Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 134 The Final Battle of the North Sea

() "It's a pity, what a pity! I originally thought that you would have a few more people to stop teaching, but I didn't expect you to be the only one. I cast such a big net and only caught one fish like you. I hope you are enough." Portion!"

Patriarch Minghe looked at Yu Yuan coldly, and said with some regret in his mouth.

"Whether I'm big enough or not, don't you know if you come down and try it?" Yu Yuan directly challenged the old ancestor Minghe.

Hearing Yu Yuan's provocation, Patriarch Minghe snorted coldly, and said to the demon king Bo Xun, Yuse Tian, ​​Da Fentian and Shiva, the four late Da Luo Jinxian monks next to him, "This Yu Yuan is not weak. Xun is no match for him with the aid of the Blood Sea Formation, the four of you join forces to test his skills."

Hearing Patriarch Minghe's words, the four of them nodded in unison, and then the four of them flew out of the city wall and landed on the ground.

The world of laws rose up behind the heads of the four of them, and the light of the world of laws and regulations bloomed.

Seeing the appearance of the demon king Bo Xun and the other four, Yu Yuanhun didn't care, and didn't look nervous at all.

"The four Da Luo Jinxian late stage monks, this formation is really not small." Yu Yuan said in a slightly exaggerated tone.

Afterwards, Yu Yuan's tone turned cold all of a sudden, and he said, "But in my eyes, the four of them are just chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a single blow!"

Hearing Yu Yuan's words, the Demon King Bo Xun and the others were furious on the spot, and the power of the world of laws in the back of their heads increased greatly, and they began to release visions transformed by various laws.

At the same time, the space around the world of the four laws began to sag and twist, and there were still some cracks in the sag.

"Yu Yuan, don't brag about it! How dare you take a blow from the four of us!" Demon King Bo Xun shouted at Yu Yuan.

"You're sick! I'm not a target, so why stand here and take a blow from the four of you?" Yu Yuan said contemptuously, and at the same time looked at Demon King Bo Xun with a foolish look.

"You..." Demon King Bo Xun was filled with anger when he heard Yu Yuan's words and saw Yu Yuan's eyes again.

"I think it's better for the four of you to join hands to catch me!" Yu Yuan sneered twice, and then rushed towards them without giving the demon king Bo Xun a chance.

Yu Yuan swung his sideways, and with a strong whistling sound, he threw his right arm at Demon King Bo Xun and the others.

The demon king Bo Xun and the others suddenly felt as if an unchained flood dragon came out of the hole and drew towards them.The space is squeezed layer by layer by Yu Yuan's arms, causing countless layers of folds.

Then the space was crushed, and the turbulent flow of space gushed out, constantly impacting Yu Yuan's arm. The turbulent flow of space was then pulled away by Yu Yuan's right arm, and a void of nothingness suddenly appeared.

Seeing Yu Yuan attacking, the demon king Bo Xun and the others also began to activate the law world behind their heads, bursts of light of law burst out, and the law world expanded slightly, just wrapping the four of them into the law world.

As soon as the law world of the four demon king Bo Xun was activated, the light of law radiated from the law world became one piece. In this piece of space, the space was extremely stable, and the defense power suddenly increased exponentially.

But even so, the defensive methods of the demon king Bo Xun and the others are still vulnerable to Yu Yuan. As soon as Yu Yuan's arm touches the space where the light of law is stable, this space will be blown up by Yu Yuan .

Then Yu Yuan's arm landed directly on Demon King Bo Xun's body, and as soon as he touched it, Demon King Bo Xun's body shook violently.

Feeling the enormous power carried by Yu Yuan's arm, the Demon King Bo Xun began to back off continuously, but in the end he was sent flying by Yu Yuan, spurting blood wildly, and flew limply towards Beihai City.

But after the demon king Bo Xun was slapped away, the power on Yu Yuan's right arm did not decrease much, and he continued to swipe towards Yusetian, Da Fentian and Shiva.

When the demon king Bo Xun was blown away by Yu Yuan, the three of Da Fentian had already started to retreat, but they still couldn't escape Yu Yuan's attack.

Yu Yuan's right arm directly smashed all the obstacles in the direction of advancement, including the space, leaving nothing but nothingness.In the void, Yu Yuan's arm landed on Da Fentian and the others in an instant.

At this time, the ancestor Styx who was standing on the city wall reacted. With a roar, he stretched out his right palm, covering the sky and covering the sun. At the same time, it became extremely blood red and gave off a stench.

Then the big hand of Patriarch Minghe fell towards Yu Yuan, but at this time Da Fentian and the three of them had already been blown away by Yu Yuan, they still vomited blood in mid-air, and when they fell to the ground, they fell to the ground, and there was no more battle Power.

Yu Yuan looked up and watched Patriarch Minghe's big hand fall towards him, smiled slightly, and did not dodge.

"Do you think big hands can scare people? The energy is so scattered, this move is a joke." Yu Yuan stood there very disdainfully, with no intention of dodging or defending at all.


Patriarch Minghe's big bloody hand slapped the ground, and a huge handprint more than ten feet deep appeared on the ground.

But in the center of this handprint, there is a small area that has not been photographed, and Yu Yuan is still standing there as before.

On the contrary, there was a bloody hole in the palm of Patriarch Ming He's hand.

"Patriarch Minghe, your four disciples have already fought against me, but unfortunately, they seem to have no strength to fight anymore. Are you still not coming down?" Yu Yuan challenged Patriarch Minghe .

Patriarch Styx stepped down from the city wall, and all kinds of magical visions constantly appeared around him. There were countless blood sea Shura warriors fighting and fighting, and there were also countless blood sea Shura nymphs, posing and seductive Obsessed.

"Yu Yuan, your strength is indeed strong! But you are not a pervert like your elder brother after all. Facing me, today is your death day!" Patriarch Minghe said proudly, as if stating a fact.

"Really? I really want to try!" Yu Yuan looked at Patriarch Styx with a smile on his face.

After hearing Yu Yuan's words, Patriarch Minghe walked towards him slowly, with a very leisurely attitude, as if he was really walking in the void.

However, every place where Patriarch Styx stayed, the space and the turbulent flow in the space behind him all exploded, leaving nothing behind them in the shape of footprints one after another.

At the same time, Patriarch Styx seemed to be stepping on a strange drumbeat. As he walked, the entire space began to vibrate. At this moment, Patriarch Styx seemed to be the master of this world.

All these actions of Patriarch Minghe were aimed at putting huge psychological pressure on Yu Yuan.If it was someone else, maybe they were really suppressed by the aura of the ancestor Minghe, and they were timid before fighting.

But Yu Yuan has even experienced the vast power of Heaven's Punishment, and even faced Dao Ancestor Hongjun's avatar of the Law of Heaven. Now these methods of Ancestor Minghe are just child's play!

Patriarch Minghe had already reached the top of Yu Yuan's head at this time, and with a flip of his right hand, he covered Yu Yuan's head with immense power.

Patriarch Minghe didn't make his palm bigger this time like last time, but at this time, Patriarch Minghe's palm seemed to contain a whole sea of ​​blood, with boundless pressure and boundless filth attacking Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan first stimulated the four law domains in his body, and inhaled the spiritual energy in the endless domain, and then the law runes were carved on Yu Yuan's body bones, muscles, and skin, and finally all of Yu Yuan's whole body emerged densely. Linked rule runes.

Yu Yuan flipped his right hand, and went directly to the palm of Patriarch Minghe, four colors of light flickered in his hand.With Yu Yuan's palm flipping, it seemed that even the whole prehistoric land was supported by Yu Yuan's palm, facing Patriarch Styx.

"Boom, boom, boom"

Yu Yuan and Patriarch Minghe faced each other three times in a row, and finally all the phantoms of the law in their hands dissipated.

Patriarch Minghe was shocked and turned back, while Yu Yuan's calves below his knees were all buried in the ground.

"Another pervert! Yu Yuan, I saw that you just used a supernatural power that is not inferior to my blood sea seal. I have never seen it before." After the ancestor Minghe fought Yu Yuan, he felt Yu Yuan With strong strength, they gave up the idea of ​​continuing to fight.

"The supernatural power just now was created by me. It's called Honghuangyin!" Yu Yuan originally wanted to say Honghuangzhang first, but after thinking about it, he was too imposing, so he changed it to Honghuangyin.

Not only that, Yu Yuan also decided to change all his magical powers related to palms and hands into seals.For example, the Great Zhoutian Xingchen Palm passed to him by Di Jun was changed to the Great Zhoutian Star Seal, and the Five Ghosts Capture Heaven Hand was changed to the Five Ghosts Capture Heaven Seal.

"Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, have you integrated the four laws?" Patriarch Minghe asked with some uncertainty.

Yu Yuan didn't deny it either, nodded and said, "That's right, I have integrated the four laws now."

Hearing what Yu Yuan said, Patriarch Minghe suddenly felt inexplicable grief and indignation. After countless years of hard work, he finally broke through to the late quasi-sage stage.

In the end, before he started shaking, he encountered Taoist Duobao and Yu Yuan, two perverts.

"Are you a pervert who cut off the teaching?" Ancestor Minghe asked with some grief and indignation.

"Actually, we still have another title, called Tian Zong Wizard!" Yu Yuan said a little embarrassedly.

Seeing Yu Yuan pretending to be shy and then saying such shameless words, Patriarch Minghe felt that he was going crazy.

"Yu Yuan, although you are perverted, there is still a gap between you and me. I will get rid of you today, and I will also let you lose a mainstay in the future, and lose a genius!"

After saying that, Patriarch Minghe took out all his magic weapons, the twelfth grade blood lotus held Patriarch Minghe up, and Yuantu Abi's two killing swords revolved around Patriarch Minghe continuously.

Seeing this, Yu Yuan also took out the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag. At this time, Yu Yuan's cultivation base was already deep, and the Patriarch Minghe could no longer snatch Yu Yuan's control over the magic weapon like last time.

Just when Patriarch Styx wanted to do something, Yu Yuan activated the fifth law field on his body, and Yu Yuan's aura suddenly increased again, which was the same as the last time Daoist Duobao broke out when the four laws merged the world. The momentum is quite.

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