() Patriarch Styx was planning to go all out to kill Yu Yuan on the spot.Although he is not very confident, but for the huge threat in the future, the ancestor of Minghe still wants to kill Yu Yuan in advance.

But when Patriarch Styx was about to rush up, Yu Yuan exploded his fifth law field, his aura increased wildly, and his pressure continued to increase.

Yu Yuan smiled slightly, fully released his aura, and suddenly the air exploded and the space shook, shattering all the laws and visions around Patriarch Minghe's body.

Patriarch Minghe sensed Yu Yuan's powerful aura that was not weaker than Taoist Duobao's, his expression changed drastically, and he retreated crazily.

With a flick of his sleeve, Patriarch Styx rolled up several monks from the Blood Sea Shura tribe, and immediately wanted to escape from this place.

Seeing Patriarch Minghe running away, Yu Yuan raised his steps to chase after him. The golden brilliance on Yu Yuan's feet flowed, and he stepped out and appeared behind Patriarch Minghe.

When Patriarch Minghe felt Yu Yuan coming behind him, he wanted to escape, but it was too late.

Yu Yuan's right foot hit Patriarch Minghe's back fiercely, and directly chopped Patriarch Minghe to the ground. The ground was smashed into a huge hole by the huge impact force carried by Patriarch Minghe.

All of a sudden, the ground was filled with dust and dust, and it was impossible to see the situation in the big pit clearly.

Yu Yuan fell slowly from the air and stood by the pit.His gaze fell towards the pit, just quietly waiting for the dust in the pit to settle.

When the dust in the pit fell, there was no one in the pit, and there was no trace of Patriarch Styx.

But Yu Yuan didn't look surprised at all, he turned his head and stared at the north of the big pit.

Two golden lights shot out from Yu Yuan's eyes, and then, after the two golden lights left Yu Yuan's eyes, they twisted to form two three-legged golden crows, and grabbed at that void.

Under the sharp claws of the two three-legged Golden Crows, the solid void was torn apart like a piece of fragile white paper.

Then, a stream of blood sprang out from the void, then shot towards the north, and then this stream of blood penetrated into the void again.

"This Patriarch Styx can really run!" Yu Yuan said with a slight smile, shaking his head.

The two three-legged Golden Crows clawed through the void again, forcing Patriarch Minghe out again, and at the same time Yu Yuan took a few steps and followed.

Patriarch Minghe was blasted out this time, and before he could escape, Yu Yuan used the Zhoutian star seal to blast up, smashing Patriarch Minghe's body to pieces.

The shattered bodies of Patriarch Styx turned into a stream of blood and continued to escape.

Seeing this, Yu Yuan shook his head and said, "Patriarch Minghe, you are really tenacious!" Afterwards, five colors of brilliance lit up on the five fingers of Yu Yuan's right hand.

The five ghosts captured Tianyin, and the blood of the ancestors of Minghe scattered and escaped was immediately caught in Yu Yuan's hands.

"Patriarch Minghe, you shouldn't have come!" After saying that, Yu Yuan clenched his fist violently, and at the same time, countless laws spewed out from his right palm, continuously spinning and strangling in his right palm.

"Yu Yuan, you are really good at tricks! My patriarch Styx was killed today! I will find a time to ask you to get back this debt together. Bloody Escape!" Patriarch Styx's voice came from From Yu Yuan's right fist came out.

Then, a burst of intense blood burst out from between Yu Yuan's fingers, Yu Yuan didn't notice it for a while, and was actually escaped from his palm by the ancestor Minghe.

Then the bloody light directly broke through the space and disappeared in place.

Yu Yuan pierced through the space with his right hand, and fished for a while into the cracks in the space, but he didn't catch anything.

"Patriarch Minghe is worthy of being a strong monk among the monks at the same time as several saints. It is the endless life-saving methods that emerge one after another, which will make people amazing!" Yu Yuan sighed there.

Yu Yuan took a few steps and appeared in front of the army formation of the commercial camp.

Wen Zhongyi saw Yu Yuan appearing in the same place, he hurried up to greet him, and asked, "Uncle, how about the cultivators from the Blood Sea Asura Clan?"

"You can attack the city now. Patriarch Minghe and several masters of his clan have been repelled by me!" Seeing Wen Zhong's anxious expression, Yu Yuan waved his hand at him.

Hearing Yu Yuan's words, Wen Zhong was overjoyed, and immediately said: "The soldiers of the three armies listen to the order, and the day when Beihai City will be destroyed is now! Go!"

Wen Zhong's voice was so powerful that it spread throughout the three armies, and Wen Zhong's voice rang in the ears of every soldier.

"Come on! Kill!" All the merchant soldiers started to charge, led by Qiu Yin and Zhang Shan.

These two men were ahead of the horse, far ahead, and led the soldiers to rush towards the Beihai City in a frenzy.

At this time, Yuan Futong was standing on the city wall with a pale face, looking desperately at the soldiers of the great merchant who had returned from the city.He didn't expect that such a powerful immortal would be defeated by the opponent.

Thinking of his past ambitions, Yuan Futong laughed at himself full of self-deprecation.

Zhang Shan and Qiu Yin had already arrived at the base of the city at this time, standing in front of the city gate, they looked at each other with doubts on their faces.The two of them had already come here, but they were not attacked by the defenders of Beihai City.

"Don't think so much, break the city gate first!" Zhang Shan shouted angrily, and slashed at the heavy city gate with a big knife in his hand.

With a bang, Zhang Shan's knife was bounced away, and at the same time, a deep mark was left on the city gate.

"I'll do it again!" Seeing that Zhang Shan was about to strike again, Qiu Yin hurriedly stopped him.

The earthworm concentrated slightly, and then a white light shot out from the zenith, and a red bead the size of a bowl kept turning inside, emitting bursts of breathtaking red light.

"Go!" Qiu Yin pointed to the city gate with his right hand and shouted.The red bead hit the city gate directly, and the city gate, which was more than ten feet thick, was smashed into countless pieces by the red bead of the earthworm, and flew towards the gate.

Seeing that the city gate was broken, all the merchant soldiers rushed in, but as soon as they entered, they were all stunned.

As soon as they entered the city, they saw a group of thin soldiers all put down their weapons and knelt by the roadside.Their faces were all as pale as dead people.

Qiu Yin was also taken aback when he saw this scene, but then he reacted and told the soldiers to be optimistic about those soldiers who surrendered, while he led people to arrest Yuan Futong.

When Qiu Yin led people to the city wall, he saw Yuan Futong's body leaning limply on the battlements, and there was an obvious bloodstain on his neck.

After the city settled down, Yu Yuan and Wen Zhong walked into Beihai City together.

Looking at these civilians in Beihai City, Yu Yuan shook his head slightly.These people have been trapped by the sea of ​​blood formation for such a long time, and they have not seen the sun all day long, and at the same time, their spirits have been more or less sucked away by the sea of ​​blood formation.

"Wen Zhong, the matter here is over, and it's time for me to go back to Jin'ao Island. I'm just waiting for the right time, looking for an opportunity to rescue Di Xin." After finishing speaking, Yu Yuan tore open the space and went straight back to Jin'ao Island Island gone.

After Yu Yuan left, Wen Zhong quickly ordered Zhang Shan and Qiu Yin to deal with the follow-up matters, and he went back to Chao Ge first.

Stepping on the black unicorn, Wen Zhong patted the neck of the black unicorn, and the black unicorn directly raised clouds with its four hooves, soaring through the clouds and riding the fog, it rushed towards Chaoge like lightning. < section.

The entire court song was immersed in the cheerful atmosphere of New Year's Day, and the wives of the ministers also entered the palace to meet Queen Su Daji at this time.

Of course, Huang Feihu's wife Jia Shi is no exception.Mrs. Jia went to the palace, but Huang Feihu was drinking and celebrating with all his subordinates in the mansion.

As the drunkenness increased, Huang Feihu's mood began to sink.

It turned out that a few days ago, Prime Minister Bi Gan was called into the palace by Di Xin, saying that in order to treat Su Daji's heart disease, he needed to use Qiqiao Linglong Heart as medicine, and Bi Gan's heart was really Qiqiao Linglong Heart.

As for the process in the middle, no one knows, but when Bigan finally came out, the left chest was empty, and the beating heart that had been beating was gone.

With the help of the charm Jiang Ziya left him, Bigan wanted to seek a chance of life, but unfortunately, the sky didn't obey people's wishes, and Bigan finally died because of Wuxincai.

Huang Feihu didn't care much about Bigan's life or death.But after Bigan's death, the original ministers of Bigan's line have now begun to panic, and the chaos in the court has gradually emerged.

Thinking of this, Huang Feihu took another gulp of wine depressed.

On the other hand, Huang Feihu's wife Jia entered the palace not only to meet Su Daji, but also to meet her sister-in-law Huang Guifei once a year.

However, when meeting with Su Daji, Mrs. Jia was left behind by Su Daji.

Although Jia felt something was wrong, there was no reason to reject Su Daji.

Not long after, Di Xin came, and when he saw Jia Shi who was with Su Daji, he had a pale and soul-blessing expression on his face.

Seeing Di Xin's expression, Jia immediately sensed something was wrong, and got up to bid farewell to Su Daji and Di Xin.

But Di Xin seemed to be a real beast, and started to tease Jia Shi. When Jia Shi saw Di Xin touching him, Jia Shi, in grief and indignation, pointed at Di Xin and scolded the faint king.

Hearing Jia's scolding, Di Xin immediately became angry and shouted angrily, "Left and right, take this Jia!"

As soon as Jia Shi heard Di Xin's order, she immediately took two steps back, leaning on the railing of the Zhaixing Building, and shouted loudly: "Who dares to move! General, this concubine will be famous for her death today!"

After finishing speaking, Jia Shi turned around and jumped off the Star Picking Tower, falling to pieces all of a sudden.

After Jia Shi fell, Di Xin's original expression disappeared all of a sudden, his face was expressionless, and he said to Daji, "Jia Shi is dead! But are you sure this will anger Huang Feihu?"

"Of course it won't work like this, but if you add another one, the possibility will be very high." Daji called a palace maid and whispered something to him.

After receiving Daji's order, the maid went directly to the West Palace.

Di Xin looked at Daji for a long time, and finally shook his head and sighed: "If you act like this, you will inevitably end up miserable!"

"Who can control the future? Let's focus on the present first!" Daji said indifferently.

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