Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 104 Lotus Incarnation

() But Yu Yuan's "Hunyuan Golden Body Art" is also powerful and tight, constantly repairing Yu Yuan's physical body.

In this way, Yu Yuan was bombarded by Nuwa's magic power. Although Yu Yuan had wounds constantly appearing on his body, these wounds were quickly healed.

Finally, Nuwa's five magic powers have been completely exhausted.

Without Nuwa's mana to continue causing wounds, the wounds on Yu Yuan's body were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the wound on Yu Yuan's body healed completely.On the surface, Yu Yuan's injury has completely healed.But in fact, Yu Yuan's internal organs received a huge shock.

Yu Yuan spat out a mouthful of blood, which was mixed with some internal organ fragments, but Yu Yuan didn't care at all, as long as he was given time, these injuries would be completely healed in a short while.

"Hehe, Saint Nuwa, your attack is nothing more than that! Even I, a Daluo Jinxian, can't kill me, let alone those quasi-sages!" Yu Yuan said sarcastically.

"Yu Yuan, you are looking for death! Do you really think I dare not kill you?" Nuwa's voice contained anger, and at the same time the magical beasts in the midair roared up to the sky.

"Do you dare? You can try! Hahaha!" Yu Yuan laughed arrogantly there.


With a loud noise, the entire prehistoric world began to shake violently, mountains and rivers overturned, the earth cracked, and countless prehistoric creatures were stunned by this force.

A huge red hydrangea broke through the space and fell from the sky, falling towards Yu Yuan at a high speed.

When the red hydrangea was getting closer and closer to Yu Yuan, a fairy sword pierced through the void and appeared below the red hydrangea. The tip of the sword was lightly lifted, and the red hydrangea was directly lifted into the air.

"Nuwa, what do you mean? Are you planning to kill my disciples on the spot?" After flying the red hydrangea ball, Taoist Tongtian's calm water voice sounded.

"Tong Tian, ​​the disciple under your sect is disrespectful to me. He doesn't take us saints seriously at all. Shouldn't such disciples be killed directly?" Nu Wa said suppressing her anger.

"Could it be that you only need to attack my disciples, and they can't even express their dissatisfaction? The reason why I didn't take action just now is because you didn't kill me, but I didn't expect you to go too far!" Taoist Tongtian's voice was still flat Rushui seemed to have not noticed Nuwa's anger at all.

At this moment, the void was blasted again, and a Yu Ruyi shining with three colors of light appeared in the field, went towards the fairy sword, and resisted the fairy sword for the red hydrangea.

"Junior Brother, what you said is wrong. If there are my Taoist disciples who don't know how to respect saints, then we'd better clean up the sect as soon as possible." Yuanshi Tianzun's voice that seemed to be born high above sounded.

Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun's Sanbaoyu Ruyi entangled Tongtian Taoist's Qingping sword, Nuwa's heart moved, and the red hydrangea bypassed Sanbaoyu Ruyi and Qingping sword, and threw it at Yu Yuan again.

"Enough!" Daoist Tongtian yelled angrily, and another fairy sword flew out through the void, flying the red hydrangea again.

"Brother, I don't need to worry about how my disciples deal with it! Nuwa, today you keep attacking my disciples, don't you really know how to advance or retreat?" Anyone can hear the depressing tone in Taoist Tongtian's voice. anger.

As if he didn't expect Taoist Tongtian to say that, Yuanshi Tianzun fell silent.

On the contrary, Nuwa spoke up: "No matter what, if this Yu Yuan speaks out to provoke the saint, he must die!"

Hearing Nuwa's words, Yuanshi Tianzun said: "This kind of disciples who ruin the reputation of my Taoist sect must be cleaned up!"

Then Sanbaoyu Ruyi and Red Hydrangea all radiated light and pressed towards the two fairy swords.

"Are we going to start a war now?" Taoist Tongtian's voice was no longer calm, but full of fierce fighting intent, and at the same time, a murderous aura filled the world, and the world was overshadowed by it.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

Following the sound of four breaking through the space, three fairy swords appeared in the field accompanied by a roll of formation diagrams.

Seeing such a big reaction from Taoist Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun was silent for a while, and then Sanbao Yuruyi broke through the void and returned to Yuxu Palace.

"Junior brother, there must be a battle between you and me, but I don't know if you will still be as arrogant as today?" Yuanshi Tianzun's voice finally said.

"Brother, don't worry, brother will definitely accompany you when the time comes!" Taoist Tongtian said with his back straight.

If Taoist Tongtian's peace just now is a scabbard, he is raising his sword.Then Taoist Tongtian's arrogance at this time is the hidden sword edge, and this sharp sword has been unsheathed.

"Taoist Tongtian, this Yu Yuan provoked me, I must kill him today. I am not like Yuanshi Tianzun who has a large group of disciples. If you don't let me kill Yu Yuan, if I get upset and kill your other disciples for a while, You can't blame me!" Nu Wa threatened.

"Are you threatening me?" As soon as Taoist Tongtian said, it was like a giant sword that reached the sky tore through the sky, and pressed towards Nuwa through the void.

"It's not a threat, it's just a reminder of how you should choose!" Although Daoist Tongtian put a lot of pressure on Nuwa, Nuwa still didn't want to show weakness.

"Nuwa, if you dare to touch our next disciple, I will seal your Wahuangtian. If you don't believe me, try it!" Following the words of Daoist Tongtian, the five immortal swords kept buzzing.

"Hmph." Nuwa snorted angrily and took back the red hydrangea, but she didn't dare to say a harsh word.

Seeing that Nu Wa took back her magic weapon, Taoist Tongtian also took back her magic weapon.

Jiuwanhe, which was still vibrating with the law just now, has completely quieted down now.Yu Yuan and Ao Bing, master and apprentice, smiled wryly at each other. In the end, when the saints were playing games, they became completely bystanders.

Yu Yuan now has a position on his own strength.Now if it's just a sage's magic power, he can't do anything to himself.

Only when the sage lowered the magic weapon, could Yu Yuan have no chance to escape and kill him.

But behind Yu Yuan there was a Daoist Tongtian, and when the saint was about to kill Yu Yuan with a magic weapon, Taoist Tongtian could also come out to stop him.

The matter between Nezha and Ao Bing has come to an end for the time being.

Counting the time, it was almost time for Jiang Ziya to go down the mountain.So after Yu Yuan bid farewell to Ao Bing, he stepped out directly, and then appeared in Chaoge City.

Let's talk about that day, after the beads transformed by Nezha's Yuanshen escaped Ao Bing's pursuit, they flew directly to the golden cave of Qianyuan Mountain, waiting for the return of the real Taiyi.

Nezha is not in a hurry now.At this time, he had returned to the state of Yuanshen, without the obstacles of the physical body, and Nezha had recovered a lot of memories, knowing that he was the reincarnation of the Lingzhu in Wa Palace.

Nezha just saw that Empress Nuwa took action in person, and he thought that Yu Yuan and Ao Bing must be dead, and his master Taiyi Zhenren would definitely be back in a while.

Sure enough, Daoist Taiyi came back after a while.It just looks like a mess.

The beads transformed by Nezha Yuanshen kept flying in the air, and he asked Master Taiyi, "Master, what happened? Was that Yu Yuan killed by Empress Nuwa?"

"I don't know, when I came, Yu Yuan was fighting with Empress Nuwa's mana!" Taiyi Daoist's tone was full of admiration and fear.

"I didn't expect that Yu Yuan was so powerful that he could even block a single wave of Nuwa Empress's magic power." Nezha sighed.

Then Nezha realized that his physical body had been destroyed, and quickly asked Master Taiyi, "Master, Master. What should I do now?"

Seeing Nezha's appearance, Daoist Taiyi also felt a little worried. Nezha is only an Earth Immortal and cannot be reborn physically.

As for the development potential of the physical body produced by other methods of generating the physical body is too low, unfortunately it will not be possible to improve the cultivation level in the future.

In order to generate a potential physical body, one must use heaven, material and earth treasures.

At this moment, Baihe boy came to present a lotus to Taiyi real person by the order of Yuanshi Tianzun.It is said that it was sent for Nezha to reshape his body.

Daoist Taiyi took it over and took a look, but it turned out to be a golden immortal treasure, a white lotus.

After Nezha used this white lotus to form a physical body, he could only cultivate to the Golden Immortal stage in the future, and no matter how hard he tried, he would not be able to improve at all.

Daoist Taiyi beckoned, took Nezha's primordial spirit into his hand, and then smashed it into the white lotus.

As soon as Nezha's primordial spirit entered the white lotus, a huge change took place in this white lotus.The original layers of white petals inside melted continuously, and finally gathered together to form a human shape.

Daoist Taiyi took out a Transformation Pill from his sleeve and put it into the white lotus flower, and then he saw this huge white lotus flower blooming slowly, and out of it jumped out a man six feet tall, with a face like powder, and lips like a dan Zhu's boy is Nezha's lotus incarnation.

Because of Nezha's relationship with the incarnation of lotus, his cultivation base at this time has reached the late stage of immortality.Feeling the powerful force in his body, Nezha couldn't help closing his eyes and enjoying it.

"Nezha, you should go down the mountain and return to Chentang Pass first, and continue to be Li Jing's son. It's not time for you to return to the mountain, and your murderous aura has not yet been honed!" Taiyi said to Na Zha who closed his eyes and felt the power. Zha said.

Hearing Taiyi's words, Nezha was upset for a while, he didn't want to go back and let Li Jing scold him again, but he couldn't disobey the order of Taiyi, so he had to shrink back to his original figure reluctantly, and then returned Chen Tang Pass.

It was a few days after Nezha returned to Chentangguan that he went out.Once back, as expected by Nezha, he was scolded bloody by Li Jing.

After being scolded, Nezha turned to the top of the tower sullenly, and saw a huge bow on the top of the tower, with three arrows beside it, and there was a golden light of merit that only monks could see.

Nezha took a closer look, and saw that the bow said Qiankun Bow and the arrow said Zhentian Arrow.Nezha knew the origin of the bow and arrow, so he was overjoyed for a moment, picked up the bow and arrow, and shot out a sky-shattering arrow when the bow was full moon.

The sky-shaking arrow was extremely fast, and it only brought up a cloud of clouds, and then penetrated the void and disappeared.

Just after shooting the arrow, Nezha felt that the bow and arrow in his hand suddenly became much heavier. Nezha hurriedly put it back to its original place, but he could no longer pick it up.

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