Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 144 Sage shot

() When the air fire, stone fire, and samadhi fire gushed out just now, many monks didn't care. With their at least Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation base, these flames could not hurt them at all.

But when the True Sun Flame also gushed out together, these people had no choice but to dodge.If you get infected with the True Sun Flame, although your life will not be in danger, trouble and embarrassment are inevitable.

But this time the flame eruption not only did not stop, but became more and more powerful, forcing many monks to retreat again and again, only Yu Yuan and five people remained in place.

"Boom rumble~~"

Accompanied by the rumbling sound amidst the endless flames, a huge and majestic palace gradually appeared in front of everyone.

The entire body of this hall is made of a kind of black gold-colored metal. Below it are four three-legged golden crows made of innate golden essence. On the top, four similar three-legged golden crows are hooked up with claws.

I saw eight three-legged Golden Crows flapping their wings and slowly flying out of the sun with the Sun Palace. To be precise, they flew out of another space.

Patriarch Minghe sighed: "East Emperor Taiyi is really a good trick, he actually trained all the eight three-legged golden crows into the treasures of the Daluo Jinxian. Even so, these eight three-legged golden crows are only used to pull the Sun Palace. .”

The moment the Sun Palace appeared, the saint's consciousness pervading all around suddenly moved, and several saint's consciousness collided together, making bursts of violent noises.

Then there was a series of loud noises, and all kinds of visions appeared.Celebrating clouds emerge, golden lanterns and wreaths; pagodas are dark and yellow, suppressing the prehistoric;

It turned out that all the six saints descended from their own bodies. The auras of the six saints collided and squeezed each other, and the surrounding space was completely destroyed. There was no turbulence in the space, but countless earth, water, fire and wind appeared.

At this time, even Yu Yuan and the other five retreated far away. Although the five of them are powerful, they are not even qualified to stand in front of the saint when the saint is in person.

"I didn't expect the five fellow daoists to come here in such a hurry? I thought your family had a great cause and wouldn't compete with me for this chaotic clock!" Looking at the other five saints in the field, Nuwa knew that she Without a chance, he joked.

"Fellow Daoist Nvwa is joking! The one with the greatest family and career is Sanqing Daoist. The poor Daoist brothers are located in the barren land of the West. They have no spirit treasure to suppress luck, and no disciples to support the sect. It is very difficult for them to move forward!" The Taoist guide spoke slowly, and as he spoke, the expression on his face became more miserable.

"God, sorry! Give me this Chaos Clock and the West. I hope that fellow Taoists will make it easier for me to bring this Chaos Clock back with Daoist Brother Jieyin!" After Jieyin finished speaking, Zhunti then spoke .

And as soon as Zhunti opened his mouth, he insisted that the Chaos Clock was given to them by the Western religion!

After hearing Zhunti's words, Nuwa curled her lips in disdain, but she didn't speak.At this moment, it is almost impossible for the Chaos Clock to fall into her hands, so why should she speak out to offend others!

Taoist Tongtian didn't open his mouth either, he just looked at Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun next to him with a half-smile.

Daoist Tongtian has faintly felt that Lao Tzu and Yuanshi Tianzun may have reached some agreement with the Western Sect, but he is not sure.Therefore, at this time, he wanted to see how Yuanshi Tianzun and Lao Tzu would react!

After hearing Zhunti's words, Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi were silent.In the end, it was Yuanshi Tianzun who spoke first: "This chaotic clock was transformed by the sky-opening axe, so it should belong to me, Sanqing!"

After hearing Yuanshi Tianzun's words, Lao Tzu waved his fly whisk and said, "What the second brother said is very good!"

"Yuanshi Tianzun, you..." Hearing what Yuanshi Tianzun and Lao Tzu said, he was about to speak, but was interrupted by the Taoist who guided him.

"Lingbao in the prehistoric world, the virtuous live in it! We still have to rely on our own abilities!" The Taoist Jieyin lowered his eyebrows, expressionless, and said directly.

After listening to the words of the leading Taoist, Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi did not object.

Seeing this scene, Taoist Tongtian felt a little on guard in his heart. It seems that there is really something tricky between Yuanshi Tianzun, Laozi and Zhunti Jieying!

On the other hand, Nuwa on the other side laughed when she heard this, "According to the opinions of the senior brothers, isn't it possible for me to get this Chaos Clock?"

While the saints were talking, the Taiyanggonghui finally flew out completely.A heavy and solemn feeling directly weighed on everyone's hearts.

Even after seeing the appearance of the Sun Palace, none of the group of monks dared to move, and all of them turned their attention to the six saints standing there.

But the six saints were all on guard against each other, and none of them wanted to strike first and be taken advantage of by others.

"If the senior brothers don't do anything, I can only reluctantly accept this Chaos Clock!" Nu Wa was the first to make a move.

Nuwa threw the red hydrangea in her hand, carrying endless coercion, directly towards the Sun Palace.

The enormous coercion directly suppressed the eight three-legged golden crows, and they could only stay in place quietly, waiting for the arrival of the red hydrangea.

"Fellow Daoist Nvwa is a little impatient. The ownership of this chaotic clock still needs to be discussed again!" Seeing Nvwa making a move, Zhunti couldn't help it at first, and swiped the Qibao Miaoshu directly towards the red hydrangea in his hand.

Immediately, a rainbow bridge seemed to appear in this dark and cold universe, directly illuminating the darkness. The power of the colorful light was obviously stronger than the red light emitted by the red hydrangea.

"Hmph!" Seeing the wonderful tree of the seven treasures in Taoist Zhunti's hand brushing towards her magic weapon, the red hydrangea, Nuwa's face turned cold, and she threw out her map of mountains, rivers and society.

As soon as the picture of Shanhe Sheji left Nuwa's hands, it expanded rapidly, and finally turned into a beautiful world, with mountains and rivers, and picturesque scenery.

The map of Shanhe Sheji flashed, and it blocked the Qibao Miaoshu, and the Qibao Miaoshu directly crashed into the map of Shanhe Sheji.

Seeing that his Qibao Miaoshu was trapped by Nuwa's Shanhe Sheji map, Zhunti Daoist's face remained unchanged, and he directly threw his blessed divine pestle, and slammed into the Shanhe Sheji map.

The sharp horn of the blessing pestle directly knocked a gap in the picture of Shanhe Sheji, and then the Qibao Miaoshu took the opportunity to fly out of it, and continued to brush towards the red hydrangea.

Compared with Zhunti Taoist, Nuwa's strength is a little worse.As soon as the Qibao Miaoshu came into contact with the red hydrangea, the red hydrangea was immediately brushed back, and returned to Nuwa's side dimly.

"Hmph!" Seeing this, Nu Wa knew that she had no chance of getting the Chaos Clock, so she immediately took back the map of Shanhe Sheji.

Seeing Taoist Zhunti's Qibao Miaoshu was about to touch the Sun Palace, suddenly a thick gray sword energy directly hit the Qibao Miaoshu.

Seeing this gray sword aura, Taoist Zhunti's complexion changed, and the mana in his hand surged into the Qibao Miaoshu again, but even so, the Qibao Miaoshu was chopped aside by the gray sword aura.

At the same time, the gray sword energy also dissipated, revealing a blue long sword, which is the magic weapon of Taoist Tongtian, the Qingping Sword.

After stopping Taoist Zhunti's Qibao Miaoshu, Taoist Tongtian didn't care, and walked directly towards the Sun Palace, wanting to go in and take out the Chaos Clock.

Seeing Taoist Tongtian's behavior like this, Zhunti's eyes flashed with anger, and the two magic weapons in his hands were all aimed at Taoist Tongtian.

Even Jieyin, who had been keeping his eyes closed all this time, made a move. With a wave of his hand, one streak of lines twisted and rushed towards Taoist Tongtian.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi just watched with cold eyes, neither helping Taoist Tongtian nor attacking him.

Taoist Tongtian didn't care about the many attacks coming from behind, and he still walked towards the Sun Palace in a leisurely manner.

When Taoist Zhunti and Nuwa's magic weapons were about to approach, a formation appeared under Taoist Tongtian's feet. This formation released endless chaotic sword energy and bounced all four magic weapons away.

As for receiving and leading the subsequent attack, Taoist Tongtian easily resisted it.Taoist Tongtian kept walking, and continued to walk towards the Sun Palace on the formation map.

Seeing Taoist Tongtian blocking the attacks of Zhunti, Jieyin and Nuwa in this way, Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi's complexions suddenly became ugly.

Lao Tzu casually threw out the Taiji diagram, and Yuanshi Tianzun also took out the Pangu flag and shook it.

The yin and yang qi in the Taiji diagram suddenly appeared, and a golden bridge appeared in it, trying to absorb Taoist Tongtian into it.

The Pangu Banner emitted thick and abnormal chaotic sword energy, tore apart the space, and appeared directly beside Taoist Tongtian.

Regarding the attacks of Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi, Taoist Tongtian no longer had the original calmness and calmness, and his face was full of dignity.

When the attack of the Tai Chi Diagram and the Pangu Banner came, four fairy swords appeared around Tongtian Taoist. As soon as the four swords appeared, the aura they carried smashed all the surrounding space and restored it to the most fundamental earth fire water wind .

The four celestial swords of Zhu Zhejue were constantly revolving around Taoist Tongtian, blocking all the attacks of Pangu Banner and the power of Taijitu, but at the same time, Taoist Tongtian had no way to move forward.

Yuanshi Tianzun kept waving the Pangu banner in his hand, and the thick chaotic sword energy moved back and forth.At the same time, part of the yin and yang qi in Lao Tzu's Taiji diagram also flew out, forming countless yin and yang great mills, rumbling around the Tongtian Taoist.

Taoist Tongtian's four fairy swords tightly protected the surroundings, smashing all the yin and yang mills and countless chaotic sword qi.

Then Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun all came to Taoist Tongtian, Yuanshi took out the three precious jade Ruyi and threw it at Taoist Tongtian, and Laozi also took out his crutches and threw it on Taoist Tongtian.

Watching the fighting between several saints, Yu Yuan was so moved and dazzled!

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