() "Yu...Yuan..., Yu...Yuan..." Just as Yu Yuan was sleeping soundly, a burst of high and low voices woke him up from his sleep.

Yu Yuan rubbed his head, and muttered: "Your sister, who screams like a ghost early in the morning, howling?"

While muttering, Yu Yuan casually touched the place where he was pillowed just now. After touching for a while, Yu Yuan's eyelids that were still together opened suddenly.

Turning back again, he wanted to search in detail, but looking at the smooth and clean stone slab, Yu Yuan was completely disappointed.

"Your sister! Where's my Kidney 500? I just bought it for [-] yuan!" Yu Yuan howled like he was dying.

But after howling, Yu Yuan realized something was wrong, wasn't he sleeping on his own bed?How did you come here to sleep on the slate?

Yu Yuan took a look at the surrounding environment, the surrounding light was slightly dim, and the uneven walls seemed to be in a cave.

"Why am I here? Where is this place?" Yu Yuan looked at the surrounding environment with some anxiety, as if there was something observing him in some invisible corner around him.

"By the way, who called me just now?" Yu Yuan remembered that he was awakened from his deep sleep by a voice calling his name.Yu Yuan turned his head to look around, but there was no one in sight.

"Could it be that there are... ghosts here?" Yu Yuan shivered suddenly.

Just like that, Yu Yuan huddled in a corner of the cave, looking around vigilantly.

As the sky slowly darkened, Yu Yuan also felt a burst of hunger in his stomach.

"Your sister, going out is better than starving to death here." Finally, Yu Yuan couldn't bear the torture of hunger anymore, and decided to go out to find food.

Yu Yuan lowered his head and looked around, then picked up a sharp-looking stone and held it in his hand.

Yu Yuan leaned against the cave wall and slowly moved towards the entrance of the cave step by step. While walking, his eyes were looking around, and the muscles on his body were tense.

Taking advantage of the last twilight of the setting sun, Yu Yuan still moved to the entrance of the cave.

Yu Yuan scratched the entrance of the cave and looked around. There was a dense forest outside the cave, but it was sparser near the cave.

Around the entrance of the cave are some sparse weeds, clusters in the east and clusters in the west are scattered around the entrance of the cave.

Yu Yuan squeezed the stone in his hand, and became more courageous.He walked cautiously into the depths of the forest.

Slowly, the surrounding light became weaker and weaker, and finally, the last ray of sunset was also swallowed by the horizon.

"Aw~~~~~" The cries of beasts came one after another from around.

Hearing the constant shouts around him, Yu Yuan couldn't help cursing himself, "Yu Yuan, Yu Yuan, why are you so stupid today? Don't you know that night is the time for carnivores to have their dinner? Isn't this a sheep in the mouth of a tiger? !"

Yu Yuan couldn't stop complaining to himself, it seemed that he had forgotten the hunger in his stomach at this moment.

Yu Yuan's legs kept trembling as he walked the way he had come, but now he didn't think about anything, he just wanted to go back to that cave to escape for the night.However, as soon as it got dark, Yu Yuan couldn't find the way he came here, so he could only keep turning around in circles.

When Yu Yuan was circling in the forest, he didn't pay attention, a pair of green eyes were staring at him closely.

"Your sister, there are trees everywhere, I don't know where to go! It's over, it's over, my life will be in danger tonight." Yu Yuan muttered, looking around nervously.

At this moment, Yu Yuan suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing from the back of his head, Yu Yuan reflexively dodged to the side, and saw a fierce tiger passing by him.

Before Yu Yuan had time to rejoice that he dodged the tiger's pounce in time, he saw the tiger hit the ground with its front paws and immediately exerted its strength. With a kick of its waist, it rushed towards Yu Yuan.

Seeing Yu Yuan, he took a few steps back in a hurry, stumbled, rolled, and fell to the ground lying on his back.

Just as Yu Yuan was about to get up, he saw a stick whizzing past the tip of his nose, and the strong wind brought up sand and rocks on the ground.It turned out to be the tiger's tail sweeping by.

Yu Yuan quickly got up, moved a few steps to the side, and then looked back at the tiger.

I saw that this fierce tiger was as tall as a man and more than six meters long.The patterns on the body are evenly arranged, gradually wriggling with the tiger's breath.

The tiger pounced on Yu Yuan just now, but it didn't have any effect, but it didn't show a trace of anxiety.The fierce tiger turned around leisurely, staring at Yu Yuan with a pair of eyes.With an elegant body and a natural expression, he didn't pay much attention to Yu Yuan at all.

Yu Yuan also stared at the tiger closely, not daring to back away.

The fierce tiger leaped lightly, and rushed towards Yu Yuan again, but at a faster speed.

Facing the fierce tiger, Yu Yuan couldn't help being a little scared, and his reaction was unconsciously a little slow.Just as he was about to dodge, the tiger had indeed arrived in front of him.

Seeing that he couldn't dodge it, Yu Yuan slammed the sharp stone in his right hand towards the tiger's eye socket.Yu Yuan thought well, but who knew that the stone missed the target, and finally hit the tiger on the forehead.

Just hearing a "bang", the stone was smashed to pieces, but the tiger was fine.

Yu Yuan was startled suddenly, his left hand unconsciously pushed towards the tiger's direction, but it happened to hit the tiger's jaw.

Yu Yuan supported the tiger's jaw with his left hand and pushed it up.Just after exerting a little strength, Yu Yuan was surprised to find that the tiger had already been pushed up to the sky by his left hand.

I saw the tiger rolled over in the sky and fell to the ground with a "plop".

Yu Yuan looked at his left hand in surprise, just now he seemed to use his strength in the air, without feeling any weight.

At this time, the tiger stood up in a daze, turned around and was about to run.When Yu Yuan saw him, he yelled, "Hey, you bastard, wait for the uncle to come and subdue you." Immediately, he strode to catch up.

Yu Yuan had already forgotten his fear, the situation just now made him a little carried away, and he even started talking nonsense.

After two strenuous runs, Yu Yuan came to the Tiger's side, pressed the Tiger's head with his left hand, and the Tiger was pushed down immediately.With all his strength in his right hand, he punched the tiger's head, and there was a "poof" sound, and a dent appeared on the tiger's head.

The tiger obviously felt that his life was threatened and struggled hard.But Yu Yuan's left hand was pressing on top of its head like a mountain, making it unable to move.

Immediately, Yu Yuan's right hand punched the tiger's head one after another. Finally, the tiger's head collapsed completely, and the tiger's mouth was continuously dripping with blood foam and bone dregs.

Finally, Yu Yuan sat down on the ground and let out a long breath. "Your sister, I scared the uncle to death. But when did my brother become so powerful. Killed a tiger with one punch! It's so awesome!"

Saying that, Yu Yuan got up again, and ran two steps with all his might.Sure enough, not only the strength, but also the speed is unbelievably fast.Before Yu Yuan could react, he bumped into a towering giant tree as thick as three people hugged each other with a "bang".

The big tree made a "click" sound, and then slowly fell to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust.

Looking at the towering giant tree that was knocked down by him, Yu Yuan knew that he no longer needed to try his own strength and ability to resist blows. The giant tree that was hugged by three people was hit by him, so he was fine.Yu Yuan knew that he was no longer human.

"What's going on?" Yu Yuan was going crazy now.First, he appeared in a cave in this primeval forest for no reason.Immediately afterwards, his physical fitness was greatly improved, and he became non-human.And he didn't even know what was going on.

After staying in the forest for one night, Yu Yuan slowly found his way back to the cave with the help of the sun the next day.

Yu Yuan came out of the forest with a long string of dead animals behind him, including the dead tiger that attacked him.

Back in the cave, Yu Yuan looked at the food in this cave and worried, there is food, but your sister's is not hot.Do you want to eat raw meat yourself?Yu Yuan felt resentful!

So, Yu Yuan looked at the pile of firewood, and said silently there: "Fire, fire, fire~~~~~" After a while, Yu Yuan had had enough fun, and planned to start his first meal— - Sliced ​​meat.

"Pfft..." The pile of firewood suddenly ignited without fire.

Yu Yuan was an idiot at the time, what's going on with your sister.

In order to verify his conjecture, Yu Yuan found another pile of firewood, and muttered silently there: "Fire, fire~~~~" With a sound of "Puff", that pile of firewood was lit again.

This time Yu Yuan is completely clear, it seems that not only his body has changed, but also some special abilities.

Immediately, Yu Yuan, who had been completely numb by all this, gave up thinking about exploring and understanding.Started his first meal in this strange place.

In this way, Yu Yuan lived in this cave for about a year.

Over the past year, Yu Yuan searched everywhere for a way out, but he never saw the end of the forest.

So he gave up the idea of ​​going out, and planned to live in this forest for the rest of his life.Immediately afterwards, he slowly discovered that he also had the ability to control other things.

So with the help of these abilities, Yu Yuan's life can be regarded as enjoyable, but a bit boring.

This day, Yu Yuan was using his special ability to make bath water.I saw a huge ball of water rolling continuously in the air, and a group of flames kept burning below.

"I am the Lao Tzu of the Three Qings transformed by the Pangu Yuanshen. Today, I set up the human religion, and all the human races in the world belong to my religion. Today, I suppress the human religion with the Taiji diagram. My luck is connected with the human race, and the human religion is established." While Yu Yuan was heating the bath water, a mighty voice filled the world came, suppressing the world.

Immediately, flowers were falling from the sky, golden lotuses were gushing from the ground, the sky was full of auspiciousness, and a streak of purple energy stalked across the sky, invisible from the beginning to the end, with great power.

A force pressed on Yu Yuan's body, as if it came from heaven and earth.Just when Yu Yuan was about to kneel down uncontrollably, suddenly an unknown source of power injected into his body, allowing him to resist the coercion.

"I am the Yuanshi Tianzun of the Three Purities transformed by the Pangu Yuanshen. In order to promote the great virtues of heaven and earth, I am willing to explain the way of heaven for all living beings. Anyone with extraordinary aptitude, those with deep roots, and those who have the luck of heaven and earth can enter my door .Using the Pangu flag to suppress the luck, and explain the teaching and establishment."

The scene just now reappeared again, but this time there was no purple air, only countless jewels, luxurious and graceful, and a sense of nobility emerged spontaneously, as if looking down on all living beings instead of the way of heaven.

"I am the Tongtian of the Three Purities transformed by the Pangu Yuanshen. I think that there is no way for all living beings to seek the Tao. I wish to open the door of the Tao, cut off the ray of life in the world and disperse all living beings. All things can be at ease and live forever. Anyone who has the heart to seek the Tao can do it Enter my sect. Suppress luck with Zhuxian sword array, cut off teaching and establish."

In the sky and above the earth, the image of flowers falling from the sky and golden lotus gushing from the ground reappears.I saw murderous aura soaring to the sky, threatening the world.The voice of Jin Ge is endless.

Then came the big vows made by Zhunti and Jieyin. Immediately afterwards, the two were sanctified, and the light of Western Buddhas flourished, shining all over the world.

Yu Yuan was completely dumbfounded, Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi, Tong Tian, ​​this is, this is the world of Conferred Gods!

Yu Yuan, wasn't the Yu Yuan in Fengshen the one who was sloppy, the one who was finally chopped off by Lu Ya's Immortal Slaying Gourd?

Well, how did this matter fall on me?I was living a good life, but suddenly threw me into this world of gods, and I am still an unlucky guy who is doomed to die.Too bad!

It's okay if I become Yang Jian, and finally get a physical body to enshrine the gods.Even if you become Nezha, you will be a child for a lifetime and you will not be able to marry a wife if you grow up. I also recognize it. At least they are all alive!

After thinking for a long time, Yu Yuan finally decided to stay in this cave for the rest of his life and never go out.Your sister, I can't afford to offend you, can't I still hide?

But Yu Yuan changed his mind and thought again, saying that he was doomed.What if I can't escape hiding in this cave?

"Okay, I'll stay in this cave. If God arranges for me to join the Jiejiao, it means that I must accept the robbery. If I don't join the Jiejiao, it means that I can escape." In the end, Yu Yuan made such a decision for himself. standard.

Hey, I won't go out, let's see how Jiejiao accepts me as a disciple.Yu Yuan thought triumphantly.

In this way, another three years passed in a blink of an eye.Yu Yuan's life became more and more leisurely.He even forgot his tragic fate in the Conferred Gods.

At this day, Yu Yuan was lying lazily basking in the sun at the entrance of the cave when suddenly a white figure flew over his head.The eyes that had been squinting lazily opened suddenly.

He stared at that figure firmly.Although the figure gradually faded away, the sharpness of Yu Yuan's eyes was no longer what it used to be.The pure white dress, the skirt blown up by the wind, and the thighs seen from the gap where the skirt flew up, and then upward...

"Wow, I can't do it, I can't do it, I'm going to die, it's too exciting." Yu Yuan hadn't seen a woman in four years since he came to this world, and at first glance, he gave him such a surprise.

Just when Yu Yuan was reminiscing endlessly, he saw the beautiful figure that flew past just now flew back quickly, looking at him with a cold face.

Yu Yuan broke out in a cold sweat. Seeing that this beautiful woman can fly, she knew she was an awesome character, but he wasn't one!

"What were you looking at just now?" the beauty asked coldly.

"Ah, see the fairy, I just saw the fairy soaring into the sky suddenly, and I felt envious, so I couldn't help but take a second look." Yu Yuan was quite witty, and he explained his behavior just now very well when he opened his mouth.

The beautiful fairy looked at Yu Yuan suspiciously, and finally nodded. "Well, looking at you like this, it doesn't look like you can tell lies."

After hearing what this beautiful fairy said, Yu Yuan nodded in agreement.

Back then, when Yu Yuan saw his face for the first time, he felt that one word could describe "stupid".Big ears, thick lips, and a straight nose.In addition, I have a very thick skin, so I am definitely a "simply and honest" honest silver!

"Since you yearn for the mystery of the magic of the immortal family so much, I can take you as an apprentice and teach you spells." The beauty lowered her head not knowing what she was thinking, and suddenly raised her head and said to Yu Yuan.

"Ah! No, no, no, I don't want to learn, I don't want to learn these things." Yu Yuan hastily refused.Just kidding, I can't even hide in a hurry, so I won't move forward now.

"What? Did you lie to me with what you said just now?" As she spoke, the fairy's words already carried some chills.

"Of course it's the truth. Haha, am I afraid that I'm too stupid? I won't be able to embarrass you by then." Yu Yuan patted his head hastily and said with a "simple smile".

"It's okay, as long as you work hard, I have the confidence to teach you well. Apprentice teacher!" The beautiful fairy did not change her mind at all because of Yu Yuan's sophistry.

"Here, is this an apprenticeship? Kowtow? If I kowtow, I won't do so." Seeing that Yu Yuan couldn't escape, he could do so, as long as he didn't do so under Jiejiao's sect, then there would be no problem.

"Forget it, you don't need to kowtow. Just bow sincerely." The beautiful fairy said after thinking about it.

Yu Yuan bowed, and said in his mouth: "I, Yu Yuan, sincerely pay homage...worship..., uh, by the way, what is your name, master?"

"The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit."

"Oh" Yu Yuan answered. "I, Yu Yuan, sincerely worship the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and serve the Master willingly. Work hard to practice."

Yu Yuan had just finished worshiping when he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Master, can you say your name again?" Yu Yuan asked cautiously.

"The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit." But the beautiful fairy's answer ruthlessly broke Yu Yuan's last illusion.

At this time, Yuan wanted to die, but he never expected that he would finally join the Jiejiao and board the bandit ship.

Immediately, Yu Yuan was a little downcast.It seems that it is really doomed.I can only go to respond to the robbery.

"Is there anything else you need to clean up? If not, come back to Jin'ao Island with me now. Follow me to meet the teacher." The Holy Mother of Jinling asked Yu Yuan who was beside her.

Yu Yuan shook his head and said, "There is nothing in the cave, and all my wealth is on me."

After hearing this, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit made a casual move, and saw a cloud rising from the bottom of the two people's feet, supporting them, and flying towards the east at high speed.That's where Jin'ao Island in the East China Sea is located.

Standing on the cloud, Yu Yuan was full of thoughts, and his heart was in a mess.

Before he was ready, the Conferred God World suddenly entered his life.And I have to start today and work hard for myself to survive.

But under the general trend of a torrential river, can he keep his life?Yu Yuan didn't have the ambition to change the general trend of conferring gods, and in his heart he was lucky to be able to keep his own life.

Yu Yuan looked at the passing white clouds, his eyes became more and more confused.

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