Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 142 The Emperor's Scripture

() Seeing so many people shouting for him, a smile appeared on the corner of Daji's mouth, and his already beautiful face became even more charming.

Even some women shouted along with them.

Seeing this scene, Di Xin frowned slightly, with a look of displeasure on his face.

Since Emperor Xin had returned, Huang Feihu had also regained the position of King Wucheng of Zhenguo, so the fate of the emperor above Chaoge City had stabilized and formed a five-clawed golden dragon entrenched above Chaoge City.

Di Xin snorted angrily, and the entrenched five-clawed golden dragon suddenly stretched its body and let out a high-pitched dragon chant. Although ordinary people couldn't hear the dragon chant, they were still aroused by the dragon chant. Woke up in a state of shock.

After waking up, these people were all confused about what they had done just now, and then they all began to fear.

"Just now you were all tempted by the demon concubine Daji, I forgive you all innocent!" Just when these people were panicking, Di Xin's majestic voice rang in their ears.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace!" All the Chaoge people knelt down and thanked Di Xin.

"Daji, Gu Gu is unwilling to tell about your crimes. Today, you will endure all the torture you inflicted on others!" Di Xin said slowly to Daji with cold eyes.

After listening to Di Xin's words, Su Daji's face suddenly turned pale when he felt the hatred eyes cast by those sober Chaoge people.

Su Daji has been carrying out her perverted ideas constantly, even a little recklessly, since she was a child. When she sees others suffering, she has no sympathy in her heart, but pleasure.

Su Daji felt that everything was so beautiful and everything should be done.Because of the pain she suffered when she was a child, now the world will use pain to please her!

She has relied on others since she was a child. When she was a child, she relied on the identity of her father Ji Zhouhou, and now she relies on the power given to her by Maitreya.

Su Daji is like an extremely thick vine, when she is supported by a big tree, she appears extremely powerful.But when the big tree disappeared, she could only lie powerlessly on the ground.

"Execution!" Di Xin spat out two icy words, which made Daji feel like falling into an ice cave.

Hearing Di Xin's order, several soldiers came towards Daji carrying a tray. The tray was covered with a layer of satin, and a bronze knife was placed on the satin.

Seeing the tray and the knife on the tray, Daji felt a little scared.She knew that this must be Di Xin's revenge on her, so she had her eyes gouged out.

Just when several soldiers were about to make a move, the situation changed suddenly, and countless clouds gathered quickly, finally forming a blurred face of a woman.

Of course, this ambiguity is only for those Chaoge civilians. In the eyes of Di Xin and Yu Yuan, they can see clearly that this face is Nuwa's.

After this face appeared, countless smallpox fell from the sky, and countless golden lotuses sprang up from the ground at the same time.

"It's finally here!" Yu Yuan and Di Xin tensed at the same time.

"Di Xin, you are so brave! How dare you even kill my people?" Nuwa's voice came and echoed continuously in Chaoge City.

All Chaoge people who heard Nuwa's voice only felt a kind of nobility hidden in that voice, as if the Creator was looking down on his own works.

"Nuwa, don't you think you're taking too much control? Is this Su Daji one of yours?" Di Xin sneered disdainfully.

Hearing Di Xin's words, all the people in Chaoge were talking a lot. They didn't expect that it was the ancient sage, Nuwa Empress, who came in avatar.

What the people of Chaoge didn't know was that not only they were talking about it, but also the people in the whole Dashang were talking about it.

Because Di Xin used the means in the "Emperor's Scripture" to let the people of the whole Dashang hear the conversation between him and Nuwa.

After discussing for a while, I don't know who started it first, all the people of Chaoge knelt down one by one, and even the people in other places in Dashang also knelt on the ground facing Dashang.

They knelt down not because of Nuwa's status as a saint, but because Nuwa was the mother of the human race, and the human race was created by Nuwa.

However, at the same time, they were also deeply conflicted about the confrontation between Di Xin and Nu Wa.

"Since this Su Daji has carried out the task for me, then she is mine!" Nuwa's faint voice came, and at the same time, the face formed by the clouds glanced down slightly, and glanced at Di Xin.

"Hahaha, your mission? What is the mission you entrusted to her?" Di Xin looked up to the sky and laughed, a surge of pride rose into the sky.

"Di Xin, you are a little emperor, you have no right to know about me!" Nuwa's voice was still faint, but this time it was full of disdain.

It's just that this wave of disdain made all the people of the big merchants feel a feeling of abandonment and anger accumulated in their hearts.

Little Emperor?So what are they?Even Saint Nuwa looked down on them from the bottom of his heart?

Di Xin turned his head and said to Nvjiao, "Nvjiao, tell me, what is the so-called mission of this Nuwa sage?"

"The mission entrusted by the Empress Nuwa is to confuse the emperor of the Great Shang, causing the people of the Great Merchants to live in poverty, the princes of the world to rebel, and finally destroy the Great Merchants!" Nujiao's crisp voice sounded.

The girl's voice spread throughout the territory of Dashang through Di Xin's exercises, echoing in the hearts of all the people of Dashang.

None of the people of these great merchants understood why the Nuwa sage wanted to destroy the great merchants?Their lives began to improve, they began to feel the taste of happiness, why?

Every citizen of Dashang asked in puzzlement.With constant doubts, one belief gradually collapses, but another belief seems to be slowly established.

Then I saw the people of the great merchants standing up from the ground one by one. Slowly, more and more people stood up. In the end, no one knelt down for Nuwa.

"Under the fate, you should destroy the Great Shang, and the Western Zhou Dynasty should prosper. I just follow God's will!" Nuwa didn't care at all when Di Xin said that she wanted to destroy the Great Shang.

"What is the will of God? The will of the people is the will of God. I, the people of Dashang, tell me, do you think that Dashang should be destroyed?" Di Xin's voice spread to Dashang in all directions.

"It shouldn't be destroyed!" The air above the entire Dashang was tumbling endlessly under the impact of the sudden shouts.

"Nuwa, please go back! This Su Daji is the sinner who helped you to destroy our big business, we will never let her go!" Di Xin said, turning his head to the huge cloud face.

After hearing Di Xin's words, the huge cloud face began to roll and fluctuate, "Di Xin, do you think you can stop me? Although I dare not kill you, I can still bear the consequences of injuring you!"

After all, a cloud line shot towards Di Xin's left arm at an extremely fast speed, and it came to Di Xin's body in one fell swoop. It seemed that it wanted to shoot Di Xin's left arm through.

"Hum..." Di Xin snorted disdainfully, a shield made of human emperor luck formed in front of Di Xin's left arm.

After the extremely fast cloud line shot onto the shield, it disappeared immediately.

"Nuwa, you underestimate me too much? It's just such an attack, I'm afraid you can't do anything to me!"

Because Di Xin had been investigated before, Nu Wa knew that Di Xin had no cultivation, so she didn't pay too much attention, but just wanted to break his left arm.

Nuwa also deliberately controlled her power, fearing to beat Di Xin to death directly, but she didn't expect that Di Xin also had a cultivation level now.

"Unexpectedly, in just ten years, your cultivation has directly broken through to the early stage of Daluo Jinxian! Was your previous life some kind of extraordinary person?"

Taking a closer look at Di Xin's cultivation base, Nuwa was surprised to find that Di Xin's strength was actually the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian, which surprised her too.

"Who doesn't have some secrets of his own in this prehistoric world? Why does the sage Nuwa ask so many questions?" Di Xin didn't intend to answer Nuwa's question at all.

"It's fine if you don't say it! But since you are the early stage of Daluo Jinxian, I don't have to restrain my hands and feet like this!" Nuwa said with a slight smile.

Countless clouds gathered to form a big hand covering the sky, carrying the power of a thousand jun, and slapping towards Di Xin with the majesty of a saint.

Seeing Nuwa's attack, Di Xin stretched out his hands and stretched forward. The five-clawed golden dragon formed by the fate of the emperor, entrenched in the sky above Chaoge City, greeted the giant palm.

A high-pitched dragon cry sounded, and the giant palm was smashed by the five-clawed golden dragon, but the five-clawed golden dragon's body was also a little loose.

"The technique you practice is really strange, and you actually use the luck of the emperor to attack. I just don't know how many times you can resist my attacks?" Seeing that her attack was blocked, Nuwa condensed a giant palm again. .

Di Xincao manipulated the five-clawed golden dragon formed by the human emperor's luck, and continued to meet Nuwa's attacks again and again, but the shape of the five-turn golden dragon was getting looser and looser, and in the end it was about to disperse into a group of human emperor's luck form.

"Have you reached the limit?" Nuwa chuckled, and another attack appeared, but this time a mana force blasted through the void and appeared on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Di Xin had a serious face, and said loudly: "I, the people of Da Shang, fight for my Da Shang!" Di Xin's voice echoed in the ears of everyone in Da Shang.

At the same time, everyone in Dashang feels that the belief in their hearts is shining brightly, and they all have a thought in their hearts, for Dashang, fight!

Something rose from everyone in Dashang and flew to Di Xin. This was their belief, this was their heart.The will of the people is God's will!

"Nuwa, today I invite you to take a look at the mountains and rivers of my Great Merchant! The first form of the Emperor's Heavenly Scripture, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains!" Di Xin said, holding his hands empty, and the whole prehistoric land was filled with the energy of countless dragon veins. .

Then these dragon veins and earth qi rolled and surged endlessly, condensing into a mighty force, rushing towards Nuwa's mana.

"Di Xin, do you think it's enough to rely on great power? Without the support of laws, doing these powers is just a one-touch failure!" Nu Wa saw Di Xin's condensed power. Although she was a little surprised, she still said disdainfully.

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