Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 115 The Death of Boyi Kao

() Outside Xiqi city.

Countless soldiers and horses were laid out, and all the ministers were there respectfully sending Bo Yikao to Chaoge.At the same place, at a different time, all of this seemed to be a repeat of Ji Chang's farewell ceremony before his departure that day.

Looking at all this, Bo Yikao just silently looked at the minister who sent him off behind him, without saying a word.

Ji Chang's exhortations before leaving still echoed in his ears, waking him up, he was going to escape from death, it was extremely dangerous.

At this time, Bo Yikao's mind became clearer. Although he hadn't fully recovered, he still understood in his heart that he was being plotted against.

This person is most likely his second brother, but even so, Bo Yikao decided to go to Chaoge.

Bo Yikao also knew that in terms of talent, Ji Fa was more suitable to inherit the position than him, but according to his father's intention, he wanted to pass on the position to himself.

At this time, Bo Yikao also wanted to understand why his father preferred him as his successor.

Because Ji Chang believes that in his lifetime, he can annex the big merchants and succeed in ascending the throne.Then his heir needs to be a benevolent king.

But Ji Fa's character is obviously not good, Ji Fa is more suitable as a founding king.He has great ambitions, and he is determined to forge ahead, but he is the only one who is not suitable to be a king who leads the people out of the shadow of war.

Therefore, Ji Chang could only settle for the next best thing and designate the benevolent Boyi as his successor.

Bo Yi thinks that there are only three situations in which he will go.Or if both his father and himself return safely, then he will still inherit the throne smoothly in the future.

Or else, neither his father nor himself can return, so letting Ji Fa inherit the throne and be the founding king is to make the best use of everything.

The worst situation is that he died in Chaoge and his father returned safely.Then Boyi Kao died without regret.Ji Fa has so many means, it is better to kill herself now than to rebel in the future.

"Brother, it's getting late, we should go as soon as possible!" When Bo Yikao was thinking, Ji at the side interrupted his thinking.

Bo Yikao recovered from his contemplation, and stared at Ji Fa quietly.Ji Fa also looked at Bo Yikao with a smile on his face.

"I didn't expect our brotherhood to be this far!" Bo Yikao said suddenly.

The smile on Ji Fa's face froze slightly, and then became even brighter. He smiled and said, "Brother, what are you talking about? Our brothers are still waiting for you and your father to return, and we will welcome you!"

"Okay, second brother, I'm just waiting to drink your glass of wind-blowing wine, I hope you really think so!" Bo Yikao, who has always been mild-tempered, suddenly shouted boldly.

After all, Bo Yi Kao Teng got on the horse, held on to the reins, looked back at his brothers, and then rode forward.

Looking at Bo Yi Kao Yuan's back, Ji Fa and Zhou Gongdan's eyes were full of inexplicable light.

On the same day, another Taoist came from Chaoge's palace and directly broke into Maitreya's study.

"Vibasi, what are you doing here?" Maitreya asked when he saw the Taoist coming in.

"We have reached an agreement with Xiqi's second son, Ji Fa. We will help him ascend to the throne, and he will help our sect grow!" Vipashi said.

Hearing Vipashi's words, Maitreya frowned slightly, and said, "Since we have already reached an agreement with Chanjiao, why do we need to do these secret deeds with Ji Fa?"

"It's always easier to be invincible by keeping an extra hand!"

"Say, what do you need me to do?" Hearing what Vipashi said, Maitreya couldn't refuse anymore, so he asked.

"Ji Fa doesn't want Bo Yi Kao to go back alive, and if possible, he hopes Ji Chang won't go back either!" Viposhi's voice was full of coldness.

"Bo Yi can take the exam, but Ji Chang can't. I'm still waiting for Ji Chang to ask them to explain the teaching! If you kill Ji Chang, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to our plan!" Mi Le frowned and said out loud.

"Then let Ji Chang live for a while, but Bo Yikao, don't let him go back!" Then, Viposhi turned around and disappeared in place.

"Wow, Fellow Daoist Maitreya, are you going to kill Bo Yikao? Another good show! Could this be the legendary dog-eat-dog?" Yu Yuan's teasing voice rang in Mitreya's ear.

"Hmph, Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, you should restrain yourself! Don't forget what situation you are in now?" Maitreya snorted angrily.

Bo Yikao led a group of guards after a long journey, and finally arrived in Chaoge City, and temporarily stayed in the post house.

When Maitreya knew that Bo Yikao had arrived, he gave Daji a wink.Naturally, the task of framing Boyikao fell on Daji again.

After proclaiming Bo Yi Kao, Maitreya asked Bo Yi Kao, "Bo Yi Kao, it is said that you have brought three treasures from Xiqi with you this time. I don't know what treasures are they?"

"Your Majesty, I brought three treasures this time. One is the compass chariot left by Xuanyuan Shenghuang Zheng Chiyou, and the other is a sobering mat. No matter how drunk you are, as long as you lie on it for a while, you will be able to recover." Wake up. The last thing is a psychic thing, a thousand-year-old white-faced ape. This ape is good at singing ditties."

Hearing Maitreya's question, Bo Yikao quickly introduced the three treasures he brought.

After listening to Bo Yikao's introduction, Maitreya nodded slightly, and then stopped talking. Daji, who was at the side, knew that it was time for him to appear on the stage.

"I've heard that Bo Yi Kao's piano skills in Xiqi are unparalleled in the world. I wonder if you can invite my son to play the piano here so that I can enjoy it?" Daji looked at Bo Yi Kao with winking eyes, and asked softly.

"As a son, my father is now imprisoned, how can I care about playing the piano?" Hearing Daji's words, Bo Yikao hurriedly took the opportunity to intercede.

"If your piano skills are really unparalleled, I might consider letting you and your son go back to China together!" At this moment, Mai Le, who closed his eyes and said nothing, said.

Hearing what Maitreya said, Bo Yikao was overjoyed immediately, and quickly sat cross-legged, with Hengqin on his knees, stroking his ten fingers, an extremely beautiful piece of music slowly flowed out.

Then Bo Yi Kao also sang softly, and the lyrics were full of praises for Maitreya.

The last note sounded, and after a long time, everyone in the court hall woke up from the aftertaste.

After Bo Yi finished playing the piano, he looked at Maitreya expectantly, hoping that Maitreya would agree to release Ji Chang.

However, to Bo Yikao's disappointment, Maitreya didn't express anything after listening to his music.

On the contrary, Daji who was on the side spoke: "Bo Yikao, your music is really terrible in the world. But after you leave, we will never hear such music again. Why don't you give me this piano skill first, Then I will ask His Majesty to let you father and son go back."

After listening to Daji's words, although Bo Yikao was full of reluctance, he had no choice but to agree in the end.

On the second day, Bo Yikao was recruited by Daji into the Shouxian Palace to teach piano skills. At first, Daji could learn the piano well, but after a while, Daji became dishonest.

Opening the blocking curtain directly, Daji went directly to Bo Yikao's side and sat there, with her body rubbed against each other, looking provocative.

"Bo Yi Kao, you and I are so far away, how can we learn in a short while. Then you and your father's return date will be extended. Why don't you teach me hand in hand!"

Daji lay beside Boyi Kao, and lightly grabbed Boyi Kao's hand.

Bo Yikao was caught by Daji, and he immediately retracted his hand like a frightened rabbit.

"Your Majesty, please don't do this. Please sit back, so that Yi Kao can teach the piano!" Bo Yi Kao lowered his head and said in a terrified voice.

It is impossible to say that Bo Yikao is not interested in Daji.Daji is naturally charming, let alone a man, even a woman will be tempted when she sees her.

But Bo Yikao understood more clearly that if he had anything to do with Daji, not only would he die, but his father would also die.

"Then what if I don't go back?" Daji leaned on Boyikao's ear and blew lightly.

"If the empress doesn't go back, then Yi Kao can only leave. As for the matter of teaching the piano, I can only find another day!" Said, Bo Yi Kao stood up in a panic, hugged his piano and went gone.

As soon as Bo Yikao left, he threw Daji to the ground, and Daji lay there gently, looking at Bo Yikao's back, and gently licked his tongue.

"I wanted to play with you at first, but I didn't expect to be so ignorant! Originally, although you were bound to die, you could still end up with a whole corpse, but now, I will make you miserable and die!" Daji said, her face gradually turning pale. He smiled.

On the second day, Daji said that Bo Yikao took advantage of the opportunity of teaching the piano to tease her!Then Maitreya looked furious.

Although Maitreya knew that Boyi would die in the exam, he still had some aftertaste for the tunes he listened to yesterday, and those tunes would become unparalleled after today, so he asked Boyi to play the last one again.

Seeing Maitreya's regretful expression at this time, and remembering the hexagram his father had calculated for him seven years ago, Bo Yikao knew that he would die this time.

But Bo Yikao still wanted to make some changes, so he played a song again, which was full of words of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism.

After listening to this piece of music, Maitreya closed his eyes and thought about it for a long time.

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were already full of determined killing intent.Maitreya began to find a reason to kill Boyi.

Looking around for a week, Maitreya finally found something that could be used to convict Bo Yi.

"Bo Yi Kao, didn't you bring three treasures with you this time? Among them, isn't the thousand-year-old white-faced ape who knows three thousand ditties and eight hundred big songs? Let him perform it!"

After the thousand-year-old white-faced ape came up, it lightly opened its throat, and suddenly bursts of beautiful songs sang from its mouth.

With a movement of his right hand, Maitreya simulated a burst of evil spirit on Daji. The thousand-year-old white-faced ape is a spiritual creature. After feeling the evil spirit, he rushed towards Daji directly.

Seeing this, Bo Yikao knew that there was no hope of surviving, so he played another song, but this time, there was no flattery in the song, but full of insults.

After stroking the song, Bo Yikao threw the qin in his hand towards Maitreya.So far, Bo Yikao has been convicted of murder, and Bo Yikao was chopped into meat sauce by Daji's order.

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