Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 145 In the Sun Palace

() Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun and Lao Tzu coming in front of him, Taoist Tongtian asked in a deep voice: "Have we reached the time when we must fight each other?"

"Tongtian, I told you that you have already attracted attention by cutting off the teachings! If this chaotic clock falls into your hands again, I'm afraid it will bring you even greater disasters. In order to stop you, we can only do it!" Yuanshi Tianzun He has a serious face, but the words that come out of his mouth seem to really reveal his concern.

"Junior Brother Tongtian, Junior Brother Yuanshi and I did this for your own good!" Lao Tzu added expressionlessly on the side.

After hearing Yuanshi Tianzun and Lao Tzu's words, Taoist Tongtian smiled wryly, and said nothing more, but the movements of his hands accelerated a little, and the attack became more and more fierce.

After fighting for a few more rounds, Taoist Tongtian became violent all of a sudden. With his hands together, the four immortal swords gathered together and attacked Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Lao Tzu also greeted their innate treasures, and suddenly several innate treasures collided together, and the violent shock wave extended towards the four directions.

And in the center of the battle, the endless ground, fire, water, and wind are constantly surging, and thick space cracks are constantly dispersing towards the four directions of the prehistoric world.

Just when the three were about to fight again, and the three of Zhunti were about to join the battle group, an old man suddenly appeared on the field.

The old man swung the crutch with the head of a dragon head left and right randomly, and none of the six saints present could escape the seemingly slow attack.

The six saints were all knocked away by the old man's six light attacks, vomiting blood from their mouths.

Seeing that six saints with strong cultivation bases were wounded so easily by this old man, the faces of many monks changed drastically.

After being attacked, the six saints saw the old man's face clearly, they all stood in awe, and said respectfully: "The disciple has seen the teacher!"

Hearing the names of the six saints, many monks recovered from the shock that the old man had easily knocked the six saints into the air.

Knowing the identity of the old man at this time, these monks were calm.Only Daozu Hongjun could defeat and wound the six saints so easily.

Yu Yuan was the only one in the field who had recognized Patriarch Hongjun the moment he appeared, because Yu Yuan had seen Patriarch Hongjun's Heavenly Dao avatar when he was receiving the punishment from heaven.

"The six of you fought here, which has already affected the stability of Honghuang, so I will punish you slightly!" Ancestor Hongjun glanced at the six saints with emotionless eyes.

The six saints all lowered their heads, their expressions were extremely respectful, and they dared not show any disrespect!

"You don't need to argue about this chaotic clock! It already belongs!" After glancing at the six saints, Patriarch Hongjun said again.

After hearing the words of Patriarch Hongjun, the six saints were slightly shocked.Yuanshi Tianzun raised his head and asked Patriarch Hongjun: "Teacher, I don't know who should own this Chaos Clock?"

After hearing Yuanshi Tianzun's words, the other five saints also looked at Patriarch Hongjun expectantly.

"The Chaos Clock does not belong to any of you! No matter which one of you wins the Chaos Clock, it will cause chaos!" Ancestor Hongjun's voice sounded.

"Teacher, do you know if our disciples can get the Chaos Clock?"

Hearing what Taoist Hongjun said, Taoist Tongtian had a strange look in his eyes, and he looked at Taoist Hongjun and asked.

After hearing Taoist Tongtian's words, Taoist Hongjun turned his head, glanced at Taoist Tongtian indifferently, and nodded slightly.


After listening to Hongjun Daozu's words, the faces of the six saints relaxed.Yuanshi Tianzun, Laozi and Xixi Zhunti greeted the two of them, looked at each other, and then they glanced at Taoist Tongtian.

Then they looked at each other, and there were various unknown meanings exchanged in the eyes of several people.

Taoist Tongtian also saw the communication between them, and his face turned cold.

"Jiejiao disciples listen to the order, when you enter the Sun Palace, you must bring out the innate treasure, the Chaos Clock!"

"Respect the teaching of the Lord!"

The Jiejiao disciples, headed by Taoist Duobao and Yu Yuan, bowed in response, and looked at the vast and magnificent Sun Palace with a serious face.

With a wave of Yu Yuan's sleeve, a piece of golden light was emitted, covering all the Jiejiao disciples and the Beihai monster clan, and flew directly towards the Sun Palace.

Seeing that the disciples of Jiejiao had already gone ahead, the voice of Yuanshi Tianzun sounded, and rolled over the heads of a group of monks from the Chanjiao, Western Cult and Shura tribe, like thunder rolling over.

"You go too!"

After hearing the order, the group of people also left and drove towards the Sun Palace.

Yu Yuangang drove the golden light and led the crowd into the flames of the sun, and bursts of flames all attacked Yu Yuan.

These flames gathered together and turned into countless fire birds, fire dragons, fire horses, and fire bulls, impacting towards the golden light around Yu Yuan's body.

Yu Yuan snorted angrily, and the golden light around his body suddenly surged. As soon as those flames came into contact, they were swallowed by Yu Yuan's golden light and swept away, forming a huge vacuum zone.

Just as Yu Yuan was about to move on, suddenly a tyrannical divine consciousness appeared, bringing up the boundless true flame of the sun, or forming a huge wave, and shot towards Yu Yuan and the others.

"Looking for death!" The situation was critical at this time, seeing that there were still people blocking him, Yu Yuan yelled angrily, and the tyrannical divine sense swept out, directly defeating that divine sense.

The huge waves formed by the true sun also turned into countless sparks and scattered away.

"Unexpectedly, another creature was born in this sun!" Daoist Duobao beside Yu Yuan exclaimed.

Others may not know it, but Taoist Duobao has a strong cultivation base, but he can feel it.This divine sense is very strange, not any familiar monk.

And in this divine consciousness, there are also bursts of the breath of the sun's true flames, emitting endless scorching heat.

"Hmph, I don't have time to deal with you now! If you provoke me again, you will be killed on the spot!"

Yu Yuan's cold words constantly echoed through his powerful consciousness.The countless flames that were jumping continuously were directly suppressed by Yu Yuan's spiritual consciousness.

Then the golden light transformed by Yu Yuan flew directly towards the Sun Palace.

Among the cores of countless suns and true flames, there is a continuously distorted figure, with fear in his eyes, looking at Yu Yuan's far away back.

"Who is this person? He is so strong! Not only is the power of the primordial spirit vast, but it also contains countless auras of coercion, even the hot aura in my consciousness has been suppressed!"

At this moment, a group of people led by Taoist Ran Deng, Grand Master Xuandu and Patriarch Minghe also entered the sun.

"Who is this group of people? They actually want to break into my territory! I don't believe it, everyone is as strong as that guy just now!" Looking at the crowd waiting in, the distorted figure was completely angry .


Endless true flames of the sun, surrounded by a powerful spiritual consciousness, rushed towards Daoist Randeng and his group.

Seeing this scene, those Daluo Jinxians of the Chanjiao and Shura clan were all terrified.

If it's just the True Flame of the Sun, they can still suppress it with a lot of effort, but the powerful spiritual consciousness contained in it is not something they can resist at all.

"Dare to attack us, how courageous!"

Patriarch Styx's angry voice came out, and then a thick red light shot up into the sky, carrying endless waves of blood, it was Patriarch Styx's consciousness that swept out.


A scream rang out, this time it was Patriarch Styx who screamed.

Although Patriarch Minghe's strength was far superior to that figure's and his spiritual sense was even stronger, he never expected that that divine sense actually carried the aura of the sun.

The corrosive aura contained in Patriarch Styx's consciousness was suppressed by him.Although that divine consciousness was repulsed by Patriarch Minghe, but the primordial spirit of Patriarch Minghe was burned by that divine consciousness.

"Innate gods!" Patriarch Styx said through gritted teeth.

"What! It's an innate god!" Daoist Ran Deng frowned when he heard the words, and put away the divine consciousness that he was about to release.

Innate gods are conceived by heaven and earth and born with sexual power.

Taoist Ran Deng, Patriarch Styx, Di Jun, Tai Yi, etc. all belong to innate gods.The primordial spirit of the innate gods and spirits all have a unique aura.

At this moment, that powerful divine consciousness struck again with endless true sun flames.

Grand Master Xuandu on one side took a step forward upon seeing this, a ray of clear light shot up into the sky, and a powerful divine sense greeted that divine sense.

"You two's spiritual sense breath is restrained, so let me deal with it!"

The voice of Grand Master Xuandu rang in the ears of Taoist Ran Deng and Patriarch Styx.

Although Master Xuandu is not an innate god, but he has been under Lao Tzu's seat for many years, his cultivation base is profound, and his spiritual consciousness is protected by the light of Taiqing, so he is not afraid of that divine consciousness.

Even so, in the sun, the distorted figure occupies all the advantages of the location, and the Grand Master Xuandu can only suppress it, but cannot defeat it.

"Ahaha, I knew that not everyone is as perverted as that guy just now! You guys, who told you to break into my territory!"

A voice came through the spiritual consciousness, and it sounded above the heads of Taoist Ran Deng and his party.

"You guys go over first, I'll block him!" Hearing that Yu Yuan and the others had already passed by first, Grand Master Xuandu's expression darkened.

"Dream, don't even think about going there!" Hearing Grand Master Xuandu's words, the voice sounded again.

Then several more divine senses swept over.

"Hmph, I'm here, and I can't tolerate you being so presumptuous!"

Several strands of divine consciousness rushed out of Grand Master Xuandu's body again, blocking those strands of divine consciousness.


Daoist Randeng and Patriarch Minghe surrounded the crowd and flew directly into the Sun Palace.

Seeing this, Grand Master Xuandu followed closely behind and flew in.

"Hmph, these guys! After I become stronger, I will settle accounts with you one by one!"

After the distorted figure finished speaking, it disappeared into the endless flames of the sun.

As soon as he flew into the Sun Palace, countless pavilions came into Yu Yuan's eyes.

Numerous exquisite sculptures and decorations adorn it, majestic and majestic red gold pillars, and a dome full of stars.

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