Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 117 Killing Ji Chang

() Just after Yu Yuan notified Taoist Duobao and others, in Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun, who was sitting quietly on the cloud bed, suddenly recovered from his fugue.

The moment Yuanshi Tianzun opened his eyes, the cause and effect of everything appeared in Yuanshi Tianzun's heart instantly.

"Intercept and kill Ji Chang? Yu Yuan, you are so brave!"

Daoist Dieng Deng, who was meditating and practicing, suddenly heard Yuanshi Tianzun's voice in the ears of Guang Chengzi and others, "You guys come to my Yuxu Palace, I have something to tell you!"

This time, Yuanshi Tianzun gave up his habit of showing off, and didn't let Boy Baihe go forward to convey it, because the matter was too urgent.

Hearing Yuanshi Tianzun's order, Guangchengzi and the others quickly put down what they were doing and rushed to Yuxu Palace.

Taoist Ran Deng came first, followed by Guang Chengzi, and then others came one after another.

Yuanshi Tianzun just sat on the cloud bed, silent, just waiting for the arrival of the remaining few people.

In the end, a total of 11 people from the Yuxu Palace arrived.

These 11 people are Daoist Randeng and the Twelve Golden Immortals except Lingbao Grandmaster and Huanglong Daoist.

What they have in common is that they are all monks of the Daluo Golden Immortal Period.Among the few disciples who explained and taught, there are actually eleven Daluo Jinxians?

In fact, the reason why Guang Chengzi and other ten people were able to break through to the Daluo Jinxian realm so quickly was because of this catastrophe.

This catastrophe was caused by the killing of the twelve golden immortals.Therefore, in the great catastrophe, the twelve golden immortals were blessed with luck, so they easily broke through the natural moat between the golden immortals and the Daluo golden immortals.

The five Guangchengzi are the strongest, so they were the first to break through to the Da Luo Jinxian realm.The strength of the five Taiyi real people is slightly inferior, and the five of them have just broken through recently.

Only the last two are really useless.Even if you have good luck, you can't break through to the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

Moreover, compared with Bo Xun, Yusetian and other Da Luo Jinxians of the Shura clan, the realm of Da Luo Jinxians of the ten people like Guang Chengzi is more perfect and has greater development potential.

Because all the ten members of Guangchengzi are fellow practitioners of the four laws, and the four laws have simultaneously broken through to the stage of Daluo Jinxian.This means that when they break through to quasi-sages in the future, they only need a small amount of merit or evil results plus something to carry the three corpses.

However, if Bo Xun and Yuse Tian of the Shura tribe want to break through the quasi-sage in the future, they must use huge merit or evil results to be rewarded by the heavens, and upgrade their golden immortal law to the Daluo golden immortal law.Otherwise, they can only use the Da Luo Jinxian law in the Lingbao to kill the corpse and become a false quasi-sage!

"I called you here this time because I have something for you to do! The Jiejiao disciples are going to intercept and kill Ji Chang, and you go to stop those Jiejiao disciples and escort Ji Chang back to Xiqi. This is our two The first confrontation taught!"

After hearing Yuanshi Tianzun's words, Guang Chengzi and others below all nodded yes, and then the 11 people turned around and wanted to walk out of the Yuxu Palace together.

At this moment, the color of the sky and the earth changed, the wind howled, and the sky was in chaos.

Yuanshi Tianzun's calm and indifferent face suddenly changed drastically.First, close your eyes to sense, and then count with your fingers.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun's complexion became more and more ugly as he calculated, because he found that he could no longer understand everything in his mind with a single movement of his mind as before.

Yuanshi Tianzun can only calculate things related to himself now, and it is still a passive effort, and he can no longer foresee the development of some things.

"Yu Yuan, you are willing to risk the punishment of heaven to kill Ji Fa! It is really easy to calculate! But, do you think the punishment of heaven is so easy to overcome?" Yuanshi Tianzun's voice already contained some anger.

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun seemed to have changed from a healthy person to a deaf and blind person all of a sudden.

Jinao Island, Biyou Palace.

Daoist Tongtian sat on the cloud bed with a slightly surprised expression on his face.

He really didn't expect that Yu Yuan would use such a method, but besides making the heavenly secrets in chaos and the saints can't figure it out, Taoist Tongtian couldn't see that this move had other effects.

"Yu Yuan, what are you thinking? What's the meaning of your move?" Taoist Tongtian muttered to himself while looking in Xiqi's direction.

Xuandu Bajing Palace.

Even with such drastic changes, Lao Tzu is still fanning his plantain fan leisurely, refining his elixir.It seemed that the great changes outside would not affect him at all.

But as long as you look at the big and small flames in the Bagua Road, you will know that Lao Tzu is not as indifferent as he seems.

"It is because of these disciples that Jiejiao will change the way of heaven. It is too much of a disaster for Jiejiao!" Lao Tzu whispered while fanning his fan.

But I don't know who he is speaking to in this low voice!

The land of Western bliss.

Zhunti and Jieying sat opposite each other in silence.

"Unexpectedly, we just reached an agreement with Ji Fa, but such an accident happened! Who would have thought that Ji Fa is the key figure in the catastrophe, and someone would dare to take action against him." Zhunti said.

"Junior Brother, I think we should be happy! This is one of the few incidents that have not been under the control of Heaven over the years. Every incident like this can make me feel more hopeful!" Suddenly, he showed an expression similar to a smile.

Although this expression still looks full of sorrow, it is incredible enough.

After listening to the introduction, Zhunti seemed to have remembered something, and the originally displeased expression slowly changed into a smile that could not be concealed at the corner of his mouth.

In the Wa Palace.

Nuwa snorted coldly, "This Yu Yuan is really bold, to dare to do such a thing, but I want to see how long you can live for such an act of death?"

In the depths of the chaos, Zixiao Palace.

The quaint Taoist temple still stood there quietly, and the surroundings were quiet. Without the consent of Daozu Hongjun, no monk could come here.

Daoist Hongjun was originally sitting quietly on the futon. At the moment when the fate changed drastically, Taoist Hongjun suddenly opened his eyes, and countless laws and dao patterns flashed in his eyes.

"A variable? Since it is a variable, it must be obliterated!" Taoist Hongjun's ethereal voice echoed in the Taoist temple.

in the sea of ​​blood.

Patriarch Styx was meditating, when suddenly a huge force blasted through the void and appeared in front of him, forming a human figure, which was Yuanshi Tianzun's avatar descended.

"Minghe, I want you to help resist the Jiejiao disciples so that Ji Chang can return to Xiqi smoothly!" Yuanshi Tianzun's avatar said directly without beating around the bush.

Hearing Yuanshi Tianzun's words, although Patriarch Minghe was a little upset, he still agreed: "Okay, I know what to do! You can go back!"

Hearing Patriarch Styx's tone, Yuanshi Tianzun snorted unhappily, and then the energy avatar shattered into pieces, turning into streaks of energy and dispersing towards the surroundings.

But before the force dissipated, it was completely absorbed by the sea of ​​blood.

Patriarch Styx was wounded by Houtu last time, and he has recovered now.Moreover, the reason why Patriarch Styx's mentality was so unbearable at that time was mainly because Patriarch Styx was in a critical period.

After being wounded by Houtu, Patriarch Minghe finally got through this period with the help of this period of recuperation while healing his wounds.

Patriarch Styx finally knew what his obsession was.That is to say, as long as the Patriarch Styx has the fourth Da Luo Jinxian law, he can directly cut off the corpse and become a master of the late quasi-sage.

As for whether Styx has the fourth Da Luo Jinxian law, whether he has cut off the dead body, no one knows.

Just when Styx was about to go to block the Jiejiao disciples himself, suddenly ten ancestor witches led the army of the witch clan to line up on the shore of the Blood Sea.

Styx knew at a glance that these ten ancestor witches wanted to threaten him and prevent him from participating in the battle.It just so happened that Patriarch Minghe didn't have to go, so he went with the flow and stopped going.

Patriarch Minghe asked his nine Daluo Jinxians to help out, and told them that if they couldn't do anything, they should come back as soon as possible, and don't put themselves on the line.

Ji Chang rode fast along the way, and he crossed the Yellow River and arrived at Mianchi County in a short time.

Just passing through Mianchi County, Ji Chang heard the sound of horseshoes behind him.Ji Chang knew that the pursuers had arrived.

After a while, the cavalry led by Yin Ruibai and Lei Kai caught up with Ji Chang who was fleeing.

At this moment, a strange man with a blue face and cinnabar hair suddenly descended from the sky. The strange man was two feet tall. After descending from the sky, he shouted at Ji Chang: "The man in front is Ji Chang, Marquis of Xibo?"

Hearing the man calling him, Ji Chang rode forward and asked, "This strong man, how do you know me?"

As soon as he heard Ji Chang's confession, the weird man immediately fell to his knees and said, "It's too late to save the child, and I hope my father will forgive me!"

Hearing that weird man shouting like that, Ji Chang felt uncomfortable for a while, Ji Chang didn't want to recognize such an ugly weird man as his son.

"Strong man, did you recognize the wrong person? I have never had a son like you?" Ji Jichang said while suppressing the discomfort in his heart.

"I am Lei Zhenzi my father took in in Yanshan seven years ago!"

Hearing what Lei Zhenzi said, Ji Chang remembered that he still had such a son.But that kid was pretty and handsome back then, why does he look like this now.

Thinking of this, Ji Chang deduced a hexagram, but the result surprised Ji Chang.The secrets that were originally very clear and clear have now become chaotic, and no more information can be obtained from them.

In desperation, Ji Chang could only ask directly: "You have only been on the mountain for seven years, how did you become like this?"

"My master knew that my father was in trouble, so he specially sent me down the mountain to rescue him, so he used two fairy apricots to make me look like this!" Hearing Lei Zhenzi say this, Ji Chang felt relieved.

It turned out that Yun Zhongzi felt that Ji Chang was in danger before the big change, so he let Lei Zhenzi eat two fairy apricots and sent him down the mountain to rescue Ji Chang.

Later, the secrets changed drastically, and Yuanshi Tianzun did not call Yun Zhongzi to go there, so Yun Zhongzi didn't know that Ji Chang was going to be robbed and killed.

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