Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 2 Ten Thousand Immortals Come to Court

() Our Lady of the Golden Spirit rides the clouds at an extremely fast speed. Yu Yuan stood behind her and looked down, only to see the jungle on the ground passing by quickly, the roar of giant beasts came from time to time, and there were scenes of giant beasts fighting from time to time , What a desolate prehistoric scene of ancient times.

After a while, the land disappeared, and a vast and boundless sea appeared before Yu Yuan's eyes.Sea and sky line, boundless.

Not long after, I saw an island appearing in front of me.On it, the peaks and ridges are emerald green, the Tianshui hangs the river, and the birds and animals run and play.Spiritual energy gushes out, and immortal energy is dense.The fairy grass spits out its pistils, and the spiritual flowers bloom.

Among the thousands of verdant mountain peaks, there are palaces rising in the middle, which are endless.The largest palace in the middle is green as a whole, as if carved from a whole piece of jasper.The carved beams and painted buildings, the flying eaves and brackets, are full of majesty.

At this time, the speed of the Golden Spirit Virgin's ride on the cloud slowed down.Yu Yuan saw it clearly on the cloud, and saw that in this fairyland, there were a lot of Jiejiao disciples all over it.

Or three or two people sit under a tree and discuss the Tao, or two people sit against each other and play games.Although most of them have strange appearances, they naturally carry an aura of complete truth and immortality.

On the steps of the door of the largest palace, a large group of people gathered.are talking to each other there.Seeing the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit coming with Yu Yuan on a cloud, they all clapped their hands and laughed.

"Here we come, here we come. Senior Sister Jin Ling is here with her newly accepted apprentice. Senior brother, now we can see who has the better apprentice between you and Senior Sister Jin Ling." A man with three black beards under his cheeks Laughed softly there.

"Brother, how can you make fun of Senior Senior Brother and Senior Sister Jin Ling like this. Besides, it doesn't matter if this apprentice is good or bad, as long as you have a firm heart towards the Tao, anyone can join my teaching and learn the Tao." Hearing the man's words, A dignified, beautiful and graceful woman standing next to him lightly tugged at his sleeves and said angrily.

The two women next to him also echoed: "Brother, you talk too much!"

The man was silent when he heard the words, and touched his nose.

The man under Gao Guanbo's belt in the middle laughed and said: "Yun Xiao, you don't have to blame your elder brother, you are all in the same discipline, so it's okay to make fun of it."

While talking here, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit has already brought Yu Yuan down from the sky.

Yu Yuan followed the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit to these people, and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit turned around and pointed at these people one by one to introduce to Yu Yuan.

The Holy Mother of Jinling pointed to the man with the high crown and said: "This is your uncle, Daoist Duobao." Hearing this, Yu Yuan hurried forward to bow with both hands, calling him uncle.At the same time, he secretly looked at the powerful characters in this world of gods.

This Duobao Taoist can even mix in the fights between saints in the Zhuxian Formation. Although he was finally wrapped up by Lao Tzu with a wind and fire futon, it also proved his awesomeness.What's more, in this world of gods, who can take a blow from Tianyin without being killed or injured.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit then pointed to the man with three black beards under his cheeks and said: "This is your uncle Zhao Gongming." Yu Yuan hurriedly saluted Zhao Gongming again and called him uncle.

This Zhao Gongming is also an awesome figure in the world of Conferred Gods.The Twelve Golden Immortals were beaten so badly, if Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao hadn't settled Haizhu with Luobao money, I'm afraid they wouldn't have ended up in such a miserable situation later on.

The Holy Mother of Jinling pointed to the three women again and said: "This is your uncle Yunxiao, Qiong Xiao, and Bixiao." Yu Yuan had no choice but to salute again, calling him uncle.Yu Yuan admired Sanxiao very much.

The cultivation of the three people was so profound that they captured the twelve golden immortals, dropped three flowers on their tops, and eliminated five thorns in their chests.It made them change from the bodies of Daluo Jinxian to human beings.It's a pity that in the end, Yuan Shi, Lao Tzu bullied the small with the big.

Then the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit introduced to Yu Yuan: the Holy Mother of the Guiling, the Holy Mother of Wudang, the Winged Immortal, the Wuyun Immortal, the Golden Light Immortal, the Lingya Immortal, the Qiushou Immortal, the Long-Eared Dingguang Immortal, the Pilu Immortal, and the Golden Hoop Immortal.Yu Yuanju saluted one by one, calling him Master Uncle.

As for others such as: Wang Mo, Yang Sen, Gao Youqian, Li Xingba, Lu Yue, Luo Xuan, Liu Huan, Shiji Empress, Qin Wan, Zhao Jiang, Dong Quan, Yuan Jiao, Our Lady of Golden Light, Sun Liang, Bai Li, Yao Bin, Wang Yi, Zhang Shao, Hanzhixian, Caiyunxian and others, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit just mentioned it casually, and Yu Yuangang wanted to see him as a teacher and uncle, but these people didn't even say that they didn't need it, just call him Daoist brother.

Yu Yuan also didn't want to see all his masters and uncles belong to him once he entered Jiejiao, so Shunpo just praised him as brother.

Just after Yu Yuan got to know these fellow disciples, a little girl stood up behind Taoist Duobao.He was dressed in a fiery red Taoist robe, with hair tied on his head, and an extremely luxurious Taoist crown.

Bending down to salute to the Holy Mother of Jinling, he said: "Greetings to Master Uncle Jinling." After the little girl finished the salute, Duobao said, "This is my new apprentice, Huo Ling."

The Holy Mother of Jinling sized up Huo Ling, and said to Taoist Duobao: "There is no comparison now, and how about comparing the two people's cultivation after leaving the teacher?"

Duobao smiled and said: "Junior Sister, you are serious. It was just a joke before, so it can't be true. Besides, even if this is your disciple, you still have to listen to the teacher's sermon in the end."

The face of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was full of seriousness. After thinking for a while, she said, "It seems to be what you said."

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit had a distressed expression on her face, "But we don't want to compete, so what about my apprentice? It seems to be a very troublesome thing to lead an apprentice. Otherwise, I will give this apprentice to you."

Hearing the words of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, all the people around laughed wryly.The wry smile on Daoist Duobao's face was even worse, this junior sister's temperament was too cold.I originally wanted to make a bet with her, asking her to bring an apprentice and change my temperament, but I didn't want her to give me such an answer.

Taoist Duobao had no choice but to reply: "Your own apprentice should teach yourself!"

After hearing Taoist Duobao's words, the Holy Mother of Golden Spirit turned her head and looked at Yu Yuan seriously: "Shall I take you home?"

At this time, the simple and honest classmate Yu Yuan who had just become a teacher was completely dumbfounded.

He opened his mouth wide, staring blankly at the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.Is this, this will be expelled from the teacher?your sister!God, don't play with me like this, okay?

Yu Yuan foolishly turned his head and looked around at his classmates, everyone looked at him with sympathy.

Yu Yuan murmured in his heart: "Your sister, I have come out. If you don't learn something and don't have a strong backing, when the future gods come, you will die faster. No, even if you are shameless, you will die. Stay in vain."

Immediately afterwards, I saw classmate Yu Yuan's simple and honest face full of grievances, and when he squeezed his eyes, the tears came rushing down.Then he looked at the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit without saying anything.Even the poor blind man could see the grievance in his eyes.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit couldn't bear Yu Yuan's look, and said again: "If you don't want to leave, you can stay here, but I won't accept you as an apprentice, and it will be very troublesome to have an apprentice." Yu Yuan still said nothing. Don't say anything, just look at the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit so pitifully.

The expression on the face of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was tangled again and again, and finally she couldn't bear Yu Yuan's lethal eyes, so she could only say dejectedly: "Okay! I won't drive you away, you are still my apprentice."

Yu Yuan wiped away the tears from his face, a simple and honest smile appeared on his simple and honest face, and he said simple and simple: "Master, you are so kind!" In fact, this bitch was also laughing in his heart, but it was just a jerk.I finally found a strong backer.My master is a master at fighting against the Three Great Masters!

The Jiejiao monks around all looked at this pair of living treasure master and apprentice stupidly, unable to understand their way of thinking at all.

A master chased his apprentice away when he had nothing to do, and the apprentice actually started crying.Then the master actually took back what he had just said, and left without driving the apprentice away.The apprentice laughed again foolishly.

These two people, can these two people practice Taoism?Just such an unsteady mind and cultivation base, what a fucking way!

In fact, they don't know that the heart of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit is sincere, pure and pure.Such a mind will surely be able to move forward bravely on the road.

As for that bitch Yu Yuan, that's purely shameless, needless to say.

At this moment, a knocking sound of a jade chime resounded, the sound was clear and reverberated endlessly, passed on to the Nine Heavens and down to the Nine Netherworld.

Hearing this voice, Taoist Duobao said, "Let's quickly enter the palace and sit down! The teacher is about to start preaching." After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the huge palace.

The rest of the people also followed Daoist Duobao towards the palace, and Yu Yuan followed closely behind the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and walked into the main hall.

When he came to the gate of the palace, he saw a plaque above the gate, on which were written three strange ancient characters, Yu Yuan didn't know any of them, but he knew that those three characters meant "Bi You Gong".It was as if those three characters entered his heart directly, and it seemed that someone whispered in his ear.

Yu Yuan heard the constant wind, looked back, and saw black figures gathering in the air, all rushing towards Biyou Palace.There is only one word that can describe "Ten Thousand Immortals Come to Dynasty".

After entering the palace, I saw all the disciples arranged according to their positions, sitting cross-legged on the ground one by one.Yu Yuangang was about to run to the back, but was held back by the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, and said softly, "Sit next to me."

Yu Yuan smiled innocently and sat down.Then he turned to the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and said, "Master, you are so kind!"

When all the disciples were seated, a figure in a green robe suddenly appeared on the cloud bed.Yu Yuan suddenly felt a sudden coercion coming, making him unable to resist at all.

Daoist Duobao took the lead, and everyone shouted loudly: "Welcome, Teacher, Shengjia!"

Immediately, there was only an ethereal, boundless, and infinitely rhyming voice, "Get up."

Yu Yuan secretly raised his head and looked at Taoist Tongtian, but he could only see a blur covering Taoist Tongtian's face, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

"Tao, can be said, is very Tao; name, can be named, very well-known. Nothing, it is called the beginning of heaven and earth; Yes, it is called the mother of all things..." Listening to this familiar scripture, Yu Yuan felt that it was extremely cheating.

But gradually the expression on Yu Yuan's face became serious.Originally, the scriptures, which had been read thousands of times without any feeling, were read from the mouth of Taoist Tongtian, but there was an indescribable truth contained in them.

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