Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 111 Do You Want To Eat People?

() Daji still froze there and did not dare to speak. Seeing that Daji did not object, Yushi Pipa Jing suddenly became happy.

"Sister, if you have no objection, I will take it as your acquiescence!"

After finishing speaking, Yushi Pipa Jing ran around the Shouxian Palace, feeling around while running, looking very curious.

Seeing the words and deeds of Yushi Pipa Jing, the fear in Daji's heart gradually disappeared, and the charming smile on the face once again put on the world, and the sinister and ruthless Su Daji returned.

After thinking about it, Su Daji imitated the tone of the demon fox she was in contact with at the beginning, and said softly, "Sister, you can only stay here for a few days, and then you have to go back to Xuanyuanfen!"

This Xuanyuan Tomb was what Daji heard from the Jade Pipa Jing just now. Now that he has calmed down, every word of Daji is full of tact, and his identity will basically not be seen through.

"Sister, you give me such a strange feeling today! Okay, okay, I will go back after playing for a few days."

Seeing that the woman in front of her didn't see through her, Daji finally felt relieved.

"Sister, are these people okay?" Daji pointed to the people on the ground and said to the jade pipa.

"Eldest sister, what's going on with you today? Why do I feel more and more strange about you? It's not like you don't know that we are under the legacy of Emperor Xuanyuan, and we don't usually kill people."

Yushi Pipa Jing looked at Su Daji in front of her with strange eyes.If she hadn't known that Daji had succeeded in possessing herself, she would even have doubted whether it was really Su Daji in front of her.

"Aren't I afraid that you don't know the weight of your shot? I'm not surprised. I haven't seen my sister for a few years, so I'm a stranger to my sister?"

Hearing the jade pipa Jing's words, Daji suddenly became nervous.

However, Daji still maintained that gentle tone, explaining unhurriedly, and asked with a little blame in her words.It looked as if she was really the nine-tailed demon fox Daji.

Hearing what Daji said, Yushi Pipa Jing no longer doubted it, and at the same time basically let go of her suspicions.

Seeing the woman in front of her finally let go of her suspicions, Daji secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, another wave of anger surged into her heart.

She hates the innocence of the elf in front of her!

Why?The goblin in front of him obviously lives in the world of monsters where the weak eat the strong, but why can he still retain his innocent character.

And what about myself?Obviously my father is Marquis of Jizhou, so I should be the proud daughter of heaven, but why did I have that kind of experience when I was a child?These are not fair!

Daji's thoughts were tumbling violently, but there was still a gentle smile on her face.

Looking at the carefree face of Yushi Pipa Jing, Daji felt a strong desire to destroy.

Don't you not kill?Not only do I want you to kill, I also want you to eat people, I want you to become a complete goblin.Daji yelled frantically in her heart.

"Sister, you stay with me, but there are so many maids here, how do you come and go?" Daji said, holding the hand of the jade pipa Jing.

Jade Pipa Jing tilted her head and thought for a while, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Sister, give me some money. I will play in Chaoge City during the day and come to you at night. What do you think?" Jing Yushi Pipa said excitedly.

Hearing what Yushi Pipa Jing said, Daji quickly agreed, no matter how to train this little fairy, it is always more convenient at night than during the day.

So, the night passed while Daji was talking with Yushi Pipa Jing.

Of course, Daji listened more and talked less.So this night, with his own wit, Daji also dealt with the jade pipa essence.

At dawn, the jade pipa Jing left the palace.

Holding the money that Daji gave her in her hand, Yushi Pipa Jing wandered around Chaoge City, buying some gadgets and delicious food from time to time.

At this time, the entire Chaoge had been completely included in Yu Yuan's monitoring range, so he was naturally very aware of the arrival of this jade pipa Jing.

In fact, Yu Yuan has always suspected that the current Su Daji is not the demon fox Daji, but the real Su Daji, Su Hu's daughter Su Daji.

Although Yu Yuan only had contact with Di Xin once, he could feel that Di Xin's personality was similar to his previous life, except that he was a little more arrogant and utilitarian.

If Daji really has such a temper now, and even eats people as written in the original book, then Di Xin will definitely not keep him.

On the contrary, it was the real Su Daji, Yu Yuan got some understanding from Zheng Lun.It is completely in line with the current style of behavior.

Therefore, when the jade pipa jing stole into the palace last night, Yu Yuan watched closely to see how Su Daji treated the jade pipa jing.

After seeing Daji's reaction, Yu Yuan completely confirmed that this Daji is the real Su Daji.

Since Yu Yuan settled down in Chaoge, Maitreya has been more honest, and has never done anything, for fear of accidentally letting Yu Yuan know where he imprisoned Di Xin.

When Yushi Pipa Jing was leisurely shopping, Su Daji secretly arranged for Gun to donate, and captured two of the maids who had served Queen Jiang.

When night fell, the jade pipa spirit came to the Shouxian Palace again, so the many maids in the Shouxian Palace were once again fainted.

As soon as Yushi Pipa Jing saw Su Daji, she was dragged out by Su Daji with a mysterious expression.

After turning through several corridors, the surrounding environment became more and more remote, and finally came to a small palace.

Pushing open the door, Su Daji stood at the door, turned her head and waved to the jade pipa Jing.

The Jade Pipa Jing walked over curiously, and followed Su Daji into the palace.

As soon as she entered, Su Daji closed the door behind her tightly, as if she was doing something shameful.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo " suddenly heard a voice, looking in the direction of the voice, Yushi Pipa Jing saw a few palace ladies who were tightly tied up.

"Sister, what are you doing?" Yushi Pipa Jing turned her head and looked at Daji puzzled.

Daji asked softly, "Sister, have you ever eaten human flesh?"

Daji's voice floated softly and faintly in this empty hall, carrying a mysterious temptation.

"Sister, stop joking. How can we eat people?" Yushi Pipa Jing's voice trembled a little, and her tone was full of uncertainty.

"You don't know if you haven't eaten human flesh, but I tried it, it's so delicious!" As she said, Daji stretched out her tongue and licked her lips lightly.

At this time, Daji's beautiful face actually looked a little hideous and terrifying.

While talking, Daji walked up to a maid, and tore the maid's clothes with a "stab".

Then he took a small dagger from the side, and the tip of the knife slid gently on the maid, forming streaks of bloodstains.

"Sister, what kind of meat do you want? Arms? Thighs? Or breasts?" Wherever it was said, Daji gestured with the dagger in his hand.

"Sister, I don't want it! Let's go back! I don't want to eat it!" Yushi Pipa Jing seemed a little scared, and said back two steps.

"Actually, I think the thigh meat is the best. It chews hard!" As he spoke, the dagger in Daji's right hand plunged into the maid's thigh.

Then Daji gouged out hard, and cut off a piece of flesh.

Daji picked up the piece of meat, resisting the nausea in her heart, put the piece of meat into her mouth, and chewed hard, some blood flowed out from the corner of her mouth.

Afterwards, Daji cut off another piece of meat, and holding that piece of meat, Daji walked towards the Jade Pipa Jing.

At this time, Yushi Pipajing was already looking at Su Daji with a pale face.She didn't know how her eldest sister, who had always been gentle, had become like this now.

"Sister, do you want to eat people? It's delicious!"

Saying that, Daji handed the piece of meat in her hand to Yushi Pipa Jing's mouth, and a bloody smell rushed straight to Yushi Pipa Jing's nose.

The monster nature of Yushi Pipa Jing was aroused by this bloody smell, and an urge to eat the piece of meat near his mouth rose in his heart.

Yushi Pipa Jing's lips slowly approached the piece of meat, opened his mouth, and saw that he was about to take the piece of meat down.There was already a smile in Daji's eyes.

"Are you sure you want to eat that piece of human flesh?"

At this moment, a voice sounded in the empty hall, and Daji and Yushi Pipa Jing turned their heads to look at the source of the voice at the same time.

A Taoist was standing quietly in the center of the hall, his right hand was gently waving.With the swing of his fingers, all the ropes on those maids were untied.

After Yu Yuan untied the ropes on those maids, he asked again: "Are you sure you want to eat that piece of human flesh?"

"No, no, I don't want to eat it! I don't want to eat it!" Yushi Pipa Jing seemed to have just woken up, backed up again and again, away from Daji.

"You, you are the person that day!" Hearing Yu Yuan's voice, Daji thought of the day when Yu Yuan made an appointment to fight Maitreya, and Yu Yuan's strength left a deep impression on her.

"You have a good memory. But I advise you to restrain yourself, so that you will be more comfortable after death." Yu Yuan said to Daji lightly.

"Little Pipa, come with me!" Yu Yuan walked up to Yushi Pipa Jing and said.

"Who are you? I won't go with you, I, I'm with my eldest sister!" Yushi Pipa Jing remembered that her eldest sister was still on the side. Although her eldest sister has become very strange now, she is still more reliable than this stranger .

"She is not your eldest sister, she is the real Su Daji. As for your eldest sister, I don't know where she is imprisoned yet!"

"What?" Hearing Yu Yuan's words, Yushi Pipa looked at Daji in surprise.

Then the demonic aura from Yushi Pipa Jing's body emanated, and a strong demonic wind set off, blowing Daji to the ground all at once.

"Fake, you are fake! Where is my eldest sister? Where did you get my eldest sister?" Jade Pipa Jing walked towards Su Daji step by step, her aura directly pressing on Su Daji's body.

Suddenly, Yushi Pipa Jing felt that her cultivation was suppressed, and all the aura she exuded was suppressed back into her body.

Yushi Pipa looked back, only to see a man in a rolling dragon suit standing at the end of the corridor watching her quietly.

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