Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 103 Battle with the Saint

() Immortal Taiyi had just arrived here, and saw his two powerful magic weapons falling on Ao Bing's head, and he immediately knew that Ao Bing must have almost killed Nezha just now.

Thinking of this, Daoist Taiyi felt a surge of anger in his heart.

After accepting Nezha as a disciple, Master Taiyi did not let Nezha go back to the mountain with him, but actually had another purpose.

This Nezha is the reincarnation of a spirit bead in the Almighty Palace. He is destined to be the pioneer of Xiqi's discussion in the future. growing up very fast.

But Master Taiyi didn’t expect that someone wanted to kill his apprentice because he didn’t take good care of himself. Master Taiyi stared at Ao Bing closely, and planned to make up for it if Qiankun Circle couldn’t kill him all at once. son.

At this moment, Master Taiyi heard a burst of laughter, and then saw a Taoist appearing in the field, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Brother Taiyi, it's the first time we meet, I'm poor, please give me advice!"

Hearing these words, Master Taiyi knew that the Taoist in front of him was Yu Yuan, the famous Yiqi Immortal in the prehistoric world.

Immediately, Master Taiyi's desire to kill Ao Bing faded away.This Yu Yuan's strength is too strong, Taiyi Daoist knows that even the five of Guang Chengzi are no match for Yu Yuan. You must know that the five of them are powerful Da Luo Jinxians!

And Daoist Taiyi is only the pinnacle of the Golden Immortal, so he certainly didn't dare to stroke Yu Yuan's beard.

"Master, that person is going to kill me, you kill him for me!" Seeing the arrival of the real Taiyi, Nezha suddenly seemed to have a backbone, pointing at Ao Bing and shouted.

Hearing Nezha's words, Yu Yuan looked at Daoist Taiyi with a half-smile.

Sensing Yu Yuan's gaze, Daoist Taiyi immediately felt a little embarrassed, and quickly turned to Nezha and shouted: "Nezha, don't talk nonsense. That man is your uncle Yu Yuan's disciple, you should Call him brother."

"Then I don't care, I want that person to die! Master, didn't you tell me that it's okay if I kill anyone? You also said that if I kill someone, that's the number of days?"

Hearing Nezha's words at this moment, Master Taiyi even wanted to die.

Nezha, Nezha!You are really fearless!But as a teacher, I am afraid!I can't beat them!Master Taiyi groaned inwardly.

Seeing that Nezha wanted to talk, Master Taiyi hurriedly pulled Nezha, interrupted what Nezha was about to say, and then gave Yu Yuan a slap in the face: "Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, I have something to do with the poor Daoist, let's go first." Take Nezha and leave!"

After speaking, Master Taiyi wanted to take Nezha away.

At this moment, Yu Yuan spoke: "Stay!" As soon as Yu Yuan's voice fell, three large characters filled with the halo of the law of the golden system appeared, exactly the three words "stay".

These three words immediately surrounded Master Taiyi and Nezha, and then formed a golden law field, trapping the two of them in place.

After Yu Yuan refined the five-element law domain into the five viscera, his heart was filled with the gold system law domain. Now, as long as Yu Yuan wanted to, every word he said could be transformed into a gold system law domain.

Master Taiyi turned around, looked at Yu Yuan warily, and asked, "Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, what do you mean?"

"Hehe, you seem to have forgotten something! This kid just killed my apprentice's general! Whether you can leave or not is up to my apprentice to decide." Yu Yuan looked at Master Taiyi mockingly.

"Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, Nezha is still a child, and he didn't intend to make a mistake this time. I will teach him a good lesson when I go back." Master Taiyi forced a smile.

"Child, can you have other privileges, such as killing people?" Yu Yuan shook his head and continued: "If you can make him be honest from now on, that's all. If you can't make him give up the idea of ​​revenge, then It's better to kill it as soon as possible, so as not to become a trouble in the future!"

After hearing Yu Yuan's words, Master Taiyi turned his head to look at Nezha who was full of resentment.Immediately, Yu Yuan knew that the latter situation was impossible.

Yu Yuan had no intention of letting Nezha go, would letting him go would make him a pioneer in the Western Zhou crusade against the great merchants in the future?

Li Nezha, Li Nezha, although your surname is Li, you are not Li after all, and there is no law on the protection of minors here, so you must die!

"Ao Bing, do it! Think about what would happen to Donghai without you today? You are at odds with his fate, the two of you are irreconcilable, and only one can live!" Yu Yuan ordered to Ao Bing who was behind him. road.

Master Taiyi heard Yu Yuan's words, counted his fingers, and knew that what Yu Yuan said was indeed true.Ao Bing and Nezha have conflicting fates, and they seem to be born rivals.

Immortal Taiyi was about to stop him when he heard Yu Yuan say, "Separate!"

Then these two big characters separated the real Taiyi and Nezha.

At this time, Ao Bing poured all his heart into the painting halberd in his hand, directly activated the golden fairy law in the painting halberd, tore through the air, and slashed at Nezha with bursts of explosions.

"Master!" Nezha asked his master Taiyi for help again, but at this time, Taiyi himself was in danger, so how could he have the ability to save him.

Seeing that Daoist Taiyi couldn't save him, Nezha realized at this time that he really got into big trouble this time!

This time, Ao Bing's painting halberd was unstoppable, and fell directly on Nezha's body, smashing Nezha's small body to pieces.

Then Nezha's primordial spirit condensed into an extremely round bead, and flew directly into the air, trying to escape.

Seeing that Nezha's soul was about to escape, Ao Bing immediately chased after him, and with a wave of the painting halberd in his hand, he drew it towards the beads condensed by Nezha's soul.

At this moment, a huge mana passed through the void and hit Ao Bing.

Suddenly, the space was torn apart, countless space turbulence raged, and the entire prehistoric land trembled slightly.

The figure of Yu Yuan who was standing on the side disappeared suddenly, and then appeared directly in front of Ao Bing.

The five-color divine light behind Yu Yuan spread out all of a sudden, and that huge mana directly rushed into Yu Yuan's five-element space, but it broke Yu Yuan's five-element space in a short while.

The mana that rushed out of the Five Elements Space directly hit Yu Yuan's body,

The five internal organs in Yu Yuan's body immediately wriggled continuously, and the five-color halo rose on Yu Yuan's body, continuously flowing and merging.


That mighty force directly collided with Yu Yuan's body, and the Qi and blood in Yu Yuan's body immediately began to turbulent, and the internal administration was also shaken, and finally Yu Yuan spurted out a mouthful of blood.

This mana is definitely issued by a saint, but only a mana from the air can injure Yu Yuan. Except for a saint, no monk can do it.

At this time, the bead transformed by Nezha's Yuanshen also took the opportunity to escape, and Ao Bing looked around, but couldn't find it.

Yu Yuan touched the blood at the corner of his mouth, and said to Ao Bing, "Ao Bing, you go back first. Then Nezha has already run away."

After listening to Yu Yuan's words, and looking at Yu Yuan's serious expression, Ao Bing knew that Yu Yuan was facing an extremely powerful opponent, and he was just a burden here.

Ao Bing nodded slightly, backed away slowly, then turned around and was about to fly away.

At this moment, another burst of huge mana blasted through the void and crushed towards Ao Bing.

"Since you and Lingzhu's fates are in conflict with each other, I have no choice but to obliterate you, and then let Lingzhu go down again." Along with the powerful force, there was a cold female voice.

With the arrival of this female voice, the surrounding spiritual power began to condense, forming countless petals and falling down one after another. At the same time, countless golden lotus flowers sprang up from the ground, and countless laws condensed into countless phantoms of strange beasts in the middle of the air.

Yu Yuan's figure flashed, and he appeared behind Ao Bing again, receiving the mana attack again.

As a result, Yu Yuan was slightly injured again.But the "Hunyuan Golden Body Jue" practiced by Yu Yuan is a method of fighting more and more bravely. After this time, the injury Yu Yuan suffered for the first time has completely healed.

"It turned out that it was the Saint Nuwa who shot it in person! I am really honored to be killed by a saint himself!" Yu Yuan stood there and said nonchalantly.

After two trials, Yu Yuan knew that he could barely resist Nuwa's magic attack.

Seeing that Yu Yuan was bombarded by mana again in order to protect himself, Ao Bing was a little anxious and hurried to leave again.

"Ao Bing, you don't have to go. Just now I thought that Nuwa Saint was coming after me, but now that she's attacking you, it's better for you to stay by my side."

After hearing Yu Yuan's words, Ao Bing finally came to his senses.That's right, this Nuwa sage can blast the void at will and send mana to every place in the prehistoric world.

"Yu Yuan, you're not nervous at all! Is it because I don't take me seriously? Or do you think I can't kill you?" Nu Wa's words were full of murderous intent.

"Sage Nuwa is joking. The magic power of Saint Nuwa is boundless, and it will shake the world if you activate it a little bit. I dare to look down on you." Yu Yuan said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Yuan's voice turned around, full of endless arrogance: "However, my Yu Yuan's life is not so easy to obtain. This is how to blast a few mana through the void, I'm afraid I can't take it Yu Yuan's life."

"Humph" came a cold hum in the void.

Then four or five streams of mana burst through the air, completely crushing this small space, and pieces of space fragments rushed towards Yu Yuan along with the torrent of mana.

The golden law domain that trapped Daoist Taiyi over there dissipated when Yu Yuan received Nuwa's first magic power.

At this time, Master Taiyi saw that the situation was not good, so he immediately set up an escape method and fled away.He was afraid that he would be affected by this fierce battle scene.

With the combined force of four or five magic forces, Yu Yuan couldn't bear it any longer, his body exploded continuously, blood was flying everywhere, it looked extremely tragic.

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