() Chaoge, Dashang Imperial Palace, Jiujiandian.

Di Xin was sitting high on the dragon chair, with civil and military officials lined up below, and a heavy atmosphere flowed in the hall.

"Now I'm doing business everywhere, how is the situation?"

Di Xin's sharp eyes scanned the officials below, and his voice was a bit dignified.

All the ministers below lowered their heads, and no one dared to speak. The situation was very bad, and they were all afraid of meeting Dixin's fate.

"Your Majesty, our Dashang suffered heavy losses this time. Countless civilians died, most of the Dashang's people were burned, and countless houses caught fire and were completely destroyed."

Wen Zhongman narrated the current situation of Dashang with grief.

After hearing Wen Zhong's narration, the look on Di Xin's face became even more serious.

"Order officials from all over the country to appease the people, repair houses, and open warehouses to release food to ensure the lives of civilians during this period!"

"I will obey your orders!"

Then, the behemoth of Dashang began to operate.

Numerous private houses have been repaired, and civilians everywhere have been better resettled.

But a strange mood circulated among the populace, born of a gossip.

"The reason why the sun changed this time is because of Di Xin! It was Di Xin who offended Empress Nuwa, which caused such a disaster! However, Di Xin dragged the entire Dashang to be punished! Only the Only when Di Xin steps down from the throne can this disaster be put to rest."

This rumor spread throughout Dashang at an extremely fast speed.It was as if there was an invisible big hand pushing the flames behind.

"Your Majesty, we must immediately control the spread of this rumor! Otherwise, the old minister is afraid that the hearts of the entire businessman and the people will be unstable!" Wen Zhong bowed and said to Di Xin.

Di Xin turned his back to Wen Zhong, looked at the entire Chaoge City and the entire Dashang under his feet, and remained silent.

"Grand Master Wen, what we have to face in the future is not only the Western Zhou Dynasty, but the whole world, and even many monks. Some cancers must be eliminated."

After a while, Di Xin withdrew his gaze, turned to Wen Zhong and said.

"But, Your Majesty, I'm afraid that if it continues like this, it will really shake our foundation!" Wen Zhong frowned and said hesitantly.

"Gu has confidence in the people of Gu!"

After all, Di Xin waved his hand and stopped Wen Zhong who wanted to continue persuading him.He turned his head and continued to look at the whole world under his feet.

Wen Zhong!Our future enemy is extremely powerful!The ones I want to take them to deal with are those monks flying into the sky and escaping from the ground!If you don't take this step now, it will be even more difficult in the future!

Jumping beam clowns, come out!Gu, Di Xin, waiting for you here!

Di Xin's eyes looking into the distance became more profound, with a frightening look flashing inside.

Due to Di Xin's indulgence, the spread of this rumor became more and more violent.

The entire Great Shang Dynasty was full of turmoil all of a sudden,

This day, looking at the slightly empty hall below, Di Xin frowned slightly, with a displeased look on his face.

"Wen Zhong, why are there so many ministers who did not go to court today?" Di Xin shifted his gaze to Wen Zhong and asked.

"Your Majesty, these ministers are all claiming to be sick!"

After hearing Wen Zhong's words, Di Xin snorted angrily, and the atmosphere in the whole hall suddenly became extremely heavy!

"Calling sick? So many ministers calling sick at the same time in one day? Absurd!" Di Xin said in a cold voice with an angry face.

"What is it that makes our great majesty so angry? Can you tell me, let me, the brother of the king, share some of it for you!"

Following a burst of arrogant words, a figure entered the hall with its head held high.It is Wei Ziqi who has been stripped of his official position and imprisoned in the mansion.

Wei Ziqi was followed by Wei Ziyan and a group of ministers.These ministers are those ministers who said that they were ill and did not go to court.

Seeing Wei Ziqi leading a group of ministers into the Nine Halls, Di Xin looked at him coldly with a gloomy face.

"Wei Ziqi! Who dared to ignore Gu's order and let you out?"

"It's me! Di Xin, as soon as you appeared, you rebelled against the ancient Goddess Nuwa, causing the world to suffer. I don't think you deserve to sit on the throne anymore. Only Prince Weizi Qi is the best candidate for the emperor!"

From behind Wei Ziqi, a general in uniform came out. He was very heroic and had an aura of nobility on his body.

"Fu Peng, you are so courageous! Do you want to rebel?" Wen Zhong, who was on the side, heard Fu Peng's words and asked angrily.

At the same time, the third eye on Wen Zhong's forehead opened suddenly, bursts of coercion radiated out, this coercion was restrained by Wen Zhong, and fell directly towards Fu Peng.


Under this coercion, Fu Peng simply couldn't stand the pressure and knelt down on the spot.

"Wen Zhong, you monster, let me go!" Fu Peng knelt on the ground, blushing, and shouted loudly at Wen Zhong.

"Grand Master Wen is indeed a good method. But you can suppress General Fu, can you suppress countless troops?" Seeing that Fu Peng was suppressed by Wen Zhong, Wei Ziqi didn't care, and smiled at Wen Zhong .

As soon as Wei Ziqi's voice fell, a group of soldiers came in from outside the door, forcing all the ministers to the two sides of the hall.

Wen Zhong snorted angrily, and just as he was about to make a move, Di Xin spoke.

"Master Wen, stop!" Di Xin said to Wen Zhong without changing his expression.

Hearing what Di Xin said, Wei Ziqi laughed and walked towards Di Xin.

"Di Xin, are you willing to abdicate?"

"Even if I abdicate, you will not be able to be the emperor! Because, you are not qualified!"

Seeing Wei Ziqi walking in front of his eyes, Di Xin said with disdain.

"Whether you are qualified or not is up to you! Di Xin, oh no, I can't call you Di Xin anymore, I should call you Zi Xin. Zi Xin, have you seen those soldiers below? You heard the complaints from the people." Is it? Zixin, you have lost the hearts of the people, and now, it is my turn to take the throne of the Emperor!"

As he spoke, Wei Ziqi stretched out his hand to drag Di Xin off the dragon chair.

Di Xin looked up at Wei Ziqi, opened his lips slightly, and spat out a word in disdain: "Get lost!"

The others didn't feel it yet, but Wei Ziqi, who was facing Di Xin, turned pale all of a sudden, and rolled from the side of the dragon chair all the way to the main hall.

Wei Ziqi looked at the aloof Di Xin, his eyes were full of horror.

Just after Di Xin yelled, Wei Ziqi felt as if the heaven and the earth were already angry, the sky fell on him, and the earth overturned him. The only action he could do was, get out!

Di Xinnai was one of the five emperors in ancient times, with the infinite luck of the human race condensed on his body, coupled with the luck of the emperor at this time, he is the only ruler of the human race.

Wei Ziqi stepped forward to provoke Di Xin, undoubtedly asking for trouble.

Seeing Wei Ziqi's embarrassed appearance, many ministers in the hall shook their heads, the difference is too far!

Those ministers who followed Wei Ziqi looked ashen at this moment, looking at Di Xin who was sitting on top of him tremblingly. <The thunder explodes and rumbles across the sky above Da Shang.

Hearing Di Xin's words, everyone in Dashang fell silent and listened quietly.

"Recently, there was a rumor spreading that it was because Gu offended Nvwa that the whole Dashang was suffering! It's ridiculous! How dare Nvwa do this? Isn't she afraid of heaven's punishment?"

"Although that Nuwa has the ability to create human beings, she has no heart to create human beings. What she seeks is nothing more than the fruit of a saint! Even so, our race still offers it with incense and fire from generation to generation. Now, Nuwa wants to lend me Human race, complete the killing of gods and immortals! We regard all human beings as ants! We abandon them!"

"Our human race should be self-reliant and self-reliant. From then on, those who help our human race will be offered by our human race with incense, and those who abandon our human race will be abandoned by us together!"

Following Di Xin's words, all the people of Dashang seemed to have returned to the day when Nuwa came.

The faint sentence "The big business should be destroyed!" echoed in his ears again.

At this time, the entire Great Merchant no longer complained about Di Xin, because it was their common wish to resist the fate that Nuwa had set for them.

"The fate of our human race is in our hands! Human race!"

Di Xin's last words echoed constantly between heaven and earth.Then there was silence.

Suddenly, a sound like a mountain whistling and a tsunami sounded from all over Dashang.

"Human Race! Human Race! Human Race!"

The human emperor's luck over Chaoge City suddenly began to increase sharply. Countless people's emperor's luck gathered from all directions, and the five-clawed golden dragon formed by the human emperor's luck roared up to the sky and let out a loud dragon chant.

Seeing this situation, Wei Ziqi's face turned pale for a while, and his face was full of despair.

Then, the dejected look on Wei Ziqi's face was replaced by a look of madness, and he started yelling crazily at Di Xin.

"Zixin, it's useless even if you win the hearts of the people, here are all my soldiers, and I'm destined to become the emperor! Kill, kill Zixin!"

Hearing Wei Ziqi's order, the soldiers were about to move when they heard Di Xin yell.

"Come on, where is Fei Lian?"

Then there was a more intensive sound, the sound of footsteps, iron armor and the impact of weapons.

Countless soldiers in heavy armor and holding halberds appeared, and surrounded all the soldiers under Fu Peng.Then, two generals separated the soldiers and strode out.

"Chen Elai (Fei Lian), see Your Majesty!"

"Take these people down! All their titles will be cut off and they will be sentenced to death!" Di Xin said to the two kneeling below.

Seeing this situation, everyone already knew that the reason why Wei Ziqi was able to lead troops into the Jiujian Temple was entirely at the connivance of Di Xin, in order to find a legitimate reason to get rid of Wei Ziqi.

With Wei Ziqi's incident, Di Xin set off a bloodbath in Chaoge City, and beheaded all the stubborn factions on the charge of colluding with Wei Ziqi for treason.

At this time, the hearts of the people are in the body, and the big merchants have been messed up by Maitreya, so Di Xin doesn't care about the counterattack of those nobles.

All the resistance, all in order to suppress, this is a replica of Zhou Gongdan's control of Xiqi.

But the difference is that Zhou Gongdan completely suppressed the entire Xiqi, which may erupt at any time, while Di Xin is completely orthodox, just finding a reason for the suppression.

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