Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 118 Killing Ji Chang

() Seeing the pursuers gradually approaching behind him, Lei Zhenzi and Ji Chang said something, and then flew up into the air, aiming the golden stick in his hand at a mountain peak, and directly interrupting the small half of the mountain peak.

"Boom" With a violent sound, the half of the mountain slowly slid down and landed in the middle of the road, directly smashing a huge hole on the road, and the rubble collapsed in all directions.

The huge mountain peak completely blocked the middle of the road. Lei Zhenzi retracted his wings and landed directly on the mountain peak. He pointed the golden stick in his hand and said, "Go back! Xibo Hou Jichang is my father. I will not allow you to touch a hair on him!"

Yin Rui beat his horse and took a few steps forward, cupped his hands and said: "The king's order is on us, we must take Ji Chang back!"

Hearing what Yin Ruibai said, Lei Zhenzi swung the golden stick in his hand, and it directly hit the mountain peak under his feet, and the already shattered mountain peak suddenly shattered even more.

The rocks flew into the air like rain, and then fell towards the heads of the people and horses behind Yin Ruibai.

"I'd like to see if your heads are hard or these rocks?" Lei Zhenzi smiled slightly.

Seeing such a situation, Yin Ruipei had no choice but to order the soldiers to return the same way.

Seeing Yin's defeated troops retreating, Lei Zhenzi turned around and flapped his wings to fly to Ji Chang's side.

"Father, I'll carry you on my back. It only takes a while to fly through these five barriers and reach the boundary of Xiqi! You will be safe then!" Lei Zhenzi bent down with his back to Ji Chang.

Seeing this, Ji Chang took two steps forward and fell on Lei Zhenzi's back.

Feeling that Ji Chang was already crawling on his back, Lei Zhenzi flapped his wings and flew into the air towards Xiqi.

At this moment, Lei Zhenzi suddenly felt a mountain of pressure coming, Lei Zhenzi was immediately suppressed by this pressure, unable to fly, and fell directly to the ground.

When he was about to fall to the ground, Lei Zhenzi slapped his wings fiercely, and the speed of his fall dropped a lot, and then Lei Zhenzi fell to the ground in embarrassment.

However, thanks to Lei Zhenzi's full protection, Ji Chang was not injured!

Lei Zhenzi looked up at the void, and saw one after another monks approaching by lightning from a distance, and finally a total of twelve monks appeared in the air.

"Who are you?" Lei Zhenzi looked at the monks in the air and asked nervously.

"I am Taoist Duobao from Jiejiao. I am here mainly for Ji Chang's life. Ji Chang, you kill yourself! This way you can leave a whole body!" the leading Taoist said.

"Fellow Daoist Duobao is joking. Marquis Xibo wants to go back and continue to rule the people, so why do you want to kill yourself here?" Daoist Duobao had just finished speaking, and a voice responded.

Then I saw Daoist Randeng as the leader, followed by Guang Chengzi, Master Yuding, the Three Great Masters, and Daoist Taiyi who had just broken through, appearing in the sky above Ji Chang.

Seeing the arrival of these people, Lei Zhenzi heaved a sigh of relief, and said happily, "Master and uncle, you are here!"

Master Yuding nodded to Lei Zhenzi when he heard the words, and said: "You send your father back first, and we will handle the affairs here!"

"Fellow Daoist Randeng, I'm afraid that you are not qualified to stop us from killing Ji Chang with just a few of you! On the contrary, it's you, I don't mind killing you here!"

Taoist Duobao smiled slightly at Taoist Ran Deng, his words were full of coldness.

As soon as Taoist Duobao's words fell, the disciples behind him gradually moved forward, surrounded Taoist Randeng and the others, and looked at them murderously.

Taoist Ran Deng frowned and looked at Taoist Duobao. He could feel the coercion from Taoist Duobao, and he knew that he was not the opponent of Taoist Duobao.

And the ten people behind him have just broken through to the Daluo Golden Immortal stage, so it is impossible for them to be the opponents of the group of Jiejiao disciples.

At this moment, flowers fell from the sky, golden lotuses surged from the ground, and the fairy voice chanted, and a burst of mana blasted through the void and appeared in front of everyone. < Ren type, and at the same time, there is also a Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot.This figure is the energy incarnation of Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Duobao, what do you mean? Are you planning to destroy my sect? If so, I will kill you all today!" Yuanshi Tianzun's voice was still calm, but Duobao could hear the anger in it .

"Senior brother is a bit bullying the younger ones by saying this! If these juniors want to make trouble, let them do it!" At this moment, sword qi condensed into sword edges, and the sounds of clanging were endless, and there was a voice sounded in the field.

Then another burst of mana blasted through the void, and a figure appeared in the field along with the vision. .

Just now, when Yuanshi Tianzun showed his energy avatar, Daoist Duobao felt tremendous pressure.At that moment, even a hint of despair arose in his heart.

But then, Taoist Tongtian's energy avatar also appeared in the field, and Taoist Duobao suddenly felt like he was saved from a desperate situation.

Taoist Duobao knew that the reason why Taoist Tongtian worked so hard to protect the disciples of Jiejiao was all the result of Yu Yuan's hard work to persuade him.

Taoist Duobao also understood a little at this time, why Yu Yuan must ask Taoist Tongtian to work hard to protect the disciples of Jiejiao.Because the feeling of despair just now was too painful.

"What's the trouble? Let your disciples kill all my disciples?" Yuanshi Tianzun's energy incarnation said angrily.

"Aren't your disciples all elites? How could they be killed by my group of incompetent disciples?" Taoist Tongtian said with a touch of sarcasm.

Just when the energy avatars of Daoist Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun confronted each other, another vision appeared, a streak of purple energy ran across the air, and then there was the sound of the void being blasted.

A beam of energy transformed into the image of Lao Tzu appeared on the spot.

"Stop arguing, both of you! Since we are afraid of casualties, let's make a rule this time! In addition to not being able to kill each other, let these juniors make good gestures! As long as Ji Chang arrives at Xiqi, or dies, all of this will count." It's over." Lao Tzu's energy incarnation took two steps forward and said slowly.

After hearing what Lao Tzu said, Taoist Tong Tian thought for a while and said, "Okay, I want to see if the disciples under my brother's sect can save Ji Chang's life!"

Yuanshi Tianzun was about to refuse on the spot. Suddenly, as if he had sensed something, he said indifferently: "Since the younger brother has this intention, then I can't spoil your interest. But my allies who explain the teaching will also participate. "

As soon as Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, Taoist Tongtian's face turned slightly ugly.

Because he has already felt the aura of nine monks approaching not far away, four of them are the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian, and five of them are the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian.

Although the development potential of these nine people is not great in the future, they are a huge help for the current teaching.

"No, this is a matter between our three religions, how can we allow the blood sea Shura clan to interfere?" Taoist Tongtian expressed his dissatisfaction.

Lao Tzu said blankly: "Allies can be regarded as one's own forces, I think allies can participate!"

Taoist Tongtian looked back at Lao Tzu, a strange light flashed in his eyes.He knew that Lao Tzu must have discovered the existence of the nine Da Luo Jinxians of the Asura clan a long time ago, so he made that suggestion.

Although Taoist Tongtian has always had disagreements with Yuanshi Tianzun, he has been looking forward to restoring the original close relationship.He also always treated Lao Tzu as a fair elder brother, but he didn't expect that today he would trick him.

"Since this is the case, if the monks of the Shura clan are injured in any way, it will be their destiny." Taoist Tongtian said coldly.

Hearing that Taoist Tongtian would continue this agreement, Yuanshi Tianzun gave Taoist Tongtian a slight astonishment.

You must know that there are twenty masters of the Da Luo Jinxian period on Yuanshi Tianzun's side at this time, and there are even five masters of the late Da Luo Jinxian period.

Yuanshi Tianzun didn't believe at all that Ji Chang could be killed by such a powerful force just by relying on the ten Da Luo Jinxian stage monks who had cut off the teaching.

Then the three of them withdrew their own consciousness, and the three energy clones dissipated in place at once.

The ten masters of the Daluo Golden Immortal stage here are Daoist Duobao, Our Lady of Jinling, Our Lady of Wudang, Our Lady of Guiling, Sanxiao, Zhao Gongming, and two newly promoted Daluo Jinxian Yuyixian and Wuyunxian.

Among them, Daoist Duobao and Our Lady of Jinling are Daluo Jinxian's later cultivation bases.Among them, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit just broke through not long ago. She chose a law to break through in order to survive the catastrophe.

The Guiling Virgin, Wudang Virgin, Yun Xiao, Qiong Xiao, and Zhao Gongming are the middle-stage cultivation bases of Daluo Jinxian.

Qiong Xiao, Wu Yunxian, and Yuyixian are all Da Luo Jinxian's early cultivation bases.Among them, Wu Yunxian and Yuyixian both just broke through to Da Luo Jinxian.

Feather Wing Immortal has a lot of accumulation, just in time for it to break through to the early stage of Daluo Golden Immortal.

As for Wu Yunxian, he made the same choice as the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, and broke through the Da Luo Jinxian level through two laws, so as to break through to the Da Luo Jinxian's initial cultivation base.

But the difference is that the breakthrough of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit is in a big realm, so that although the difficulty of practicing in the future will increase greatly, it will not affect the cultivation of the law.

But Wu Yunxian broke through two great realms, which means that from now on, he will never be able to be promoted to the Daluo Jinxian level with two laws, and he can only rely on the rewards of heaven to have hope.

But no matter what, the ten people who stopped teaching were still under great pressure against the twenty Da Luo Jinxians on Shangchanjiao's side.

"Leave them alone, the sage has made a rule that we can't kill them. We just need to send Ji Chang back." Taoist Ran Deng glanced at Taoist Duobao and said to the crowd behind him.

"Unexpectedly, we would become the bodyguards of a mortal one day. This mortal is really of such great value. Is it worth escorting him with so many Da Luo Jinxians?" Bo Xun said with a smile.

"What we are protecting is not Ji Chang, what we are protecting now is the face of the saint! It doesn't matter what the reason they wanted to kill Ji Chang in the first place, it is now a battle for the face of the saint!" Daoist Ran Deng Slowly opened his mouth and said the current situation.

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