog in the water. He sent Qin Qiong to attack Dongjun, Xu Shiji to take Jibei County, and Xiong Kuohai to lead the army south to Jiyin County. The Lvlin Daoyi army who besieged Yanyunzhai killed them all, and the territory of Yanyunzhai increased by nearly two counties and more than a dozen counties in one go.

However, Li Xian, who planned to attack Wagangzhai in one go, had to suspend his plan to advance westward after receiving a piece of news.



Yuncheng, Dongping County

Li Xian returned to his quiet house in Liuhua Lane in Yuncheng. It has already entered the twelfth lunar month, and the Chinese New Year will be celebrated in a few days. Seeing that 12 years of the great cause will be over, it seems that he has not done much in this year , but Li Xian felt as if he had no free time from morning till night.

It was noon, and the weather today was surprisingly good. There was no wind, and the sun shone warmly on the body. People couldn't help but want to sleep under the warm winter sun.When Li Xian recalled his previous life, many old people in the countryside liked to sit against the wall in winter, chatting with a group of people, and some people fell asleep while talking in their overcoats, snoring like thunder.Every time he saw this scene, he felt very warm.

Thinking of the events of his previous life, Li Xian also wrapped himself in the mink velvet cloak, retracted his body into the reclining chair, and watched Jia Er squatting on the stove in front of him, grilling meat.

"Why do you have to use fruit wood charcoal?"

Jiaer asked curiously while turning over the sliced ​​meat.

Li Xian smiled, and replied seriously: "It's not necessary to use fruit charcoal, the main reason is that there is a difference in taste, the smoke from fruit charcoal will not blacken the barbecue, and there is no unpleasant smell of smoke. On the contrary, it will make the roasted meat look a little more fruity, and the fruit wood is hard and burns slowly, I can’t say for sure, it’s probably like this.”

"Is there anything else you don't know?"

Jiaer said curiously: "Miss said, General, you know more than anyone else, even Miss has traveled all over the country, and the experience you have gained is not as good as you, General."

"I'm not a god"

Li Xian said with a smile: "How can it be possible to understand everything?"

Jiaer smiled, seeing that the meat had changed color, and then she skillfully brushed the sauce prepared by Li Xian on it, and then kept flipping it over.

"By the way, General Daxi came again in the morning. The general went to inspect the new barracks. General Daxi said, please go to the Academy of Martial Arts if you are free. He said that you are also the founder of the Academy of Martial Arts. New The students admitted to the hospital all want to see your demeanor, General, and General Daxi told you to meet the students when you have time, and give lectures by the way."

"Don't go..."

After sniffing the smell of the barbecue, Li Xian said, "He is the dean of the Martial Arts Institute, Tie Liaolang and the others are the instructors, even Qin Qiong and the others have to find time to teach, why do you have to go?"

"But General Daxi said, you are the spiritual leader of the Academy of Martial Arts, and the students' admiration for you has reached an unbelievable level. Now the iron wolf and the others are teaching, and the battle examples they teach are all the victories you fought before, General. I heard that what the students like to hear most is the deeds of you, General, when you were in Liaodong."

Li Xian frowned, and smiled noncommittally.

Seeing that Li Xian was in a good mood today, Jia'er persuaded him, "Since General Daxi invited you over, he must think it would be of great benefit to the Academy of Martial Arts. Anyway... Anyway, the general will not go out to fight these days anyway. I still find time to go there before. I think those new students will cheer when they see you."

"That's why I'm not going."

Li Xian closed his eyes and said, then pointed with his finger: "The second piece of meat on the left can be eaten, but it will be old after roasting, and it will be very difficult to chew."

Seeing that Li Xian was able to know that the piece of meat was roasted with his eyes clearly closed, Jiaer was very surprised, and couldn't help but slightly opened her cherry mouth.

"I don't go, not because I'm lazy, but because I don't go, it's better than going. People have to maintain a sense of awe. No matter what awe is, you must have it. If those students see me If there are too many times, there will be no awe, which is not good.”

Li Xian said with a smile: "Heroes are commonplace and ordinary people... Besides, I'm not a hero in the first place?"

"If the general is not a hero, are there any heroes in this world?"

& nbs

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