Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 129 Heaven's Punishment?Godsend!

() The speed with which Daoist Duobao sent out the divine thunder, and his seemingly endless magic power, gradually made Patriarch Styx unable to withstand it.

"Taoist Duobao, what's going on? Why is your mana so strong?" Ancestor Styx asked in surprise.

"I forgot to tell you, I have not only studied the application of laws these years, but also studied how to increase the strength of the physical body and the strength of the primordial spirit, and how to store more mana with the same strength of the physical body!"

After hearing the words of Patriarch Minghe, Taoist Duobao said unhurriedly.

Taoist Duobao's words made Patriarch Minghe feel a little depressed.This multi-treasure Taoist practice has reached this level, and he didn't even look for a powerful carrier to kill the corpse.

It's fine if you don't break through the quasi-sage, what are you doing with these messy research?Now he actually made himself so perverted.Patriarch Styx complained unreasonably in his heart.

However, Patriarch Styx's depressed mood at this time is actually easy to understand.After finally breaking through to the late quasi-sage, I thought I was already No. 1 under the saint, but found that I was not as good as a big Luo Jinxian. This depression can be imagined.

Seeing that it was impossible to defeat Taoist Duobao at this time, Patriarch Minghe had no choice but to break the space and let Bo Xun and others who had recovered a little go back first.

Seeing Patriarch Styx like this, Taoist Duobao didn't stop him, but when Patriarch Minghe wanted to leave, Taoist Duobao waved his hands to smooth the cracks in space and stopped him.

"Patriarch Styx, you just left like this! Is this not an explanation?" Taoist Duobao looked at Patriarch Styx with a half-smile.

"Taoist Duobao, what can you do if you stop me like this?" Patriarch Minghe looked at Taoist Duobao nonchalantly.

Daoist Duobao didn't answer him, this time he no longer urged Lei Jue, but directly approached him, directly relying on his physical body to fight with Patriarch Minghe in close quarters.

Taoist Duobao's move directly exceeded Patriarch Styx's expectations.Patriarch Styx was in a hurry for a while, and kept moving his hands left and right to resist the attack of Daoist Duobao.

But after only a few rounds, Patriarch Styx had already started to enter the state and started fighting with Daoist Duobao.

Because Daoist Duobao has researched the bodies of all kinds of strange beasts in the prehistoric world, and repaired his own body, his body is very hard, and Patriarch Minghe couldn't break through his body at all.

Taoist Duobao's physical strength is now no less than that of monks of the same level who practice the nine-turn Yuangong. How can Patriarch Minghe be able to break through it.

Although Patriarch Styx's defense is not strong, his body gathers and disperses at will, and he will not be fatally injured.

Daoist Duobao and Patriarch Minghe, the two great powers, every punch is accompanied by the evolution of various laws, and every kick is accompanied by various visions.

The laws blasted by Patriarch Styx just hit the surface of Daoist Duobao's body, and then disappeared.

But every law of Daoist Duobao has been penetrated into the body of Patriarch Minghe. Although Patriarch Minghe's body gathers and disperses with time, there are still some laws that remain in Patriarch Minghe's body.

After the two fought and separated again, Patriarch Minghe became a little impatient, and said to Daoist Duobao: "Ren. Rao, what exactly do you want?"

"Since that's the case, let's stop here for today! I also basically know my own strength!"

After finishing speaking, Taoist Duobao quickly raised a law world full of earth system laws and mountains, which perfectly merged with the other three law worlds.

Taoist Duobao raised his right leg and made a vertical chop, an extremely fierce blade of law condensed from four kinds of laws, and slashed towards Patriarch Minghe.

Immediately chopped off the right arm of Patriarch Minghe, and then completely turned his right arm into ashes.

After that, Daoist Duobao didn't take advantage of the situation to pursue, but turned around and left.

Looking at Taoist Duobao's back, Patriarch Minghe's face was full of shock.

"The integration of the laws of the four systems? Doesn't it mean that he may break through to the quasi-sage Dzogchen cultivation base at any time? This Daoist Duobao is really a monster!" Patriarch Minghe muttered to himself.

At the same time, in the Yuxu Palace of Kunlun Mountain.

Yuanshi Tianzun withdrew his divine consciousness and the three treasures that were about to be blasted out.

"This Duobao is very knowledgeable, but his talent is too monstrous, and I really can't help but want to kill him." Yuanshi Tianzun had a complicated look on his face.

After Yu Yuan swallowed the five avatars descended from heaven, the surroundings suddenly calmed down, the clouds were light and the wind was light, and the trees were green, as if the punishment from heaven had passed.

But Yu Yuan didn't relax his vigilance at all. He clearly felt that there was a terrifying power hidden under this calm appearance. Once it erupted, it would be earth-shattering.

After a while, the clouds in the sky finally began to move, gradually forming a human shape, and finally a very thin old man.

There are countless laws flowing in the old man's eye sockets, which makes people dizzy at a glance, and there is no emotion in them, it is completely empty.

"Yu Yuan, you arbitrarily killed the future emperor, changed the general trend of heaven without authorization, and caused chaos in the heavenly secrets. You should be punished by the heavens and die!" After saying this sentence, those old people who formed a cloud disappeared immediately.

But at the same time, there are countless laws of Dao appearing in Yu Yuan's heaven and earth primordial spirit.

I saw that among these countless laws, three thousand seem to be relatively thick, and the others are countless small laws.

As soon as these laws appeared in Yu Yuan's heaven and earth primordial spirit, they immediately started running around and destroying them everywhere.

All the mountains, forests, and rivers in Yu Yuan Tiandi Yuanshen were destroyed, the originally vast land began to crack gradually, and the light from the sun began to dim.

Seeing these scenes, Yu Yuan didn't panic at all.Yu Yuan put his mind into his heaven and earth primordial spirit, and under Yu Yuan's control, those destroyed objects began to absorb those tiny laws.

As those small laws were absorbed, the various components of Yu Yuan's heaven, earth, and primordial spirit became stronger, more reasonable, and more in line with Dao rhyme.

In the end, there were only three thousand relatively rough laws that were still being twisted and destroyed.

Yu Yuan is not in a hurry about the three thousand ways, but slowly urges the things transformed by the various laws in the primordial spirit of heaven and earth to refine the three thousand ways.

As the first law was refined, the laws one by one were gradually refined by Yu Yuan's Heaven and Earth Primordial Spirit, and the operation of various laws in Yu Yuan's Heaven and Earth Primordial Spirit became more perfect and reasonable.

In the end, the Three Thousand Ways were completely absorbed by Yu Yuan's Heaven and Earth Primordial Spirit, and Yu Yuan's Heaven and Earth Primordial Spirit looked like a complete small world at this moment.

There was even a breath of life in Yu Yuan's primordial spirit of heaven and earth, which was the original source of a world.

Yu Yuan slowly opened his eyes, feeling the smooth and reasonable operation of various laws in the primordial spirit of heaven and earth in his body, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Yu Yuan's mouth.

For Yu Yuan, what is God's punishment this time?For Yu Yuan, this is clearly a reward from heaven!

Yu Yuan let go of his consciousness, swept across the battlefields, and followed his breath into the ancient star field, just in time to see Daoist Duobao kill Ji Chang.

Seeing that Ji Chang was already out of his wits, Yu Yuan showed an incomprehensible smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Ji Fa is dead, and Ji Chang is also dead. This Conferred God is getting more and more interesting!" Yu Yuan said to himself there.

Yu Yuan was not in a hurry to go to join Taoist Duobao and the others, he really wanted to take this opportunity to know the true strength of Taoist Duobao.

Yu Yuan was also taken aback when he saw Taoist Duobao's four principles merged. This Taoist Duobao is really abnormal.

Seeing Taoist Duobao and other disciples of Jujiao were about to return to Jinao Island, Yu Yuan rushed up to join them.

Seeing Yu Yuan returning safely, the first person to go up to her was the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit took two steps forward, looked at Yu Yuan with concern, and said, "Yu Yuan, are you alright?"

"How can something happen to me? Don't you think I'm fine now?" Yu Yuan comforted the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit with a smile on his face.

"Yu Yuan, how are things going?" Yu Yixian couldn't help being curious and asked.

"It's nothing. I just killed Ji Fa and resisted the punishment of God!" Yu Yuan said lightly.

Hearing Yu Yuan's words, Feather Wing Fairy immediately opened his mouth.Resisting God's punishment?Yu Yuan actually resisted the punishment of heaven?Said so lightly.

Daoist Duobao and the others also looked at Yu Yuan with surprise on their faces.

Taoist Duobao shook his head, and said with a smile: "I thought I would be powerful if I resisted the five Da Luo Jinxian late-stage monks, but I didn't expect Junior Brother Yu Yuan to have such a feat, let me bow down!"

Not to mention the disciples of Jiejiao and their group chatting and laughing, they went back to Jin'ao Island in a lively manner.

After Lei Zhenzi brought all the news of Ji Chang and Bo Yikao's death back to Xiqi, all the princes and nobles in Xiqi panicked.

Originally, Ji Fa's sudden and tragic death had caused panic, but now that even Ji Chang and Bo Yikao died, Xiqi was completely leaderless.

The eyes of all the princes and ministers unconsciously set on Ji Chang's third son, Guan Shuxian, hoping that he could inherit the position of Marquis of Xibo.

But Guan Shuxian unexpectedly supported his fourth brother Zhou Gongdan.

Speaking of Zhou Gongdan this week, the ministers of Xiqi had the impression that he was weak and sickly. It seemed that he had suffered two illnesses so far, and each time he was unconscious, and there was no cure for it.

However, he survived these two times safely, and woke up afterwards without any discomfort.

At this time, hearing Guan Shuxian recommending Zhou Gongdan, all the ministers took a serious look at the fourth young master.Facing the visiting eyes of all the ministers, Zhou Gongdan remained calm and did not change his face.

Seeing Zhou Gongdan's appearance, all the ministers were suspicious in their hearts. Could it be that this Fourth Young Master has been hiding everything?

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