Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 147 Chaos Clock World

() Looking at the countless stars above his head, Yu Yuan's eyes were solemn, and he reached out his hand to stop the crowd who wanted to move on.

"Yu Yuan, what's the matter?" Seeing Yu Yuan's dignified appearance, Taoist Duobao asked.

"In this great hall, there has already been a large formation of stars and stars. If you are not careful, the formation may be triggered, and it will be troublesome if you want to go out."

After hearing Yu Yuan's words, the faces of the rest of them also suddenly became heavy.

This Zhoutian star array is very powerful, and it is very famous among the prehistoric.At that time, Emperor Jun Taiyi led the monster clan, relied on this great formation to forcibly conquer the Twelve Ancestral Witches, and fought inextricably with the real body of Pangu summoned by them through the great formation of the gods and gods in the Twelve Capitals.

Fortunately, Yu Yuan learned the Great Zhoutian Star Seal, which was passed down to him by Di Jun on the overseas fairy island, so he is quite familiar with the Zhoutian Star Formation. Under the leadership, everyone safely passed through the palaces and walked to the depths.

Just after Yu Yuan left for a while, Taoist Ran Deng and Patriarch Ming He also came to the Sun Palace.

It's just that they were not so lucky. Within a few steps of stepping into the hall, they felt the change of time and space, as if they were suddenly transferred to the ancient star field, surrounded by endless stars.

Then these stars all dragged their gorgeous tail flames and flew towards them.Huge stars, carrying extremely heavy coercion, distort space wherever they pass.

"Zhou Tian Xing Chen array!" Daoist Ran Deng shouted involuntarily.

"Not good, get out of the way!" Patriarch Minghe also shouted at the Shura people behind him.

"Stop, that star can't be broken!" Grandmaster Xuandu suddenly saw that Master Yuding took a step forward, turned into a huge flying snake, and swept towards the star with a flick of his tail.

However, it was too late at this time, the huge flying snake transformed by the real Yuding had already easily smashed the star into pieces with one tail.

Reverend Yuding was still puzzled at this moment, how could the star, which looked like a heavy force, be shattered by him with just a light swipe?

"No, let's go!"

Grand Master Xuandu exclaimed, flicked his robe sleeves, rolled up several people, turned into light, and was about to run towards the original palace gate.

At the same time, Patriarch Minghe also rolled up his disciple, turned into a beam of blood, and followed Grandmaster Xuandu.

"Yu Ding, you!" Daoist Ran Deng pointed at Daoist Yu Ding, looking very angry, and then rolled up the rest of the people and ran towards that direction together.

Only Daoist Yuding was left standing there, and no one cared about him.

This series of movements was as fast as lightning, and those people flew away before Master Yuding realized what was going on.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

A series of loud noises appeared, and the stars that seemed relatively illusory all of a sudden became solid and bright, and the light of the stars criss-crossed.

The endless coercion fell, and the body of the soaring snake of the real Yuding was directly crushed, and blood mist burst out all over his body. The real Yuding could no longer maintain the body of the soaring snake, and turned into a human again, his face pale Weakness of breath.

At this time, Master Yuding finally understood.It turns out that the Zhoutian star formation just now is still in an unactivated state, as long as you hide from those stars, there is still no danger.

But Master Yuding's counterattack completely aroused the Zhoutian Xingchen Formation.Although without the control of many demon gods, the Zhoutian Xingchen array cannot be resisted by Daoist Yuding.

At this moment, countless rays of light from the stars gathered together and fell towards Reverend Yuding, and the coercion around him suppressed him again, making his movements slow.

Seeing the light of the stars flying fast and feeling the powerful power contained in it, Master Yuding felt a deep sense of crisis.

"Ah, break it!" Daoist Yuding shouted loudly, the muscles on his body were stretched out, the veins were fully visible, his face was ferocious, and the corners of his eyes were cracked.

Daoist Yuding shook his arms, and finally broke free from the pressure of the surrounding space, but at this time, the light of the stars had come close, and it was too late to run, so he could only block his hands in front of him.


Daoist Yuding was blown away by the light of the stars, and kept rolling in the void.

At this moment, several more stars lit up, and the light of the second star was about to fall. Master Yuding looked at the lit up stars with a look of despair on his face.

A ray of light flew over, rolled up Master Yuding, and flew directly into the distance.

"Yu Ding, this time is just a lesson, if you are so reckless next time, hum!"

Grand Master Xuandu's words rang in the ears of Master Yuding. Master Yuding nodded slightly, but he didn't have the energy to answer.

Immortal Yuding looked very miserable at this time, his body was dripping with blood, half of his arms were missing, and the remaining half was scorched black.

Yu Yuan and the others cautiously walked towards the depths of the hall, looking for Donghuang Taiyi's body.After passing through a long corridor, there is a majestic pure gold palace standing in front of it.

When Yu Yuan and the others approached, they saw countless patterns carved on the golden hall.It is all about the glorious history of the Yaozu.

"It should be here!" Yu Yuan said aloud.This is the core of the entire Zhoutian Star Formation, and it should be where Donghuang Taiyi's body is located.

Along the way, except for the beginning, the ancestor Kunpeng said without saying a word: "Yes, this is here, I can already feel the breath of His Majesty the Eastern Emperor!"

"In this case, let's go in!" Wu Yunxian said this, and walked out, pressing the door with both palms, trying to push it away.

But after pushing hard, the door still remained motionless.When everyone heard Wu Yunxian's words, they all looked at him. Before he opened the door, Wu Yunxian's face flushed red.

Wu Yunxian quickly held his breath and concentrated, exhausted all the strength in his body, and pushed hard towards the gate, but the gate only made a slight sound, and there was no sign of opening.

"I'm coming!" Seeing that Wu Yunxian didn't open the door, Yu Yuan stepped forward and said.

Wu Yunxian retreated, and at the same time muttered: "This door is so heavy, I can't push it with all my strength!"

You know, Wu Yunxian's strength is not small.His Hunyuan Hammer, before refining, was just a simple weapon, and its weight was not lighter than a star.

However, Wu Yunxian, who could easily swing the Hunyuan Hammer, couldn't push the gate at all.This gate is probably as heavy as a dozen, or even hundreds of stars.

Yu Yuan stepped forward, gradually using his arms, the door slowly opened.

A vast hall appeared in front of everyone.There are countless three-legged golden crow patterns engraved on the ground, and there are even more vivid golden crow reliefs on the steps.

On the dragon chair above, sat a figure wearing a dragon robe, with his left hand resting on the armrest, and a small golden bell in his right hand.

His eyes were slightly closed and his face was calm, but even so, there was still a burst of murderous aura on his body.

"Your Majesty, minister Kunpeng (Shangyang, Bi Fang, Bai Ze) see His Majesty the Eastern Emperor!" The four ancestors of Kunpeng immediately knelt down and saluted when they saw this figure.

Looking at the four ancestors of Kunpeng, Yu Yuan said, "Ancestor Kunpeng, I'm going up now to collect Donghuang Taiyi's Chaos Clock and his body, is that okay?"

Seeing the appearance of the four ancestors of Kunpeng, Yu Yuan couldn't help but go forward directly.

"Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, please!"

After getting the consent of Kunpeng Patriarch, Yu Yuan strode up.

At this moment, the surrounding environment changed, and everyone seemed to have come to the ancient star field.

"Junior Brother Yu Yuan, what's going on?" Looking at the scene in front of him, Taoist Duobao frowned slightly.

"Someone triggered the formation, it must be someone who explained the teaching!" Yu Yuan said bitterly.

After speaking, Yu Yuan's eyes turned to the distance, Taoist Duobao also looked in the same direction as if aware of it.

There are three ray of light shooting from that direction at high speed.

When they came to Yu Yuan and other people waiting in front of them, the three escaped lights stopped at the same time.But at the same time, the attacks from the entire Zhoutian Star Formation also gathered.

"Great Zhoutian Star Seal"

Yu Yuan swung his right hand, and a huge handprint landed around, enveloping the Jiejiao group and the Kunpeng patriarch.

Then Zhou Tian and Xingchen formed a big formation, as if they couldn't feel Yu Yuan and the others, all the attacks fell on Taoist Randeng and the others.

Seeing the pitiful appearance of Master Yuding, Yu Yuan asked with some uncertainty: "Realist Yuding, this Zhoutian star array, could it be inspired by you, the unlucky reminder?"

Hearing Yu Yuan's question, the corners of Taoist Ran Deng's eyes twitched. The last time this Jade Cauldron Daoist was in the Overseas Immortal Island, he inspired the ice and aurora array. He didn't expect to do such a stupid thing this time.

Yu Yuan had time to chat, but Daoist Ran Deng and the others were busy resisting the attack of the large formation, and no one responded to his words.

But as soon as he saw the livid face of Master Yuding, Yu Yuan knew that he had guessed right.

"Junior Brother Yu Yuan, let's break through the formation quickly! I'm afraid things will change if it's too late!" Taoist Duobao said.

"it is good!"

Five colors of light flickered all over Yu Yuan's body, and at the same time Taoist Duobao also had a world of four systems of laws hanging behind his head, and the two of them bombarded a position with all their strength.

After a loud noise, the entire Zhoutian star array was completely shattered, and then everyone appeared in the Sun Palace. The dome of the Sun Palace was covered with countless cracks.

But Daoist Ran Deng also took advantage of this and escaped together.

"Chaos Clock!" Seeing the small golden clock on Donghuang Taiyi's right hand, Taoist Ran Deng and his group all screamed in surprise, and then all rushed forward.

Yu Yuan's reaction was faster than theirs, and he came to Donghuang Taiyi's body in a flash, and stretched out his hand to grab the little golden clock.

Yu Yuan suddenly felt a violent wave in the palm of his hand, and the little golden clock burst into light, breaking Yu Yuan's control.

Then the mouth of the little golden bell turned upside down, facing the people in the hall, sucking them all into the little bell.

When Yu Yuan came back to his senses, he found that his group had been photographed in the world inside the Chaos Clock.

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