Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 113 Confrontation of Spiritual Consciousness

() "Why didn't you save me earlier? Didn't save me until I was about to die?" Yushi Pipa Jing asked Yu Yuan gritted her teeth.

"I saved you because of your sister's face. As for when I save you, it all depends on my mood. You'd better go back to Xuanyuan Tomb now. I won't have the time to save you next time!"

After finishing speaking, Yu Yuan returned to his house on the ground in a flash, leaving only the jade pipa Jing floating in the air alone.

Seeing Yu Yuan's attitude, Yushi Pipa Jing had no choice but to go back to Xuanyuan's tomb angrily.

Daji failed to lure the Jade Pipa Jing to eat people that day, but let those maids escape. Gradually, the story of Daji's cannibalism has spread throughout the palace.

These words reached Daji's ears, and Daji immediately gritted his teeth with hatred.Daji knew that these things must have been spread by those palace maids.

Because those maids were originally serving Queen Jiang, Daji now hated all the maids who had served Queen Jiang by the way.

This day, Daji went to see Maitreya. When she came out, her face was covered with a vicious smile. The original beautiful face now made people shudder.

A few days later, Di Xin ordered all the people to hand in four snakes per household.

Hearing this order, the government and the people were shocked, and all the people were surprised. They didn't know what Di Xin's order meant?

However, since Di Xin gave the order, who would dare to resist.

This time, all the snakes around Chaoge City were unlucky, and they were all caught by Chaoge's civilians.

But even so, there are still some people who failed to catch all four snakes. In desperation, they can only spend money to buy them from other places. Now there is really some public resentment.

Seeing such a result, Maitreya became happy.The sooner the Great Merchant messes up, the sooner he can leave this world of mortals and get rid of the entanglement of cause and effect.

When those Chaoge Wanmin entered the palace to pay the snakes, they saw a big pit more than 20 feet long, [-] or [-] feet deep in front of the Zhaixing Tower, which reached into the sky.

At this moment, the big pit has been filled with countless snakes, and those snakes are stacked one upon another in the big pit, entangled with each other, crawling around, just looking at it makes one feel chills.

The civilians who came over poured the snakes in their baskets into the big pit and left quickly, unwilling to stay for a moment.

Seeing more and more snakes in the big pit, the smile on Daji's face became wider and wider, but her smile didn't feel any warmth, instead it contained yin and coldness.

Seeing the civilians entering the palace one by one to hand over snakes, the faces of all the ministers in the court were not good-looking.

Wei Ziqi opened his mouth and said: "Recently, His Majesty's actions have really chilled the hearts of all the ministers! First he made a cannon, then killed Queen Jiang unjustly, and now he built this pot. I really don't know what His Majesty will do in the future!"

Wei Ziqi said with a look of compassion and grief.

Hearing what Wei Ziqi said, all the ministers behind him quickly agreed.

Bigan also opened his mouth and said: "We must persuade Your Majesty, and we must not let His Majesty continue to be stupid! If this is the case, the country will be ruined!"

This Bigan is also an actor-level character, and tears fell while talking.

Hearing what these two people said, Huang Feihu, who was standing aside, turned pale and didn't say a word.

When he first invented Pao Lao, Huang Feihu thought that Di Xin was going to use it to frighten Bigan and Wei Ziqi's henchmen. Although it felt cruel, he endured it.

In the future, Di Xin's behavior has become more and more unscrupulous.

Sometimes Huang Feihu even doubted that Di Xin was still the same person.

If it hadn't been for the belief that Di Xin had other schemes in his heart, Huang Feihu couldn't help admonishing him long ago.

"What's the use of you talking here? I don't know how to advise the king, but just complain behind my back. Is this the duty of a courtier? You don't dare to speak, I'll go!"

It was the doctor Jiao Ge who said this.This Jiaoge has always been loyal to Di Xin, and he has always hoped that Di Xin can make some great achievements.

But seeing the changes in Di Xin these days, Jiao Ge felt very sad.

Hearing what Bigan and the others said at this time, Jiao Ke couldn't bear it any longer and yelled angrily.He had already decided that if he could not persuade Emperor Xin, he would rather die than return.

Seeing that Jiao Ge was going to persuade Emperor Xin, Fei Zhong and You Hun on the side cried out inwardly, others didn't know, but they both knew that this Emperor Xin was a fake, and they were merciless in killing these ministers.

"Doctor Jiao, we have to believe that His Majesty is only temporarily confused. After a while, we believe that His Majesty will return to his previous wiseness." Fei Zhong hurriedly pulled Jiao Ge to persuade him.

"Lord Fei, I really misread you! I used to think that you were just a little naughty, but you were still loyal to His Majesty. I didn't expect that you only know how to protect yourself now!"

Hearing Jiao Ge's words, it's good that Fei Zhong wasn't depressed.However, he didn't dare to say that Di Xin was a fake, so he could only helplessly pull the glue and keep persuading him.

But Jiao Ge got angry this time, and rushed directly to the Star Picking Tower without hesitation.

"Jiao Ge, you trespassed here, but what's the matter?" Seeing Jiao Ge coming, Di Xin asked.

"Your Majesty, I'm here for nothing else. I just hope that Your Majesty can take back the imperial edict. This will cause the common people to turn over poisonous snakes, waste money and money, and will not benefit the country!" Jiao Ge knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

"The court lady spread rumors in the palace, instigating people's hearts, and was banned repeatedly. That's why this punishment was set up and the pot was built." Di Xin said expressionlessly.

"Your Majesty, this person is made of flesh and blood, and he was thrown into a pit to be bitten by a poisonous snake. Don't you feel the same way? Besides, these maids are just serving the nobles, what crime do they have to suffer such torture?"

"It's impossible to stop the construction of the pots. Doctor Jiao should go back!" Daji, who was sitting next to Di Xin, said to Jiao Ke impatiently.

"Daji, do you still have the face to speak? It's you, a temptress, who confuses His Majesty and makes His Majesty what he is today."

"Jiao Ge, you really don't know how to advance or retreat!" Hearing what Jiao Ge said, Daji became angry from embarrassment.

"Didn't you say that you would empathize with those maids who were bitten by poisonous snakes? You don't need to 'empathize', just 'feel'! Push this jelly into the basin with those palace ladies!"

Following Daji's order, several guards stepped forward to take off Jiao Ke's clothes, and pushed them into the basin together with the maids, and there were countless screams of distress in Zhou Qi.

Jiao Ge's fate soon spread to the ministers outside the hall, those ministers were silent, and they didn't even dare to discuss it, only Bigan and Wei Ziqi showed smiles on their faces.

Huang Feihu's originally livid face suddenly turned pale, then he sighed, turned around, left the court, and returned to his mansion.

Fei Zhongyouhun and the two also looked at each other in silence.With Jiao Ge dead, Di Xin became weaker again.

This day, Yu Yuan was sitting on the bed meditating, and at the same time, his spiritual consciousness swept across the entire Chaoge City, trying to find out where Di Xin was imprisoned.

Yu Yuan wanted to save Emperor Xin not because Yu Yuan had friendship with him in his previous life.More importantly, Di Xin was an indispensable key figure in Yu Yuan's plan, so Yu Yuan had to save him.

Suddenly, Yu Yuan felt an aura stronger than Maitreya appearing in Chaoge City, feeling the slightly familiar aura, Yu Yuan smiled slightly.

"Ren Lantern! Old acquaintance! I don't know why you came this time?" Yu Yuan muttered to himself.

As soon as Taoist Ran Deng entered Chaoge City, he felt a powerful spiritual consciousness sweeping over his body, his brows frowned, and his face sank slightly.

Afterwards, Taoist Ran Deng's spiritual consciousness was released, and a stormy wave was set off in the air, rushing towards Yu Yuan's spiritual consciousness.

When Yu Yuan saw it, he just smiled slightly, restrained his consciousness slightly, and also slapped away at Taoist Randeng's consciousness.

Although Daoist Ran Deng has a higher realm than Yu Yuan, logically speaking, even if his strength is not as good as Yu Yuan's, his spiritual consciousness is always stronger than Yu Yuan's.

However, within Yu Yuan's heaven and earth primordial spirit, there are eight primordial spirits, the power of the primordial spirit is abnormally thick, and the spiritual consciousness is surging, which cannot be stopped by the Taoist burning lamp.

Daoist Ran Deng's spiritual consciousness and Yu Yuan's spiritual consciousness only touched for a moment, and was directly pressed back into the purple mansion by Yu Yuan's spiritual consciousness. At the same time, Daoist Ran Deng spat out a mouthful of blood.

Taoist Ran Deng's face became extremely ugly at this time, he looked around bitterly, and then flew towards the palace, as if he didn't know about Yu Yuan's spiritual sense.

And Yu Yuan really attached his spiritual consciousness to Daoist Ran Deng, always looking for his figure, extremely arrogant and domineering, and didn't take Taoist Ran Deng to heart at all.

Taoist Ran Deng came to the palace and met Maitreya.The two opened their mouths, but they dared not speak.Because both of them knew they were being watched.

In the end, it was Maitreya who smiled wryly and spoke first: "If you have anything to say, just tell me! I guess that one knows about our affairs as well!"

"That one? Who is he?" Taoist Ran Deng asked curiously.

You must know that at their level, there are no masters of the same level that they are not familiar with, but the feeling of the divine sense just now is very strange to him.

"Yu Yuan! Yu Yuan is a celestial immortal!" Maitreya's face was a little heavy.

"What? It's him?" Daoist Ran Deng asked in surprise.

On the two fairy islands of Yuanqiao Daiyu, Taoist Ran Deng once fought against Yu Yuan. At that time, Taoist Ran Deng did not use his own law world, not even the law field. Overwhelm him.

However, Taoist Ran Deng believes that as long as he uses the law to rule the world, Yu Yuan will undoubtedly lose.

But from the confrontation of spiritual consciousness just now, Daoist Ran Deng estimated that Yu Yuan's strength must have been greatly improved compared to that fight.

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