Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 128 Killing Ji Chang

() Seeing this situation, Demon King Bo Xun's face turned green, and he regretted endlessly. He agreed to Taoist Duobao if he knew it earlier.

At the same time, the demon king Bo Xun cursed Taoist Duobao in his heart.You said that you have been hiding in Jin'ao Island to study something, and you actually came up with a fusion of three laws.You have this strength, you came out early to show off!If I had known that you were such a pervert, who the hell would have nothing to provoke you!

Not to mention that the demon king Bo Xun was full of bitterness there.A trace of despair appeared on the face of Taoist Ran Deng at this time.

You must know that the gap between the late Daluo Jinxian monks who have integrated the laws and the quasi-sages is not that big, and they can even be said to be equal in combat power.

The only difference is that the quasi-sage's magic power is thicker, the primordial power is stronger, and the law is more perfect.The advantage of the quasi-sage is that the combat power is more durable.

But if you meet some talented people, it may be a tragedy for the quasi-sage!

The fusion of the two laws is equivalent to a monk in the early stage of quasi-sage, and the fusion of three laws is equivalent to a monk in the middle stage of quasi-sage!

How can Taoist Randeng beat such a pervert as Daoist Duobao?

"Taoist Duobao, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply! This time I am willing to bow down! But even if I am not your opponent, I think it is not a problem for me to escape."

As soon as Taoist Ran Deng finished speaking, his body suddenly turned into a ray of dark green fire, which disappeared without a trace in the ancient star field that was beginning to look dim.

After mastering the rule world, the rule world can echo the prehistoric world and affect the surrounding environment, as if it is a weakened rule world, but the scope is infinitely larger.

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Ran Deng, why do you have to embarrass me? Before I came, I promised Junior Brother Yu Yuan that Ji Chang would be killed. If I let you run away with Ji Chang, wouldn't it be my face?" Lost it all!"

Seeing Taoist Randeng disappear in place, Taoist Duobao was not in a hurry, just smiled and talked there, as if he was talking to himself.

As soon as the words fell, a fire dragon flew out from the law world behind Taoist Duobao's head, surrounded by blue wind laws, and wrapped around a giant blue tree.

With a groan, the fire dragon directly broke through the space and got in.


There was a fierce collision sound far away from here, and then the space crack opened again, and the fire dragon got out of it grabbing Taoist Burning Lamp.

As soon as Taoist Ran Deng appeared, a green pillar of fire shot out from the rule world behind his head, attacking Taoist Duobao.

The ancient stars and broken star cores that were blocked on the way were all melted into a huge passage by this dark green flame.

Seeing the flying green light, Daoist Duobao smiled slightly, and raised his right hand, with three kinds of light shining on it, he gently blocked in front of him, catching the green light.

"Fellow Daoist Ran Deng, I can't kill you, but I have to teach you a lesson!" As soon as Taoist Duobao's words fell, the huge fire dragon's claws pressed hard and ruthlessly oppressed Ran Deng. Taoist body.

Daoist Ran Deng's ruled world enveloped him, resisting the tremendous pressure from the dragon's claws.


Numerous cracks appeared on the barrier of Daoist Randeng's regular world, and then scattered and dissipated into the void.

The fire dragon's claws landed on Taoist Ran Deng's body, and the powerful law of flame burned Taoist Ran Deng's clothes clean.

"Fellow Daoist Ran Deng, if you don't hand over Ji Chang, I can only kill you and open up your mustard space. Don't say I violated the agreement then!"

Looking at Taoist Ran Deng in distress, Taoist Duobao said with a slight smile.At the same time, the fire dragon also loosened its claws, and put Taoist Ran Deng down, but the huge scorched paw prints on Taoist Ran Deng's body showed his humiliation just now.

Taoist Ran Deng released Ji Chang with a serious face, and stared at Taoist Duobao firmly.

Just as Ji Chang was released by the Taoist burning lamp, he floated directly in the void. Ji Chang clutched his neck and struggled continuously, his face full of pain.

At the same time, Ji Chang's mouth kept opening and closing, as if talking about something.But in this ancient star field, there is no power as a medium, and no one has heard what he said.

Seeing Ji Chang's appearance, Daoist Duobao sighed softly, and said, "Fellow Daoist Ran Deng, why did you make him suffer so much?"

Daoist Duobao gently waved his hand, Ji Chang's body froze, and then he lost his vitality, and then ghost soldiers came to lock his soul away.

As soon as this ghost pawn appeared, he felt the strong coercion and tense atmosphere around him.But even if this ghost soldier is unwilling, he will lock Ji Chang's soul back!

Staring at the eyes of Taoist Ran Deng, the pawn walked up to Ji Chang step by step, pulled out his soul with chains, and then left.

"Wait!" At this moment, Taoist Duobao spoke.Raising his head to meet the eyes of Daoist Ran Deng, Taoist Duobao smiled slightly and said, "I'd better break up Ji Chang's soul, so that Fellow Daoist Ran Deng won't worry about it all the time!"

Following Taoist Duobao's words, a ripple came in front of Ji Chang's soul, and it was scattered in a single blow.

Seeing this, the ghost soldier didn't dare to speak, and went directly to the underworld to report.

"You..." Seeing Taoist Duobao beat Ji Chang completely, Taoist Ran Deng glared at Taoist Duobao angrily.

After killing Ji Chang, Taoist Duobao stopped paying attention to Taoist Ran Deng, and turned his head to look at the four monks standing aside, the demon king Bo Xun.

"Fellow Daoist Bo Xun, is it time to end our business?" Daoist Duobao had a slight smile on his face, looking at the demon king Bo Xun and the other four who stood there feeling a little uneasy.

"Fellow Daoist Duobao, how about letting go of today's matter?" Demon King Bo Xun looked at Taoist Duobao bitterly.

"Choose, sometimes there is only one chance!" Taoist Duobao shook his head, and then the fire dragon rushed towards the demon king Bo Xun and the others standing there.

Seeing the fire dragon rushing towards them, Demon King Bo Xun and the others couldn't care about anything else at this moment, and hurriedly blasted out their own laws to resist the fire dragon.

But this fire dragon is much stronger than the fire dragons sent out by Daoist Duobao just now. All the torrents of laws were scattered by this fire dragon, and then directly hit the demon king Bo Xun and the others.

The demon king Bo Xun and the others were seriously injured and fell to the ground, unable to resist anymore.

At this time, another fire dragon swam out of the world of laws behind Daoist Duobao's head, rushing towards the Demon King Bo Xun and the others with heavy coercion.

Seeing that Demon King Bo Xun and others were about to die in the hands of this powerful fire dragon, at this moment, suddenly a bloody lotus broke through the space and appeared, wrapping Demon King Bo Xun and others inside.

At the same time, the voice of Patriarch Styx came out from the broken space.

"Taoist Duobao, my disciples have learned enough lessons today, how about letting this matter go?"

Hearing Patriarch Minghe's voice, Taoist Duobao's eyes lit up slightly.

"Patriarch Minghe, you are finally here! I have been waiting for you for a long time!" Daoist Duobao said with a little excitement.

When fighting with Taoist Ran Deng just now, Taoist Duobao's spiritual consciousness had already seen the other two battlefields.

At the same time, he also saw that Patriarch Styx continued to rescue the monks of the Shura tribe. As a big brother, Daoist Duobao naturally couldn't let Patriarch Styx be so arrogant.

"Taoist Duobao, what do you mean by that? Are you unwilling to give up?" Patriarch Styx also passed through the space with his entire body at this time, and appeared on the battlefield.

After the ten ancestor witches in the underworld knew that Ji Chang was dead, they retreated and stopped fighting the ancestor Minghe, so Minghe was able to free himself.

"Old Ancestor Minghe, you are very busy today! These subordinates who keep coming to rescue you are also very arrogant! Don't you take me seriously at all?"

Taoist Duobao stared intently at Patriarch Styx closely.

"Then what do you want?" Hearing Taoist Duobao say this, Patriarch Minghe knew that today he would definitely not let it go.

"As the elder brother of Jiejiao, I naturally want to ask Fellow Daoist Minghe for some advice, and I can't let you act recklessly!" While talking, the laws in the world of laws in the back of Daoist Duobao's head kept tumbling violently.

Daoist Duobao also began to change the formula at this time. As the formula was completed, the three laws in the world of laws behind his head were entangled with each other, forming a very thick divine thunder.

This divine thunder seemed to carry the might of the heavens, like an abyss like an ocean, pressing down on Patriarch Styx with a powerful pressure.

Patriarch Minghe also kept changing the spells, and when he played the spells, countless blood god sons were formed immediately, and each of them had a crazy and violent aura.

Daoist Duobao stretched out his hand, and the extremely thick divine thunder struck at the group of blood god sons with endless destructive aura and the will of heaven.

Since Patriarch Minghe was in the late quasi-sage period, with vast mana and unfathomable power of primordial spirit, the number of blood god sons transformed this time was very large.

Seeing Taoist Duobao controlling the divine thunder and striking towards him, these blood god sons not only did not dodge, but went to meet them.

One after another, the blood god sons were smashed to pieces by the powerful divine thunder, but the power of the divine thunder continued to weaken, and in the end, they were completely overwhelmed by those blood god sons.

Seeing this, Daoist Duobao's face remained unchanged, but the formula in his hand changed, and five divine thunders were blasted out in succession, each of which was powerful, and this blow directly knocked most of the blood god sons into flying ash.

"Taoist Duobao, do you want to compare me with who has more powerful mana? Then try!" As he spoke, a large group of Blood God Sons appeared again around Patriarch Styx.

Daoist Duobao didn't pay any attention to Patriarch Minghe's words, but divine lightning struck out one after another, one after another.The surrounding star field has already been covered with divine thunders from Daoist Duobao.

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