Will Ming

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

On New Year's Day, Li Xian was in a great mood, at least on the surface, the curve of his mouth seemed more charming than usual.There is a huge difference between a man's mood, good or bad, and a woman's.A woman can be in a good mood or not for no reason, but a man in a good mood must have a good thing.

Li Xian told himself that today is really worth being happy.Not to mention that the people who moved into the three counties were able to open up a lot of wasteland after they robbed so many lands in one go.Not to mention that Jiaer mustered up the courage to confess her love to him, and embraced the beauty.Just saying what he said unscrupulously in front of the empty grave today, I felt very happy in my heart.

Li Xian is in a good mood, but he also feels that time flies by like a shuttle in his heart. He is busy, and before he knows it, he has been in this era for 18 years.There will always be some different feelings lingering in my heart, especially for a person who has experienced two lives. Looking back on the past, he will feel like a dream. Even after 18 years, he still feels a little unbelievable.

The 18 years have passed by in a flash. If the spirit is lowered, he can be regarded as successful and famous now. He sits in the land of three counties, millions of people, and [-] soldiers. Compared with the current Daye Emperor Yang Guang, His rights seem to be even greater. After all, it is extremely difficult for Yang Guang to mobilize a million people and a hundred thousand troops. In Dongping, Qi, Lu, these three counties, Li Xian is respected and loved. People are comparable.

Although it seems that they have experienced a series of fierce battles, the three counties have not been affected much.These few battles seemed to be Li Xian's passive and defensive, but he got countless benefits.Enough people moved from Dongjun, Jiyin, and Jibei counties, and it would not be difficult to open up ten thousand hectares of wasteland. In spring, some short-maturity seeds were sprinkled, and in summer, a full warehouse of grain could be harvested.

The requirements of the common people are extremely low. If they can eat enough, wear warm clothes, have a house to live in, and have spare money, they will be happy and feel that everything in the world is beautiful.In troubled times, the people's requirements became even lower. As long as they could have enough to eat, they would feel satisfied and lucky.

In fact, in the 12th year of Daye, the lives of the people in the areas controlled by the rebel army were far better than those in the areas controlled by the imperial court.Originally, there were less wars in the south of the Yangtze River. Yang Guangsnail lived in Jiangdu and lived in a peaceful and prosperous world fabricated by a group of slanderers every day. He knew that his country was in jeopardy, but he would rather believe lies than face reality.The life in Jiangdu made him even more decadent. He even thought that if he lost half of Jiangbei, he would lose it. As long as he still has the land of Jiangnan, it is not unacceptable.

But Jiangnan was not peaceful for a long time. The big thief Du Fuwei raised his flag to rebel. In just half a year, he recruited 10,000+ troops and conquered several counties one after another. It's almost over.

North of the Yangtze River, the imperial court has completely lost control.And the common people have gradually adapted to this situation. Being in the territory of the rebel army, they naturally feel that the leader of the rebel army is an emperor-like figure.

The people in Dongping County are richer and happier than the people in other places. Li Xian is the leader of the rebel army who first implemented the system of garrisoning the people.After several years of operation, the people in Dongping County have already lived in peace and contentment.

Back to the cottage from the mountainside, Li Xian decided to go for a walk.He planned to spend a little extra time today, instead of looking at the map, not analyzing the enemy's situation, not practicing kung fu, and let himself relax completely on New Year's Eve.It's just that it looks relaxed, maybe it's not true.

Before going out, Li Xian wrote three letters.

The first letter is to Youzhou Luo Shixin.

The second letter was to Ou Siqingqing on the Saibei Grassland.

The third letter was to Ashina Duoduo who was also on the Saibei Grassland.

Each letter is not very long, only a few dozen words.But when Li Xian wrote these words and sentences, he almost considered each word, as if he was serious and serious like a primary school student who was afraid of making a mistake.There were three short messages, but Li Xian waited for half an hour, then sealed them with sealing paint, and handed them over to Feihu's five special messengers, so that they could send them out as soon as possible.Nearly two months before that, Li Xian had written a letter to Ou Siqingqing and Ashina Duoduo respectively.

It's just that the road to Saibei is far away and the road is not smooth. Even if Yanyun Village is strong, it is far from the point where it can deter the north.So correspondence is extremely inconvenient.It has been almost two months, and Li Xian has not received their reply.But Li Xian is not worried about the safety of the two of them. No one on the grassland can threaten Qingniu Lake except the Turkic court, and Shibi Khan is seriously ill, and his younger brothers are busy seizing power. To take care of the affairs of the Khitan people.

After writing three letters, Li Xian went out of the room. Ye Huaixiu put on a black mink velvet cloak for him, looked at the swaying pine branches outside, and said with some confusion and concern: "It's hard to relax today. , why don't you take a good rest, you drank so much last night, the wind is still so strong today, there is nothing important, why do you have to go out?"

"It's really nothing important."

Li Xian smiled and said: "I just went outside casually to see what dishes are on the tables of the people outside Zewai today. If I meet hospitable people, I won't come back for dinner at noon and tell those drunkards Crazies, I will accompany them to drink and eat meat in big bowls at night."

"You're thinking?"

Ye Huaixiu is so smart and smart, he immediately understood what Li Xian was thinking.

"The officials of the Great Sui Dynasty became corrupt in just 30 years. I was afraid that the officials I sent would start to look like court officials in less than three years. The policies discussed by the leaders in the village were all good. The common people They must be very happy to support them. But if the officials below are lazy, these decrees will become meaningless. Although most of the people I use come from poor families, and many of them have participated in imperial examinations, they know the suffering of the people best, so it is inevitable Once someone gains some small rights, he forgets the fundamentals."

Li Xian smiled and said: "Just looking at the people near Juyeze, you can guess the lives of people in places far away. Juyeze is my foundation, and I am here. If there are still some disadvantages, others The place is probably ten times worse."

As a human being in two lifetimes, Li Xian paid more attention to these things.

Ye Huaishu helped Li Xian tighten the cloak, and asked softly, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

"Alright, just sit in your carriage, it's more comfortable."

Ye Huaixiu smiled, looking at Li Xian with bright eyes.



A heater was lit in the spacious and comfortable carriage, and the temperature inside the carriage was very different from the outside.Li Xian leaned on the carriage and closed his eyes to rest, while Ye Huaixiu sat on one side and stared at the charcoal fire in the stove.He didn't know what was in his mind, she was thinking about what was in his mind.

"Will you warm up a pot of wine?"

She looked sideways at Li Xian and asked softly.

"Stop drinking and make some tea."

Li Xian opened his eyes and smiled, looking at Ye Huaixiu's cheeks flushed by the charcoal fire, he said softly: "It's been a long time since I've calmed down to watch you make tea, it's rare that I don't have anything else to do today."

"Hmm... just brewing tea in the car dealership, it will inevitably be somewhat insufficient."

"It's just you and me, so there are so many rules."

Ye Huaishu straightened the hair hanging down his forehead, found out the tools for making tea, and cooked tea for Li Xian in the car. Li Xian looked at her delicate and beautiful profile, and watched the gentle and soothing movements of her hands , the eyes are soft, and it seems that the mood is extremely peaceful.It's just that inadvertently, there seems to be a flash of violence.

"I've been watching this for a long time, what else is there to see?"

"You can watch as long as you want."

Li Xian sighed and said, "With your natural appearance, I don't know how many women will be jealous. You were born and raised by your parents. Why are you so beautiful? It's not fair, very unfair."

Ye Huaixiu chuckled lightly: "You are born like this, and you don't know how many women are jealous. They are all born by parents. Why do you have to be so beautiful as a man? This is unfair, really unfair. "

Li Xian smiled and said: "I have always been very proud to think that there are not many men who are prettier than me, and there are not many women who are prettier than me. Do you think it was because I was born so beautiful that I was born in the first place? Will it be discarded in the snow?"

"Which parent would dislike the beauty of their child? The more beautiful the merrier."

When Ye Huaixiu heard Li Xian talking about being abandoned, his heart tightened for no reason.

"Being beautiful is nothing, living beautifully is the most important thing."

Li Xian smiled and said: "And I may not be beautiful when I was born, maybe it will make some people look disgusted. Especially when my existence threatens their safety, so it is a shame for me to be discarded." A very normal and simple thing. The irony is..."

Li Xian looked at the boiling tea and said, "Now I feel that I live beautifully enough, and people who want me to die come to win me over again. Tell me, should I beat me hard, or should I pretend I don't know?"

Ye Huaixiu was stunned, and sighed slightly: "If you really want to pretend you don't know, I'm afraid it will be more bloody than a slap in the face."

"Ha ha"

Li Xian smiled, stretched out his hand to pull Ye Huaixiu to sit next to him, hugged her slender waist and kissed her. For some reason, Ye Huaixiu felt that Li Xian's heartbeat was extraordinarily fast today.Even when the two of them did that for the first time, his heartbeat was never as fast as it is today.So she knew that Li Xian's state of mind was by no means as calm as it seemed.Just when she wanted to ask Li Xian if she was suffering in her heart, a magic hand climbed up the full mountain of her chest.

Ye Huaixiu suddenly remembered that the first time for the two of them was also in this carriage.This made her face immediately flushed like a flower, and her breathing gradually became short of breath.

Li Xian stretched out his hand to untie Ye Huaixiu's hair, and the hair flowed like a waterfall.

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