Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 109 Jiang Ziya's Miserable Life

() Hearing Yuanshi Tianzun's words, Jiang Ziya suddenly raised his head, and his original calm demeanor was a little flustered for a while.

"Teacher, this disciple seeks the Tao with all his heart, and dare not be greedy for the world of mortals. Please read this for the sake of the disciple's sincerity, and don't drive the disciple down the mountain!"

Jiang Ziya knew that he was talented and stupid, and his practice speed was slow.Although he has been working hard, compared to his senior brothers, he is far behind.

Although several of his senior brothers have been cultivating longer than him, even if he is given so much time, he still cannot cultivate to their realm.

At this time, Jiang Ziya's first reaction when he heard that Yuanshi Tianzun asked him to go down the mountain was that Yuanshi Tianzun wanted to drive him down the mountain.

Seeing Jiang Ziya's reaction, Yuanshi Tianzun smiled slightly and said, "Ziya, you are going down the mountain this time to hold the list of gods for your teacher and exercise the power of gods. You have no destiny with the immortal way, and you should enjoy the wealth and honor in the world!"

After hearing Yuanshi Tianzun's words, Jiang Ziya was relieved, but he still begged bitterly and refused to go down the mountain.

"Ziya, this opportunity to become a god is a rare opportunity, not to be missed. Besides, the number of days is so long, and there is no room for you to resist. I promise you, after you finish conferring a god, you can return to the mountain to practice."

Hearing Yuanshi Tianzun's promise, Jiang Ziya was completely relieved of his worries.

Later, Jiang Ziya was sent out of Kunlun Mountain by the Antarctic fairy after saying goodbye to Yuanshi Tianzun.

After leaving Kunlun Mountain, Jiang Ziya looked around in a daze.

Thinking that I have been on the mountain for 40 years, my parents have died long ago, and I have no wife and children, but I have nowhere to go all of a sudden.

Suddenly, Jiang Ziya remembered that he once had a sworn brother Song Yiren.

Jiang Ziya darkly used Zhou Tian's calculation technique, and pinched his fingers to calculate the current situation of Song Yiren.After a while, Jiang Ziya understood the current situation of Song Yiren.

Jiang Ziya figured that Song Yiren now lives in Chaoge, and his family has quite a lot of property. In addition, he is quite bold. If he wants to come to Jiang Ziya, he can still take him in.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ziya set up Tudun and rushed towards Chaoge City.

Not long after, Jiang Ziya came to Songjiazhuang in the south of Chaoge City. Looking at this manor, Jiang Ziya was full of emotions for a while, and felt that things were different.

"Are your family members at home?"

Jiang Ziya walked up to Zhuangzi and asked the doorman.

The doorman saw that Jiang Ziya had a childlike face with white hair, a noble temperament, and a certain demeanor of his own.Then he quickly opened his mouth and replied: "I don't know who the old gentleman is?"

"You just say that there is an old friend Jiang Ziya visiting!"

After hearing this, the doorman hurried into Zhuangzi to report to Song Yiren.

After a while, Jiang Ziya saw an old man coming out with the doorman, and he could vaguely see the shadow of that Song Yiren back then.

Song Yiren recognized Jiang Ziya from a distance, couldn't help laughing, and hugged Jiang Ziya vigorously.

"Ziya, you have been away to seek the Tao for 40 years! But it seems that you have gained something! Looking at your appearance, except for your hair and beard, your face is still the same as before! Not at all. Unchanged."

"Brother is still handsome!"

"I can't, I can't. I'm old! I can't breathe after walking two steps!"

While talking, Song Yiren took Jiang Ziya's arm and entered the Zhuangzi. At the same time, Song Yiren ordered the servants next to him to prepare meals quickly.

"By the way, Ziya, are you vegetarian or meat?"

Only then did Song Yiren remember that Jiang Ziya had become a monk, so he turned to ask him.

"A person who cultivates the Tao pays attention to the nature of all things, and has a calm mind. I still eat fast!"

"Then have some wine! You and my brother haven't seen each other for many years, if there is no wine, it will be a disappointment! Besides, even if the god goes to the peach banquet, he still wants to eat some fine wine!"

Hearing what Song Yiren said, Jiang Ziya couldn't guess, so he agreed.

The two sat down in the hall, and after a while, servants brought the wine and dishes one by one, filling the table.

Song Yiren and Jiang Ziya chatted while eating.

"My dear brother, what have you learned on that mountain all these years?" Song Yiren asked curiously.

"Learned a lot. Carrying water, watering trees, planting peaches, lighting fires, making alchemy." Jiang Ziya said calmly.

After listening to Jiang Ziya's words, Song Yiren couldn't answer for a while.

Song Yiren thought for a while and said: "My dear brother, now that you have gone down the mountain, you have to buy some family property. Now you will live in my house first, and I am talking about a marriage for you, and you will give birth to a man and a half woman. It counts as the duty of the younger generation."

Hearing what Song Yiren said, Jiang Ziya just smiled and shook his head without answering.

When the banquet was about to end in the middle of the night, Jiang Ziya took out a pill from his sleeve and handed it to Song Yiren.

"Brother, I think your body is a little weak. This is the elixir I made on the mountain. It should be good for your body. This elixir is just a little bit of Ziya's heart!"

At this time, Song Yiren was already a little drunk. Hearing what Jiang Ziya said, he patted Jiang Ziya's shoulder with a big smile, and said, "Then you're welcome as a brother!"

Saying that, Song Yiren stuffed the elixir into his mouth, and then swallowed it.

Then Dong Yi went back to his room, and then several servants came to lead Jiang Ziya to the guest room.

On the second day, Song Yiren woke up early, feeling refreshed, without any discomfort after a hangover.

After Song Yiren got up, he felt that his body seemed to be much younger, and he didn't have the old feeling before.

When he came to the small pond, Song Yiren took a photo with his head, and saw that his face was indeed much younger.Only then did he remember the elixir Jiang Ziya handed him last night.

At this time, Song Yi realized that Jiang Ziya's learning was not as bad as he said.

But then Song Yiren put aside those complicated thoughts, no matter what Jiang Ziya is, he is his brother, why should he think so much!

Jiang Ziya lived in Song Yiren's house like this, reading military books and reciting Huang Ting silently every day, and lived leisurely.

This day, Jiang Ziya was reading a book, Song Yiren rushed in from outside, and shouted at Jiang Ziya: "Ziya, great joy, great joy!"

Jiang Ziya raised his head when he heard the words, and looked at Song Yiren suspiciously, not knowing what the joy in his mouth meant.

"Brother Ziya, I told you about a marriage for you. The other party is a 68-year-old girl. Hurry up and get ready to welcome the bride!"

After hearing Song Yiren's words, Jiang Ziya was a little anxious at that time.But before he could stop Song Yiren from drinking, he felt a whirlwind rush.

After Jiang Ziya's calculations, he was taken aback. The woman Song Yiren told him about the marriage was actually his destined wife.This result left Jiang Ziya speechless for a moment.

In the end, Jiang Ziya also deserved to go to Majiazhuang to marry Miss Ma back.

And Yu Yuan was sitting on the roof of Jiang Ziya's new house, with a smile on his face, listening to the movement below.

When Jiang Ziya entered Chaoge's surroundings, Yu Yuan already knew of his arrival.Normally, Yu Yuan would not be interested in personally monitoring Jiang Ziya.

However, today is different from the past.Yu Yuan especially wanted to know what sparks could be created between a 72-year-old virgin and a 68-year-old virgin.

Originally, Yu Yuan thought that at Jiang Ziya's age, whether he could charge into the battle was still a matter of opinion, but what he didn't expect was that Jiang Ziya had put in some effort in cultivating the Tao these years.

So, a bad monk sat on the roof and listened to the wall, thinking whether he should take care of Jiang Ziya.

After listening to the root of the wall, Yu Yuan made a final decision to leave Jiang Ziya alone.After all, this Jiang Ziya is the key hub of Fengshen, if he touches him, he will be killed by the Dao of Heaven.

The next day, Jiang Ziya woke up in the morning, looked at the old woman beside him, and silently admitted that he had lost his virginity for 72 years last night.

However, what Jiang Ziya didn't know was that this would be the beginning of his hard life.

After two months of marriage, Mrs. Ma found out that Jiang Ziya in her family seemed to be a waste.I know how to hold a book and read all day long, but I don't do any work for a living.

This day, Mrs. Ma couldn't bear it anymore, and asked Jiang Ziya directly: "Is this Song Yiren your uncle or brother?"

"Brother and I are sworn brothers!" Jiang Ziya still looked down at the book, and replied Ma Shi without raising his head.

"In this case, why don't you want to make a living? Now that Uncle Song is still there, we still have food and drink. If Uncle Song is gone in the future, what kind of life will we have?"

Hearing Ma Shi's words, Jiang Ziya made some sense when he thought about it.

Jiang Ziya thought about it, he has put in a lot of effort in cultivating the Tao these years, but when it comes to doing business, he really has no skills.

In the end, Jiang Ziya rang out, and he knew how to weave a fence.

So, Jiang Ziya and Ma Shi went to cut some bamboos and split them into bamboo strips. After spending an afternoon, Jiang Ziya managed to weave dozens of fences.

Early the next morning, Jiang Ziya carried a load of fences and walked dozens of miles into Chaoge City. It wasn't that Jiang Ziya didn't want to use magic, it was because his cultivation base was too low, and he was overwhelmed by the strong forces in Chaoge City. Human Emperor's luck was so overwhelming that he couldn't use spells.

When he arrived at the destination, Jiang Ziya realized that his shoulders had been swollen by the burden of the fence. Looking at his swollen shoulders, Jiang Ziya smiled wryly.

But what made Jiang Ziya even more depressed was that he had been selling here for a day, but he didn't sell even a single strainer.

Finally, full of depression, Jiang Ziya took the pole back again.

After returning, Jiang Ziya had a big quarrel with Mrs. Ma, which was overheard by Song Yiren passing by. Song Yiren knew that Jiang Ziya possessed strange powers, so he said that the wheat in his house was about to sprout, and he asked his younger generation to help grind it. to sell.

On the second day, Jiang Ziya carried a heavier load of noodles to sell in Chaoge City. After arriving this time, the one on Jiang Ziya's shoulders was even higher than yesterday.

Jiang Ziya waited for a long time, but strangely, no one bought noodles.

Jiang Ziya's heart was filled with depression!Even if there is no shortage for the time being, the food still needs to be eaten?Why is there no noodles?

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