() In the West Palace, Concubine Huang Gui was waiting for her sister-in-law Jia Shi to come to meet her.

At this moment, a maid outside the palace suddenly begged to see her, saying that she had something related to the Jia family.

As soon as Concubine Huang Gui heard the news, she immediately had the maid brought in.As soon as the maid came in, Concubine Huang quickly walked up to her, and asked anxiously, "Why hasn't my sister-in-law, Mrs. Jia, come yet? Do you have any news about her?"

"I want to report to the imperial concubine, I just saw Mrs. Huang being left in the Star-picking Tower by the Queen, and then Your Majesty went up. But after a while, Madam Huang fell from the Star-picking Tower and fell to pieces!" The maid said. After bowing to Concubine Huang Gui, she began to speak slowly.

As soon as Concubine Huang Gui heard that her sister-in-law was invited by Su Daji to the Zhaixing Tower, she felt something was wrong.Because of Queen Jiang's incident, she and Su Daji had a lot of enmity, how could Su Daji be so affectionate to her sister-in-law?

Although she knew in her heart that nothing good would happen, when Concubine Huang Guifei heard that her sister-in-law fell from the Star Picking Tower and fell to pieces, she still couldn't accept it in her heart.

"Let's go, let's go to the Star Picking Tower!" Huang Guifei snorted angrily, and angrily walked towards the Star Picking Tower with a few of her maids.

When Concubine Huang came to the downstairs of Zhaixing Building, a palace lady had already quietly passed the news to Daji, and when she heard the news, she suddenly smiled, her face was full of happiness.

"Your Majesty, we can start! After tonight, Huang Feihu will never appear in Chaoge again!" Daji smiled at Di Xinjiao, who was pretending to be Maitreya.

As soon as Concubine Huang came to the room at the top of the Zhaixing Tower, she heard Daji's coquettish laughter coming from inside.

"Your Majesty, the Jia family was really Zhenlie just now! I really don't know what she thinks? It is her blessing to serve His Majesty. She would rather jump off the star picking tower than serve His Majesty. It is really treasonous." !"

Hearing Daji's voice, Concubine Huang Gui felt a mouthful of blood pouring into her mouth, her anger rushed into Tianling, she couldn't bear it anymore, and kicked the door open.

"Daji, you temptress! Today I will throw you down from the star picking tower to avenge my sister-in-law!" As she said that, Huang Guifei rushed directly towards Daji.

Grasping Daji's shoulders with both hands, with a little force, he lifted Daji up horizontally, and then was about to throw him downstairs.

At this moment, a big hand appeared, grabbed Concubine Huang's hand, and rescued Daji.

Concubine Huang Guifei turned her head to look, and saw Di Xin looking at her expressionlessly, and said in a cold voice, "Have you had enough trouble? It was your sister-in-law who committed the crime just now, what is Daji's crime?"

"Shut up! Maitreya! You impostor! You didn't build your road in the west, but went to Chaoge City to impersonate my Majesty. Bad his reputation, ruined his family business, you will die in the future!"

Concubine Huang Gui was completely angry at this time, she didn't care about anything, and directly revealed Maitreya's true identity.

When Concubine Huang called out his name again, Maitreya's face darkened, and then he waved his hand, knocking out all the maids and servants.

Hearing what Huang Guifei said behind her, Maitreya's face became more and more ugly.

"Yu Yuan told you everything?" Although Maitreya sounded suspicious, he already had the answer in his heart.

Concubine Huang Gui ignored Maitreya's question and continued to point at him and yell at him.

"Since you already know my true identity, I can't let you continue to live!" Mai Le said expressionlessly, and with a wave of his hand, Huang Guifei was blown away from the Zhaixing Tower and fell down.

After finishing all this, Maitreya sat back down again, and said to Su Daji, "You will deal with the rest!"

Daji gave Maitreya a coquettish look, and without saying anything against him, she called a servant who had just woken up and gave him some instructions.Then the attendant hurried out.

The rest of the maids and servants didn't know what was going on, it seemed that they just passed out all of a sudden, which would be just uneasy.

But they were fortunate that Su Daji, the most cruel empress on weekdays, didn't bother them this time.

The attendant that Daji ordered hurriedly ran to the Jiujian Hall after leaving the Zhaixing Tower, Jia Shi entered the palace to meet the queen, but her maid stayed in the Jiujian Hall and waited.

Just when the maid was waiting anxiously, fearing that something would happen to her wife, she saw a servant walking towards her in a hurry.

"Are you the maid of General Huang's wife?" Na Cong walked in front of her and asked in a low voice.

"Yes, I am. But what happened to my wife?" Jia's maid asked quickly when she heard the servant's tone.

"Hey, your wife is dead. Because she didn't want to be bullied by His Majesty, your wife jumped from the Star-seeking Tower for the festival of honoring her name. Even Huang Guifei of the West Palace went to argue about this matter, and her Majesty let her go to pick the stars." I fell upstairs." The attendant said while shaking his head.

Hearing the attendant's words, Jia's maid suddenly became dumbfounded, and stood there blankly, feeling as if all the strength in her body had been exhausted.

"By the way, I said this because I was grateful for King Wu Cheng's contribution to the great merchant. You must not tell me." Finally, the attendant reminded Jia's maid, and then turned and left in a hurry.

While Huang Feihu was drinking, the courtyard door was suddenly pushed open, and then the butler rushed in hastily.

"My lord, something is wrong!" the butler shouted loudly while running.

Huang Feihu was in a bad mood, he heard the words and shouted loudly: "What happened? Why are you in such a panic?"

"Master Hou, madam, madam is dead!" the butler gasped.

"What?" Huang Feihu stood up abruptly, and turned over the table in front of him, spilling the food and wine all over the floor.

"Madam fell from the Star Picking Tower, it's said, it's said..." the butler said hesitantly.

"What did you say?" Huang Feihu grabbed the butler's skirt and lifted him up, his eyes were red, and he shouted in a gaffe.

"It is said that because His Majesty molested Madam, Madam jumped from the Star-picking Tower to protect her name. Later, Huang Guifei went to argue with His Majesty, and was also thrown off the Star-picking Tower by His Majesty."

Hearing the butler's words, Huang Feihu let go of his hands, and the butler fell to the ground.Huang Feihu sat down on the ground with absent-minded eyes.

Hearing the movement here, the four generals Huang Ming, Zhou Ji, Long Huan, and Wu Qian who surrounded them also heard the butler's words, and the four fell silent for a moment.

Only Huang Ming rolled his eyes, and an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.Then he put on a sad look, stepped forward to persuade Huang Feihu and said: "Brother, Di Xin is a fool, what are we going to do with him? Gather up the soldiers and horses, we will enter the palace right away, and then go to Xiqi."

Hearing Huang Ming's words, the three people around Zhou Ji looked at Huang Ming in surprise, Huang Feihu turned his head to the side, and looked at Huang Ming coldly with his red eyes.

"You seem to have been very concerned about Xiqi's affairs?" Huang Feihu's cold words sounded.

"Okay, it's my fault. Anyway, it's your family's business, why am I so upset? Let's go, let's go drink!" As he spoke, Huang Ming dragged the four of them over and dragged the other three over, setting aside the wine table, lol.

At this time, Huang Feibiao and Huang Feibao, Huang Feihu's two younger brothers, also stood quietly behind Huang Feihu without saying a word.Huang Feihu is the patriarch of their Huang clan, and what he said was the decision of the two of them.

Huang Feihu's three sons stood aside, wiping tears and gnashing their teeth with hatred.

At this moment, a servant passed on the message, and the doctor Fei Zhongyouhun came to see him.

"The two of them are finally here. I want to ask, what is the meaning of His Majesty's actions today?" Huang Feihu stood up, glanced coldly at Huang Ming who was sitting there drinking, turned and entered the hall .

Huang Feihu sat down on the seat in the middle of the hall, Huang Feibiao and Huang Feibao sat on his left and right hands respectively, and his three sons stood behind him.

Fei Zhongyouhun and the two entered the hall, regardless of Huang Feihu's position, he said directly: "My lord, we two have something to discuss, please leave the left and right!"

"Now all the people in this hall are my Huang family, and everyone else is outside the hall, so feel free to say anything!" Huang Feihu still looked at Fei Zhongyouhun and the two coldly, as if he would kill them if they didn't agree with each other. The two took it.

Fei Zhongyou and the two looked at each other, nodded, and then Fei Zhong said, "Your Majesty, His Majesty, who lives in the palace now, was faked by someone else!"

As soon as Fei Zhongyouhun said this, everyone in the hall looked at them in shock.

"The two of you said this, but do you have a basis?" Huang Feihu asked calmly although his face was full of shock.

Afterwards, Fei Zhongyouhun and the two of them described the process of the two of them from doubting Di Xin to confirming it, and finally being confirmed by Yu Yuan, including Maitreya's identity.

"Maitreya! National hatred and family hatred, how can I give up with you! Prepare your horse, I, Huang Feihu, will attack the palace today!" After hearing Fei Zhong and You Hun's words, Huang Feihu's breath was violent, and his long hair fluttered.

"My lord, no!" Fei Zhong and You Hun hurriedly stopped.

"What do you two mean?" Huang Feihu turned his head to look at the two, his red eyes put great pressure on Fei Zhong and You Hun.

"Your Majesty, that Maitreya is a monk of the Daluo Golden Immortal Stage, with great supernatural powers, we cannot resist at all. What we both mean is that you first go to Xiqi to reserve some strength for His Majesty, and then you will return when His Majesty returns. !” Fei Zhong and You Hun said hastily.

After hearing what the two said, Huang Feihu closed his eyes for a while, and finally heaved a long sigh.

"Okay, today's vengeance, I will write it down for the time being, and wait for His Majesty to return. But how can Xiqi believe me when I rely on Xiqi like this?" Huang Feihu was silent for a long time, and finally spoke.

"Don't worry about this, my lord. Isn't there a chess piece of Xiqi in your yard?" Fei Zhong glanced slightly behind.

"I didn't expect that he was really Xi Qi's secret son!" Huang Feihu shook his head and said with some disappointment.


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