Will Ming

Chapter 429

Chapter 420 IX

Li Xian stood on a boulder on the hillside with his hands behind his back, his black mink velvet cloak was blown up by the wind, looking at the rising sun, Li Xian's face was calm and indifferent.Looking directly at the red sun slowly rising from the east, Li Xian's eyes seemed to blend into the scenery, so natural.

The cold winter wind blows like a knife, but Li Xian doesn't seem to care.

Last night in the Juyi hall, he drank with his generals until the early morning. He seemed to be in a mess, but was supported by Jia Er and Ye Huaixiu to go back to the back hall to rest, causing the generals to boo while seemingly dissatisfied Yelling.The lunatics in the Juyi hall last night didn't know how many wine jars they drank, how much meat they ate, and how much nonsense they uttered.

Last night, I drank to my heart's content. I don't know how many of those generals who killed countless people on the battlefield on weekdays admitted their love, and passed out drunk under the wine table and fell asleep.

So the people sleeping in the Juyi hall like that, no one saw that the head of the house, who was clearly drunk last night, washed and changed his clothes early in the morning, brought a few soldiers, and carried a few jars of old wine, Carrying a large basket of food, paper money, and joss sticks, they arrived halfway up the mountain against the cold mountain wind.

After the soldiers had finished setting up, Li Xian turned around facing the rising sun, smiled at the densely packed graves on the hillside, and said three words softly.

"happy New Year."

He walked over with a smile, toasted three glasses of old wine in front of each grave as in previous years, served delicious food, and then burned a large handful of paper money.

"Today is New Year's Eve, and tomorrow will be the 13th anniversary of Daye."

Li Xian said with a smile.

He waved his hand to signal the soldiers to leave.

It wasn't until he was the only one left on the mountainside that he sat down cross-legged on the big bluestone opposite the graves, took a sip of wine, looked at the empty graves and said in a flat tone: "I still remember what I promised. I know that you have not forgotten. Back then you protected me from Chang’an City, I will bring you back to Chang’an City sooner or later, and build a cemetery in the city, so that you can sleep there comfortably.”

Li Xian smiled, his eyes were extraordinarily bright, he didn't look like a drunk person, and he definitely didn't look like he was talking nonsense.

"I was born in Chang'an, and I was also abandoned in Chang'an. Thanks to that nasty old nun, I fed him a bowl of porridge. Although the porridge was very unpalatable, I could count how many grains of rice were in it, and it was hot. My tongue, but I know that if I didn’t have that hideous old nun and that bowl of porridge, I would have starved to death in the snow-covered alley of Chang’an.”

"Then that bearded Zhang Zhongjian, that is, my cheap old man, came, took you, forced a bloody path from the capital of the Sui Dynasty, and took me away. At that time, I was very uneasy, not knowing that I would be led to Where, at that time, I was still thinking that it would be better to live in that nunnery with a group of rough men like you. If the old nun is not dying, and he lives another ten or twenty years, I will definitely suggest She recruited a few more beautiful female disciples, so it would be a very happy thing to moles the little nun..."

"It's a pity... There are no peachy-looking little nuns, but there are a group of horse thieves."

Li Xian smiled, his smile was clear and clean.

"But I'm really happy, even if I run for my life with you all day, I still feel very happy, although you all like to bully me, like to pick up my pants and play chicken, but I don't hate you, not at all Don't hate."

"I love you"

Li Xian smiled and said: "Perhaps you have never thought that I am already a well-known hero on the Green Forest Road today. I didn't blush when I said this, and I didn't feel that I was bragging. If there are really spirits in the sky, I believe that you are the ones who have protected me step by step to where I am today. To be honest, I myself feel that if I am lucky, I will drop the dregs of the golden ingots."

"Don't worry, give me a few more years, and I will definitely let you settle down in Chang'an City."

"There is one thing, I can only tell you that I never want to mention it to others, because you are all dead... Yes, you are all dead, you can't hear what I'm talking about, and you must not think that I am actually He is a dark and vicious person. It’s just that my viciousness has a bottom line, and now most people in this world have no bottom line.”

"I have always wanted to know who my biological parents were, and why they threw me in front of the nunnery in Chang'an alley in such a weather that could freeze people to death. Did they have a plan, or were they in a panic? I have also been thinking, what if When I find my biological parents, should I call them father and mother in a cute and cute way, or should I slap each of them and walk away?"

"It's only now that I understand that whether it's a slap in the face or calling you a father and mother, it's a bit contrived, like acting. I don't really hate them, and I never miss them. Where are they?" What excitement would there be?"

"I'm just thinking... If they abandoned me back then, was it for me or for themselves? But obviously, if they said it was for me, I would really slap my face a few times."

Li Xian looked at the path down the mountainside, and saw a petite and graceful figure walking up the path lightly and nimbly. It looked like a cute swallow flying in winter, with a very comfortable feeling of spring.

"I knew no one would let me talk to you here on my own."

Li Xian smiled and said: "Finally, I will tell you, I know who lost me. When those two lost me, I wanted to freeze to death. I wanted to ensure that his family was safe, so should I go back? Make him ruin his family?"

He smiled so naturally, with a thunderous coldness in his nature.

"If you want me to die...you will have to pay some price after all."



Wearing a new dress, Jiaer looked fresh and beautiful, and her steps were light and elegant as she walked up the mountain path.The long hair dances in the wind, like a dancing note.

Because she ran in a hurry, when she found Li Xian halfway up the mountain, her smiling face was flushed, and there was a layer of fine sweat on her forehead. It looked like a peach blossom that had just bloomed with a layer of morning dew, maybe it was Looking at people in the mountains in the early morning, there is a bit of aura, plus she is an out-and-out beauty, or maybe Li Xian drank half a pot of wine early in the morning, Jiaer in his eyes looks extraordinarily charming .

"I knew the general was here."

Jiaer wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said with some complaints: "It was agreed to go up the mountain together, but you came up quietly again, General. When you woke up in the morning, Miss guessed you when she saw that you were not in the room." It must have come here, I hurried or came late."

"They are all my elders..."

Li Xian smiled and said, "It's Chinese New Year, I have to come and see them."

"But the general agreed to take me up the mountain with you last night?"

Jia Er said slightly dissatisfied: "Speaking is nothing, how can you be a great general?"

Li Xian rubbed his brows and asked in surprise: "When did I agree to you? Why don't I remember at all?"

Jiaer was startled, her face turned a little pale.

"Have you forgotten what the general said last night?"

I don't know what's wrong, the face that was red before turned pale, and there was a trace of sadness and panic in her eyes that she couldn't hide even if she tried to hide it. At this moment, her eyes looked like a frightened deer, helpless and terrified.She just stood under the tree in the mountain wind, her dress fluttering, and there were crystal clear teardrops swirling in her eyes, and she was afraid that they would burst out in the next second.

"You know."

Li Xian sighed and said: "Last night I seemed to be drunk. I don't even know how much I drank and how I got back to the room. How can I remember what I said? Seeing how wronged you are, is it me?" What wish did you make? Come, come, while there is no one else here, you can say your wish again, as long as I can do it, I will agree to it all."

He suddenly patted his forehead and said: "Oh... I seem to remember something, did you say that you want to marry someone? Well, there are many young talents in our cottage, just tell me whoever you fancy. I promise No one dares to refuse you after a military order goes on."

Seeing that Li Xian was still talking to himself, Jiaer's tears fell like beads.

"If I had known... I would not have come to look for the general. Since the general forgot what I said last night, then forget it."

She looked at Li Xian and said sadly, "I am the one who is stupid."

She turned around and ran down the mountain, staggering a little.

What Li Xian said when she was drunk last night still rang in her mind.That voice made her so excited and happy that she couldn't fall asleep last night, although her head was heavy because of drinking too much wine, and her drunkenness was aggravated by happiness, and she almost fell down due to dizziness.But even so, she didn't fall asleep until early in the morning.

She was lying on the bed, looking at the roof and giggling.



"You seem to be a year older than me, don't you?"


"It's time to find a husband's family... I'm just busy with the things in the village. I'm going to fight today and tomorrow, which will delay you. Tell me, do you have someone you like? Tell me, and I'll help you."


"Haha... Which brat is so lucky to be favored by Jia'er. I'm so jealous. If I wasn't afraid of wronging you, I would have kept you by my side forever."

Looking at the drunk Li Xian, Jia Er mustered up her courage and said solemnly with a blushing face: "The one I like is you, General."


Li Xian looked at Jia Er, opened his mouth in surprise and asked, "Are you serious?

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