Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 120 Guangcheng flees, Yuding is injured

() Seeing the waves of water flowing on the big Luo umbrella above Wu Yunxian's head, Guang Chengzi smiled slightly, and a big Luo umbrella exuding earthy yellow light rose above his head.

Guang Chengzi's breakthrough to Da Luo Jinxian was a step-by-step breakthrough, while Wu Yunxian made a breakthrough in order to survive the Great Tribulation of Conferred God.

Guangchengzi's four laws have all been cultivated to the early stage of Daluo Jinxian, while Wu Yunxian only has two laws that have broken through to the early stage of Daluo Jinxian, which has no effect on their current strength.

But Wu Yunxian took the lead in sacrificing his big umbrella, which undoubtedly gave Guang Chengzi a chance to choose the law to restrain him, so Guang Chengzi looked confident in winning.

Seeing that what Guang Chengzi sacrificed was the umbrella of the earth system Da Luo, Wu Yunxian's face remained unchanged.

"Guang Chengzi, do you think that you can win if the laws are against you?" Wu Yunxian smiled slightly at Guang Chengzi.

"At least it will increase the odds of winning." Guang Chengzi also responded with a smile.

Seeing the two smiling at each other, people who don't know really think how good their relationship is!

Because Yuanshi Tianzun despised the background of the disciples of Jiejiao very much, so none of the disciples in Chanjiao valued the disciples of Jiejiao.

Therefore, when walking in the wilderness, when the disciples of the teaching and the teaching of the interception meet, it is inevitable that there will be some encounters. There has been a deep grudge between the disciples of the two religions.

Looking at Guang Chengzi, Wu Yunxian was the first to strike, and appeared behind Guang Chengzi in a flash, slashing at Guang Chengzi with the fairy sword in his hand.

The big Luo umbrella above Wu Yunxian's head shone brightly, and countless water laws were attached to the fairy sword in his hand.

The celestial sword, which was originally luminous, became even more radiant now, and a stream of light continuously circulated on the celestial sword.The fairy sword in Wu Yunxian's hand was like a soft stream of water for a while, and it seemed that it had no lethality.

But at the place where the fairy sword cut, there was a flash of black light, which turned out to be a thin crack in the space.

Guang Chengzi's reaction was not slow either. Countless thin lines of law fell from the umbrella above his head like a bead curtain, and then these thin lines of law rolled towards the fairy sword in Wu Yunxian's hand.

At the same time, various soil laws were added to the fairy sword in his hand, and the fairy sword immediately shone brightly, and at the same time, a mountain of pressure came out.

It was as if ten thousand mountains had been sealed inside that small fairy sword, and it wrinkled the surrounding space.

The thin lines of law hanging down from Guangchengzi Daluo's umbrella wrapped Wuyunxian's fairy sword at once, but when the water on the sword in Wuyunxian's hand flowed a little, those thin lines of law were cut off like real thin threads.

Then the fairy sword exuding earthy yellow light in Guangchengzi's hand collided with the flowing fairy sword in Wu Yunxian's hand.

There was no sound from the clash of the swords this time, only the soil law on Guangchengzi's sword was constantly annihilating the water law on Wuyun fairy sword.

In fact, Wu Yunxian's original intention was not to strike this time with the fairy swords, but when his fairy sword just came around Guang Chengzi, he felt a strong gravitational and repulsive interaction, leading it to the fairy sword in Guang Chengzi's hand.

"Fellow Wu Yunxian, it seems that the law of mutual restraint still has some effect!" Seeing that the earth element law on his fairy sword had the upper hand, Guang Chengzi said to Wu Yunxian with a slight smile.

"Really? Fellow Daoist Guangchengzi was too happy! You must know that water droplets can penetrate rocks!" Wu Yunxian said coldly.Then I saw the law of the water system above his fairy sword radiate with light, turning into countless water droplets and hitting Guang Chengzi's fairy sword frantically.

The soil laws on Guangchengzi's fairy sword were continuously impacted by these drop-shaped water laws, and those soil laws began to shake violently, as if they were about to be broken in an instant.

"Water can penetrate rocks, not my earth!" Guang Chengzi said loudly, and then countless thin lines of laws fell from the big Luo umbrella above his head, and the earth system laws on the fairy sword suddenly stabilized.

Who knew that at this moment, the umbrella of the law of the water system above Wu Yunxian's head suddenly collapsed, and then another umbrella of the law of the law of the earth system exuding the light of the law of earth condensed.

Then the umbrella of the earth element law Da Luo melted like water, completely enveloping Wu Yunxian.

The fairy sword in Wu Yunxian's hand lost the support of the law of the water system, and could no longer resist the attraction of Guang Chengzi's fairy sword. As soon as Wu Yunxian let go, the fairy sword flew to the fairy sword in Guang Chengzi's hand, and clung to it tightly.

Since Guang Chengzi resisted Wu Yunxian's water law attack with all his strength just now, it was too late to react, and Wu Yunxian's law conversion had been completed.

Then Wu Yunxian reached out and took out a hammer.There are countless chaotic air currents flowing on that hammer.

This Hunyuan Hammer was a treasure bestowed by Master Tongtian to Wu Yunxian.Although this Hunyuan Hammer seems to be very powerful, in fact, there is no law in the Hunyuan Hammer, and it cannot be branded with any law.

Even the Hunyuan Hammer cannot be regarded as a magic weapon, it can only be regarded as a weapon.

When Master Tongtian distributed many magic weapons to his disciples, Wuyun Xianming knew the shortcomings of this Hunyuan Hammer, but he still gave up other magic weapons and chose this Hunyuan Hammer.

And this Hunyuan Hammer is very difficult to sacrifice. After many years of sacrifice, Wu Yunxian finally sent and received the Hunyuan Hammer at will.

At this time, Wu Yunxian saw that he could not win the battle with Guang Chengzi for a long time, so he accepted the law of the water system and used the law of the earth system.This soil system law has a great auxiliary effect on melee combat.

Wu Yunxian's original form is a golden-haired carp, which is physically strong and powerful.At this time, coupled with the assistance of the law of the earth system, the melee combat ability is terrifyingly powerful.

Wu Yunxian took the Hunyuan Hammer and smashed it on Guang Chengzi's head. At this moment, the surrounding space was like a beating drum, and the Hunyuan Hammer was the center of the continuous violent tremors, spreading in all directions.

Seeing that Wu Yunxian abandoned the fairy sword in his hand and took out this Hunyuan Hammer, Guang Chengzi knew that the Hunyuan Hammer must be quite powerful, and this might be Wu Yunxian's trump card.

Thinking of this, Guang Chengzi stopped injecting the laws of the earth system into the fairy sword, and hurriedly took out the Fantian seal, and injected the laws of the earth system and magic power into it as if he didn't need money. At the same time, Guang Chengzi's figure kept retreating.

"Boom, boom"

With the crazy injection of Guangchengzi's mana and the laws of the earth system, the Fantian seal continued to grow, and the surrounding air was forced to escape to the surroundings, making bursts of noise.

Finally, Fan Tianyin was supported by Guang Chengzi's endless mana infusion and the laws of the earth system, and it has become a great seal with a height of more than ten thousand feet.

Surrounding Fantianyin are space fragments that have begun to shatter, and behind the space fragments are countless space turbulence.But not a trace of space turbulence escaped from it, and the space was broken and could not be restored.

This great seal stands above Guang Chengzi's head, suppressing all things and suppressing the void.It seems to exist from ancient times, unshakable, unbreakable, it is eternity.

The big seal above Guangchengzi's head looked at Wu Yunxian from a distance. Wu Yunxian waved his hand and called back his fairy sword.Guang Chengzi's fairy sword also flew back automatically.

"I've heard about the extraordinary power of Chanjiao Guangchengzi's Fantian Seal for a long time. It was made by the sage Yuanshi Tianzun with a broken half of Buzhou Mountain. When I saw it today, it really lived up to its reputation. It is as powerful as the sea!" Wu Yunxian Looking at the big seal that suppresses the void above Guang Chengzi's head, he sighed.

"Fellow Wu Yunxian hides even deeper! I didn't expect you to have such a powerful weapon." Guang Chengzi also said, staring closely at the Hunyuan Hammer in Wu Yunxian's hand.

Although he didn't know how powerful this Hunyuan Hammer was, Guang Chengzi's nerves tensed up as soon as he saw the chaotic airflow churning continuously on the hammer surface.

Even though Da Luo Jinxian can already walk through the chaos, that only means that the air of chaos cannot harm them, and it does not mean that the artificially controlled air of chaos cannot harm them either.

And the Hunyuan hammer can still be intact under the in and out of the chaotic airflow, the material must be extraordinary.

"Fellow Daoist Guangchengzi, let me experience your famous Fantian Seal!" After Wu Yunxian finished speaking, he kicked violently, and the air under his feet made a violent explosion.

Seeing Wu Yunxian attacking, Guang Chengzi also hurriedly activated the Fan Tianyin, squeezed the air rumblingly and flew towards Wu Yunxian.

Seeing the majestic Fan Tianyin, Wu Yunxian had no fear, the Hunyuan Hammer in his hand magnified fiercely, and smashed towards Fan Tianyin with a stream of chaotic air.


Hunyuan Hammer and Fantianyin collided and made a loud noise, and the sound formed ripples visible to the naked eye and dispersed in all directions.All the things under the cover of this wave are also destroyed.

Wu Yunxian was shocked by the powerful shock force and dragged the Hunyuan hammer in his hand backwards crazily, while Guangchengzi's mana and soil law in Fantianyin were dissipated by the Hunyuan hammer, and Fantianyin shrank suddenly some.

Seeing the shrinking of the Fantian Seal, Wu Yunxian laughed loudly, and said loudly to Guang Chengzi: "Guangchengzi Daoist, my body can still withstand many impacts, but I don't know that your Heavenly Seal can withstand it." several times?"

After finishing speaking, Wu Yunxian stepped forward again, and the Hunyuan Hammer in his hand hit the Fantian Seal again.

Then, Wu Yunxian was shaken and flew back again, but Fan Tianyin shrank again.

Wu Yunxian rushed forward again, and was shocked to retreat...

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

There were continuous loud noises. Listening to these loud noises, I felt that the mana and soil laws I injected into Fantianyin were gradually being disintegrated, and Guang Chengzi's face became more and more ugly.

Finally, after another loud noise, Guang Chengzi felt that the mana and soil laws he had left in the Fantian Seal were completely out of order. When he looked up, the Fantian Seal was only a hundred feet high or low.

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