Will Ming

Chapter 428 Yu Wenshu's Death

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Chapter 420: Yu Wen Shu's Death

When Pei Ju and Yu Shiji walked outside the bedroom, they happened to hear the emperor's roar. The two of them glanced at each other, and they both saw a trace of fear in each other's eyes.

"His Majesty……"

Pei Ju opened his mouth, only to feel that his mouth was astringent. He swallowed and found that the saliva was bitter.

Yu Shiji glanced at Pei Ju, the meaning in his eyes was asking, do you want to go in?

Pei Ju pursed his lips and nodded.

The two entered the bedroom tremblingly, and then bowed and saluted at the same time.Pei Ju peeked at the emperor, then quickly lowered his head.

Yang Guang had had enough of roaring, and sat down on the bed slumpedly, looking at the fragments of the porcelain bowl and the ginseng soup on the ground, his eyes became a little hollow after being angry.

"What are you doing here? What are you trying to lie to me about?"

he asked hoarsely.

Pei Ju and Yu Shiji shivered in fright, neither of them dared to raise their heads.What I was going to say was suppressed by Yang Guang's words.


Yang Guang waved his hands weakly and said, "Are you here to tell me which county my country is occupied by rebels? Or tell me who betrayed my loyal ministers?" ?”


Pei Ju said cautiously: "General Lai Hu'er has arrived in Jiangdu, and is waiting outside the palace to be summoned by His Majesty."

"Lai Nuer is back?"

Yang Guang raised his head fiercely, and suddenly burst out laughing: "Good! Good! My unparalleled navy is here, and my invincible fleet is back. Go and call Hu'er immediately. I want to go back to the Eastern Capital. I'm going to personally suppress those scumbags who dared to oppose me, one by one. Go and call him in immediately, and I'm going back to the Eastern Capital soon!"


Yu Shiji pulled Pei Ju who wanted to say something, bowed and said, "I'm going to invite General Laihuer here."

Pei Ju, who originally wanted to say that even if there was a navy master, would not be able to return to the Eastern Capital, was pulled by Yu Shiji, and immediately came to his senses, knowing that now is definitely not the time to tell the emperor bad news. Didn't Hu'er come? Let him say, he is a general of the Navy, why should he be scolded for nothing?

He hastily bowed, turned around and went out the door to call nurse.Not long after, Lai Huer, who had been waiting outside, strode in.Although he is old, he is still full of energy.Especially a pair of tiger eyes, with a kind of arrogance that is unparalleled in the Sui army.Everyone in the Sui government soldiers used to have this kind of look.Whether it is a general, a general, a general, a lieutenant, or an ordinary soldier, their eyes once had this kind of domineering look at the world.Because they were the invincible government soldiers of the Sui Dynasty, and the most powerful government soldiers in the world.

But today, this kind of domineering eyes have disappeared in the eyes of most people.Lai Hu'er has been training soldiers in Donglai, and has never fought against rebels from all over the world, so she still maintains the unique arrogance of the soldiers of the Sui Dynasty.Even facing the emperor, as a soldier, he still stood straight.

"Chen, come to protect your son and pay homage to His Majesty!"

Lai Huer, who was wearing an iron armor, gave a standard military salute, which made Yang Guang's blood boil.He likes the military salute because it reminds him of his youth.Pointing the country in the army, swaying domineering, no one can stop where the soldiers are pointing.

"it is good!"

Yang Guang's hands trembled involuntarily. He walked quickly to Lai Hu'er, carefully sized up this great general who had countless brilliant achievements, and his eyes were full of eager anticipation.

"Come and protect my son, I'm going back to Dongdu now!"

"My minister... according to the order!"

Lai Hu'er hesitated for a while, but did not choose to reject the emperor in a tactful way, but chose what a soldier should do most, which is to obey the emperor's order.Although he knew that the water and land routes leading to the Eastern Capital had been blocked, he knew that the emperor's pride could not be questioned or violated at this time.Or, he simply has other plans.

"Can we leave now?"

Yang Guang asked excitedly.

Before Lai Hu'er could answer, he tremblingly said to Empress Xiao: "Queen, hurry up and order someone to pack up. I'm going back to the Eastern Capital by dragon boat. Let those scumbags see that I'm still here! This world is still my world." !"

"His Majesty!"

Lai Hu'er clasped his fists and said: "It's not enough now. For your majesty's safety, please give me a month. I will lead the navy to quell the rebels along the way, and then come to welcome your majesty back to the Eastern Capital. Now that the waterway is blocked, I need time to wipe out the rebels." Rebel."


Yang Guang was stunned, then looked at Pei Ju and asked, "Didn't you tell me that Dongdu is safe and sound? Didn't you tell me that the rebels in Henan have almost been wiped out? Didn't you tell me a few days ago? , Ying Yanglang won another battle with Wang Shichong? Didn't you say that Liu Changgong trapped Li Mi in Dongjun, and he will be wiped out in a short time? Why is the waterway blocked? Why is the waterway blocked! Where is Yang Yichen? I let him wipe out the land on both sides of the Yellow River Rebel, what did he do!"

"Yang Yichen... died of illness half a year ago."

Yu Shiji whispered, "Your Majesty even wrote the eulogy himself."

Yang Guang tilted his body, feeling the darkness in front of his eyes.

Lai Hu'er sneered twice and said, "Your Majesty, you are blindfolded by some villains, and what they let you see is all fake!"

"Come nurse!"

Pei Ju said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense! You're talking nonsense!"


Lai Huer asked with a sneer: "Master Pei is guilty? Did I ever say that it was Mr. Pei who deceived His Majesty? Did I ever say that Mr. Pei is a treacherous villain?"


Yang Guang trembled and roared, his body tilted and he fell down.



When Yang Guang woke up, the lanterns were already lit in the palace, and Empress Xiao, Lai Nuer, Pei Ju, Yu Shiji, and the imperial doctor who rushed over were all standing guard.He opened his eyes and looked around, looked at Empress Xiao who still had tears on her face, then looked at Hu'er and the others, then smiled wryly, sighed and said, "Why isn't I dead yet?"

Hearing these words, Pei Julai, Hu'er and others immediately knelt down.

"My lord is guilty!"

Everyone kowtowed.

"What is your crime?"

Yang Guang laughed at himself and said, "The world is my world. Even if the world is lost, it is my crime. I have no face to face the late emperor. So I dare not die. I am afraid that I will not be able to explain to the late emperor after death."

Everyone was so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe out, and no one dared to raise their heads.

"His Majesty……"

Empress Xiao looked at those ministers, sat down beside the emperor, and looked at Yang Guang's haggard face, Empress Xiao felt a sharp pain in her heart.

"Your Majesty, please don't say such things again, I'm afraid."

Yang Guang glanced at her, nodded and said, "Okay, if you don't want me to tell you, I won't tell you. Up to now, you are the only one who is still by my side. You have always been you, and you have never abandoned me. "

"Your Majesty is the heaven of the concubines, how could the concubines leave His Majesty? No matter where the concubines are, they are all in the world."

"well said!"

Yang Guang struggled to sit up, and the fighting spirit in his heart, which was already getting colder, was aroused a little by one or two words from Empress Xiao.He glanced at Lai Huer, who was kneeling on the ground with his butt pouted, and asked, "Lai Huer, you are telling me the truth. I ask you, is it really impossible to go from Jiangdu to Dongdu?"

"No way!"

Lai Hu'er knelt down and said, "I dare not deceive the king."

"Don't dare to bully you?"

Yang Guang repeated it again, and then smiled: "Well said, there are very few people who dare not bully the king now, you are good, I am very happy. Come to protect your son, I ask you, if I give you the greatest right, You can monitor hundreds of officials, you can mobilize the world's soldiers and horses, and I will give you the golden sword of the late emperor, can you help me wipe out all the rebels?"

As soon as these words were said, Pei Ju and Yu Shiji raised their heads abruptly, their faces were filled with disbelief and shock.Pei Ju opened his mouth, but didn't know what to persuade.But both of them know that Lai Huer must not be reused by His Majesty, otherwise he will die without a place to bury him. They can clearly see what Lai Huer is thinking about. With such a great honor and power, they don't know whether Lai Huer can wipe out all the rebels in the world. What they know is that Lai Huer will immediately set off a bloody wave in Jiangdu.Now the people around the emperor are afraid that Lai Huer will kill them all.

Lai Hu'er's eyes lit up suddenly, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching a few times.

He was ecstatic in his heart, if the emperor really gave him this right, then in Jiangdu, who would dare to stop him?As long as the navy seals the Yangtze River, the prosperous land in the south of the Yangtze River will be his.


Before he could say what he promised, he suddenly heard someone crying hoarsely outside the hall: "Your Majesty! I want to see Your Majesty! Your Majesty... My father is dying, please forgive me! As long as I can save my father, Cao Min would rather go to the Die! Please Your Majesty, send an imperial doctor to save my father!"

"Who's outside the door?"

Yang Guang asked with a frown.

The servant quickly ran out to have a look, then came back and bowed and said, "Your Majesty, it's Yu Wenshu's eldest son, Yu Wenhuaji, who somehow broke into the palace. This servant will ask someone to fork him out."

"and many more!"

Yang Guang's complexion changed, he got up struggling and ran out the door, his body was shaking violently, because he ran too fast, he even lost a shoe, and staggered when he went down the steps

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