Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 123 The Quasi-Saint Treasure

() The first wave of thunderstorms has passed, Yu Yuan stood under the thundercloud with a face full of enjoyment, without any damage on his body.

"Have you finished the first dial? Is the law incarnate next?" Yu Yuan looked at the sky and muttered to himself, with a few confident smiles hanging from the corners of his mouth.

Yu Yuan stretched his right hand forward, and lightly pressed against the void.

"Boom" a huge handprint dent appeared in the sky above the thundercloud, and then the handprint dent slapped on the thundercloud.

The thunder cloud that was still pouring out energy just now, was crazily bombarded, and it was shattered by Yu Yuan's light slap, leaving no trace.

After the thundercloud dissipated, the sky suddenly became extremely gorgeous, and there were countless kinds of colors entangled in it. Looking carefully, it turned out that countless kinds of laws were entangled and connected together.

After a while, five extremely thick beams of legal light descended from the sky. As soon as these five beams of legal light fell, they frantically absorbed the spiritual energy in the endless range around them.

When the beam of light dissipated, the avatar of the law condensed by the five laws appeared in place.

Looking at the five clones, Yu Yuan had a smile on his face, as if he wasn't nervous at all.

"My strength is so much stronger than that of Daoist Dayu, but in the end I am still a clone of the Five Laws. It seems that the power of Heaven's Punishment is determined by the monk's cultivation level, and has nothing to do with strength!"

Yu Yuan calmly judged based on the existing conditions.

Yu Yuan was thinking quietly there, but the five-law avatar would not hesitate, and the five-law avatar released the five-law domain around Zhou.

Although these five fields of laws are not integrated with each other, Yu Yuan can clearly feel that these five fields of laws are echoing each other.

The five law clones rushed to Yu Yuan's side, and the law field surrounded the whole body, directly bombarding Yu Yuan's body.

Just when the five fists were about to touch Yu Yuan's body, a hazy halo suddenly appeared on Yu Yuan's body surface. Although this halo looked very faint, it firmly blocked the clone of the five laws. s attack.

"The strength is very strong! But if it is only at this level, then there is nothing to study." Yu Yuan moved as he spoke, and rushed forward, knocking a clone of the law into the air.

Yu Yuan's fist then landed on the flying law avatar, and that law avatar was directly smashed into pieces by Yu Yuan's punch and dissipated on the spot.

However, as soon as this legal avatar disappeared, Heavenly Dao once again dropped a huge beam of legal light, and then a complete legal avatar reappeared in place.

"En? The law clone can continue to appear after being destroyed. Is this level going to completely consume the cultivator?" Seeing the reappearance of the law clone, Yu Yuan speculated.

"Okay, stop messing around. I'm not interested in this level anymore!"

Seeing the five law clones rushing forward again, Yu Yuan shook his head lightly, swallowed all the five law clones in one gulp, and collected them into the heaven and earth primordial spirit. The five law clones just entered Within the primordial spirit of heaven and earth, everything was scattered.

All the scattered laws were absorbed by the primordial spirit of heaven and earth, and then the operation of various laws in the primordial spirit of heaven and earth changed slightly and became more reasonable.

Yu Yuan's huge primordial spirit power spread out, and he soon saw the battle at Jiepaiguan.

"Have Jin Zhan and Daoist Wu Yunxian dealt with Guang Chengzi and Master Yuding? The rest doesn't seem to be too difficult?"

Boundary pass.

Seeing the four people of Daoist Taiyi take out the magic weapon, the faces of Zhao Gongming and Our Lady of Wudang became a little more serious.

"You guys are finally willing to take out the treasure your master gave you? It's really a treasure!" Zhao Gongming said sarcastically.

"Hmph, Zhao Gongming, don't be arrogant. The reason why we didn't take out the magic weapon is because our magic weapon is too powerful. We are afraid that we will kill you if we accidentally take it out. We can't explain it to Tongtian Sage!"

Master Taiyi took out the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, and said disdainfully to Zhao Gongming.

"Kill me to death? You have a big tone. I'm here to measure your abilities!" Zhao Gongming was originally irritable and irritable, but when he heard Taiyi's words, he immediately became angry.

The Holy Mother of Wudang also smiled coldly: "I am also very curious, what kind of magic weapon did the Yuanshi sage give to make you so arrogant?"

"Is it because we are arrogant, and we will know if we try it?" Chi Jingzi said, and also took out his magic weapon, the yin and yang mirror and the falling clock.

Chi Jingzi's magic weapon is to specialize in the soul.The two magic weapons in his hands are the treasures of the Great Principle Golden Immortal, and they are so powerful that even ordinary Great Principle Golden Immortals can easily fall into his way if they are not careful.

But it is quite a pity that Chi Jingzi has used yin and sunglasses several times but has not achieved any good results.At the beginning, red mirrors were yin mirrors used in the battle with the Wu clan.

But the witch clan has no soul, so Chi Jingzi's yin and yang mirror had little effect at that time. Later, Chi Jingzi used the yin and yang mirror on Yu Yuan, and Yu Yuan was not affected much.

There are too many secrets about Yu Yuan, and Chi Jingzi still hasn't figured out why Yu Yuan is basically not affected by his yin and yang mirror. Anyway, he basically doesn't plan to confront Yu Yuan now.

Behind the two of them, Qingxu Daodezhenjun and Daoxing Tianzun also each took out their own magic weapons.

Qingxu Daodezhenjun took out the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan, and Daoxing Tianzun took out the Subduing Demon Pestle.

The four Taiyi real people poured their own mana into the laws in their hands, and at the same time played out the magic formula in their hands, and then huge law fields were formed centered on the magic weapon.

Zhao Gongming and Wudang Virgin were a little disappointed when they saw the realm of law inspired by the four Taiyi real people using the magic weapon.

"At first I thought the magic weapon of the four of you was some kind of powerful magic weapon, but it turned out to be just the treasure of the Da Luo Jinxian that can release the realm of law."

Seeing this, Zhao Gongming and the Madonna of Wudang rushed forward with their own Law Domain.

In the field of Zhao Gongming's law is endless blue energy rolling crazily, bringing up bursts of blue whirlwind.Within the realm of the law of the Holy Mother of Wu, there are mountains of swords, and endless sharp golden auras flow freely.

Compared with the field of laws cultivated by Zhao Gongming and Our Lady of Wudang, the field of laws released by Daoist Taiyi with the help of magic weapons is much less powerful and the light is much dimmer.

Just when Zhao Gongming and the Holy Mother of Wudang approached the four of Taiyi Zhenren, the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover in Taiyi Zhenren's hand, the yin and yang mirror in Chijingzi's hand, and the five fires and seven bird fans in the hands of Qingxu Daodezhenjun were all blown out. shine.

Then the Samadhi True Fire Law Field formed by Taiyi Daoist's Kowloon God Fire Cover suddenly became a very coercive and powerful law world.

The realm of law of the soul formed by Chi Jingzi's yin and yang mirror has also become a world of laws, and the realm of fire of five fires and seven bird fans of Qingxu Dazhenjun has become a world of laws full of various flames.

Looking at the world of three laws that suddenly appeared, Zhao Gongming couldn't help cursing secretly, he was really careless.

Although the world of these three laws appeared quite suddenly, Zhao Gongming reacted very quickly.Then he saw a mass of five-color light rising from the top of Zhao Gongming's head.

Then, with the five-color light as the center, a more coercive and more real world of laws appeared on the spot.In this world of laws, there are countless clouds floating, the sea below is surging, and there are gusts of wind whizzing past from time to time.

The world of laws formed by the five-color light above Zhao Gongming's head is almost the same as the real world. The only flaw may be that there are only three laws and they cannot exist for a long time.

Seeing the almost real world of laws above Zhao Gongming's head, the four Taiyi real people couldn't help it for a while, and exclaimed.

"The treasure of the quasi-sage is actually the treasure of the quasi-sage! Fellow Daoist Zhao Gongming is really a great hand!" After knowing the five-color light on Zhao Gongming's head, the four of Taiyi Zhenren became a little crazy.

You know, although it is said that every monk with a cultivation level can easily refine a magic weapon that is one level lower than his cultivation level.But it takes a long time to practice a law.

Quasi-sages cannot refine the treasure of the Great Principle Golden Immortal, because their laws are only more perfect than those of the Great Principle Golden Immortal, and there is no qualitative change.

If a saint wants to refine a Da Luo Jinxian treasure, it will take a long time to practice a Da Luo Jinxian law first, and then incorporate that law into the magic weapon.

But quasi-sage treasures cannot be refined, not even by saints.

Because the biggest difference between Zhunsheng and Daluo Jinxian is the fusion of laws.The quasi-sage's comprehension of the law is only at the level of the Da Luo Jinxian, maybe more perfect, but the difference is not big.

And the saints just merged countless laws and opened up the world, so the strength between them and the quasi-sages is very different.

Therefore, even if a saint wants to refine the treasure of quasi-sage, it is impossible, unless the saint is willing to fuse two kinds of laws in his world, and then take out the fused law to refine the treasure of quasi-sage for you.Obviously there is no such possibility.

Therefore, all the treasures of quasi-sages in this world are innate spiritual treasures, created by heaven and earth, and no one has ever been able to refine them.Perhaps Hongjun Daozu in Zixiao Palace could refine it, but no one knows the answer.

At the same time that Zhao Gongming sacrificed the five-colored light, the Holy Mother of Wudang also sacrificed her Xuanwu seal, and the law domain formed by the Xuanwu seal merged with her own law domain to form a new law domain.

The four Taiyi real people looked at the five-color light above Zhao Gongming's head with red eyes, and the greed in their hearts was about to swallow their reason.

Finally, the four of Master Taiyi couldn't bear it any longer, and the three law worlds and two law fields all rushed towards the law world formed by Zhao Gongming's quasi-sage treasure.

At this time, the four of Taiyi Daoist can only see Zhao Gongming's quasi-sage treasure, they can't see the difference in strength between themselves and Zhao Gongming, and they can't see the gap between their own magic weapon and Zhao Gongming's quasi-sage treasure .

They only noticed the value of the quasi-sage's treasure, but they forgot its power, so naturally, the four people in Taiyi were tragic.

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