Will Ming

Chapter 427 The Emperor's Tears

Chapter 420 Seven Tears of the Emperor

Speaking of General Zuo Yuwei of the imperial court, Xue Shixiong, the governor of Zhuojun County, ambushed in the Juma River. He fought bloody day and night, but was blocked by people. More than 2 people died and fled almost completely.Jia Er was puzzled, why the information said that Dou Jiande sent someone to set up an ambush, but both Li Xian and Ye Huaixiu said that it must not be him.

Although Jia'er has a clear and sensitive mind, she naturally doesn't understand the intrigues in the court.

Ye Huaixiu asked: "If the imperial court really seals Dou Jiande as the governor of the state and recognizes his status, who is the greatest threat to him? Once Dou Jiande turns into an official of the imperial court, then who will think that it is on his heart?" A knife? Cut off his fortune and his future? "

"It's Luo Yi!"

Jiaer suddenly realized, and her eyes became brighter.

She thought for a while and analyzed: "If the imperial court recognizes Dou Jiande's status, then Luo Yi will have no way to attack those counties south of Zhuojun. He has five thousand tigers and heavy armor in his hand. I can’t afford it! Besides, Xue Shixiong is the governor of Zhuo County, so he’s his constraint! If the imperial court makes Dou Jiande the governor of the prefecture again, then Luo Yi will be trapped in Youzhou!”

Li Xian glanced at Jia'er appreciatively, and said with some regret: "It's a pity, Old General Xue is still helpful to me, but he has become a chess piece for Luo Yi to scheme against Dou Jiande. In any case, even if Luo Yi knows it is The imperial court will not admit it. Since General Xue Shixiong went south, most of Zhuo County and a part of Boling County have been occupied by Luo Yi. Fu."

"Even if the imperial court knew that Luo Yi was rebellious, even if they knew that they could no longer control him, they couldn't control him at all. Yang Guang lived in Jiangdu, and the imperial court's decrees would be useless if he couldn't go a hundred miles away. How could he be able to do anything about it? What about Luo Yi? Therefore, the court can only pretend to be ignorant, and the death of General Xue Shixiong will be nothing in the end."

Jiaer sighed and said, "The current imperial court, what kind of imperial court is it? Yang Guang is nesting in Jiangdu, and he doesn't want to go back to Dongdu at all."

Ye Huaishu smiled and said: "Yang Guang may not want to go back to Dongdu, but even if he wants to go back, he can't go back at all. The passage between Jiangdu and Dongdu, whether by water or land, has been blocked by various rebels. Well, even if the Great Sui Navy opened the way, they would not be able to enter the Eastern Capital. Yang Guang let Yue Wang Yang Tong sit in Luoyang, but Yang Tong didn't know how to deal with the government at all!"

"The power of the Eastern Capital is not in the hands of Yue Wang Yang Yu at all, but in the hands of Duan Da, the doctor of Guanglu, and Yuan Wendu, the Minister of Taifu. Those two guys think that they have power, but they have no soldiers in their hands. I had to watch Qu Tongtu's face and act. Speaking of which, if Qu Tongtu wanted to, he could abolish the King of Yue at any time. Also, after the general slapped Yang Guang a few times ago, Yang Guang was also regarded as a slap in the face I learned a lot of wisdom and transferred Lai Huer, the naval general who was training in Donglai, to Jiangdu. I just didn't expect that Lai Huer would actually go."

Li Xian smiled and said, "Do you think he is loyal?"

Ye Huaixiu shook his head and said: "He is the same as Qu Tongtu. If he is really loyal, a few months ago Yang Guang dispatched the two of them to attack our Yanyun village. How could they both refuse to admit that they received it?" Imperial decree? Qu Tongtu wanted to separate the eastern capital and stand on his own, but he was afraid of being scolded to death by the people of the world. Why is it the same for coming to protect children? He went to Jiangdu under the decree. I am afraid that he has no good intentions at all, but his ambition to separate Jiangnan is even greater .”

"Lai Huer thought that now that he had gone to Jiangdu, Yang Guang would rely on him and could not do without him. He could learn from Cao Mengde's trick of coercing the emperor to command the princes. But he forgot that Jiangdu still has a Yuwen Shu !"

Li Xian smiled and said, "When did Lai Huer fight Yu Wenshu?"

Jia Er blinked, then suddenly remembered something and asked: "But isn't Yu Wenshu already seriously ill and bedridden? He sold the military rations in the city to the Turkic people, and planned to let the Turkic people enter the Yanmen Pass. After being accused, Yang Guang demoted the two of them to common people, and they would never be hired. The Yuwen family now has only one Yuwen scholar and still has military power in his hands... ...But Yuwen Shiji is still in our Yanyun village!"

"Yuwen Shiji is just an outsider!"

Li Xian smiled slightly and said, "Do you think he is sincerely seeking refuge with me? It's all just a trick of that old fox Yu Wenshu. Yuwen scholars are outside, and they are not ordered by the emperor. In the future, if Yuwen's family is in Jiang, what will they do?" , Yuwen Shiji is a reinforcement! You must not think that Yu Wenshu becomes an idiot when he is sick, that old fox, even if his body is rotten, as long as his head is still there, he can come up with countless insidious ideas."


"Since you know that Yuwen Shiji didn't really come to seek refuge, general, why did you keep him? If the Yuwen family rebelled in Jiangdu in the future, wouldn't he respond with his troops? This person stayed in our Yanyun village, it's just... ...is simply a disaster!"

Jiaer clenched her fists and said.


Ye Huaixiu smiled and said: "If Yuwen Shiji is a smart person, the choice is in his hands. If he thinks that the Yuwen family can succeed, he may really betray Yanyun Village in the future. But if he can't see Yuwen Why is he still willing to follow Yu Wenshu's orders?"

"Miss, what do you mean, Yuwen Shiji won't listen to what his father Yuwen said?"

"The biggest advantage of Yuwenshi and this person is that he sees the overall situation very clearly and thoroughly. He is like a Qingfeng sword. The sword has double edges. If it is used well, it is a sharp weapon for killing. Stabbing my own hand. As for whether I can make good use of him... this will be clear in the future."

Li Xian said with a smile.

"But the Yuwen family has no power in Jiangdu now, what else can the Yuwen family fight for?"


Li Xian smiled, and said lightly: "Look, the old fox Yu Wenshu, who has not lived for a few days, is lying on the sickbed in Yuwen Mansion in Jiangdu. Is it not in vain? Don’t forget that Yang Guang was able to succeed to the throne, and he has made great contributions!”

Jiaer looked at Li Xian's indifferent face, and thought in her heart that what the lady said was right... This man is really outstanding, so outstanding that he needs to follow closely behind him and chase him desperately, otherwise... sooner or later, he will die. He was thrown halfway by him, and his back was never seen again.

Thinking of this, Jia Er secretly swore in her heart, her fair and slender little hands were clenched quietly, as if to cheer herself up.




Daye Emperor Yang Guang was infected with wind and cold a while ago, and the imperial doctor prescribed a prescription to treat it, one of which was wild ginseng from Liaodong.But the embarrassing thing is that in the Jiangdu Palace, let alone Liaodong ginseng, there is not even a single ginseng beard.I don't know how long it has been, but the tax tribute from Liaodong has not been sent to Jiangdu.

This matter is not big, but it is a great shame for an emperor.It is said that the whole world is the land of the king, and the shore of the land is the king's minister, but in his own country, the emperor is sick and needs Liaodong ginseng soup to recuperate, and he can't eat it even if he wants to. What is more exciting than this? Sad?

The imperial doctor didn't dare to hide this matter, so he found Pei Ju and Yu Shiji, and the two big figures in the government of Jiangdu also had difficulties. Later, Pei Ju remembered that when Luo Yi sent someone to send a secret letter to report Li Yuan's intention to rebel. Someone sent a basket, but I didn't pay much attention to it, so I think I can still find it.

He hurried back to his mansion, rummaged through it, and finally found half of the baskets. As for where most of them went, he didn't bother to find out.

After giving the remaining Liaodong ginseng to the imperial doctor, Pei Ju wiped the sweat from his forehead, thinking that he could finally prevaricate it once again, otherwise, if His Majesty asked, the peace of the world that he whitewashed would not be leaking.

After the ginseng soup was boiled, it was sent to Yang Guang's bedroom. Empress Xiao looked at the emperor who was lying on the bed and took a nap and shook her head slightly. The maid put down the ginseng soup and retreated.

Empress Xiao sat down by the bed with ginseng soup, looked at her husband who was sleeping with his face inside, and felt a little sad in her heart, how could she not know that there must be no Liaodong ginseng in the palace.But since the ginseng soup was delivered, she didn't want to bother with it.Up to now, the only thing she thinks about is to live in Jiangdu with the emperor in peace, no one will disturb her, and she will never be disturbed by anyone.

"Your Majesty, drink the ginseng soup before going to sleep?"

Empress Xiao asked softly.

Yang Guang turned over and took the opportunity to wipe away the old tears from the corners of his eyes.He didn't fall asleep at all, and he didn't know why he remembered the first time he went east to conquer Goguryeo, standing on a high platform by the Liaoshui River, wearing a golden armor, facing tens of thousands of elite soldiers and talking loudly. scene.I thought of myself pointing to the east of Liaoshui and asking, where is that place.The [-] government soldiers who accepted his inspection shouted neatly, "It's Liaodong!"

Yang Guang asked again: "I want to take Liaodong back, what are you going to do!"




Those shouts of morale like a rainbow floated back and forth in Yang Guang's mind, and they never dissipated for a long time.

He also remembered that during the first battle of the Liao Dynasty, the head of Zuo Tunwei, Mai Tiezhang, was trapped on the east bank of the Liaoshui River. The soldiers launched an attack on Goguryeo's tens of thousands of troops.

"Left Tunwei"


The bloody scene clearly emerged in Yang Guang's mind. When Mai Tiezhang was stabbed to death by Goguryeo's chaotic spears, before he died, he struggled and turned to face the high platform where he was on the west bank of the Liaoshui River, kneeling and kowtowing. It was like a knife piercing Yang Guang's heart.

My good boy, my good general!

Yang Guang wept and wet the pillow towel.

He quietly wiped away his tears, sat up and smiled at Empress Xiao, then shook his head to signal that she would not be used

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