() Do it when you think about it, Nezha said to the general next to him: "You look at the clothes for me, I'm going to take a bath in this river!"

After hearing Nezha's words, the family general stopped him immediately: "Third Young Master, we'd better go back! Otherwise, the master won't see you when he returns home, I'm afraid he will lose his temper again!"

When Nezha heard that the general mentioned his father, his original good mood was gone, and he immediately burst into anger, went up and kicked the general down, and cursed: "I don't need you to do what I do!" Never mind, you still dare to use my father to suppress me. Get out of here immediately, don't bother me here!"

Nezha is an Earth Immortal, although he didn't use any force, it still made the general feel pain.But seeing Nezha getting angry, the general had no choice but to limp back to Chentangguan.

Seeing that the family was about to leave, Nezha turned around, took off his clothes, and jumped into the Jiuwan River naked.

Nezha went into the river, took the Huntian Ling beside him as a bath towel and wiped it on his body.While wiping, I dipped it in the river from time to time.

After a while, Nezha became playful, so he stirred the river water with the Huntian Ling in his hand to play.

But the Huntian Silk in Nezha's hand is not an ordinary thing, but the treasure of the cave in the Golden Light Cave of Qianyuan Mountain, and it can be regarded as an innate spiritual treasure of the Golden Immortal level, and the entire river that was stirred immediately began to surge.

The turbulence of the river was quite violent, and the fish, shrimps and other animals in the river were stirred to death by the water stirred by Nezha.

If the Jiuwan River were an ordinary river, it wouldn't be a big deal. At most, Nezha committed some murders, and some karmic consequences entangled him.

But the Jiuwan River leads directly to the East China Sea, and the power of Huntian Ling passes through the sea water and directly reaches the East China Sea, and the East China Sea Dragon Palace is immediately turned upside down by this force.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was disturbed by this force and fell directly from the dragon chair, and immediately shouted angrily: "Xunhai Yasha, let me go out immediately to see what's going on? Who dares to attack me? Trouble in the East China Sea."

Li Liang, who was patrolling the sea on duty, heard the order from the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and hurriedly drove the undercurrent in the water towards the direction of the stirring force. After a while, Li Liang came to the mouth of the Jiuwan River.

When he arrived at the mouth of the sea, Li Liang saw a child stirring the river water with a red silk, and the power to stir the East China Sea Dragon Palace came from the red silk.

When Li Liang saw it, he jumped out of the water and shouted at Nezha: "That child, what did you do to make the river red, and let my East China Sea Dragon Palace wander around?"

Nezha turned his head and saw Li Liang's ugly appearance, with a look of disgust flashing across his face, and when he heard Li Liang's questioning, he was always used to being arrogant, so how could he bear it.

"Look at you, you look like a beast, what are you, you can still speak human language?"

Hearing what Nezha said, Li Liang was furious.

"I came to patrol the sea under the order of my lord, and you dare to call me a beast. I must teach you a lesson today." As he said, the big ax in Li Liang's hand struck at Nezha.

Nezha didn't dodge when he saw Li Liang's big ax coming, he just smiled coldly, touched his right wrist with his left hand, a circle of heaven and earth appeared in his hand, and then threw it towards the sky.

This Qiankun Circle is an innate spirit treasure of the Golden Immortal level, how can Li Liang, a little Yasha of the Earth Immortal Stage, be able to resist it, and he was hit on the head by the Qiankun Circle with just one blow, until his head was smashed and his brains were scattered all over the place. Splash, the dead cannot die again.

Seeing Nezha, he made a move with his right hand, and the circle of heaven and earth flew back.Nezha looked at the Qiankun circle, his face was full of disgust, and he said, "That ugly brain has dirty my Qiankun circle!"

Afterwards, Nezha put the Qiankun circle in the river, and stirred it up with Huntianling.

The Jiuwan River, which was originally choppy, became even more turbulent, and all the creatures in the river were completely dead.

Ao Guang was still sitting in the Dragon Palace waiting for Li Liang's reply, but after waiting for a while, not only did he not get Li Liang's reply, but the shaking of the Crystal Palace became more severe.

Just when Ao Guang was puzzled, a fish soldier came in and reported that Li Liang was beaten to death by a child in Jiuwan River.

Hearing this, Ao Guang patted the dragon chair heavily, and said angrily: "Then Li Liang was personally sealed by the imperial pen of the heaven, and he was actually beaten to death? Order soldiers, I want to see for myself who is so brave !"

After saying that, Ao Guang was about to get up, but at this moment, Ao Bing's voice reached Ao Guang's ears: "Father, leave this matter to me!"

Hearing Ao Bing's words, Ao Guang nodded slightly, and then sat down on the dragon chair.

After Ao Bing finished transmitting the voice to Ao Guang, he stood in front of the thatched hut and looked coldly at Nezha who kept stirring the water there.

Ao Bing's cultivation at this time has reached the realm of Taoism and Fruit Consummation in the late stage of the True Immortal.Originally, Ao Bing planned to directly break through to the Golden Immortal cultivation base in Yu Yuan's five-element space.

But before he started to attack, Yu Yuan suddenly told him through voice transmission that there is trouble in the East China Sea today.Afterwards, he was thrown out of the Five Elements Dimension by Yu Yuan, and appeared directly in front of the thatched cottage.

As soon as Ao Bing appeared, he saw Li Liang who had been beaten to death, saw Li Liang's skull shattered and his brains gushing out.

After that, Ao Bing stared at Nezha until he felt that his father wanted to come out to check in person, so he stopped him through voice transmission.

Ao Bing walked towards Nezha step by step, his whole body calmed down, in case Nezha would suddenly sacrifice his two magic weapons.

In the past seven years, Yu Yuan also created for Ao Bing a Golden Immortal Stage Acquired Spirit Treasure, which is a painting halberd that contains the laws of the water system.

At this time, Nezha, who was cleaning the Qiankun circle, also felt something strange, and when he turned around, he saw Ao Bing who was staring at him.

Feeling the powerful aura of Ao Bing, Nezha didn't dare to act rashly for a while, but he still held the Qiankun circle tightly, raised one side slightly, and faced Ao Bing.

"You killed Li Liang?" Ao Bing asked Nezha, looking closely at him.

Sensing Ao Bing's eyes and the questioning meaning in Ao Bing's words, Nezha couldn't help being upset.But Ao Bing's strength is very strong, Nezha can only endure.

"it's me."

Then Nezha added: "I am the son of Li Jing from Chentangguan, Nezha!"

Ao Bing ignored Nezha's words and asked directly, "Why did you beat him to death?"

Seeing Ao Bing's attitude, Nezha couldn't hold it anymore, and snorted coldly: "I'm taking a bath here, it's none of his business, he came to scold me, I beat him to death, he deserved it!"

Nezha didn't forget to have a reason at this time.He completely turned black and white there, obviously he scolded others, but said that others scolded him.

"What a ruthless boy! Since you have admitted to killing Li Liang, I can't spare you!" As he spoke, Ao Bing casually took one, and a painting halberd that seemed to be filled with water vapor appeared in his hand.

"Wait a minute, who are you? Why do you care about this?" Nezha shouted at Ao Bing.

Ao Bing dragged the painting halberd backwards, strode forward, and said as he walked, "I will let you die today. I am the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Ao Bing!"

With the last loud shout, the painting halberd in Ao Bing's hand was already chopped down with all his strength.

Seeing this, Nezha quickly raised the Qiankun circle in his hand, and greeted Ao Bing's painting halberd.

After blocking the blow, Nezha felt his viscera vibrate, and a mouthful of blood rushed into his mouth.

Swallowing the blood forcefully, Nezha smiled slightly at Ao Bing and said, "So you are Ao Guang's son! Don't say it was you, you made me angry. I'll catch that old loach together and peel it off for skin cramps."

Nezha's childish face was full of sternness, revealing an indescribable weirdness.Having already torn face with Ao Bing, Nezha didn't care about what he said.

After hearing Nezha's words, Ao Bing's face turned cold, the immortal power on his body burst out, the surrounding air burst into bursts of explosions, and the painting halberd in his hand seemed extremely heavy.

Nezha's Qiankun circle still has the power to protect himself against ordinary monks, and can even bully him occasionally.

But facing Ao Bing, who has perfect Dao fruit in the late stage of the true immortal, and when Ao Bing has the golden fairy-level Houtian Lingbao in his hands, it is obviously not enough to look at.

Seeing that the painting halberd in Ao Bing's hand was even heavier at this time, Nezha was obviously flustered.

"Ao Bing, my master is the Daoist Taiyi sitting down on Yuanshi Tianzun. If you kill me, my master will not let you go!" Nezha roared loudly there.

After hearing this, Ao Bing smiled coldly and said, "My master is still Daoist Tongtian, and he's sitting down with Daoist Yu Yuan!"


The painting halberd in Ao Bing's hand blasted through the void, and smashed down on Nezha with great power.

Seeing this, Nezha yelled sadly: "Master, save me!!!"

Following Nezha's shout, the two golden fairy-level innate spirit treasures in Nezha's hands suddenly shone brightly.

Huntian Ling flew up, emitting bursts of red light, and at the same time entangled layer by layer towards the painting halberd in Ao Bing's hand, even the void around the painting halberd was bound together.

The Qiankun circle released bursts of golden light and fell towards the top of Ao Bing's head.

At the same time, Daoist Taiyi, who was meditating in the Golden Light Cave, suddenly woke up, and then the Great Teleportation Formation that was set up by Yuanshi Tianzun in the Qiankun Circle and Huntian Silk was also activated, and Daoist Taiyi disappeared in the Golden Light Cave all at once, Then he appeared in front of Nezha.

Under the golden light of the Qiankun circle, Ao Bing felt that he couldn't move an inch, and could only watch helplessly as the Qiankun circle fell towards his head with great power.

At this moment, a faint laughter came out.

"You want to kill my apprentice in front of me as a master, you really don't take me as a master at all!"

As Yu Yuan's voice fell, he saw bursts of golden halos forming on Ao Bing's body, while the light from the universe circle disappeared all of a sudden.

"Brother Taiyi, it's the first time we meet, poor Daoist Yu Yuan, please advise!" Yu Yuan suddenly appeared in the field, but no one knew how he appeared.

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