Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 133 The Final Battle of the North Sea

() Jinao Island.

Yu Yuan was originally sitting in his cave talking to the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, but suddenly he shook his head and laughed.

Seeing Yu Yuan laughing for no reason, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit looked at Yu Yuan with a puzzled expression. The topic they talked about just now was not funny!

"Yu Yuan, what's the matter? What happened?" The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit finally couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, just this time, I played tricks on that Jiang Ziya." Yu Yuan said with a smile.

"However, since Jiang Ziya has already entered Xiqi, we will immediately discuss the conflict between the two religions." Yu Yuan continued, frowning slightly.

"What should come will always come. Through this fight with Chanjiao, we can basically know the strength of those people from Chanjiao." The Holy Mother of Jinling grabbed Yu Yuan's hand and said softly.

"As soon as you said it, I remembered. The Battle of Beihai has not ended until now, and it is time to let it end. Let Wen Zhong go back, and he can also help Fei Zhong and You Hun." Yu Yuan suddenly thought of Beihai battle.

"Then let's summon Wudang Junior Sisters to go to Beihai together!" Hearing what Yu Yuan said, the Holy Mother of Golden Spirit immediately stood up and said.

"No, I'll just go by myself, I don't care about those local chickens and dogs!" Yu Yuan stretched out his hand to stop the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, and said with a calm smile.

"What if Patriarch Styx goes away?" The Holy Mother of Jinling asked worriedly.

"Believe me! Even if Patriarch Styx makes a move, I can get away with it!" After finishing speaking, Yu Yuan swiped lightly with his right hand, and a space crack opened in the space, and then he walked in like a leisurely stroll.

Although she heard Yu Yuan's confident answer, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit still looked at Yu Yuan's back with a worried face.

North Sea Merchant Army Camp.

Wen Zhongzheng was sitting behind the table with a sad face. The Battle of Beihai had dragged on for too long.

Coupled with Chao Ge's constant news about Di Xin, these news made Wen Zhong even more restless.

Just when Wen Zhong was fidgeting impatiently, a spatial crack suddenly appeared in the big camp, and then Wen Zhong saw his uncle, Master Yu Yuan, walk out of it.

"Master uncle, why are you here?" Wen Zhong stood up with surprise on his face, and hurriedly greeted Yu Yuan.

"The Battle of Beihai should be over, and you should go back to Chaoge!" Yu Yuan found a seat and sat down, and said leisurely.

Hearing the word "Chaoge", Wen Zhong's face became a little sad.

"Uncle, has Di Xin really become what he said in the rumors now?" Wen Zhong asked Yu Yuan with some hesitation in his tone.

"The things you heard are all true! But it's not Di Xin, but Maitreya from the Western religion!"

After hearing Yu Yuan's words, Wen Zhong's expression was gloomy at first, and then there was some anger mixed with surprise.

"This Maitreya is really brave. He even dared to pretend to be the Emperor. He was so tyrannical, killing Queen Jiang and those ministers!" Wen Zhong's beard and hair were all stretched out, and he wished he could fly back to Chaoge immediately.

"There are Fei Zhong and You Hun in the court who are constantly dealing with each other, trying their best to preserve the strength in Di Xin's hands, but they can't hold it anymore. Don't be impulsive after you go back, just wait quietly for Di Xin to return !"

Seeing Wen Zhong's appearance, Yu Yuan commanded with some worry.

"Master, don't worry! I won't act recklessly! But, in the situation in Beihai, I dare not withdraw my troops!" Wen Zhong said helplessly.

"Everything is waiting for tomorrow. After tomorrow, everything will be known!" After finishing speaking, Yu Yuan closed his eyes and adjusted his breath without further words.

On the second day, Yu Yuan brought Wen Zhong and a group of business generals to appear in front of Beihai City.

Looking at the blood formation that covered the entire Beihai City, Yu Yuan shook his head slightly.Although this sea of ​​blood formation prevented Wen Zhong from attacking Beihai City, it also trapped everyone in Beihai City inside.

"Has Fellow Daoist Bo Xun come back? If you have already come back, please come out and see me!" Yu Yuan shouted loudly at the blood sea formation.

Bo Xun, who was in the city, heard Yu Yuan's words, but he didn't feel nervous at all, instead he smiled.

Bo Xun turned his head and smiled at Patriarch Ming He who was sitting at the top, "Patriarch, as you expected, this sect really sent people here!"

"Hey, since you're here, don't even think about leaving easily. This time Beihai City should only have you as a master in their eyes, Bo Xun, and Daoist Duobao will never come. Except for Daoist Duobao, I don't have any disciples from Jiejiao." One can see it in the eyes." Patriarch Styx laughed twice.

"Yes, this time we will kill a few disciples of the Jiejiao to avenge the death of Luo Qiantuo!" Shiva who was sitting on the side said viciously.

Then the surrounding people all echoed.

The Blood Sea Asura clan came out in full force, and all the remaining Daluo Jinxian masters gathered in Beihai City.

"If you want to see me, you'd better break my blood sea formation first! If you can't break it, you don't even have the qualification to see me!" Demon King Bo Xun's voice came from the blood sea formation.

Hearing the words of Demon King Bo Xun, Yu Yuan smiled lightly and shook his head.

"Originally, as long as you retreated, I wouldn't do anything to you. But with your attitude now, aren't you courting death?" Yu Yuan whispered to himself.

Yu Yuan walked out slowly, and leisurely walked to the edge of the blood sea formation. He stretched out his right hand, and a group of extremely bright golden flames jumped on his palm.

Lifting his right hand to his mouth, Yu Yuan blew lightly, and the golden flame fluttered towards the blood sea formation, and after it landed in the blood sea formation, the golden flame began to flow continuously. burn up.

The endless filthy sea of ​​blood seemed to have become the fuel of that golden flame.The golden flames shot up all of a sudden, burning all the streaks and connected runes that formed the blood sea formation.

Sitting in the city, the demon king Bo Xun felt that the blood sea formation was constantly weakening, his face darkened, and then he began to manipulate the operation of the entire formation.

Under the manipulation of the Demon King Bo Xun, the burned energy lines and linking runes of the entire blood sea formation began to reappear and be depicted, and the power of the blood sea formation began to grow stronger again.

At the same time, one after another blood springs sprang up from the ground, and these blood springs were all added to the blood sea formation, and the red light emitted by the blood sea formation became brighter and brighter.

But as the sea of ​​blood burst into red light, the golden flame released by Yu Yuan also burned more and more vigorously. Not only that, but the golden flame began to spread, forming a golden sea ​​of ​​flames.

The demon king Bo Xun couldn't stand it anymore. Although he tried his best to urge the blood sea formation, he still couldn't resist the burning of the golden flame.

"Hmph! Bo Xun, step back and let me do it!" Seeing that Bo Xun could no longer hold back, Patriarch Styx snorted angrily, and took over the control of the blood sea formation.

In this first battle, Patriarch Minghe didn't want to be swept away like this.

As soon as Patriarch Styx took over, the operation of the entire blood sea formation suddenly changed dramatically, and the entire blood sea formation suddenly turned into a boundless blood mist.

Then the blood mist condensed into blood ropes, which were woven into huge bloody nets. There were countless runes connected on the huge bloody nets, and countless laws condensed.

These blood nets directly covered the golden flame, and the laws condensed by the ancestor Styx on the huge blood net resisted the burning of the golden flame, and then wiped out the golden flame.

Yu Yuan stood aside and watched this scene with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"This kind of law control is definitely not something that good-for-nothing Bo Xun can use. At the beginning, it was still like his method. After such an obvious change, it must be that Patriarch Styx also came! It's getting more and more interesting. ah!"

Yu Yuan's right arm trembled, bringing up a large halo of law, and blasted directly towards the blood sea formation.The blood sea formation, which was supposed to be extremely soft, could not be undone in the face of Yu Yuan's attack!

After a loud "bang", the entire blood sea formation was completely disintegrated by Yu Yuan's punch.The laws condensed on the blood sea formation and the runes linked together all vanished into thin air.

The moment the blood sea formation was broken, the complexion of the ancestor Styx in Beihai City changed, and he suddenly became ugly.

"Who is outside? The strength is so strong. But it must not be Taoist Duobao. Duobao has not comprehended the law of the Golden Crow. Could it be that there is such a powerful disciple besides Taoist Duobao?" Patriarch Minghe was a little surprised. Said.

"Old Ancestor Minghe, I didn't expect you to come to this small Beihai City. But since you're here, why don't you come out and see me?"

At this moment, Yu Yuan's voice came from far away through the space.

"Yu Yuan?" Demon King Bo Xun shouted in surprise.

"Do you know this monk outside?" Seeing the reaction of Demon King Bo Xun, Patriarch Styx turned to look at him and asked.

Demon King Bo Xun looked at Patriarch Minghe with a wry smile on his face, and said in a bitter voice: "Report to Patriarch, this Yu Yuan is the Jiejiao disciple who fought against me last time, and at that time, his cultivation level was slightly lower than mine. Surprisingly, I didn't expect him to be so powerful now!"

"Hmph, let's go out and meet him. I'd like to see how much this Yu Yuan has as much as his big brother Duobao." After finishing speaking, the ancestor Minghe strode out, and the demon king Bo Xun and his party hurriedly follow behind.

After Yu Yuan broke through the blood sea formation, he waited patiently outside the city.After a while, led by Patriarch Styx, all Da Luo Jinxian monks of the Blood Sea Shura clan were dispatched.

"Old Ancestor Minghe, you are really generous! In this small Beihai city, you have eight Daluo Jinxian period monks and you, a quasi-saint monk, on the side of your blood sea Shura tribe. I am a little flattered!" Yu Yuan He said with a smile, but the meaning in the words was full of sarcasm.

Ancestor Minghe's eyes turned around on the battlefield. Except for Yu Yuan, they were soldiers from the original commercial camp. As for the other Jiejiao disciples, he didn't see any of them.

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