Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 138 Emperor Xin Returns

() "I finally know why the Heavenly Dao didn't allow the emperor to break through to the Daluo Golden Immortal stage. Your cultivation speed is really abnormal!" Yu Yuan sighed.

"Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, you are underestimating the way of heaven. No matter how fast your personal cultivation is, no matter how strong your cultivation is, the way of heaven will not be taken into account." Emperor labored and sighed with a smile.

"En?" Yu Yuan looked at Di Xin with some puzzlement.

"No matter how high a person's cultivation level is or how fast his cultivation speed is, all of these are under the control of Tiandao. Tiandao hates things that are out of control, such as an extremely powerful force!" Di Xin said pointedly.

"What do you mean by powerful force?" Yu Yuan frowned and looked at Di Xin.

"Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, don't pretend to be confused. What is the powerful force? The powerful force is the three clans of dragon, phoenix and kylin in the ancient times, the two clans of ancient liches, and the emperor of the ancient human race. Now, the powerful force is you to stop teaching!" Di Xin's words were like a giant hammer, and every word hit Yu Yuan's heart.

Yu Yuan's brows furrowed more and more tightly, and finally he relaxed, and let out a long breath.

"Di Xin, I was almost scared by you!" Yu Yuan said with a smile.

After hearing Yu Yuan's words, Di Xin looked at Yu Yuan with a serious face and said: "Yu Yuan, I'm not trying to scare you. You really are attracting the wind by cutting off the religion. The general trend of heaven is that if you cut off the religion, you will be destroyed!"

"I know! But how the Heavenly Dao arranges, what happened in the end? Aren't you still alive! You are also a Daluo Jinxian now! Why can't I try to resist the Heavenly Dao?" Yu Yuan still smiled. said Di Xin.

Di Xin looked at Yu Yuan solemnly, and finally burst out laughing: "Okay, okay. Yu Yuandao is friendly! Since you rescued our husband and wife today, so what if I let you go crazy for a while?"

"Thank you, King Yu!" Yu Yuan gave Di Xin a slap in the face.

"King Yu, I have an unfeeling request, I don't know..." Yu Yuan's face suddenly became a little embarrassed.

Seeing Yu Yuan's appearance, Di Xin waved his hand directly and said, "Just tell me if you have anything to say, don't be such a mother!"

"Okay, I want King Yu to teach me your kung fu!" Yu Yuan said with some embarrassment.

"Hahaha, I thought it was something! It's easy to handle, I'll pass it on to you. But you're not the emperor, so you can't practice!" While talking, a light spot condensed in Di Xin's hand, and then put The spot of light was handed over to Yu Yuan.

"I'll talk to you about this matter later. It's related to the key to my surviving the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods." Yu Yuan then shot that light spot into his mind, then closed his eyes and carefully Carefully comprehend.

Then Zhou Gongdan, who was enjoying with closed eyes in the palace of Xiqi City, opened his eyes all of a sudden, and then opened his mouth to inhale, and the endless human emperor's luck rolled down and fell into his mouth.

Then Zhou Gongdan's cultivation base began to skyrocket from scratch.

Yu Yuan opened his eyes, bowed to Di Xin and said, "King Yu, this time, I will definitely find a good god position for you!"

"Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, don't make fun of me, that thing still looks good?" Di Xin looked at Yu Yuan in surprise.

"I'll know when the time comes!" Yu Yuan just smiled mysteriously and didn't say any more.

Seeing Yu Yuan's appearance, Di Xin was speechless.Suddenly, Di Xin thought of Maitreya, his complexion suddenly became ugly, and he asked Yu Yuan, "Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, where is Maitreya now?"

Hearing Di Xin's words, Yu Yuan remembered to use his spiritual sense to catch Maitreya's trace. Just now, under the shock of his mind, Yu Yuan didn't pay attention for a moment, so Maitreya took the opportunity to escape.

"You run really fast!" Yu Yuan's consciousness had caught Maitreya's figure at this time, and was about to start to chase, but was stopped by Di Xin.

Yu Yuan looked at Di Xin puzzled, and Di Xin said coldly, "I want to avenge this revenge myself, but not now, in the future I will personally go to Lingshan to avenge this revenge!"

Seeing what Di Xin said, Yu Yuan nodded and didn't say anything more.

Afterwards, Yu Yuan set up the barrier, had a secret conversation with Di Xin, and revealed his general plan, and then Yu Yuan got up and left.

After seeing Yu Yuan leaving, Di Xin turned his head to look at the girl beside him, and held her in his arms again.

"Nvjiao, I've missed you all these years!" Di Xin said softly, burying his face in Nujiao's hair.

"Your Majesty, so do I. We can still meet again after the parting in the previous life." Nvjiao also tightly hugged Di Xin's waist with her backhand, and leaned gently on Di Xin.

"Okay, girl, you go out with me. This is a big business I established 600 years ago. I want to see who can defeat my country?" After being gentle for a while, Di Xin raised his head and looked at Outside, he said confidently.

Afterwards, Di Xin took Nvjiao's hand and walked out of the hall step by step.

Several guards standing at the entrance of the Jiujian Hall saw Di Xin coming out of the hall, and they all knelt on the ground and saluted Di Xin.

It's just that these guards were secretly wondering when His Majesty entered the nine halls.

Di Xin stood quietly in front of the main hall door, with his hands behind his back, watching the declining luck of the emperor in the sky, his aura became heavier and heavier, and the guards couldn't lift their heads.

"Ring the bell and drum, gather the courtiers!" After a while, Di Xin finally spoke to the guards on both sides.

The ministers heard the sound of the bells and drums in the Jiujian Hall, and although they didn't know what happened, they still rushed towards the palace.

From a distance, those ministers saw Di Xin standing at the entrance of the hall with his hands behind his back.

Seeing Di Xin like this, the courtiers who arrived first all stood under the steps outside the hall, standing there quietly, holding their breath.

Di Xin turned his head and looked at the ministers standing below one by one. Every minister who was swept by Di Xin's gaze felt his scalp tingle, and they all felt a familiar feeling.

This heavy imperial coercion made them feel very familiar. They had a feeling that the original wise and powerful Di Xin had returned!

At this moment, Fei Zhong and You Hun also rushed over.Ever since they found out that Di Xin was faked by Maitreya, the two of them were not so positive about going to court.

But this time, as soon as they passed through the palace gate and saw the figure standing with hands behind their backs, the two of them couldn't take their eyes off!

Sensing the gazes of Fei Zhong and You Hun, Di Xin turned his head to look at his two close ministers, his eyes were full of kindness.

When Di Xin was emperor, these two people had to bear countless infamy for him in order to help Di Xin realize his ideal. After Di Xin was imprisoned, they continued to bear the burden of humiliation in order to preserve Di Xin's strength.

Seeing that the ministers had arrived, Di Xin's expression turned serious, and he said in a deep voice, "Enter the palace!"

After finishing speaking, Di Xin turned around first, and walked towards the seat that belonged to him in the main hall, and those ministers followed Di Xin quickly into the Jiujian Hall.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Di Xin accepted the worship of all the courtiers, and after a long time, he finally said, "Gu, Di Xin, you are back!"

Upon hearing Di Xin's words, Fei Zhong and You Hun couldn't bear it any longer, fell to the ground and wept loudly, "Chen Fei Zhong (You Hun) welcomes His Majesty back!"

When the other courtiers saw the appearance of Fei Zhong and You Hun, they were all unclear, so they didn't know what was going on.

They all didn't understand why His Majesty just said a sentence that was difficult to understand, but Fei Zhongyou and Hun lost their composure so much.

"Fei Zhong, Youhun, what's the proper way for you two to cry loudly in this hall?" Finally a minister came out and pointed at Fei Zhongyouhun and scolded them.

Since Maitreya pretended to be Emperor Xin, he did not show any special closeness to Fei Zhong and You Hun, so these courtiers believed that Fei Zhong and You Hun were no longer trusted by Emperor Xin.

In the past, all the conflicts with these two people broke out, and Fei Zhong and You Hun were often criticized in the court.In order to preserve their strength for Di Xin, Fei Zhong and You Hun could only endure these attacks silently.

Fortunately, the Di Xin faction headed by Huang Feihu fully supported the two, otherwise the two might not be able to support them.

Fei Zhong and You Hun just fell to the ground and cried loudly, ignoring the minister's scolding.

"The crying between Fei Zhong and You Hun made me feel so comfortable and so heartwarming! Are you from the Bigan faction?" Di Xin looked at the minister coldly, and slowly Open your mouth and say.

When the minister heard Di Xin's words, he was so frightened that he was sweating profusely. Di Xin was actually above the court and directly stated the minister's faction. What kind of rhythm is this?

"Your Majesty, I am wronged. I have only been loyal to Your Majesty all my life, and definitely not from any faction!" The minister quickly knelt down and explained to Di Xin.

Regarding the minister's explanation, Di Xin was noncommittal, and just spoke on his own.

"Eleven years ago, there was a demon named Maitreya who entered Chaoge Palace, imprisoned Gu, and then used the name of Gu, does anyone know about it?" Di Xin said, looking at the ministers below.

Hearing Di Xin's words, all the ministers looked at Di Xin in shock. They did not expect that the Di Xin who made them feel stupid before was actually impersonated by someone else.

"But someone knows that someone is crying for Gu's 11-year imprisonment." Di Xin pointed to Fei Zhong and You Hun who were crying loudly.

All the ministers in the court looked at Fei Zhong and You Hun quietly, and no one came out to say anything.

"Fei Zhong, You Hun, don't cry, you two boys, it's a bit uncomfortable to cry alone! Don't let these hypocritical people get alone!" Di Xin said with a slightly trembling voice.

"Fei Zhong, how much credit does this love minister kneeling in front of you do? How is he doing as an official?" Di Xin glanced at the kneeling minister, and asked Fei Zhong.

As soon as Fei Zhong heard it, he knew that Di Xin was asking him to share the information he had.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Quzhong, he has no merits and is mediocre as an official!" Fei Zhong replied, touching the tears on his face.

"Dismissed from office! Cut off his noble status!" Di Xin waved his hand and said calmly.

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