Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 124 Purification

() "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

Five loud bangs sounded one after another, and the three law worlds and two law fields formed by the magic weapons in the hands of the four masters of Taiyi collided with the law world formed by the quasi-sage treasure.

The result is obvious, the law world of the three real Taiyi shattered directly, and the law field formed by Daoxing Tianzun's subduing demon pestle and Chijingzi's falling clock dissipated all of a sudden.

"The four of you are really crazy. How dare you collide with the world of laws formed by me, the quasi-sage treasure." Zhao Gongming said a little stunned, looking at the miserable four Taiyi real people.

The four Taiyi real people were all bleeding from the corners of their mouths, and their faces were pale and limp on the ground.Their minds are finally awake now.

The impact of the quasi-sage's treasure is really too great, and they are in the midst of the murder, and they are full of disaster, so they unconsciously have some impulses that cannot be controlled, and these impulses will even be magnified.

"It's such a pity! The Sage Head and the Sage Yuanshi made an agreement this time, otherwise the teaching will be destroyed this time!" Zhao Gongming said with a face full of regret.

Hearing Zhao Gongming's words, Wudang Madonna, Jin Zhan and Wu Yunxian all turned their heads and ignored him. Even without that agreement, would he dare to kill him?

Not to mention anything else, but the second senior uncle who was extremely protective would slap him to death when he was about to make a move.

"Otherwise, let's hit them a few more times, as long as we don't kill them, wouldn't it be fine?" Zhao Gongming cast a malicious look at the real Taiyi sitting on the ground.

Before Zhao Gongming started to make a move, a cold snort came from the void, which directly hit Zhao Gongming's mind. Zhao Gongming was injured all of a sudden, and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Zhao Gongming, you really have the guts to want to kill my disciple." Yuanshi Tianzun's voice came faintly.

Hearing Yuanshi Tianzun's voice, Zhao Gongming couldn't help cursing inwardly.This Yuanshi Tianzun is too shameless, he just mentioned it verbally, and he actually used it as an excuse to attack himself.

"Brother, what do you mean? If you make a move casually, don't blame me for making a move too. By then, you and I will be in a lose-lose situation!" Taoist Tongtian's angry voice also came from the void.

Hearing Taoist Tongtian say this, Yuanshi Tianzun snorted angrily.Then a burst of mana broke through the void and appeared above the four of Daoist Taiyi, rolled them up, broke through the void and returned to Yuxu Palace.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Gongming could only turn around depressedly and watch the battle between the Guiling Virgin and Umo.

At this time, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit and Umo were fighting fiercely. Both of them chose to narrow the field of law to a radius of more than ten feet around their bodies, and the two began to fight in close quarters.

When the two were fighting, every shot was accompanied by endless laws, and the aftermath of the battle fell on the ground, destroying all the mountains and jungles on the ground.

The water ripples around the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, the water is full of light, and the blue water law is constantly thrown out from her hands, tearing the air, tearing the space, and rolling towards Umo.

Numerous laws of the water system extended from the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit, as if the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit had grown countless hands and feet to attack Umo together.

Umo is not inferior either, the blood sea law field around him rotates crazily, forming a huge blood vortex, this huge blood vortex exudes amazing suction, the surrounding space is stretched a lot by this suction .

Before the tentacles of the water law of the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit touched Wumo, they were pulled in by the blood sea vortex around Wumo, spinning, crushing, tearing, and throwing out.

In the end, those water system laws were all broken into fragments of water system laws, and then dissipated in the air.

Seeing that the concubine Wumo couldn't be taken down for a while, the Holy Mother of Guiling stopped her hand slowly, and said to Wumo: "Wuma, it's hard to tell the winner between you and me today, why don't you return your blood Hai, how about we let it go?"

"Either you spend time here with me, or you defeat me, otherwise, I won't let you leave easily." Tianfei Wumo stood quietly in the void, looking at the turtle spirit with a calm expression. Our Lady.

After hearing Tianfei Wumo's words, the Holy Mother of Guiling turned cold, and said coldly: "In that case, Wumo, take out your magic weapon!"

While speaking, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit took out her magic weapon, the sun moon bead.This day the moon bead shines brightly, half of it is golden, half of it is silver, as soon as it appears, it continuously absorbs the rijing moonlight and incorporates it into it.

Seeing that the Holy Mother of Guiling took out the magic weapon, the concubine Wumo also took out a blood-colored lotus.

The blood-colored lotus in the hands of Concubine Wumo is the lotus seed that Patriarch Styx spent a long time using the mighty power and the law of the sea of ​​blood to give birth to the twelfth-grade blood lotus.

Several Da Luo Jinxian masters of the Shura clan were allotted a seed.The blood lotus grown from this seed has the level of Daluo Jinxian's treasure.

"Good magic weapon, no wonder Fellow Daoist Wumo is full of confidence. But I can't let me be alone and delay everyone's schedule, so, Fellow Daoist Wumo, I'm offended!"

Seeing the blood-colored lotus flower that Umo took out, the Holy Mother of Guiling's face tightened slightly, and she spoke.

"Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit, don't talk so much, see the real chapter under your hand!" After Tianfei Umo finished speaking, the mana in her body rushed into the blood-colored lotus in her hand.

After being supported by Tianfei Wumo's magic power, the bloody lotus gradually grew bigger, slowly flew up, and finally fell into the blood sea domain around Tianfei Wumo.

Then I saw countless roots sprouting from the blood-colored lotus, piercing into the sea of ​​blood below him, frantically absorbing this small sea of ​​blood formed by the law of the sea of ​​blood.

As the blood sea was absorbed by the blood lotus, countless laws gradually emerged on the blood lotus, and these laws were connected with each other, gradually forming a world of laws.

The law world of Tianfei Wumo was not formed by the blood lotus, but her blood sea domain was transformed into a law world through the transformation of the blood lotus.

Although the world of laws on the blood-colored lotus is not as powerful as the world of laws of Daluo Jinxian's late monks, it is more than a step stronger than the world of laws inspired by the magic weapon of Daoist Taiyi and others.

Just as Concubine Wumo was building a world of laws through the blood-colored lotus, the Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit was also urging the power of her sun and moon beads.

As the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit injected more and more mana into the sun moon bead, the light of the sun moon bead became more and more dazzling, and at the same time, its ability to absorb the sun's moonlight became stronger and stronger.

In the end, two thick beams of light descended from the sky directly. One beam of light is so golden that people dare not look directly at it, full of arrogance and domineering; gorgeous feeling.

Around that golden beam of light, the space has already started to become something like a liquid, slowly flowing down the golden beam of light.

The surroundings of the silver beam of light were filled with bone-piercing cold, and the space was cracked, forming a spider web of cracks that scattered in all directions.

After the whale swallowed the essence of the sun and moon for a while, the sun and moon beads of the Holy Mother of Guiling began to grow slowly, and finally divided into two beads of different colors.

The golden beads floated into the golden beam of light and wandered around, while the silver beads undulated up and down in the silver beam of light, swimming around.

After a while, the two beams of light gradually dimmed, and the two beads no longer emitted dazzling light. All the energy was completely restrained, just like two ordinary beads at this moment.

Then the two beads flew towards the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit slowly. The speed was slow, and two obvious dents were pressed out of the space, as if they were very heavy.

At this time, the world of the law of the sea of ​​blood of the concubine Wumo has been completed, and she is supported by the blood-colored lotus and flies towards the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, crushing everything along the way.

The power of the law world is vast, and everything along the way is crushed into the most primitive energy, which dissipates in all directions.

However, under the coercion of the world of the law of the blood sea, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, who is the target of the world of the law of the blood sea, has no trace of fear.

The two beads of gold and silver had already flown in front of the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, and then flew towards the eyes of the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit.At the same time, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit even dispersed the water law field around her.

The two beads finally merged with the eyes of the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, and then the left eye of the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit turned into gold, and the right eye turned into silver, and then the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit slowly closed her eyes.

The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit stood calmly in the sky like this, without any defensive measures around her body, waiting for the world of the law of the sea of ​​blood to be crushed towards her by the bloody lotus.

"Fellow Daoist Wumo, if you regret it now, there is still time. If you wait until you die, it will be too late to say anything at that time!" The cold voice of the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit came to Wumo, the concubine.

Seeing the appearance of the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, Wumo also felt a little uneasy, but seeing that the victory was in sight, how could Wumo give up just because of a few words from the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit.

"Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit, just use whatever means you have!" Tianfei Wumo shouted loudly, suppressing the uneasiness in her heart.

"Hey." The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit sighed softly, and then said again: "What I want to display now is a supernatural power, which is based on the research of Pangu God's binocular sun and moon. I hope you can catch it." Use my supernatural powers."

As soon as the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit finished speaking, the blood-colored lotus had come to the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit with the help of the blood-colored law world, and the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit opened her tightly closed eyes.

Two rays of light, one gold and one silver, shot out from the eyes of the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit. These two rays of light carried supreme majesty, supreme dignity, and supreme domineering.

The world of the law of the sea of ​​blood that came before the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit was easily pierced by these two rays of light, and the entire world of the law of the blood sea was purified by the two rays of light in an instant, and all the laws of the sea of ​​blood collapsed and disappeared .

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