Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 121 Guangcheng flees, Yuding is injured

() By this time, Guang Chengzi had already begun to withdraw.

When the word "escape" flashed in Guang Chengzi's mind, the thought was fixed in his mind and could not go away.

At this moment, the Hunyuan hammer in Wu Yunxian's hand hit Fan Tianyin again, and Fan Tianyin was finally unable to suppress the void this time, and was directly hammered away by Wu Yunxian's hammer.

Fan Tianyin rolled and flew towards Guang Chengzi, seeing this, Guang Chengzi finally made up his mind.

Stretching out his hand, Guang Chengzi recalled Fan Tianyin who had been knocked into the air, and then appeared in the sky in a flash, trying to set up an escape method to leave.

Seeing that Guang Chengzi wanted to escape, Wu Yunxian stepped on the void and chased after him, making rumbling sounds after his feet stepped on the void.

"Fellow Daoist Guangchengzi, you and I are uncertain, why are you leaving in such a hurry?" As he said that, the Hunyuan Hammer in Wu Yunxian's hand became bigger again, and he smashed it down on Guangchengzi.

Seeing the huge hammer head falling from the top of his head, feeling the strong pressure, and the chaotic air current flying continuously, Guang Chengzi knew the horror of facing the Hunyuan Hammer.

After the Hunyuan Hammer became larger, it seemed to have an indestructible characteristic, and Guang Chengzi felt like the world was falling at this time.

It seemed that at this moment, the sky and the earth of the whole world had changed, and they all pressed down on him, making him almost out of breath.


Guang Chengzi shouted loudly, and then he poured all the mana and soil laws into Fantian Seal, and the disordered mana and soil laws in Fantian Seal began to be straightened out.

With the loud noise, Fan Tianyin began to grow bigger again.It's just that the Hunyuan Hammer fell down and landed on the Fantian Seal before it got much bigger.

After receiving this heavy blow, Fan Tianyin shook violently and fell directly into Guang Chengzi's arms.Guang Chengzi's body also shook violently, and then his face turned pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. He had already suffered heavy injuries.

Guang Chengzi reached out and touched a few places on his body, and then his face became paler, but his aura suddenly became much stronger.

Then Guang Chengzi turned his head and gave Wu Yunxian a bitter look, then set up the Dunguang, and disappeared without a trace.

Due to the sudden increase in Guang Chengzi's strength, Wu Yunxian couldn't stop him from leaving, so he shook his head regretfully.

Wu Yunxian put away the big Luo's umbrella, then set up the Dunguang and rushed towards Xiqi.

Daoist Duobao arranged for Yuyixian and Wuyunxian to provoke Guangchengzi and Yuding Zhenren together, and finally Yuyixian chose to fight Yuding Zhenren.

The Daluo Umbrella raised above the head of the Feather Wing Fairy is a pure black color, and it is the Daluo Umbrella formed by the condensed law of yin.

Rising from the top of the real Yuding's head is the Daluo umbrella that exudes a yellowish-yellow light, which is most suitable for his earth system law in close combat.

"Father Wing Fairy, you are so unfortunate that you actually chose me as your opponent. I will let you have a good understanding of the gap between you and me, as well as the gap between your method of intercepting Taoism and our method of explaining Taoism."

With a smile on his face, Master Yuding spoke condescendingly to Immortal Yuyi.

"Reverend Yuding, you were beaten like a dog by Daoist Yu Yuan, yet you are still brazenly talking about the gap between the Intercepting Taoism and the Interpretation Taoism."

Seeing the real person Yuding's appearance, Immortal Feather Wing felt unhappy for a while, and directly opened her mouth to slap her in the face.

After hearing the words of Immortal Yu Yi, Master Yu Ding's face turned livid.Yu Yuan has always been a thorn in Yu Ding's heart, and now Yu Yixian slapped Yu Yuan directly in the face, Yu Ding only felt a burst of anger go straight to his forehead.

"You keep mentioning Yu Yuan, so why didn't Yu Yuan come this time? Did he know that our side is strong, so he didn't dare to come?" Master Yuding laughed at Yu Yuan who didn't come.

"Hehe, Daoist Yuding, you really danced happily! I just don't know if Brother Yu Yuan came here, would you still dare to say that? Brother Yu Yuan is doing something that you can't even imagine! "Father Yuding's malicious speculation, Yu Yixian only felt funny for a while.

"You don't need to explain for Yu Yuan anymore. Yu Yuan is afraid to come because our side is too powerful!" Master Yu Ding spared no effort to smear Yu Yuan, Yu Yuan was already his nightmare up.

"Stop talking nonsense, your opponent is me now. I also want to learn from Brother Yu Yuan, and I will beat you like a dog today! My hands are already itchy."

Feather Wing Immortal looked at Master Yuding with excited eyes, as if watching a fun prey.But Immortal Yuyi's eyes made Immortal Yuding very unhappy.

"Then you come and try!" Master Yu Ding was completely enraged by Yu Yixian's words, and jumped on him with a roar.

Immortal Yuding appeared above Immortal Yuyi, his right leg swung down vertically, making a strong whistling sound, and a huge dent appeared in the space.

The soil law attached to the right leg of the Jade Cauldron exploded and condensed into numerous high mountains. The layer upon layer of mountain shadows fell towards the Wing Fairy with the right leg of the Jade Cauldron.

Under the blessing of the many mountain shadows, this split of the Jade Cauldron Immortal carries endless terrifying power, this power directly crushes the air, space, and even the umbrella of the Immortal Feather Wing.

Reverend Yuding's split was like a big axe, trying to split the place where Yu Yixian was, and split Yu Yixian in two.

Seeing Daoist Yuding's powerful and domineering attack, Immortal Feather Wing's face was slightly dignified, and the big umbrella above her head was activated, forming a deep black abyss.

The moment this black abyss was formed, a huge suction force was emitted instantly, absorbing all the scattered energy around, the oppressive aura of the Jade Cauldron, and other tangible and intangible things.

Immortal Feather Wing then changed the art with both hands, forming a smaller black abyss, which blocked the only way for Immortal Yuding's attack route.

As Feather Wing Immortal's techniques continued, one after another small black abyss appeared one after another, staying behind the black abyss at the beginning.

Daoist Yuding's right leg finally made contact with Immortal Yuyi's first small black abyss.

Then all kinds of power and laws carried on the right leg of Master Yuding surged into the small dark abyss.

Afterwards, that small dark abyss was filled with the influx of power, and then it shattered and disappeared. At the same time, part of the mana and laws carried by the legs of the Jade Cauldron disappeared.

Then came the next small dark abyss, and then this dark abyss was broken again, and then the next...

It was too late to say it, but in just a split second, the many small dark abysses that Feather Wing Fairy had set up earlier had been completely broken.

Feather Wing Immortal saw that these small dark areas couldn't stop the attack of Master Yuding, so he dodged to the side, avoiding the attack of Master Yuding.

Seeing that Yu Yixian dodged his attack in a little embarrassment, Master Yuding didn't chase after him, but just stood there and laughed at Yu Yixian.

"Father Wing Fairy, didn't you just say arrogantly that you want to beat me like a dog? I think you are being beaten like a dog now!" Master Yuding said with a slightly arrogant smile.

Feather Wing Immortal stretched out her hand to pat the dust off her body, and said nonchalantly, "Isn't it just the beginning? What are you busy with? Don't worry, I said I will beat you like a dog, and I will never break my promise!"

"Really? I want to see how many more attacks you can take from me?" After that, Master Yuding started to attack again, this time his attacks were faster and more violent.

Whether it's fists or feet, or elbows or knees, Master Yuding used every part of his body to his heart's content facing the defense of Yu Yixian.

Master Yuding's storm-like attacks all landed in the dark abyss around Fairy Yuyi's body.

The dark abyss around Fairy Yuyi's body were shattered and wiped out one after another, but Fairy Yuyi didn't rush, and continued to change the spells, creating one dark abyss after another.

But in the face of the crazy attack of Yuding Daoist, the speed at which Feather Wing Immortal formed the dark abyss was simply not enough to watch.

Finally, the dark abyss around the body of Immortal Feather Wings was wiped out by the mad blow of Master Yuding.Immortal Yuding's attacks all landed on Immortal Yuyi at this moment.

"Hey!" Seeing such a situation, Yu Yixian sighed softly, resisting the attack of Master Yuding and quickly backed away, distanced himself from Master Yuding.

The original shape of Immortal Yu Wing is the Great Peng Garuda, and its physical body is also extremely powerful. Although it is still not as good as the physical body trained by Master Yuding's Nine-turn Yuan Gong, it will not be blown up by Master Yuding in a short while.

"It seems that I am still far from Daoist Yu Yuan! Originally, I wanted to try it out, but in this situation, whether I can defeat you or not, I didn't expect that I am not your opponent!" Immortal Yu Yi shook her head and sighed. road.

Hearing what Yu Yixian said, Master Yuding looked at Yu Yixian with some doubts, wondering what cards he had.

Just when Master Yuding thought that Immortal Yuyi was just bluffing and wanted to attack again, an umbrella of Da Luo filled with white light rose again above Immortal Yuyi's head, which was exactly the law of yang.

Then, the two big Luo umbrellas above Feather Fairy's head began to touch, and then entangled with each other, finally forming a black and white big Luo umbrella.

A yin and yang fish pattern is formed on this big Luo umbrella.

"Reverend Yuding, I don't know if I have the right to beat you like a dog now?" Immortal Yu Yi asked with a smile on her face as she looked at Reverend Yuding, with the umbrella with a yin and yang fish pattern on her head.

When Immortal Yuyi sacrificed the umbrella of Daluo, the law of yang, Master Yuding already felt bad.When the two principles of Yu Yixian began to merge with each other, and finally formed a black and white umbrella of Daluo, the heart of Yuding real person was cold.

You must know that those who can control the two laws at the same time are qualified to be invincible in the Da Luo Jinxian Realm!How can Daoist Yuding not be afraid!

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