Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 116 Ji Fa died, the world changed

() Yu Yuan watched the whole process of Bo Yi Kao's killing from beginning to end, but Yu Yuan didn't have the slightest thought of saving him.There is no way, in Yu Yuan's plan, Bo Yi Kao can only be a dead man.

After chopping Bo Yi Kao into meat paste, Maitreya originally wanted to throw the meat paste into the bowl, but was stopped by Daji.

Daji will not let Boyikao go so easily.After this period of time in power, coupled with her original psychological distortion, Daji now completely does not allow others to resist herself, and she will make them pay the price for anyone who resists her.

Originally, according to Maitreya's intention, as long as Bo Yikao was killed, Maitreya didn't want to be contaminated with karma, so he asked Daji to order. Who knew that Daji's order was to chop Bo Yikao into meat paste.

But what Maitreya didn't expect was that even so, Daji was still not relieved.

"Your Majesty, I heard that Xibo Hou Jichang is a saint, and his interpretation of the innate hexagrams is extremely accurate. I don't know if we make meat cakes from Bo Yi Kao's meat, will he eat it? Or not?"

While talking, Daji giggled, as if she thought the scene was very funny.

After hearing Daji's words, Maitreya, who was sitting on the side, glanced at Daji lightly, got up and left without saying a word.

Besides, Ji Chang has been in Yuli for seven years, and he has already calculated that it will be his return date soon, and his mood has subconsciously improved.

But this day, Ji Chang suddenly felt uneasy, as if something happened.

After Ji Chang made a hexagram, he immediately knew the cause and effect, even why Bo Yikao came to Chaoge, and Ji Chang's face immediately darkened.

Originally, Viposhi, the master of the golden fairy, took action against Bo Yikao, but Ji Chang probably couldn't figure it out at all.But because Ji Fa was involved, Ji Chang easily knew the cause and effect.

Ji Chang also knew what was coming.

If Ji Chang didn't eat meat pies made from Bo Yi Kao's meat, then his fate would definitely not be good. Even if he didn't die, he would definitely continue to be under house arrest here.

But if Ji Chang were to eat meat pies made from Bo Yi Kao's meat, even with Ji Chang's ambition, it would be unbearable for a while.After all, that is his own biological son!

Tiger poison does not eat its offspring, which makes Ji Chang how to swallow it.

Just before Ji Chang made a decision, the herald had already arrived here to deliver meat pies to Ji Chang.

"Ji Chang, Your Majesty hunted today and caught some deer and deer. Since you have been imprisoned here for seven years, I specially made meatloaf and sent you some."

Looking at the box of meatloaf, although Ji Chang's expression remained calm, Ji Chang's heart had already begun to tremble.

Sensing the herald's gaze cast on him, Ji Chang slowly picked up a piece of meatloaf, silently stuffed it into his mouth, and then began to chew it.

Ji Chang ate three big pieces of meat pie before closing the food box.With a reminiscing expression on Ji Chang's face, he said to the herald, "Please go back and tell Your Majesty that this meatloaf is very delicious. The criminal Ji Chang is grateful that Your Majesty still remembers me!"

After the herald left, Ji Chang silently leaned against the corner, tears streaming down his face.

After all, San Yisheng was still worried about Bo Yikao, so he entered Chaoge again with gifts, and went up and down.At this time, Maitreya saw that the time was ripe, so he let Ji Chang go.

Originally, Ji Chang wanted to praise the official for three days, but in order to prevent accidents, Ji Chang ran away on the first day of boasting.

As soon as Ji Chang escaped from Chaoge, Yu Yuan's voice rang in Mitreya's ear.

"Fellow Daoist Maitreya, didn't you always think that I didn't kill you because I was afraid of the consequences? I told you before, you will soon know whether I can bear the consequences, and now is the time!"

After hearing Yu Yuan's words, Maitreya's nerves suddenly tensed up.

"Don't worry, Di Xin is still in your hands, I won't touch you now! The place I'm going to is Xiqi."

As soon as these words were said, Maitreya felt that the spiritual consciousness pervading the sky over Chaoge City disappeared.

Yu Yuan took a step forward and arrived at Jin'ao Island.Yu Yuan just showed up, but he didn't stay, and flew directly to the location of the master who intercepted the teaching.

When he got there, Yu Yuan directly woke up those who were meditating.

"Junior Brother Yu Yuan, what's going on?" Daoist Duobao couldn't help asking when he saw Yu Yuan suddenly appear here and wake up the others.

"This time I want you to intercept and kill one person! Go all of them!" Yu Yuan said solemnly.

"Who? Who has such a strong strength, we need all of us to be able to intercept and kill him." Taoist Duobao asked with some doubts.

"Ji Chang!" Yu Yuan said firmly.

"What? You asked us all to go out and kill a mortal?" Taoist Duobao looked at Yu Yuan in disbelief.

"That's right. Although Ji Chang is just a mortal, I'm sure that the Twelve Golden Immortals who explain the teachings will all dispatch to stop you, and even the Shura clan will send experts!"

"Okay, we got it!" Hearing what Yu Yuan said, Taoist Duobao immediately understood that the difficulty this time was not in killing Ji Chang, but in those monks who blocked him.

Then Yu Yuan said to the void: "Yuan Hong, Yang Jian, you two can follow your Uncle Jin Ling this time and watch this grand event." As soon as Yu Yuan finished speaking, the words came The blast broke through the void and directly reached the ears of Yuan Hong and Yang Jian.

"Since I've told you about this, I'll leave first!" Yu Yuan was about to use the law of space to teleport away.

"Wait, Yu Yuan, what are you going to do?"

"Me? I'm going to kill someone, and change the secret by the way! Hahaha!" Yu Yuan's figure flashed as he said, and then disappeared in place.

When Yu Yuan reappeared, he was already in Xiqi City. Looking at the gorgeous mansion in front of him, Yu Yuan smiled slightly, and then strode towards the door.

The two guards guarding the door saw Yu Yuan rushing directly into the mansion, they hurried forward a few steps, pointed their long swords at Yu Yuan, trying to stop Yu Yuan from advancing.

Seeing this, Yu Yuan smiled and walked straight forward.The aura around him crushed the two long swords into powder, but only sent the two guards flying.

Afterwards, Yu Yuan walked towards the depths of the mansion step by step. Guards poured out of the mansion one after another. Without exception, the weapons in the hands of these guards were all crushed into powder by Yu Yuan's aura. Then he was bounced away by Yu Yuan.

In this way, Yu Yuan strolled to the remote house where the secret room was hidden.

At this time, there were already two people standing in the courtyard, one was dressed as a Taoist priest, and the other was dressed in a beautiful robe.

"Fellow Daoist, I don't know why you broke into this mansion without permission, but what's your purpose?" Viposhi looked at Yu Yuan nervously, and he could feel the powerful aura on Yu Yuan's body.

Yu Yuan pointed at Ji Fa who was hiding behind Vipo's body, and said, "I came here just to kill him!"

After speaking, Yu Yuan looked at Viposhi with a smile on his face.

Sure enough, when Yu Yuan said that his trip was to kill Ji Fa, Viposhi became even more nervous.

"This fellow Taoist, I am Vipashi of the Western Sect. I hope that fellow Taoist can look at the face of my two leaders. How about just letting it go today?" After Vipashi finished speaking, his eyes did not blink for a moment. staring at Yu Yuan.

"You don't need to introduce yourself, I know who you are! As for you mentioning the face of the two leaders? Are you planning to use the quasi-promotion of the saint and the reception of the saint to suppress me? It's a pity that the two of them have too much face, I can't stand it!"

As he said that, Yu Yuan started walking towards Ji Fa.

"Fellow Taoist, you really can't kill him. He is the key person in this catastrophe. If you kill him, you will definitely be punished by heaven!" Seeing Yu Yuan walking in step by step, Viposhi He could only use words to persuade Yu Yuan weakly.

Hearing Viposhi's words, Ji Fa quickly echoed: "Master Daoist, I have no grudges with you in the past, nor in the near future, so why do you put yourself in danger just to kill me?"

Yu Yuan had already come to the front at this time, upon hearing Ji Fa's words, Yu Yuan smiled slightly.

"You have no grudges with me in the past, and you have no grudges in the near future. But we will soon have grudges!" As he spoke, Yu Yuan gently raised his right hand and lowered it towards the top of Ji Fa's head. ,

That appearance, as if to pat a child's head lightly, to express pampering.

Seeing Yu Yuan's attack, Viposhi standing in front of Ji Fa pulled Ji Fa back quickly, and at the same time, the laws around him twisted sharply, and the two of them were tightly surrounded by dragon laws.

"It's useless, why do you bother to make unnecessary struggles?"

Although Yu Yuan's right hand seemed unhappy, it easily caught up with Viposhi and Ji Fa as if he had traveled through space.

With the fall of Yu Yuan's palm, the distortion of the law around Viposhi's body was directly broken, and then the dragon-like laws were broken inch by inch by Yu Yuan.

Seeing this, Viposhi couldn't care about Ji Fa anymore.And without hesitation, he sacrificed the magic power sealed by the saint on him, and then saw Vipashi leave here quickly, and flew towards the west at high speed.

Seeing that Vipo's corpse ran away, Yu Yuan was not interested in chasing after him, and his right hand still fell towards the top of Ji Fa's head.

At this moment, a purple aura flashed across Ji Fa's body, and all of the strong human emperor's aura over Xiqi City surged towards Ji Fa's location.

A shield covered with noble ornate patterns formed on top of Ji Fa's head, blocking Yu Yuan's blow. < The air of imperialism floats over the sky of Xiqi City.

Yu Yuan didn't care much when he saw that Ji Fa couldn't be killed with one blow.He just raised one palm again and lowered it towards Ji Fa.

This time, without any obstruction, Ji Fa was completely annihilated by Yu Yuan's palm, leaving no bones left.

At the moment of Ji Fa's death, the situation changed, and the whole world was in chaos. At this time, even a saint can't calculate things that have nothing to do with him.

At the same time, thunder billowed in the sky, and thunderclouds continued to gather.

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