() "Your Majesty, you can't do this! The status of nobility is hereditary, how can it be easily cut off?" At this moment, Wei Ziqi stepped forward directly, admonishing Di Xin.

At this time, Bigan was dead, and the ministers under him were panicking. Naturally, Wei Ziqi wanted to seize this opportunity and bring the ministers of Bigan's line under his command.

If it was before, Wei Ziqi might not have dared to come out, who knows if he would be scolded by Di Xin!But now that he knows that it is the fake Di Xin, Wei Ziqi will naturally not let go of this great opportunity to strengthen his power.

"Wei Ziqi, do you want to bring the ministers of the Bigan line under your command? I'm not interested in playing games with you anymore! I have other things to do." Di Xin waved his hand impatiently Said.

Hearing what Di Xin said, although Wei Ziqi was slightly shocked, he still said righteously: "Why did your majesty say that? Wei Ziqi is devoted to the country, and the sky can show his heart."

"Okay, no need to say any more! Wei Ziqi, from today onwards, your official position will be cut, you will be imprisoned in the mansion, and you will not be allowed to go out for life. No one is allowed to approach Wei Ziqi's mansion without authorization! Somebody, take him back to the mansion !"

After hearing Di Xin's will, all the ministers below were dumbfounded. They didn't know what Di Xin wanted to do?Isn't this going to make Dashang even more chaotic?

Those courtiers who knew that Di Xin was back and wanted to continue to be like before were all honest now!

Originally, the reason why Di Xin was so cautious was that he didn't want to mess up the big merchants because of civil strife.But now that Da Shang has been messed up by Maitreya, Di Xin doesn't care about that.

After dealing with these matters, Di Xin finally asked a question that he dared not touch, about his concubine and the two princes.Di Xin didn't even dare to scan the entire palace with his divine sense, because he was afraid that the result would make him unacceptable.

"Fei Zhong, how are the ladies and my two princes?" Di Xin's voice was a little rough, and the girl beside him couldn't help but hold his left hand with both hands to comfort him.

Hearing Di Xin's words, both Fei Zhong and You Hun bowed their heads and remained silent.

"Say!" Di Xin's voice was a little harsher, but the bitterness was stronger.From the reactions of Fei Zhong and You Hun, he felt even more ominous.

"Your Majesty, Su Daji gouged out her eyes, burned her hands, and died under torture. Finally, with the help of Daoist Yu Yuan, she came back to life. When the two princes were about to be beheaded by Maitreya, they were swept away by a strange wind. Huang Concubine Concubine Yang was thrown to death by Maitreya from the Star Picking Tower some time ago, and Concubine Yang was also..." Fei Zhong said slowly in a low voice.

"Kacha" At this moment, a crisp cracking sound echoed in the silent hall, interrupting Fei Zhong's next words.

Fei Zhong looked up, and saw Di Xin's face was livid, the armrest on his right hand had been broken by Di Xin, his eyes were red, as if he was breathing fire.

Di Xin gritted his teeth, without saying a word, sitting there with his muscles stiff.

The girl holding Di Xin's left hand saw Di Xin's appearance and said to the ministers below: "Retreat! Your Majesty needs to be quiet!"

After listening to Nvjiao's words, the ministers below looked at Di Xin who didn't say a word, but none of them dared to move.

"Retreat! Fei Zhongyou stay here!" Di Xin spoke, his voice hoarse and dry.

Hearing Di Xin's words, those ministers hurriedly bowed and exited the Nine Halls. Only Fei Zhong and You Hun stood there quietly, waiting for Di Xin's order.

"Your Majesty, are you alright?" Nujiao looked at Di Xin worriedly and asked.

"I don't want to say goodbye for so many years. After returning from loneliness, things are different and people are different!" Di Xin sighed, but at this time Di Xin looked so weak, and two lines of blood and tears flowed from his eyes. Flow out quietly.

Seeing the weak appearance of this iron-blooded emperor, Nujiao felt very distressed, and gently let his head rest on her chest, and gently stroked his hair.

Di Xin just fell asleep quietly like this, his face did not have the aura of the original king's presence on the world, and there was only a calmness on his face.

Nvjiao sat there quietly, providing Di Xin with a warm haven. Fei Zhong and You Hun also stood quietly below, waiting for Di Xin to wake up.

They all believed that when Di Xin woke up, the high-spirited Di Xin who ruled the world would come back again.

An hour later, Di Xin finally woke up, there was no sad expression on his face, only a sense of determination.

"Western religion! Maitreya! You are really good means! The orphaned wife and children are separated, the country will be destroyed and the family will be destroyed! On the other day, my Emperor Xin will lead the army to set foot on Lingshan. If this revenge is not avenged, this hatred will never go away!"

Di Xin's words echoed throughout the Nine Halls, and the Emperor's Destiny above Chaoge City turned into a five-clawed golden dragon roaring up to the sky, and the roar was filled with endless hatred.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?" Seeing that Di Xin's mood had returned to normal, Fei Zhong stepped forward and asked.

"What are you doing? Hehe, it's time for King Wu Cheng to go home!" Di Xin said with a slight smile.

Hearing Di Xin's words, Fei Zhong revealed a trace of embarrassment, and said, "Your Majesty, when I persuaded King Wucheng to vote for Xiqi, King Wucheng promised to come back, but now that Daji is not dead, I'm afraid..."

"Give this to him, and he will come back!" As he spoke, Di Xin took out an ordinary wooden token from his body, on which were engraved two immature words "Emperor".

Looking at the wooden sign in his hand, Di Xin seemed to recall things from his childhood.

"Are you going to be a king in the future?" A tiger-headed little boy said to another handsome little boy.

"I don't know! Maybe not! You'll be fine, and you will definitely be a general in the future!" The handsome little boy was a little dejected.

"I still want you to be the king! If that's the case, I'll be the great general of the town! If someone else becomes the king, I'll run away to another place, and I won't be his general!" said the tiger-headed little boy.

"Then what if it's my turn to be the king again? Are you coming back?" the handsome little boy raised his head and asked.

"I'm definitely coming back!"

"I don't believe it, maybe you won't come back then!"

"You, if you don't believe me, let's make a token. No matter where I am at that time, as long as I have this token, I will come back and be your general!" The thick-headed little boy was a little anxious.

"Okay." Then the two little boys made a wooden token with two words on it, "Emperor".

Di Xin smiled slightly and said, "It's time for the lonely King Wucheng of Zhenguo to go home!"

"Fei Zhong!" Di Xin shouted to Fei Zhong who was standing below.

"The minister is here!" Fei Zhong hurriedly took a step forward and responded.

"Let your subordinates hand over this token to King Wu Cheng! Then imprison Daji, I will execute Daji publicly when King Wu Cheng returns!" Di Xin said harshly.

On the second day, countless black-armored knights rode all kinds of strange beasts that were good at running, and scattered towards Da Shang in all directions.

Then, more than ten days later, a news has spread throughout the territory of Dashang.

For more than ten years, the person sitting in the Nine Halls of Chaoge is not the real Emperor Xin, but Maitreya Taoist of the Western religion.After knowing the truth, all the civilians were angry.

The anger towards Maitreya and the reverence towards Di Xin surged together, and the luck of the Emperor over Chaoge City not only stopped losing, but continued to recover.

At the same time, Maitreya, who was cultivating in the bliss of the West, suddenly felt a powerful karma fall on him. He felt his whole body sank, and the speed of mana in his body suddenly slowed down.

The laws that were still comprehensible suddenly became obscure.

Seeing this, Maitreya couldn't help smiling wryly. Unexpectedly, the consequence of pretending to be the Emperor came just now, but this time, can the Western Sect really take the opportunity to grow stronger?

Xiqi City, the founding palace of Prince Wucheng.

Huang Feihu was sitting on a chair in the middle of the hall. Sitting on the left and right were several members of the Huang clan who had just been summoned and did not know what had happened.

Looking at the token in his hand, Huang Feihu kept laughing, and with a smile, big tears rolled down his cheeks.

Huang Feihu's father, Huang Gun, his two brothers, and his three sons didn't know what happened to Huang Feihu?Ever since the few of them came in, Huang Feihu has looked like this until now.

"Feihu, what's the matter with you? Why do you look like this?" Huang Gun frowned at Huang Feihu and asked aloud.

"Father, Your Majesty is back! Your Majesty is really back! Your Majesty asked me to go back to be his King Wucheng!" Huang Feihu raised the sign in his hand and said to Huang Gun.

Although Huang Gun didn't know what the sign in Huang Feihu's hand meant, he still understood what Huang Feihu said, with an overjoyed expression on his face.

Huang Gun was originally unwilling to betray Da Shang and seek refuge with Xiqi, but Huang Feihu said that he had difficulties, so he finally persuaded Huang Gun to come here.

Now that Huang Gun heard that he could return to Dashang, this veteran general who had served Dashang all his life couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Okay, Feihu. If that's the case, let's leave right away!" Huang Feihu grabbed Huang Gun's hand and stopped him.

"Father, if we can't leave Xiqi like this, we will be chased back! Let's say goodbye to Lord Xibo first, and see if he agrees!" Huang Feihu said with a worried face.

"You fart! You go to say goodbye, can we still go? Let me tell you, even if I die, I will die on the way back to Dashang!" Hearing that Huang Feihu was going to say goodbye, Huang Gun immediately threw his hand away. hand, and was about to leave angrily.

"Father, listen to me! Now Xiqi doesn't dare to do anything to Dashang, so if we want to leave, Xiqi will dare not let us go!" Huang Feihu held Huang Gun and explained.

"It's useless for you to tell me these things. I only want to see the result, and I'll see if we can get away from this Xiqi!" Huang Gun sat down on the side and stopped talking.

The next day, Huang Feihu visited Jiang Ziya at the Prime Minister's Mansion early in the morning.

Hearing the news that Huang Feihu came to visit, Jiang Ziya came out very enthusiastically and welcomed Huang Feihu in.However, when Jiang Ziya heard Huang Feihu's intention, his face darkened.

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