() Scholars die for their confidants!

This is the only thought echoing in Huang Feihu's mind at this moment!

"Feihu, what are you still doing here? Hurry up and go out to welcome His Majesty!" Huang Gun, who was standing aside, was also very excited when he heard the news of Di Xin's arrival.Turning around and seeing Huang Feihu standing there blankly, he hurriedly urged.

Urged by his old father, Huang Feihu came back to his senses, and hurriedly took his brother and son, and a group of generals, to the gate.

With a deep voice, the gate of Prince Wucheng's mansion opened slowly, and Huang Feihu led a group of people out.I saw Di Xin sitting on a majestic beast, looking at him with a smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, Huang Feihu hurriedly took two steps, knelt down on one knee and said, "My lord, King Wucheng of Dashang Township Huang Feihu, I pay my respects to Your Majesty!"

"Okay! Gu is here to pick up our Zhen Guo King Wucheng!" Hearing Huang Feihu's words, Di Xin laughed happily, got off the strange beast, and stepped forward to help Huang Feihu up.

Huang Feihu was helped up by Di Xin, turned around and shouted to the crowd behind him: "My Huang clan has obeyed the order, and now His Majesty has returned! My Huang clan will return to Da Shang, and I will die for Da Shang without regret!"

"I will never regret a hundred deaths!" Huang Feihu's father, Huang Gun, his two brothers, and his three sons all shouted excitedly.

"I don't regret a hundred deaths!" Then there were those generals and soldiers who followed Huang Feihu to Xiqi.

Seeing such a situation, Di Xin knew that he had to stand up and say a few words.

"You are all loyal and brave soldiers of my great merchant. It is my great fortune to have you! It is my great fortune!" Di Xin's words reassured those soldiers who were still a little nervous.

Afterwards, Di Xin followed Huang Feihu into Wucheng Palace.

It's just that there was a figure that sneaked away from the crowd, it was Huang Ming!

After Di Xin chatted with Huang Feihu for a while, the government soldiers had already packed up everything.

Di Xin and Huang Feihu walked out of Wucheng Palace together. As soon as he appeared, Di Xin saw a white-haired old man leading a group of soldiers to surround Wucheng Palace.

When King Wu Cheng saw the white-haired old man, he was startled, and immediately took a few steps ahead to protect Di Xin behind him.

"Jiang Ziya, what do you mean by leading troops to besiege my Prince Wucheng's mansion? Besides, the Emperor of the Great Shang is here now. Do you really want to rebel by doing this?" Huang Feihu asked Jiang Ziya loudly.

"Wu Chengwang misunderstood! How dare we disrespect the Great Shang Emperor? But, Wu Cheng Wang, you can't leave me, Xiqi! As for the Great Shang Emperor, naturally come and go freely!" Jiang Ziya smiled quickly Said.

Hearing what Jiang Ziya said, Huang Feihu breathed a sigh of relief. He turned to Di Xin and said, "Your Majesty, the situation is critical today. Your Majesty should go back first! After tomorrow, I will try to find a way to go back!"

"What a joke! My Emperor Xin, as the emperor of the Great Shang, came to bring back King Wucheng of Zhenguo. Do you still need Xiqi's consent? Jiang Ziya, you are so courageous!" Di Xin's face was originally full of smiles, Full of anger at this time.

When Di Xin got angry, all the emperor's fortunes in the sky above Xiqi began to tumbling, bringing waves of huge pressure, and all the soldiers who faced Di Xin wanted to kneel down.

"King Zhou, you are perverted, cruel, and have done so many evil things! Seeing that the big business is in danger now, you ran out to say something. The original one was fake, and you are back now! You can deceive others, but you are But you can't lie to me!"

At this moment, a person behind Jiang Ziya jumped out and spoke nonsense to Di Xin. It was Huang Ming who had just escaped in the chaos.

Seeing Huang Ming appearing in Jiang Ziya's team, Zhou Ji and the others were a little shocked. They didn't expect that Huang Ming, who had been with them day and night, was actually Xi Qi's secret son.

"Huang Ming, I originally planned to let you go, not for anything else, just because of the friendship we have had for so many years, but now, you can't wait to jump out and die!" Huang Feihu looked at Huang Ming coldly. , eyes full of murderous intent.

After hearing Huang Ming's words, Di Xin glanced at her indifferently, and then Di Xin's majestic voice resounded throughout Xiqi City.

"You little rebel general dares to criticize the emperor. This is an unforgivable crime!"

As soon as Di Xin's words fell, a part of the Emperor's Fate in the sky above Xiqi City turned into a dragon shape, directly poked out the dragon's claws, and crushed Huang Ming to death.

Others couldn't see the golden dragon formed by the emperor's luck, but Jiang Ziya could see it clearly, and felt a chill in his heart.

When Di Xin started to do it just now, Jiang Ziya felt that he was also unable to move. Only then did Jiang Ziya know that if Di Xin wanted to kill him, it would be just a matter of lifting his hands.

Di Xin glanced at Jiang Ziya, and then said to Zhang Yuan, the captain of the black-armored knight beside him, "Let the black-armored knight lead the way ahead, and kill anyone who dares to block the way!"

"Order! Black-armored knight, go forward! Anyone who dares to block the way will be killed without mercy!" After finishing speaking, Zhang Yuan took the lead in rushing towards the city gate.

Then I saw a black torrent rolling towards the city gate, all the barriers set up along the way, and all the soldiers blocking it were torn to pieces.

When Di Xin and Huang Feihu led a group of people to the city gate, the city gate was completely occupied by black armored knights, guarding both sides of the city gate, waiting for their passage.

After Di Xin and the others left Xiqi, the black-armored knight also left without a trace.

When going back to Chaoge, it took a long time for Huang Feihu and the others to ride back to Chaoge because the horses of Huang Feihu were not fast.

On the day of rushing back to Chaoge, Di Xin summoned all his ministers to restore Huang Feihu's title of King Wucheng of Zhenguo in public, and restore the official position of Marshal of Bingma.

Just when Di Xin had just announced his appointment, a large part of the Emperor's Luck that had been lost to Xiqi suddenly returned to Chaoge.

This can make Zhou Gongdan very depressed, but there is no way, this matter must be done this way.

After dealing with all this, Di Xin let all the officials settle their own affairs, and then he drove directly to Jin'ao Island in the East China Sea on a cloud.

As soon as Di Xin arrived at Jin'ao Island, he saw a young man waiting there from a distance. Looking at the young man, Di Xin felt a little familiar.

"Yang Jian met King Yu! In the past, King Yu lent me a mountain axe, so I was able to split Taoshan and save my mother!" Yang Jian bowed respectfully to Di Xin.

"I remembered, you are the boy from back then! In the blink of an eye, a thousand years have passed!" Di Xin thought of Yang Jian's identity, and felt a little embarrassed for a moment.

"King Yu please come in quickly, my master has been waiting for you for a long time!" Yang Jian made a gesture of invitation to Di Xin, and then led the way.

When Di Xin came to Yu Yuan's cave, he saw Yu Yuan sitting on the stone bed looking at him with a smile, and beside Yu Yuan was a beautiful woman.

"King Yu, I didn't expect you to come here now. I thought you would be eager to pick Queen Jiang back!"

Hearing Yu Yuan's words, Di Xin shook his head and said, "The reason why I didn't come to take Wan'er back was because it wasn't time to deal with Daji, and I was afraid that she would feel uncomfortable seeing Daji alive. "

"Oh, then are you planning to deal with Daji today?" Yu Yuan frowned and asked Di Xin.

"Yes, I'm going to publicly execute Daji today!" Di Xin said ruthlessly, his eyes flushed.

"Do you need my help?" Yu Yuan said solemnly.

After hearing Yu Yuan's words, Di Xin smiled proudly and said, "If I can't handle tomorrow's situation, then my vow to kill Lingshan will never be fulfilled!"

"En?" Hearing Di Xin's words, Yu Yuan looked at him puzzled.

Although Yu Yuan knew that the "Emperor's Heavenly Scripture" was very powerful, Di Xin was only at the early stage of Daluo Jinxian, and even if Nuwa only used magic power to bombard him through the air, Di Xin might not be an opponent.

"Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, if you are worried, come and take a look! I will let you know that the advantage of the "Emperor's Scripture" is not in cultivation, but in battle."

Seeing that Yu Yuan still didn't believe it, Di Xin simply invited Yu Yuan to come and watch.

Afterwards, Di Xin went to see Jiang Wan'er. Seeing Di Xin's arrival, Jiang Wan'er couldn't help but threw herself into Di Xin's arms and wept silently. Di Xin hugged her tightly with guilt on his face.

After exchanging their hearts, Di Xin took Jiang Wan'er back to Chaoge, and Yu Yuan also took the Golden Spirit Virgin to Chaoge because he was worried.

This day, Chaoge was empty for thousands of people, but it was crowded with people around the execution ground.

The people of Chaoge already knew that Di Xin was going to publicly deal with that enchanting concubine Daji here.It is said that it was this woman who helped the false emperor Xin to persecute the ministers and bring chaos to the court.

Moreover, this woman killed several of His Majesty's concubines, and even the original Queen Jiang narrowly escaped death.

Di Xingao sat on the supervisory stage, with Nvjiao and Jiang Wan'er sitting on the left and right sides respectively, and below were two rows of ministers.Yu Yuan sat on the other side of the stand.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Di Xin had someone bring Daji up with his head covered.

The people of Chaoge looked curiously at this enchanting concubine Daji who brought disaster to the country and the people, but to their disappointment, all they saw was a slender woman with her head covered.

Although he didn't reveal that beautiful face, but just the figure below Daji has already made many men distracted.

After the guards took off Daji's hood, all the surrounding Chaoge people gasped, and the eyes of many men became hot and crazy.

"Daji, are you guilty?" Di Xin looked at Daji coldly and asked.

"What crime did I commit? I really don't know! I beg Your Majesty to forgive me!" Daji made a delicate and weak expression, and there were still some tears in her eyes.

"Daji is not guilty!" Someone suddenly shouted from the crowd of onlookers.

"Yes, Daji is innocent"

"Daji is innocent, let him go!"

More and more people shouted, and finally formed a higher and higher sound wave.

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