Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 101 Nezha Wants to Take a Bath

() Listening to Yu Yuan's explanation, Ao Bing and the situation in his dantian confirmed each other, and gradually he finally understood all the characteristics of the real fairy realm thoroughly, and he would not take a detour again.

From then on, Ao Bing only needs to earnestly comprehend the way of heaven and comprehend the laws, and he can break through to the peak of true immortals easily and naturally.

But this is only relatively simple, after all, comprehending the law still requires a lot of effort.

Seeing that Ao Bing has fully comprehended what he taught him, Yu Yuan said again: "As a teacher, I have now practiced a supernatural power, which can help you comprehend the law, and it is also a chance for you!"

As Yu Yuan said, five lightsabers with a halo of light appeared behind him.

"As a teacher, the five-color divine light contains the five-element space, and you can enter the water space, where your comprehension of the laws of the water system will greatly increase!"

This same function can be regarded as an incidental effect of the magical power of the five-color divine light, but it is only effective for monks below the Da Luo Jinxian stage.At the Daluo Golden Immortal stage, one law has been fully comprehended, and the next step is to follow one's own path.

Hearing what Yu Yuan said, Ao Bing couldn't help showing joy on his face.With Yu Yuan explaining the specific realm of true immortals, coupled with this five-element space that is easy to improve the law, Ao Bing can easily break through to the realm of true immortality in the later stage of Taoism and Fruit Consummation.

Yu Yuan's mind moved, and the five-color divine light behind him shot out, taking Ao Bing into the five-element space behind him.The Five Elements Space is controlled by Yu Yuan, and it only emits endless laws of the water system, but it does not attack Ao Bing.

Seeing these materialized laws of the water system displayed in front of Ao Bing one by one, Ao Bing was fascinated by it, and sat down unconsciously.

Seeing that Ao Bing had entered a state of comprehension, Yu Yuan nodded in satisfaction.

Then Yu Yuan began to think about all his combat experiences quietly. Recently, Yu Yuan always felt that something went wrong on his way of cultivation, and he fell into a misunderstanding.

Compared with other monks, Yu Yuan's most powerful is his physical body.Only relying on his strong physical body, Yu Yuan was able to leapfrog the challenge.If he only comprehends and uses the algorithm, Yu Yuan is no better than other monks.

The reason why Yu Yuan's Law of the Golden Crow was able to compete with Guang Chengzi and other five Da Luo Jinxians with equal strength was mainly due to Di Jun's understanding of the Law of the Golden Crow.

In the battle with Maitreya, relying entirely on the advantage of being able to use the five laws at the same time, he crushed Maitreya with absolute strength.

But after that?Every quasi-sacred monk can use several laws at the same time. At that time, Yu Yuan's advantage was not so great.

So Yu Yuan now has to find his own way, only in this way can he make great progress all the way.

Yu Yuan now has to choose one of his own strengths as the skeleton, and at the same time fill it with other strengths to create his own fighting style.

And this advantage will not shrink with the improvement of cultivation base, and it will even increase.

After thinking about it seriously, Yu Yuan finally decided that his advantage is his physical body, and with the improvement of his cultivation, his physical body may become more and more terrifying.

However, during this period of time, after the battle between the Wudang Virgin and Vimazhitara, the battle between Yu Yuan himself and Bo Xun, the battle between the ten ancestor witches in the underworld and the ancestor Styx, Yu Yuan arrived at the Dalai Lama. Luo Jinxian did not hesitate to choose the road of studying the law after the mid-term.

As for the hard and invincible body, Yu Yuan has already left it in the corner as a dispensable advantage.

However, after fighting with the law, Yu Yuan felt awkward in how he fought.The hearty feeling of fighting in the past is completely gone.

At the end of the battle with Maitreya, in order to deal with the magic power of Zhunti Taoist, Yu Yuan used various methods to block it. When Yu Yuan condensed the law into clothes and put it on his body, he was still seriously injured.

But until this time, Yu Yuan had a faint idea in his mind, an alternative way to be strong.

At this time, two images kept flashing in Yu Yuan's mind. One was that the demon king Bo Xun, with the world of laws behind his head, easily walked into the realm of the laws of Wudang Virgin and rescued Vimazhitara. .The other is that in the underworld, Empress Houtu easily broke through the punishment of heaven with one hand, shattered the law world of Patriarch Styx, and severely injured him.

"Who said that the field of law must be placed outside the body? Who said that the world of law must stand in the void? Who said that the real world must rely on the prehistoric existence?" Yu Yuan opened his eyes and said softly with a smile on his face. Three questions.

"The field of five elements law!" Yu Yuan shouted softly.

Following Yu Yuan's soft drink, a law field with colorful halos appeared around Yu Yuan, and then this law field kept shrinking, moving closer to Yu Yuan's body.

But this time the five-element law field did not become a law coat attached to Yu Yuan's body, but directly entered Yu Yuan's body.

Then these five laws were thrown into Yu Yuan's heaven and earth primordial spirit, and connected with the five elements laws formed by the five groups of innate qi of the five elements, and at the same time, the domains of the five elements laws began to enter Yu Yuan's five internal organs.

The law field of the fire system enters Yu Yuan's heart, the law field of the metal system enters Yu Yuan's lungs, the law field of the water system enters Yu Yuan's kidney, the law field of the earth system enters Yu Yuan's spleen, and the law field of the wood system enters Yu Yuan's spleen. The domain enters Yu Yuan's liver.

All of a sudden, in Yu Yuan's internal organs, five-color rays of light continuously flashed, and with the flashing of these lights, Yu Yuan's internal organs also became stronger and stronger, and at the same time, strands of power from the domain of laws were flowing in Yu Yuan's body. Mobility in the body.

After incorporating the five-element law domain into the five internal organs, Yu Yuan gently opened his eyes, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.

"This time, I believe that if I encounter Zhun Ti's mana again, I will never be so embarrassed again."

This time, Yu Yuan completely abandoned a broad avenue and walked on a path that no monks have ever walked.No, or a monk walked by, but that monk was already dead.

That monk once used his own power to split the world, but in the end he died. That monk was Pan Gu.

Yu Yuan incorporated the Law Domain into himself, although the attack power did not increase much, but the defense was unrivaled, the most magic power of the saint would only slightly injure Yu Yuan.

Moreover, Yu Yuan has been in a fighting state since then, because the law field relies on Yu Yuan's five internal organs for existence, so Yu Yuan's law field is always open.

This is only in the case of Da Luo Jinxian. When Yu Yuan reaches the quasi-sage cultivation level, the laws in his body will be integrated more easily than others.

Because Yu Yuan's laws rely on Yu Yuan's physical body, and Yu Yuan's physical body is originally one, so in the Quasi-Saint Stage, Yu Yuan will break through to the Quasi-Saint Late Stage at a faster speed.

If Yu Yuan in the past was a heavenly figure, able to rule the roost for a while, now Yu Yuan already has the qualifications of a saint, and he will become one of the few people who stand at the top.

Yu Yuan was immersed in the new way of cultivation, and before he knew it, seven years had passed.

In addition, Li Jing, the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan, also studied under the master Du'er in West Kunlun in the early years, so he can be regarded as a brother of the same school as Zheng Lun.

This Duer Daoist took some people who were on the list of gods as apprentices, and then drove them down the mountain to let them seek wealth and honor in the world. In fact, all of this is Duer Daoist seeking merit for himself.

Ever since Li Jing was driven down the mountain by Du'er Daoist saying that he had no celestial fate, he had always had some obsessions in his heart. Since he couldn't achieve the immortal way, he wanted his son to be able to achieve the immortal way.

Therefore, each of Li Jing's sons worshiped under the sect of Hong Huang Da Neng.

His eldest son Jin Zha worshiped under Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, and his second son Mu Zha worshiped under Puxian Zhenren.Even his third son, Nezha, who was born after three years and six months of pregnancy, also worshiped under the disciple of Daoist Taiyi.

When Nezha was born, he carried with him two treasures from the Golden Light Cave of Taiyi Zhenren, the Qiankun Circle and the Huntian Ribbon.

No matter what happened to Nezha in his previous life, in this life he is indeed still a child with the mentality of a child, and with the backing behind him, it is easy to develop a domineering temperament.

Anyway, for a fight, he has the Qiankun circle and Huntian Ling in his hand, and with his practice in the past few years, his mana has reached the stage of the earth immortal, and ordinary people are his opponents.

If he sued, his father was the general soldier of Chentangguan, who would dare to sue?This is not the so-called min zhu society in later generations, but a slave society with strict classes. Nezha is a standard nobleman, who would dare to mess with him?

Seven years have passed, and Nezha is only seven years old at this time, but he is already six feet tall.In the past seven years, Nezha's temperament has been raised more and more arrogantly, which is quite like a second generation of later generations.

This day, it was the scorching heat, Nezha sat in the courtyard and felt bored for a while, so he wanted to go out to play.

After thinking about it, Nezha went to find his mother.Although Li Jing's wife was pregnant with Nezha for three years and six months and suffered a lot, but also because of this, she loved Nezha very much.

In addition, both Jin Zha and Mu Zha followed their masters to practice on the mountain, and only a son like Nezha was by his side. Li Jing's wife loved Nezha even more.

At this time, when I heard that Nezha wanted to go out to play because of the hot weather, there was no reason why he refused to agree, but he was afraid that Li Jing would come back and reprimand Nezha, so he asked him to come back early.

Immediately, Nezha left the city with a family general, heading east.

After a while, Nezha saw a willow forest, which cast shades of trees by the Jiuwan River.

Seeing the shade of the trees, Nezha hurriedly greeted his family and walked over. As soon as he sat down under the shade of the trees, looking at the river flowing by, he unconsciously had the desire to take a bath.

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