() After hearing Nuwa's words, Di Xin smiled slightly and said, "Nuwa, have you forgotten what I just said? People's will is God's will!"

"Boom" With the loud noise, countless huge pillars of law light descended from the sky, falling into the powerful force formed by the countless dragon veins and earth energy.

These laws are intertwined, fused, and even faintly condensed into a higher-level law.

"Di Xin, it seems that I underestimated you! There are signs of condensed Dao patterns! This pose already has the power of a saint!" Nuwa's voice was dignified.

As soon as Nuwa's voice fell, the countless laws in the mana she emitted also began to condense and merge, and began to transform into the Dao pattern.

After a violent spatial vibration, the mana emitted by Nuwa collided with the earth vein dragon energy emitted by Di Xin, and finally disappeared.

Seeing this situation, Nu Wa was silent for a while, and the face formed by the huge cloud dissipated, and Nu Wa retreated like this.

Because if she uses a magic weapon, Nu Wa has no confidence that she can injure Di Xin without hurting his life!

Seeing Nuwa retreating, Di Xin shouted loudly: "The great business is immortal!"

The whole Dashang suddenly boiled, and at the same time kept calling Di Xin's name.

"Di Xin! Di Xin!" Countless voices came from all directions.

"Execution!" Di Xin's voice sounded amidst the cheers of all the people, but it was not drowned out by countless voices, but lifted up by countless voices, getting higher and higher.

Afterwards, Su Daji's eyes were first gouged out, then his hands were burnt, and finally he was thrown into the bait.

Su Daji's screams didn't go far, but was drowned out by the cheers of the surrounding people!

Yu Yuan looked at Di Xin, feeling a little surprised for a moment.He didn't expect such means to exist in the "Emperor's Scripture", and it seemed that he had to wait until the avatar reached the realm of the Daluo Jinxian to study it carefully.

"Di Xin, since this matter is over, I'll go back to Jin'ao Island first!" Yu Yuan walked to Di Xin and said.

Just when Di Xin wanted to speak, but before he could speak, the sun in the sky suddenly burst into a burst of strong light.

The surrounding air became hot all of a sudden, and the cheering people all started to scream, and the clothes on their bodies even started to emit green smoke.

Seeing this scene, Di Xin's face darkened all of a sudden, his mana surged wildly, and the five-clawed golden dragon above Chaoge City roared endlessly, and then countless clouds formed, covering the sky above Da Shang .

But even with the early strength of Emperor Xin Da Luo Jinxian, coupled with the assistance of a large number of human emperor luck, he still has no way to take care of the entire Dashang territory at once.

"King Yu, don't worry, I'll help you!" While speaking, a water law domain appeared on Yu Yuan's body, and then the law domain scattered away.

Countless rain clouds formed over the entire Dashang, blocking the sun's rays.

All those big merchants and civilians took the opportunity to run back home, and dared not go out again, for fear of being burned by the sun again.

But even so, the world is still extremely hot. As time goes by, the water in countless rivers is constantly decreasing and transpiring.

"Hmph!" Seeing this, Yu Yuan snorted angrily, and closed the water law field, and then saw a small sun flying out from Yu Yuan's head, emitting a gentle light, it was Yu Yuan's Golden Crow Primordial Spirit.

Yu Yuan's Golden Crow Primordial Spirit opened its mouth wide, sucked fiercely at the sun, and then saw the countless rays of light emitted by the sun, being drawn and falling towards Yu Yuan's Golden Crow Primordial Spirit.

A huge funnel seemed to appear in the whole world, and countless golden rays of light rushed towards the bottom of the funnel like water, and the mouth of the funnel was leading to the mouth of the Golden Crow Primordial Spirit.

After Yu Yuan's Golden Crow Yuanshen swallowed wildly, the sun's rays gradually faded a lot, and the temperature of the sky and the earth also dropped a little bit.

"Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, I don't know what's wrong with this sun star. I can't leave. Please go up and investigate for me. I wonder if fellow Daoist Yu Yuan can?" Di Xin asked Yu Yuan. .

"This matter is quite abnormal. Even if you don't invite me, I will go up and have a look! I will solve it as soon as possible." After finishing speaking, Yu Yuan tore open a space crack and walked in.

At the same time, people from Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains, Tushita Palace in Xuandu, Jinao Island, Beihai, Blood Sea, and Western Bliss all flew towards the sun.

Several great saints also cast their spiritual consciousness on the sun star to observe the development of the matter.

Standing in front of Sun Star, Yu Yuan quietly looked at the huge fireball in front of him, which was more violent than ever before.

The space around the sun star has been distorted by the intense heat, it is not something that Yu Yuan can travel through now.

And Yu Yuan also felt that there seemed to be a huge power recovering in the sun star, which made Yu Yuan dare not fly directly to the sun star.

While Yu Yuan was waiting, monks continued to arrive one after another.

Taoist Ran Deng and the ten Da Luo Jinxians who explained and taught, Patriarch Minghe and his eight Da Luo Jinxians under his command, Grand Master Xuandu, Daoist Duobao led a group of disciples of Da Luo Jinxian period, led by Patriarch Kunpeng The three demon gods, and Maitreya who came from the west.

As soon as Taoist Duobao came, he brought a group of Jiejiao disciples to Yu Yuan's side.

Taoist Duobao said to Yu Yuan, "Junior Brother Yu Yuan, you came here first, did you find anything?"

Yu Yuan shook his head, and said in a concentrated voice: "The space around this sun star is distorted. My consciousness cannot penetrate it, nor can I use the law of space to enter it. And..."

As Yu Yuan said, he turned his head to look at Taoist Duobao.Seeing Yu Yuan turning his head to look at him, Taoist Duobao said, "And there is a terrifying power recovering, right?"

Yu Yuan nodded solemnly.

"Senior Brother Duobao, the strength of both of us is already close to that of Zhunsheng. But this power makes us feel horrible, so the most likely thing is..." Yu Yuan narrowed his eyes and looked at the increasingly The more violent Sun Xing said slowly.

"His Majesty Donghuang Taiyi! The most likely thing is that the Sun Palace of His Majesty Donghuang Taiyi of my monster race is about to appear!" Just as Yu Yuan was speaking, a voice interrupted him and continued.

Yu Yuan turned his head and saw that it was Kunpeng Patriarch leading his three demon gods towards him.

"Ancestor Kunpeng, are you here for something?" Seeing Patriarch Kunpeng approaching, Yu Yuan took a step back and let Taoist Duobao out. Taoist Duobao asked.

Daoist Duobao is the elder brother of their disciples, and he is the most qualified person to speak on their behalf.

"Fellow Daoist of Many Treasures, we are here to help you win the treasure!" Kunpeng Patriarch said with a smile on his face.

"Treasure hunting? The Kunpeng patriarch was joking! I don't know if the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is dead or alive? If he is still alive, I'm afraid all of us present will not be enough to watch!"

Taoist Duobao neither agreed nor refused.Just looking at the tone of Kunpeng Patriarch.

"Fellow Daoist Duobao, don't worry, His Majesty Donghuang Taiyi of my monster tribe is dead! I will cooperate with you to help you seize the treasure. But there is one condition, all the treasures obtained in the Sun Palace must be given to him!"

The Kunpeng Patriarch was talking, pointing at Yu Yuan who was standing aside.

Daoist Duobao looked back at Yu Yuan, turned his head and said to Patriarch Kunpeng, "I have no objection to your request. But your help without asking for anything in return makes me restless!"

"Don't worry! What good plans do you have now to intercept the teaching? You can't protect yourself!" Hearing Taoist Duobao's doubtful words, Patriarch Kunpeng said with a little displeasure.

"That's good. But this reason still makes me feel too thin! Don't you have anything else to say?" Taoist Duobao still looked at Patriarch Kunpeng with a gentle smile on his face.

"Duobao, what do you mean? We..." Hearing Taoist Duobao's words, Bi Fang standing behind Kunpeng couldn't help being angry, and shouted directly at Taoist Duobao. Kunpeng waved his hand and interrupted Bi Fang The following words.

"Duobao, what if I say that this is the personal generation of the two majesties of my demon clan?" Kunpeng Patriarch stared closely at Taoist Duobao after finishing speaking.

Hearing what Kunpeng Patriarch said, Taoist Duobao directly turned to face the sun, and did not take any precautions against the Kunpeng Patriarch and the others around him.

The rest of the people also turned around to observe the change of the sun, waiting for the moment when the Sun Palace appeared.

After Patriarch Kunpeng said it was Dijun and Taiyi's confession, no one among the disciples of the Section Sect had any doubts.Because they all know that Yaozu will not lie about their two majesties.

Donghuang Taiyi and Monster Emperor Jun are the eternal emperors of the Monster Race, the last belief in the hearts of every Monster Race, and the monuments of glory in their hearts, which cannot be desecrated by anyone.

Just when the alliance between Jiejiao and Yaozu was over, the members of the Chanjiao, Grand Master Xuandu, Maitreya and Xuehai all gathered together.

Then the two groups of people stared at the sun star closely, waiting for the terrifying power to slowly recover.

At the same time, the two groups of people also felt that the coercion in the surrounding space was getting stronger and stronger, and everyone felt that their strength had been suppressed a lot.

Only Yu Yuan, Daoist Duobao, Patriarch Minghe, Daoist Randeng and Grand Master Xuandu, the five powerhouses with quasi-sage strength, could not be affected.

But even so, the faces of these five people are becoming more and more ugly.

Because they felt that the powerful coercion in the space came not only from the sun star opposite, but also from the divine consciousness probed by the saints. It was obvious that the thing in the sun star moved even several saints.

The flames on the sun star rolled and galloped more and more fiercely, and finally erupted outwards, forming a frenzy of flames.

In this frenzy of flames, there are countless air fires, stone fires, and samadhi fires.There are even true sun flames gushing out from the core of the sun.

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