Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 112 Jiang Shang is an official

() "Who are you? Why stop me?" Jade Pipa Jing asked crisply.

But the man in the rolling dragon suit ignored him at all, just quietly looked at the Taoist behind him.

Jade Pipa Jing realized at this time that the person just now didn't look at him at all, but kept looking at the Taoist behind him.

"Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, we meet again!" After a moment of silence, the man said.

"I've been in Chaoge City all this time. It's not that Fellow Daoist Maitreya doesn't know about it. You can see me anytime you want. It's just that the person I'm looking for, can Fellow Daoist Maitreya tell me where he is?"

With a smile on the corner of Yu Yuan's mouth, he asked Maitreya.

"You know I won't tell you! I will let him out when the time comes!" Maitreya shook his head slightly.

"Let him out? Let him out?" Yu Yuan's words were full of sarcasm.

"Your western sect is really well prepared for this catastrophe! You actually sacrificed a master of Da Luo Jinxian to pretend to be the emperor! What did you pay? The foundation of enlightenment? The understanding of the law?"

"What I paid was the position of the future leader. My title will be in the future and will never be obtained!" Maitreya said in a low voice with a gloomy expression on his face.

"However, for the sake of the great prosperity of my sect, I don't regret doing this!" Maitreya raised his head and said firmly.

"Fellow Daoist Maitreya, I'm sorry that I realized something a while ago, and I'm no longer afraid of the magic power of a saint! I really want to kill you right now!"

"Really? Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan! I'm afraid that Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan has already realized something! You've been chaoge for so many days, and I'm fine, which means I'm still safe! You're afraid of being beaten to death Me, the world will be in chaos, and you can't bear the consequences."

Maitreya analyzed very firmly.

"Really? Can't I bear it? After a while you will know that I can't bear it! You should be glad that you hold Di Xin in your hand, and I am not in a hurry now, otherwise, I would still I really don't care about the consequences."

After finishing speaking, Yu Yuan stretched out his hand to grab the jade pipa Jing on the side, and stepped out a few steps, as if strolling in a courtyard, but disappeared before Maitreya's eyes in a blink of an eye.

When he arrived at his residence, Yu Yuan let go of the jade pipa Jing.

As soon as Yu Yuan let go of her, the Jade Pipa Jing was about to set up a demonic wind and fly into the palace.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be so impulsive and give my opponent a chance to eliminate me. I will wait until I am stronger, and then I will take revenge for my injustice and revenge."

Yu Yuan sat cross-legged on the bed, meditated with his eyes closed, and said lightly.

"I don't care about that, I just need to rescue my eldest sister! I don't care about anything else!" Said, Yushi Pipa Jing turned around and was about to fly towards the palace.

Jade Pipa Jing had just soared into the sky, looked back at Yu Yuan who was meditating with his eyes closed, and suddenly got a little angry: "Aren't you going to stop me?"

"You're looking for death, how can I stop it?" Yu Yuanhun said indifferently.

"You..." Yushi Pipa turned around vigorously, set up the billowing demon wind, and hurried towards the palace.

Suddenly, Yushi Pipa Jing felt a huge suction force coming from behind, and then flew backwards involuntarily, and landed beside Yu Yuan.

"Be honest! If you are beaten to death by Maitreya, I will not be able to talk to your sister in the future. I will save your sister. You should go back to Xuanyuanfen first!"

"I, I won't go back now! I'll go back tomorrow after playing for another day!" Yushi Pipa Jing said with some reluctance.

Hearing that the Jade Pipa Jing explained that he would play again during the day, Yu Yuan's mind was moved, and then he pinched his fingers and knew that the Jade Pipa Jing would have Jiang Ziya's fate tomorrow.

After Yu Yuan figured out the cause and effect, he stopped worrying, and it would be better to let the jade pipa suffer a little bit, and it would sharpen her temperament.

On the second day, as soon as people started walking on the streets of Chaoge City, Jing Yushi Pipa took the money that Daji had given her earlier and started wandering around.

Buy some nice trinkets for a while, buy some special snacks for a while, and go around the streets again.

Turning around, Jing Yushi Pipa suddenly found that there were many people queuing up in front of him, which seemed to be very lively.

Jing Yushi Pipa hurried up a few steps, patted the shoulder of the person at the back, and asked, "What are you doing here? Why are you surrounded by so many people?"

The man looked back and saw that Yushi Pipa Jing was a beautiful little girl, and quickly replied: "This is a fortune-telling hall, and there is an old fairy in it, who is extremely accurate in fortune-telling."

Hearing what the person said, Yushi Pipa Jing's curiosity was suddenly aroused.

Yushi Pipa rolled her eyes and said to the people in front, "Can the uncles in front let me test it first? I have something urgent!"

While speaking, Yushi Pipa still had a weeping expression on her face.

Those people saw that she was a beautiful little girl with a pitiful expression on their faces, and after thinking that they were not bad for a while, they let the jade pipa essence in.

As soon as Yushi Pipa Jing entered, he saw an old man with white hair and childlike face sitting behind the table case, on which there was a lottery holder.

Jiang Ziya was telling his fortune, when he suddenly saw the crowd parting, and a beautiful little girl walked in from outside. After a closer look, Jiang Ziya felt a slight bit of evil spirit.

The aura on Jiang Ziya's body disappeared as soon as he let it go, but Yushi Pipa Jing still felt it sensitively.

However, I feel that Jiang Ziya's cultivation base is only an earth immortal cultivation base. Although Yushi Pipa Jing is a little wary, he is not too worried.

"Little girl heard that the old god's divination is extremely accurate, so I came here to ask for a divination!" The jade pipa Jing bowed to Jiang Ziya.

"Sit down first, and show me your hand first!" Jiang Ziya said calmly.

"Do you need to read palmistry before fortune-telling?" Yushi Pipajing said while passing her right hand over.

Jiang Ziya stretched out his right hand like lightning, and pinched the right wrist vital gate of Yushi Pipa Jing, and the immortal power in his body surged in, completely suppressing the demonic power of Yushi Pipa Jing.

This time, Yushi Pipa Jing couldn't use the monster power in his body, it can be said that he had no resistance at all.

But Yushi Pipa Jing is also considered smart, and shouted at Jiang Ziya: "What are you doing? Let me go, why are you holding on to my hand?"

When the people around saw this scene, they immediately started talking about it. Some of the young men wanted to show off, and even rushed forward to save Yushi Pipa Jing.

Jiang Ziya became anxious when he saw it. If Yushi Pipa Jing escaped, he would really not be able to tell.Thinking of this, Jiang Ziya didn't stop doing anything, picked up the inkstone and smashed it on the head of the jade pipa Jing.

After hitting it hard a few times, Pipa Jing fell down softly.No way!If she doesn't fall down after being beaten like this, I'm afraid that Jiang Ziya won't need to tell others that she is a goblin.

Those young men who rushed to the nearby area watched Yushi Pipa Jing fall into a pool of blood before they could save Yushi Pipa Jing.

The people around immediately surrounded Jiang Ziya, for fear that Jiang Ziya would abscond in fear of crime.

It just so happened that Yabi Gan passed by the fortune-telling hall and saw a large group of people around here, and they kept making noises, so he asked his attendants to come forward to find out what happened.

After listening to the attendant's description, Bigan felt that there must be something strange in it, so he asked Jiang Ziya to come and see him.

When Jiang Ziya heard that Bigan wanted to see him outside the door, he immediately knew that this was an opportunity to speak clearly, so he dragged the jade pipa Jing's body out of the door.

Yushi Pipa Jing also cursed in his heart, Jiang Ziya, a dead old man, was holding on to her arm.The clothes she just bought were worn out.

When he arrived at Bigan's horse, Jiang Ziya told the story before and after, and Bigan was surprised when he heard it.At the same time, Bigan also thought of it, isn't Daji just a goblin in the rumors?Could this Jiang Ziya subdue her?

So Bigan immediately took Jiang Ziya to the palace to meet Di Xin, and asked Jiang Ziya to deal with the monster in front of Di Xin, and at the same time frightened Daji.

Looking at the jade pipa Jing dragged by Jiang Ziya, Di Xin and Daji knew it was a jade pipa Jing, but they both pretended not to know each other.

In order to make Di Xin and Daji believe that the woman dragging in their hands is a goblin, Jiang Ziya decided to use fire to reveal its original shape.

After Fanhuo was ineffective, Jiang Ziya resorted to his 40-year-old Samadhi True Fire.Maybe it can't be called the true fire of Samadhi, and there is a fake in front.

But it is enough to deal with the little Earth Immortal monster like Yushi Pipa Jing.

The jade pipa Jing was burnt alive and kicked. In the fire, she cursed Jiang Ziya for not being a thing, and at the same time kept begging for mercy.

At first, Jiang Ziya thought she was begging for mercy, but after listening carefully, it didn't seem like she was begging for mercy.

After a while, when the jade pipa essence was burned to the brink of death, the void suddenly burst open, and a palm appeared from the void, gently inserted into the true fire of samadhi, and shot the jade pipa essence out.

He completely turned a blind eye to the blazing Samadhi real fires around him. The moment the palms approached, those Samadhi real fires evaded a path one after another, as if they were subjects who gave in for the king.

"I'm explaining to my disciple Jiang Shang that it's not just He Fang's holy descending, I'm refining this evildoer, and please don't interfere!" Seeing that Yushi Pipa Jing was about to be rescued, Jiang Ziya finally couldn't help but said.

"Disciple Chanjiao? Hmph, what a majesty! Do I need to say hello to you when I save someone?" As he said that, the big hand disappeared in place with a jade pipa essence.

Jiang Ziya was hurt by the mysterious man's snort, and for a while, he could only stay where he was.

Then everything went smoothly, and Maitreya appointed Jiang Ziya as a doctor.This matter went as smoothly as if Pan Jinlian met Ximen Qing, and the two walked towards the big bed together.

After returning home, Mrs. Ma stopped nagging this time. Instead, she kept saying that she had long seen that Jiang Ziya was a talented person and would flourish sooner or later, so she gave up her virginity of more than 60 years to marry Jiang Ziya.

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