Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 132 Jiang Xiaoqiang and Zhou Gongdan 32 Things

() Didn't you beat me to death!Am I lying here like this and still not being eaten raw by those wild beasts?Wu Ji felt very wronged in his heart.

"Yes, I'm really willing to take you to find my master!" Wu Ji hurriedly agreed.

Now that he has lost face, he no longer cares about losing some more.

"That old gentleman is your master?" Zhou Gongdan asked knowingly.

Hearing Zhou Gongdan's question, Wu Ji said a little happily: "Yes, the person you are looking for is my master!"

Wu Ji thought happily in his heart, this luxuriously dressed young man knew his identity, how could he express his apology to himself.No matter what, he still wants to ask his master to come out of the mountain!

"I guess that's it!" After speaking, Zhou Gongdan ordered everyone to set off, asking Wu Ji to guide the way from time to time, but he didn't seem to want to apologize at all.

At this time, Wu Ji completely gave up the unrealistic fantasy of relying on the identity of the master to dominate.

Under Wu Ji's guidance, after a while, Zhou Gongdan and his party came to a small wooden house by the Weishui River.

Zhou Gongdan got out of the chariot, brought Liu Yi and other guards to the door of the cabin, knocked on the door, and then waited there quietly.

After a while, after a sound of "squeak", the wooden door was gently opened, and a small Taoist boy came out from the wooden house, wearing a rather big Taoist robe, and a piercing pierced on his head. Road bun.

"What's the matter if you dare to ask the guest?" The little boy asked Zhou Gongdan with a slap in the face.

Zhou Gongdan looked at Xiaodaotong who seemed to be calm but actually very nervous in front of him, and smiled slightly: "I am Xibohou Zhou Gongdan, come to invite your husband to come out of the mountain and assist me in Xiqi!"

"My husband is not here. You go back first!" Zhou Gongdan just said, the little boy said impatiently.

Once Zhou Gong saw Xiaodaotong's appearance, he knew that this was what he had prepared a long time ago, and then saw Xiaodaotong's eyes wandering constantly, and glanced into the room behind him from time to time.

With a slight smile, Zhou Gongdan already understood in his heart.

"Then please send me a message. When your husband comes back, you can tell him that I want to ask him to come out of the mountain to help him. If he is willing, he can come directly to Xiqi City to find me. I will wait for it." .If I don’t want to, I don’t want to force others to make things difficult for me, and I don’t want to disturb people’s peace!”

After finishing speaking, he asked all the guards to throw Wuji on the spot, and Zhou Gongdan went back to the chariot directly.

After hearing Zhou Gongdan's words, Jiang Ziya, who was hiding in the house, couldn't help but feel anxious for a while.

Before Zhou Gongdan arrived at the wooden house just now, Jiang Ziya knew that Zhou Gongdan was coming soon, so he told Xiaodaotong to wait until Zhou Gongdan came, and said that he was not there.

Jiang Ziya wanted to increase his worth through this.Not only for himself, but also because the plan of elucidating teachings requires his status to be high enough.

However, what Jiang Ziya didn't expect was that the new Xibohou had no idea of ​​being a corporal, and he gave him an ultimatum and left.

Jiang Ziya quickly sent a voice transmission to tell Xiaodaotong to tell Zhou Gongdan that he was fishing by the Weishui River downstream.

Although this seems fake, it is still more face-saving than Jiang Ziya's coming to work in person in the future.

After giving orders to Xiao Daotong, Jiang Ziya picked up the fishing rod, and a Tudun came downstream, and then found a big rock to fish quietly.

"Master Hou, Lord Hou, please wait a moment! I remembered, my husband seems to have gone fishing downstream!" Just as Zhou Gongdan and his party were walking back, the little boy's voice came from behind him.

Hearing Xiaodaotong's words, Zhou Gongdan stopped, and when Xiaodaotong ran over, Zhou Gongdan looked at Xiaodaotong with a smile on his face and said: "You have the same problem with that Wuji, wait until others are leaving, and then call Live with someone else?"

Hearing Zhou Gongdan's teasing, Xiao Daotong blushed, and then said what he had just shouted again.

"Let's go! Let's go and see this great sage who lives in seclusion!" This time, Zhou Gongdan didn't bring a few people with him, but only the guard commander Liu Yi and a few guards.

After walking for a while, Zhou Gongdan saw a white-haired old man fishing on a big rock in the distance.

Zhou Gongdan walked over leisurely, standing behind Jiang Ziya and watching Jiang Ziya fishing.

Jiang Ziya already felt Zhou Gongdan walking behind him, quietly waiting for Zhou Gongdan to speak first.

"Hey, are you fishing?" Zhou Gongdan opened his mouth, but the first sentence made Jiang Ziya almost wince, because the words he had prepared were useless all of a sudden.

Jiang Ziya didn't know what to say for a while.The key is that Zhou Gongdan asked too leisurely.

"Well, I'm fishing!" Jiang Ziya had no choice but to reply depressedly.

"I heard that you always use straight hooks for fishing! Pull it up and let me see, is it true?" Although Zhou Gongdan's question was still off topic, Jiang Ziya was still very happy, and finally had something to say.

"This is called rather to seek from the straight than to seek from the curved. It is not set up for Jinlin, but only for kings and princes." After finishing speaking, Jiang Ziya gently stroked the white beard under his chin, with an inscrutable look.

"Oh, really? Very good, very good!" Zhou Gongdan acted like a spectator.

Jiang Ziya stopped talking this time, and just sat there quietly fishing.

"Sir, I am Zhou Gongdan, Xibohou. I came here today to ask you to help me. I don't know if you are willing to come out to help me." After thinking about it, Zhou Gongdan decided not to play anymore, with a serious face Said.

Hearing Zhou Gongdan's words, Jiang Ziya was about to burst into tears, and finally said something serious!

Jiang Ziya didn't dare to refuse this time. If he refused, who knows what kind of moth Zhou Gongdan will make this week.

"Your Majesty sincerely invites you, but Ziya'an dares to decline! Ziya pays respects to the lord!" Jiang Ziya turned around and said to Zhou Gongdan, and then paid his respects.

Then Jiang Ziya followed Zhou Gongdan to the location of the brigade.

Standing in front of the chariot, Zhou Gongdan said to Jiang Ziya: "Sir, please get on the chariot! I will just sit on the horse!"

Hearing what Zhou Gongdan said, Jiang Ziya's first reaction was to decline.

"My lord, you must not be like this. Since Ziya is already a courtier, how can he ride in a chariot by himself and let my lord ride a horse?" Jiang Ziya refused righteously.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll sit! You can ride the horse!" Just as Jiang Ziya was waiting for Zhou Gongdan to invite him a few more times, and he readily agreed, Zhou Gongdan said very flatly.

Seeing Zhou Gongdan like this, Jiang Ziya felt uncomfortable.

After thinking about it, Jiang Ziya said, "Hey, what a pity! It's God's will!"

"Oh, I don't know what's going on, but the gentleman sighed that God's will is so!" Zhou Gongdan said with a slightly raised tone.

"The virtuous man let me ride in the chariot just now, in fact, it was to decide how many years the Western Zhou Dynasty could last! If I took a step on the chariot, the existence of the Western Zhou Dynasty would be one more year." Jiang Ziya shook his head and sighed there. The look of extreme regret.

"Oh, is that so? The gentleman didn't take a step. Is my Western Zhou Dynasty about to destroy the country?" Zhou Gongdan didn't have any drastic emotional changes, but looked at Jiang Ziya with a half-smile and asked.

Hearing what Zhou Gongdan said, Jiang Ziya blushed slightly, and he knew that his cowhide was blown.

"Of course not, Ziya tried his best to win the 800-year national fortune for the Western Zhou Dynasty!" Jiang Ziya quickly remedied.

"Really? That's really hard work, sir! Otherwise, sir, you will continue the national fortune for the Western Zhou Dynasty for a few more years!" Zhou Gongdan said quite naturally.

"If that's the case, my lifespan will be greatly damaged, and I may even die on the spot!" Jiang Ziya said quickly, hoping to change Zhou Gongdan's mind.

The key is that the fate of the country in the Western Zhou Dynasty is determined by heaven, and there is something that he, a little earth immortal monk, can modify.

"It's okay, I will make a statue for you, so that all the people in Xiqi will remember you!" Zhou Gongdan stared at Jiang Ziya after finishing speaking.

Jiang Ziya was silent.A burst of depression swirled in my heart. I don't know why as long as he talked with Zhou Gongdan, he would feel depressed.

"Haha, sir, don't worry about it. I was just joking with you just now! I, Xiqi, still need the help of a great talent, so why would I break my own arm?"

Jiang Ziya was sure of one thing at this time, that is, never to be polite with Zhou Gongdan.Otherwise, you will definitely fall into a very embarrassing situation.

As soon as Zhou Gongdan sat on the chariot and was about to return to Xiqi City, Liu Yi, the commander of the guards, came up and asked in a low voice: "Master, what about that Wuji?"

Hearing Liu Yi's words, Zhou Gongdan didn't take it seriously, turned his head to Jiang Ziya and said, "Sir, we were on the way here to find you just now, and we happened to meet your disciple who was injured and lying on the road. By the way, I brought him back for you, go and see him!"

Hearing Zhou Gongdan's words, Jiang Ziya hurried to Wuji's side and checked Wuji's injuries.

As soon as Wu Ji saw Jiang Ziya, he poured bitter water on him. After Jiang Ziya heard Wu Ji's experience, he didn't express any anger, but shook his head helplessly.

"I'll help you heal your wounds, that's all for this matter! I can't help you get ahead, if you want revenge, do it yourself!" Jiang Ziya took out an elixir from the gourd he carried, Stuffed it into Bukit's mouth.

Hearing what Jiang Ziya said, Wu Ji would not dare to mention revenge, he could only swallow the bitterness in his stomach.

That day, Zhou Gongdan took Jiang Ziya back to Xiqi City, and after returning, he directly made Jiang Ziya the prime minister.

Even so, Zhou Gongdan gave part of the prime minister's power to Dr. San Yisheng.As for whether Jiang Ziya would fight San Yisheng, that was out of Zhou Gongdan's consideration.

So far, Xiqi has completely settled down.With the cooperation of Jiang Ziya and San Yisheng, Xiqi began to flourish.

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