Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 149 Heaven and Earth Seal

() The five-element mahamudra is an attack supernatural power created by Yu Yuan by combining his own five-element law domain with the five ghosts capturing the sky seal and the five-color divine light.

The five ghosts capturing the sky seal created by Yu Yuan is more good at restraining, capturing and suppressing.In terms of attack, Yu Yuan is not outstanding, and Yu Yuan only has two big Zhoutian star seals and Honghuang seals in terms of attack, and he doesn't have any powerful means.

Therefore, Yu Yuan used his own method as the basis to create this magical power, the Five Elements Mahamudra.

The five-element mahamudra, the attack is unparalleled.As soon as Yu Yuan made a move, it activated the five-element law in the small world of the Chaos Clock, exuding an innate noble aura.

Seeing Yu Yuan's attack, Donghuang Taiyi's eyes lit up, and joy appeared on his face.

"Okay, this kind of attack is worthy of my serious attack. He really deserves to be his reincarnation! He has created such a supernatural power! A mouthful of golden bells is ancient and modern!"

Dong Huangtai flicked it lightly, and the Chaos Clock became bigger again, exuding a powerful force of suppression, pressing towards Yu Yuan's five-element big handprint.


A crisp bell rang out, the bell sounded clear and long, echoing constantly in this small world.

"Come again!"

Yu Yuan gave a loud shout, and pushed his right hand forward again, and the right palm, shining with five-color brilliance, moved towards the Chaos Clock Seal again.


Donghuang Taiyi also flicked the Chaos Clock again, and the Chaos Clock grew bigger again, roaring towards Yu Yuan's Five Elements Mahamudra.

The continuous ringing of bells echoed continuously in the whole world. In this world, there are countless monsters, beasts and human races, which were smashed by the ringing of the bells.

The people in the hall also retreated again and again. Taoist Duobao and the other five quasi-sages were fine, but the other Da Luo Jinxian monks all suffered internal injuries, with blood on the corners of their mouths. They all sat cross-legged on the ground, defending with all their strength.

As the battle became more and more fierce, Donghuang Taiyi's eyes became brighter and brighter, bursting out with joy.

"Okay, Yu Yuan, you come to meet my last move, Zhong Zhentiandi!"

The entire chaotic clock world shone brightly. With Donghuang Taiyi's loud shout, countless laws converged in his hands, and the chaotic clock that seemed illusory suddenly became solid.

Seeing Donghuang Taiyi mobilize the power of the entire Chaos Clock, Yu Yuan also looked dignified, and slowly raised his hands, and then countless streamers shot out from his body, condensing a phantom of heaven and earth above his hands.

In Yu Yuan's body, the entire primordial spirit of heaven and earth began to vibrate, and all the laws sprang out, along his arm, and poured into the phantom of heaven and earth above his hands.

"Heaven and Earth Seal!"

Yu Yuan's hands seemed to be supporting a world, resisting the world power of the Chaos Clock.


With a loud noise, the entire world of Chaos Clock began to vibrate violently, and Yu Yuan and Donghuang Taiyi each took several steps back.

"Hahaha, good. I will hand over my Chaos Clock and my body to you! I look forward to seeing you and me again in the future!"

The Eastern Emperor laughed a few times, then threw the imprint of the Chaos Clock in his hand to Yu Yuan, and it flickered for a few times before disappearing.

Yu Yuan was also secretly startled at this time, the seal of heaven and earth was his strongest attack, and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was able to draw with him only by relying on the seal of the primordial spirit left in the Chaos Clock.

You must know that Yu Yuan's attack contained countless laws in his heaven and earth primordial spirit.In that Heavenly Punishment, Yu Yuan devoured all the laws in the Heaven and Earth Primordial Spirit.

Yu Yuan's Heaven and Earth Primordial Spirit is already a small world. Compared with the saint's world, Yu Yuan's Heaven and Earth Primordial Spirit is only not strong enough.

It is a pity that Yu Yuan has no way to invoke the laws of the entire heaven and earth soul, but through the combination of the Great Zhoutian Star Seal and the Honghuang Seal, Yu Yuan created the Heaven and Earth Seal on this basis.

The seal of heaven and earth is a supernatural power that can mobilize all the laws in Yu Yuan's heaven and earth primordial spirit, and it belongs to Yu Yuan's unique supernatural power.

The power of the Heaven and Earth Seal can be said to be invincible under a saint, absolutely invincible. This is the fusion of all laws. The only difference from a saint is the size of mana.

Seeing the imprint of the Chaos Clock flying towards Yu Yuan, several quasi-sage powerhouses on the side of Taoist Burning Deng became anxious immediately, and they all shot, wanting to take the Chaos Clock into their hands.

Yu Yuan came back to his senses, felt the fluctuation of laws around him, and the anger flashed across his face.

"Ren Lantern, you dare to snatch my Chaos Clock, you are courting death!"

"Heaven and Earth Seal!"

Above Yu Yuan's right hand, there appeared a somewhat illusory world, everything in this world was exactly the same as the primordial spirit of heaven and earth in Yu Yuan's body.Afterwards, Yu Yuan took this phantom of heaven and earth, and covered the head of Taoist Ran Deng.

Seeing Yu Yuan's attack and feeling the strong coercion, Taoist Ran Deng no longer cared about the imprint of the Chaos Clock, and hurriedly backed away. At the same time, he raised his hands to resist Yu Yuan's attack.


With a crisp sound, Taoist Ran Deng was knocked back by Yu Yuan's palm, all the bones on his body were broken, and blood spurted wildly.

With the strength of Randeng Taoist, the mid-term quasi-sage, he was seriously injured and retreated by Yu Yuan's palm!

Grandmaster Xuandu and Patriarch Minghe froze in place, and originally planned to compete for the mark of the Chaos Clock, but at this moment their hearts kept feeling cold.

They didn't have the courage to face Yu Yuan directly.

Master Xuandu shook his head, bowed to Yu Yuan and said, "Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, we have no intention of competing with you anymore, I wonder if I can leave with Junior Brother Ran Deng?"

Hearing this, Yu Yuan looked coldly at Grand Master Xuandu, then glanced at Taoist Ran Deng lying on the ground like a dead dog, thought for a long time, and finally nodded slowly.

Although just now, outside the Sun Palace, the teachings and the teachings have been torn apart, and the Yuanshi Tianzun and the Taoist Tongtian have fought, but now is not the time for a complete confrontation.

Seeing Yu Yuan nodding, Grand Master Xuandu relaxed his tense body, stepped forward to help Taoist Ran Deng, and was about to leave with the people explaining the teachings.

Seeing that Yu Yuan didn't kill them all, a hint of greed flashed in the eyes of Patriarch Minghe, it seems that Yu Yuan still didn't dare to offend Chanjiao!That being the case...

Just when the Chanjiao people walked out of the palace and Yu Yuan stretched out his hand to accept the mark of the Chaos Clock, Patriarch Minghe suddenly turned into a beam of blood, snatched the mark of the Chaos Clock away, and fled to the world outside the Chaos Clock.

"Styx, you are courting death!"

As soon as Yu Yuan took a step, he appeared in front of the bloody light, and the heaven and earth seal in his hand fell towards Patriarch Minghe again.


The bloody light that Patriarch Styx turned into was directly dispersed, and he returned to his human form, with a pale face, blood at the corner of his mouth, and a serious injury.

"Yu Yuan, stop! I am willing to return the mark of the Chaos Clock to you!"

Seeing Yu Yuan continuing to stride towards him, Patriarch Minghe shouted in horror.

"Styx, you are looking for death! It's useless to say anything now! Heaven and Earth Seal!"

Yu Yuan printed out another heaven and earth seal, and landed on Patriarch Minghe's body, smashing Patriarch Minghe into pieces again, turning into a blood mist, and Patriarch Minghe turned into a human form again in the distance.

"Yu Yuan, I am an ally of the Yuanshi sage, are you going to tear yourself apart from Chanjiao?"

Patriarch Styx reappeared with a paler complexion, disordered breath, and looked extremely weak.

"Styx, you think too highly of yourself. As I said, you will definitely die today!"

Yu Yuan ignored Patriarch Styx's words at all, and just dropped another seal, Patriarch Styx was scattered into a blood mist again. < Ren Xing, before Old Ancestor Minghe opened his mouth, Yu Yuan just landed a seal, smashing Old Ancestor Minghe to pieces again.

Looking at this scene, Grand Master Xuandu stood aside with an ugly face, and didn't dare to intervene at all. His strength was not as good as that of Patriarch Minghe, and he didn't have the life-saving means of Patriarch Minghe, so of course he didn't dare to intervene.

As for the subordinates of Patriarch Minghe, they escaped early, for fear that Yu Yuan would make trouble for them.

Finally, after being broken up again, Patriarch Minghe exhausted all his mana and could no longer recover his human form. He just left a sentence: "Yu Yuan, today's revenge will be avenged by him!"

"Old Ancestor Minghe, you should be more honest in the future, don't force me to evaporate your blood!"

After finishing speaking, Yu Yuan glanced coldly at Grand Master Xuandu who was standing aside.

Swept by Yu Yuan's gaze, Grand Master Xuandu immediately shuddered, did not dare to stay any longer, and immediately left the place with Chanjiao and the others.

At this time, no outsiders were present anymore, Yu Yuan waved his right hand lightly, and took the imprint of the Chaos Clock into his hand, pouring the mana in his body into it.

Thanks to some arrangements from the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Yu Yuan refined the Chaos Clock very easily.

"Yu Yuan, you were so domineering just now!"

Seeing that Yu Yuan had already refined the Chaos Clock, Immortal Yu Yi walked over, patted Yu Yuan on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Go! I don't know what we will face when we go out!"

Yu Yuan's words were full of worry, after all there were five other saints out there!

With a wave of his hand, a hole appeared in front of Yu Yuan, and Yu Yuan led everyone out of the world of Chaos Clock.

At this time, the teaching group had already left the Sun Palace, and Yu Yuan put away Donghuang Taiyi's body and the Chaos Clock.

As soon as he got out of the Sun Palace, Yu Yuan felt his body sink. When he looked up, it turned out that the other five saints were all looking at Yu Yuan.


Taoist Tongtian snorted coldly, stood in front of Yu Yuan, and stared coldly at the other five saints.

Taoist Hongjun took a deep look at Yu Yuan, and then said: "The Chaos Clock belongs to Yu Yuan, and no one is allowed to snatch it before this catastrophe is over!"

After finishing speaking, Taoist Hongjun stepped out and disappeared in place without causing any ripples.

Hearing Taoist Hongjun's words, Yuanshi Tianzun and several saints gave Yu Yuan a hard look, and then returned to their respective dojos.

"Teacher, will the Chaos Clock give you any improvement in your strength?" Yu Yuan suddenly said to Taoist Tongtian.

At the same time, he also took out the Chaos Clock, held it in his hand, and handed it to Taoist Tongtian.

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