Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 110 Jade Pipa Essence

() Just when Jiang Ziya was so depressed, finally a person came to buy noodles.

But looking at the penny in that person's hand, Jiang Ziya had the urge to put the whole load of noodles on that person's head.

"You only buy noodles for a penny?" Jiang Ziya asked again.

The man didn't care about Jiang Ziya's resentful eyes, and insisted: "Yes, I will buy noodles for a penny, and if you give too much, I will give you a penny."

After receiving the penny, Jiang Ziya began to put on a face, and at the same time, the desire to put the face on that person's head became stronger and stronger.

Perhaps feeling the strong thoughts in Jiang Ziya's heart, when Jiang Ziya handed over the bag filled with noodles to the man, a horse broke free and ran towards Jiang Ziya.

The horse's reins were hooked on the shoulder pole, and the load of noodles was dragged over, and then a gust of wind blew, and those noodles were blown everywhere.

The guy who bought noodles was blown all over white, and Jiang Ziya felt relieved when he saw it.

But then, Jiang Ziya realized that his face was blown away.This time, Jiang Ziya couldn't be happier anymore.

After returning home, as Jiang Ziya expected, Ma Shi started nagging at him again.Jiang Ziya was already holding back a fire in his heart, and now the two of them quarreled violently.

It was Song Yiren who came to persuade the fight again, and this time handed over one of his taverns to Jiang Ziya's management.

As the saying goes, people depend on food.No matter what, this person always has to eat, and Jiang Ziya is not asked to cook, but to be the shopkeeper. Song Yiren believes that nothing will happen this time.

However, after Jiang Ziya entered that tavern, there was no guest in that tavern.After waiting for half a day, it rained again, and all the prepared dishes were about to turn rancid.In desperation, Jiang Ziya could only distribute the food to the guys in the tavern.

After several days in a row, Jiang Ziya couldn't keep the tavern open anymore, and his heart became more and more irritable.

In the end, Jiang Ziya simply went home and returned the tavern to Song Yiren.

Song Yiren was really righteous to Jiang Ziya.He paid for some live sheep and pigs, and asked Jiang Ziya to sell them in Chaoge City.

However, Jiang Ziya was unlucky. During this period of time, there was a severe drought in the world, and Di Xin and Wanmin were praying to heaven to forbid killing. Therefore, Jiang Ziya's live sheep and pigs were confiscated.

Jiang Ziya came back empty-handed again.

Seeing this, Song Yiren could only shake his head helplessly.I have tried all kinds of transactions, but all kinds of transactions are not working. I really have no choice.

"Brother Ziya, don't be bored, let's go and stroll in the back garden with me!" When he arrived in the back garden, Jiang Ziya saw a large white space in the corner of the back garden.

Coupled with the vague ghost aura here, Jiang Ziya knew it in his mind.

Jiang Ziya asked on purpose: "Brother, why don't you build a few buildings in the backyard, the Feng Shui here is pretty good!"

Hearing Jiang Ziya's words, Song Yiren smiled wryly and said: "I don't know something, my brother, I have built this backyard four or five times, but every time it is almost finished, when the beams are about to be erected, the house will catch fire , Every time this happens, I also give up this idea."

"Then brother will build it again! This time I will supervise the work, and I promise that there will be no problems."

Hearing Jiang Ziya's words, Song Yiren's heart moved, thinking of Jiang Ziya's ability, he quickly agreed.

After a few days, the house has almost been built, and the beams will be erected soon.That night, Jiang Ziya sat in the backyard.

He easily took the five little ghosts left by Yu Yuan here, and sent those five little ghosts down to Mount Xiqi to wait for orders.

The sound of Jiang Ziya's practice woke up Song Yiren and others. When they came, they only saw the slightly charred wooden beams on the surface, and there was no major damage to the rest.

Except for Song Yiren, the others knew that Jiang Ziya was a man of real ability.

Suddenly, Jiang Ziya felt as if a layer of fog had dissipated in front of his eyes, and a layer of dust had been swept away from his mind.

At this time, Jiang Ziya's mentality returned to the calm state of the ancient well again, and the restless psychology of the previous few days had disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Ziya took the opportunity to propose to Song Yiren the idea of ​​opening a fortune-telling shop, and Song Yiren agreed on the spot.

On the second day, Jiang Ziya's fortune-telling shop opened. At the beginning, no one came to the fortune-telling shop to tell fortunes. Jiang Ziya was not in a hurry this time, but just read the book leisurely.

One day, a woodcutter selling firewood passed Jiang Ziya's fortune-telling shop and saw Jiang Ziya's couplets pasted on both sides of the door.

"The universe is big in the sleeve, and the sun and the moon are long in the pot."

The woodcutter's name was Liu Gan, and he was a little mean-spirited. When he saw this couplet, he felt that Jiang Ziya's tone was a little louder, so he walked in and patted Jiang Ziya's table.

"Fortune teller, what's your name?" Liu Gan asked carelessly.

"Hehe, my name is Jiang Shang, my name is Ziya, and my Taoist name is Feixiong." Jiang Ziya didn't care about Liu Qian's tone.

"What do you mean by the couplet outside?"

"I can know the past and the future, all-encompassing. I have the art of immortality!"

"Hey, you're pretty good at bragging. Come on, let me make a fortune. If it's correct, I'll give you [-] cents. If it's not, I'll ruin your business!" Hearing Jiang Ziya's words, Liu It's fun to do it all at once.

With that said, Liu Gan took a lottery and asked Jiang Ziya to approve it.

After Jiang Ziya finished his approval, he asked Liu Gan to go south as he said.And told him that he would meet an old man there, who could sell it for 120 Wen, and he could also eat four snacks and drink two bowls of wine.

After hearing Jiang Ziya's words, Liu Gan laughed out loud, saying repeatedly that his hexagrams must be inaccurate.

"I've been selling firewood for so many years, but no one has ever given me wine or snacks."

Jiang Ziya just looked down at the book and ignored him.

When Liu Qian saw him, he went out and picked up his firewood and walked south.

The quarrel between Liu Gan and Jiang Ziya just now attracted a large crowd of onlookers. At this time, someone who knew Liu Gan urged Jiang Ziya to leave quickly, saying that Liu Gan was very unreasonable.

After a while, Liu Qian ran back frantically, and yelled at Jiang Ziya as soon as he entered the fortune-telling hall.

It turned out that when he walked south just now, what happened was exactly what Jiang Ziya said.

Jiang Ziya ignored Liu Gan's yelling, but just stretched out his hand and asked him for twenty Wen.

Liu Gan didn't agree with each other at all, and went out to tell Jiang Ziya a fortune-telling by himself.That man was an official, but he went to collect money and food.After finishing the hexagram, the man left in a hurry.

Not long after, the man came back, bowed to Jiang Ziya, and even said that Jiang Ziya's hexagram was accurate.Jiang Ziya's fortune-telling shop business has boomed.

Not long after accepting the mission of Empress Nuwa, Hu Ximei and Yushi Pipa Jing were all driven back to the Xuanyuan Tomb by Daji, and they were asked to practice hard in the tomb and not to go out at will.

At the beginning, both Hu Ximei and Yushi Pipa Jing were able to practice hard, but after a long time, they gradually felt a little bored.

On this day, Yushi Pipa shook the branch in her hand boredly, and said to Hu Ximei: "Second Sister, I don't know how Eldest Sister is doing now? Why don't we go and see Eldest Sister?"

Hearing what Yushi Pipa Jing said, Hu Ximei frowned, and said softly, "Third Sister, Eldest Sister asked the two of us to stay here and not go out casually before leaving. How could you disobey Eldest Sister's words?"

Although it was a reproach, Hu Ximei's soft words really had no deterrent effect.

"Oh, second sister, you are the eldest sister, the eldest sister's all day long. The eldest sister is not here now, and besides, we don't know if the eldest sister is safe! How can you rest assured?"

"But the eldest sister said..."

"Okay, if you don't go, I'll go by myself." Said Yushi Pipa Jing turned around and walked outside.

"Third Sister... come back and tell me, how is Eldest Sister?"

"ok, ok, I got it!"

The jade pipa Jing waved his hand indifferently, then set up a gust of evil wind and disappeared in place.

Chaoge City, Shouxian Palace.

The dense water vapor filled the entire bathroom, and the delicate petals were constantly rising and falling in the hot water. There were bursts of fragrance in the air, whether it was body fragrance or flower fragrance.

After the sound of "crash" water, a moving jade body appeared in the hazy water vapor.

Then, this beauty is wrapped in soft silk.

Daji came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bathrobe, leaned against the bed, and faced the bronze mirror.Gun Tuan stood behind her, combing her hair gently.

Suddenly, Daji felt that Gun Zun behind her stopped combing her hair. Daji opened her eyes and found that all the maids in Shouxian Palace had fallen limply on the ground.

"Sister!" Suddenly a crisp voice rang in Daji's ear, and as the voice fell, a slim figure appeared beside Daji.

Daji turned her head to look, but she was a delicate and lovely woman.

"You..." Daji was about to exclaim just now, wanting to ask who the woman in front of her was.

But Daji suddenly remembered that this woman made all the court ladies faint just now, and she called her sister again, so the identity of this woman is clear, she is the companion of that fox demon.

"Why are you here?" Daji changed her words very quickly.

"Sister, I miss you! So I came here to see how you are doing now? Sister, let me be with you too! It's so boring to stay in Xuanyuanfen!"

"Uh, it's not yet time, don't worry!"

Daji didn't know the specific situation, so he could only say some ambiguous words based on the available information.

After hearing Daji's words, Yushi Pipa let go of her arm a little angrily, walked to the side and sat on the table, swinging her legs constantly.

Seeing the jade pipa Jing like this, Daji didn't dare to talk nonsense for a while.

Sulking for a while, Jing Yushi Pipa saw Daji standing aside and ignoring her, so she had no choice but to surrender.

"Eldest sister, can I live in this palace for a while? Let me get to know Di Xin temporarily! Then if you can't figure it out in the future, I can help you too!"

Seeing Yushi Pipa looking at her expectantly, Daji didn't dare to refuse for a moment.

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