Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 148 One Portal of Jinzhong Town, Ancient and Modern

() Standing in the air, Yu Yuan closed his eyes and felt it.I only feel bound by endless laws, completely different from the time and space of the prehistoric world.

There are endless grasslands at the foot, and undulating mountains in the distance.

Countless fierce birds with a wingspan of thousands of feet fought the sky.Tens of thousands of monsters as tall as mountains traverse the earth.This is a world of monster races, a paradise for strange beasts.

Of course, there are also some human races living in this world. The tribes established by these human races are scattered all over the world, and their traces are left in every part of this world.

"As expected of an innate treasure, a complete small world has actually been formed inside this chaotic clock!"

Yu Yuan's eyes were full of surprise, and he couldn't help clapping his hands and sighing.

"Okay, let's split up and look for Donghuang Taiyi's primordial spirit mark! But this is still a world, I'm afraid it's still hard for us to find it!"

After sighing, Yu Yuan said to the people behind him.After saying that, Yu Yuan disappeared in place in a flash.

After hearing Yu Yuan's words, the others also left separately.I don't know when it started, Yu Yuan has become the decision maker, and Taoist Duobao is also willing to give up power.

As for Taoist Ran Deng and his group, when they first came in, they just looked around defensively, and they hurriedly dispersed after Yu Yuan and others left.

Yu Yuan turned into a golden light, and kept searching around in this small world, but to no avail.Although this small world is said to be a small world, it is still very huge compared to the prehistoric world, and it is impossible to completely search for it in a short period of time.

Moreover, in this small world, the application of laws is also suppressed, and Yu Yuan has no way to apply the laws of space, so he cannot use this to find the imprint of the primordial spirit of Donghuang Taiyi.

When everyone was anxiously looking for it, a coercion came from a towering mountain. Except for Yu Yuan and other six quasi-sacred monks, the other monks all fell from the sky.

"Outsiders, Gu, Donghuang Taiyi is waiting for you here!"

This voice constantly echoed between the heaven and the earth, causing waves of space, causing many Da Luo Jinxian monks to release their defenses quickly.

For a moment, all eyes were on the past.

"East Emperor Taiyi!"

One after another figures cut through the air and quickly flew towards the high mountain.

Yu Yuan escaped the fastest and came to the mountain first.

On the top of the mountain, there is a huge palace sitting on it, inheriting the color of the Sun Palace, and it is also golden.

Sensing the aura coming from the palace, Yu Yuan waited quietly in place, and did not rush in alone impulsively.

Not long after, everyone had already arrived at the top of the mountain. Looking at the golden palace in front of them, everyone was silent, and no one wanted to be the first to enter.

No one wants to be the first person to try it. You can feel his powerful strength from the consciousness that Donghuang Taiyi sent out just now.

"Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, I'll go in and try first! I think His Majesty still recognizes me!" The ancestor Kunpeng behind Yu Yuan thought for a while, and said to Yu Yuan.

"Okay! Be careful! If it doesn't work, you should get out first!"

The figure of the ancestor Kunpeng flickered, and he came to the gate of the palace in a few moments, bowed and shouted to the inside: "My lord, Kunpeng has seen His Majesty the Eastern Emperor!"

However, the voice of the ancestor Kunpeng was like a mud cow falling into the sea, and there was no echo in that palace.

After a while, Donghuang Taiyi's voice finally sounded.

"Kunpeng? You're here! Then he should be here too!"

Donghuang Taiyi's voice contained some joy and some vicissitudes.It seemed to be an endless wait.

"Yes, Your Majesty, he has come too!"

Hearing Donghuang Taiyi's words, Kunpeng was even more respectful.

"Hahaha, good. But I'm still a little upset about giving him the Chaos Clock like this! Let him pick it up by himself! I'm really looking forward to fighting him!"

As soon as Donghuang Taiyi's voice fell, the gate of the palace opened with a "boom".

Hearing Donghuang Taiyi's words, all the monks on the side of Taoist Ran Deng looked at each other in blank dismay. They wondered who was the "he" mentioned in Donghuang Taiyi's words?

But the people who stopped the teaching understood somewhat in their hearts that this "he" should be Yu Yuan.

Seeing the gate of the palace opened, Daoist Ran Deng rushed into the hall, but the people who stopped teaching were not busy.

After Yu Yuan and the others entered the hall, they saw Taoist Ran Deng and Patriarch Minghe looking nervously at the end of the hall.There was a man who was exactly the same as Donghuang Taiyi sitting there with his eyes closed, which was the seal of the soul of Donghuang Taiyi.

After Yu Yuan and others came in, Donghuang Taiyi opened his eyes with a mysterious smile on his face.

"You are here! Come! Let us fight, and then this Chaos Clock will belong to you!"

Hearing what Donghuang Taiyi said, Taoist Ran Deng and Patriarch Minghe were anxious.

"Eastern Emperor Taiyi, I advise you to hand over the Chaos Clock to us. You are just a mark of the primordial spirit now, do you think you can keep the Chaos Clock?"

Hearing Patriarch Minghe's words, Donghuang Taiyi looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Patriarch Minghe, just relying on you native chickens and dogs? I haven't paid attention to it! Patriarch Minghe, Taoist Randeng, Grand Master Xuandu, Taoist Duobao, you all go together! We've solved you, I Only then will I have time to have a good fight with him!"

Daoist Duobao originally just stood quietly on the sidelines and did not intend to participate in the battle.After all, judging from Donghuang Taiyi's intentions, this Chaos Clock has already been set by Yu Yuan.

But at this time, since Donghuang Taiyi named him by name, he could no longer back down.

Seeing Taoist Duobao also stand up, Taoist Ran Deng and Patriarch Minghe all had joy on their faces.This Daoist Duobao is extremely powerful, and even if he plays half of it by then, he will still be the strongest among them.

Then, the void kept shaking. Facing the famous Donghuang Taiyi in ancient times, everyone did not hide their secrets, and all brought out their strongest combat power.

Behind Daoist Duobao's head rose a world of laws of fusion of four systems, and behind Daoist Lantern's head was a world of yin and fire rules, and in the middle of this world was an oil lamp emitting faint fire light.

Behind Grand Master Xuandu's head rose a world of laws that manifest purple, in which there is a fusion of Tushi Zihuo and refining laws, and there is also a gossip purple gold furnace that is constantly tumbling in it.

Behind Patriarch Styx's head, there are two law worlds, one is the law world of the fusion of three laws, in which there is a huge blood lotus, which is constantly sinking and floating, and the other is actually composed of countless characters. The composition of the text is obviously the law of enlightenment.

Seeing Taoist Duobao's world of laws, Donghuang Taiyi nodded slightly. As for the other three, Donghuang Taiyi's eyes were full of disdain.

Donghuang Taiyi stretched out his right hand, and a small golden clock condensed out, which was the condensed law of the Chaos Clock.

"Are you guys ready?"

Hearing Donghuang Taiyi's question, the four Daoist Duobao didn't answer, and each launched their strongest attack, and a torrent of laws rushed out, rushing towards Donghuang Taiyi.

Donghuang Taiyi stood there quietly, watching the attack of the four without any movement.It wasn't until those attacks came in front of him that he took a step forward.


With a low shout, the small golden bell held by Donghuang Taiyi's right hand suddenly grew bigger, sending out bursts of chaotic air, which fell heavily into the void, and scattered all the attacks of Taoist Duobao and the others.

Seeing this scene, Taoist Duobao, who had been careless before, suddenly became serious. As for Taoist Ran Deng, their expressions were even more ugly.

"Wanbao manifests!"

Daoist Duobao kept changing the spells with his hands, and then countless magic weapons flew out of him, bells, flags, towers, swords, halberds, knives and forks, all kinds of magic weapons were constantly rotating around Taoist Duobao.

"Pangu's ax appears, opening up the world!"

With a low shout, these magic weapons were all condensed together and combined into a huge axe. In the world of laws behind his head, countless runes floated out and blessed it. Immediately afterwards, the giant ax was aimed at the Eastern Emperor. Too has been chopping down!

"Phantom Fire Ten Thousand Darks!"

Daoist Ran Deng held his hands together, and the oil lamp in the law world behind his head suddenly radiated bright light, and countless ghostly flames flew out of it.

"The sea of ​​blood is boundless!"

Patriarch Minghe raised his right hand, and a huge wave of blood gushed out. Compared with the ordinary sea of ​​blood, the color of these waves of blood appeared darker and more filthy.

"Refining the world!"

As soon as Grand Master Xuandu's hand formula changed, the gossip purple gold stove in the law world behind his head flew up, and countless Tushita purple flames gushed out of it.

Seeing the attack of the four Daoists of Duobao, Dong Huangtai's face was full of fighting spirit. He stretched out his right hand and flicked the Chaos Clock, which suddenly became bigger and heavier.

"A bite of Admiralty Town, ancient and modern!"

The space in the entire hall was completely frozen by the pressure of the Chaos Clock, unable to move at all.

Taoist Duobao's Pangu ax composed of thousands of magic weapons was directly disintegrated and flew around.

The flames emitted by Taoist Ran Deng and Grand Master Xuandu were all extinguished by the direct suppression of the Chaos Bell.And the sea of ​​blood of Patriarch Styx was also directly evaporated.

"Are you all using these means? We are vulnerable!" After Donghuang Taiyi finished speaking, he played the Chaos Bell again, and the bell rang, and the sound wave formed directly knocked back all four of Daoist Duobao.

Daoist Duobao's face turned red, and the three of Daoist Randeng vomited blood and were injured!

"Come up! Let me see how far you have come? Can you bear it..." Donghuang Taiyi said to Yu Yuan, and after speaking, her voice suddenly became quieter. hear.

Seeing the four Daoists of Duobao being easily repelled by Donghuang Taiyi, Yu Yuan's expression changed slightly and he stepped forward slowly.

Yu Yuan's body shook, and the five-color halo radiated, and the five-color divine light fell on his body behind him, forming a Taoist robe.

"Five Elements Mahamudra!"

Five light clusters lit up on Yu Yuan's five fingers, and at the same time, the five-color halos on his body flowed like water, all of which gathered on his right hand, forming a solid and thick handprint, and slowly pushed towards Donghuang Taiyi.

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