Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 105 Arrogant and domineering

() Nezha's mana circulated all over his body, and he couldn't lift the Qiankun Bow with his greatest strength, and he couldn't even lift the two sky-shaking arrows next to him.

"It's so strange! Just now I was able to draw the bow and shoot the arrow easily, but now I can't even pick it up. Could it be that who was secretly helping me with the arrow I shot just now?"

But Nezha didn't know that his fate was born with evil spirits, and he could easily commit murder if he was not careful.Just now, under the arrangement of heaven, Nezha committed another crime.

Not to mention that Nezha is here wondering why he was able to pick up the Qiankun Bow just now, Nezha's arrow shot through the void, and he was hundreds of thousands of miles away in a short while.

When the Skyshaking Arrow appeared again, it was in a place with treacherous mountains and jagged rocks.

The name of this mountain is Skull Mountain, and there is a cave in this mountain called Baigu Cave, which is now the dojo of Shiji, a disciple of Jiejiao.This rocky rock is an innate strange stone to become enlightened. Because of the stupid nature of the stone, his practice is slow.

Shiji's practice does not require the blood of the human race, so he does not usually kill the human race.And the reason why this place is called Skull Mountain White Bone Cave is because the previous owner here was a bloodthirsty monk.

The former owner here was Ma Yuan who was blasted away by Yu Yuan on Jinao Island.

Let's say that Biyun and Caiyun, two boys under Shiji's gate, picked some elixir together on this cliff.

While the two were playing and fighting, a golden light flashed suddenly, and then Caiyun Boy saw Biyun Boy limply fell to the ground, covering his neck with both hands.

There was a long stone arrow stuck in Biyun boy's neck, the stone arrow only cut off the golden light for a moment, and then dimmed, just like an ordinary arrow branch.

Seeing this scene, Boy Caiyun immediately panicked, hurriedly ran back to the cave, and reported the matter to Shiji.

Hearing Caiyun boy's report, Shi Ji hurriedly drove the cloud and took Caiyun boy to the foot of the cliff. Shiji stepped forward a few steps, seeing Biyun boy lying limp there, a burst of anger welled up in his heart.

Shi Ji practiced alone on the Skull Mountain, and did not have any enmity with any monks, but why did some people shoot and kill his boy for no reason.

These two boys have been with Shi Ji for many years and have a deep relationship with Shi Ji. Now that they are being killed, Shi Ji is full of thoughts of revenge.

Shi Ji walked in, gently hugged Biyun Boy in his arms, brushed his right hand over his cheek, and closed his eyelids.

Suddenly, Shi Ji saw a few words engraved on the arrow, "Li Jing, the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan".

Seeing these words, Shiji's anger suddenly had a vent, and he turned to Caiyun boy and said, "Caiyun, you go back to the cave first, and I will arrest this Li Jing and ask him why he sent Li Jing to him for no reason. I, boy, die?"

Shiji set up Qingluan and flew directly towards Chentangguan.This Qingluan was a wild beast, and it flew over Chentang Pass not long after.

"Li Jing, come out and see me!" Shi Ji shouted loudly.

At this time Li Jing was reading the art of war in the mansion, when he heard someone calling his name suddenly, Li Jing went out and saw that it was the Empress Shiji from Skull Mountain, and immediately felt relieved.

This Empress Shiji is a strange stone enlightened, with a gentle temperament and will not cause trouble for no reason.Only then did Li Jing strode out, bowed to Shiji and said, "I don't know that your mother is coming, but I am far away to welcome you. It's a sin! I just don't know what's going on with your mother?"

"Li Jing, you don't need to talk sweet words here. You shot my Biyun boy to death, and today I will see how you explain it." Seeing Li Jing coming out, Shi Ji shouted angrily.

Afterwards, Shi Ji sacrificed his magic weapon, the gossip cloud light handkerchief, and two yellow scarf warriors were born from the cloud light handkerchief.

"Give me this Li Jing!" Following Shi Ji's order, the two yellow scarf fighters grabbed Li Jing and lifted it up, rolled the gossip cloud light handkerchief, and it fell into Shi Ji's hands again.

Afterwards, Shiji rode Qingluan back to his cave.

After returning to his cave and sitting down, Shi Ji shook the gossip cloud light handkerchief and shook Li Jing out.

As soon as Li Jing came out, he saw Shi Ji sitting on the stone chair and staring at him closely, and next to him was the corpse of a boy, and beside the corpse was a stone arrow.

"Li Jing, do you see that the stone arrow belongs to you at Chentangguan?" Shi Ji asked Li Jing.

Hearing Shi Ji's question, Li Jing hurriedly stepped forward and took the stone arrow in his hand.Strange to say, Li Jing easily picked up the Sky-shaking Arrow that Nezha couldn't pick up anyway.

Li Jing took the stone arrow and took a closer look, only to see "Li Jing, Chief Soldier of Chentang Pass" engraved on it, and seeing the golden light of merit flashing on the stone arrow from time to time, Li Jing immediately knew that this stone arrow was himself Chen Tang Off the sky-shattering arrow.

"Ma'am, this stone arrow is indeed my Chentang Pass, but it is a sacred object that followed Xuanyuan Shenghuang back then. There is no one in my Chentang Pass who can open that universe bow!" Li Jing complained there. road.

"Li Jing, what do you mean? Could it be that the sky-shattering arrow came here by itself and shot my Biyun boy to death?"

"Ma'am, that's not what I meant. Let me go back first, so I can find out who shot this sky-shattering arrow!" Li Jing quickly explained.

After listening to Li Jing's explanation, Shi Ji thought for a while before agreeing.

"Okay, Li Jing, I'll let you go back and check, but if you can't bring me that person, I'll go find your master to ask for him!"

Hearing what Shi Ji said, Li Jing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Jing came out of the Bone Cave and rushed back towards Chentangguan all the way.At the same time, Li Jing secretly complained in his heart, what a disaster today!He was caught tens of thousands of miles away for no reason, and he had to find the murderer who killed Boy Biyun, otherwise he would have to take the blame himself.

After Li Jing returned to Chentang Pass, Mrs. Yin rushed out to greet him.

Li Jing told Mrs. Yin about the matter in general, and the husband and wife sat there facing each other, sighing.

"By the way, husband. After you were taken away that day, a Taoist once came to you and said that he was your old acquaintance. His name was Ao Guang." Mrs. Yin remembered something, and hurriedly told her Looking at Li Jing said.

"Ao Guang? This Ao Guang is the Dragon King of the East China Sea. What is he doing here? Did he leave any words?" Li Jing's face was full of doubts.

"Then Ao Guang told you to keep an eye on Nezha, otherwise you will be in great trouble in the future. This time he killed his Yasha Li Liang, he will naturally report to the Jade Emperor. Husband, do you think Nezha really killed that one? What Li Liang?" Madam Yin asked eagerly.

It turned out that the news of Nezha's return to Chentangguan was discovered by the Shui tribe and told Ao Guang.Ao Guang didn't know that Nezha and Ao Bing had conflicting fates, so he didn't tell Ao Bing, but he came to warn him.

After hearing Mrs. Yin's words, Li Jing fell into deep thought.Since Nezha was born, Li Jing knew that Nezha was extraordinary, and he also saw that Nezha was born with evil spirits, so he controlled him very strictly, just because he was afraid that Nezha would cause trouble.

Unexpectedly, Nezha has caused a lot of trouble now, so, could it be that Nezha shot the sky-shaking arrow?

Thinking of this, Li Jing couldn't sit still anymore, got up and went directly to the backyard to find Nezha who was practicing martial arts.

"Nezha, come here." Li Jing said to Nezha.

Nezha heard the words and ran over, wiped off his sweat, and said to Li Jing, "Father, what's the matter with you calling me?"

Seeing Nezha's powerful strength when he was practicing martial arts just now, Li Jing knew that Nezha's strength was already higher than his own.

He was basically certain in his heart that the sky-shaking arrow was shot by Nezha.But Li Jing still held out hope and asked: "Nezha, your master said that you descended to the realm to be a striker, so have you practiced horse bow and horse kung fu?"

Hearing Li Jing's question, Nezha suddenly remembered the Qiankun Bow he saw a few days ago, and said, "Father, I tried it the day before yesterday, but I just shot an arrow with that Qiankun Bow, and then what? I can’t hold it anymore! Do you know what’s going on?”

Hearing Nezha's words, Li Jing immediately knew that Nezha was the one who shot the sky-shattering arrow, so he couldn't help showing a wry smile.

"Nezha, you, you! You have caused a catastrophe this time! The sky-shattering arrow you shot killed Biyun boy under the seat of Empress Shiji, and now someone is asking for someone. Come with me one trip!"

Hearing what Li Jing said, Nezha said angrily, "Father, you lied to me? If you say that I shot to death, I shot to death? Just go and see what she can do to me?"

Because Nezha got the lotus incarnation, he became a lot more courageous.Besides, even if you can't beat him, isn't there still a master?Can't every monk be as perverted as that Yu Yuan?

Then the father and son set up Tudun together, and rushed towards the Bone Cave on Skull Mountain.

When they came to the entrance of the White Bone Cave, Li Jing told Nezha, "Nezha, you wait here first, I will go in and meet Empress Shiji, and see if I can intercede for you."

Then Li Jing turned around and entered the Bone Cave, and went straight to the innermost part to meet Shi Ji.

"Your Majesty, I went back to investigate the matter, and the naughty Nezha did that sky-shattering arrow. But I hope that Madam Nian can spare his life because he is still young and didn't do it on purpose." Li Jingman Face sincerely pleaded with Shiji.

Shi Ji was originally full of anger, but seeing Li Jing's sincere face, and thinking that it was an accident that Boy Biyun was shot to death, his tone softened: "Forget it, Boy Caiyun, you take him first. Come in!"

When Li Jing saw it, he was pleasantly surprised and said, "Thank you, Madam, for your mercy!"

Standing outside the cave, Nezha unconsciously thought about it.Nezha knew that the arrow must have been shot by himself, and Shiji would definitely not let him go, and this was Shiji's territory, so he might as well strike first.

Thinking of this, Nezha happened to see a boy coming out of the Zibai Cave, and immediately took out his Qiankun Circle and raised his hand to hit the boy on the neck.

At this moment, Caiyun boy was seriously injured and dying.

Nezha became ruthless, and walked towards the cave of bones with the Qiankun ring in his hand. Now that he had already done it, even the old one was killed!

Anyway, Master said that whoever he kills deserves to die!

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