Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 150 The Four Saints Go to Jinao Island

() "I have been addicted to swordsmanship all my life, this Chaos Clock is of no use to me!"

Taoist Tongtian looked at Yu Yuan quietly for a while, then spoke.

"Yu Yuan, I don't care what secrets you have, but I hope that you can use the Chaos Clock in your hand to fight for a chance of survival for me!"

Daoist Tongtian sighed suddenly, and then disappeared in place in a flash.

Yu Yuan looked down at the Chaos Clock in his hand, thinking about what Taoist Tongtian said just now.

In fact, Yu Yuan himself was also very confused, he didn't know why he was able to come to the World of Conferred Gods.

He only knew that he was transformed by Xing Tian's head, but could this be his true identity?

That time, when Xing Tian was about to devour him, where did the sudden power come from?

Also, is the "Hunyuan Golden Body Jue" he practiced really enlightened from the "Tao" of Daoist Tongtian?

Yu Yuan has only cultivated to the fifth level now, where the five elements are endless.But his strength has surpassed Zhunsheng Consummation, so what will happen to the next few layers?

In the past, Yu Yuan had been controlling himself not to think about it, but all these questions were lingering in Yu Yuan's mind.

Taoist Duobao looked at the golden bell in Yu Yuan's hand from behind, envy and desire flashed in his eyes, and finally shook his head.

Although this thing is suitable for him to kill corpses, but Yu Yuan is his junior, how can he be greedy?

"Brothers, you go back to Jin'ao Island for now! I'll go to Dashang!"

Yu Yuan turned around, explained to the people behind him, met the eyes of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, and then tore open the space and went directly to the Great Shang Dynasty.

At this time, the temperature of the sun has returned to normal, and everyone in Dashang has started a normal life.

Di Xin was sitting in the bed, quietly waiting for Yu Yuan, and sitting beside him was Nv Jiao.

Yu Yuan tore apart the space and appeared directly in front of Di Xin.

"King Yu, our plan can begin! This catastrophe is about to begin!"

Looking at Yu Yuan in front of him, Di Xinyu said with admiration: "Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, I was just a person against the sky back then, and there was an arrangement for a lifetime in the middle, and now it is still up to you to truly break away from it." Destiny. Now, you want to bring so many people together to fight against the general trend of the world, how bold you are!"

"I have no confidence in the result this time! I can only do my best!"

Early the next day, Emperor Xin officially declared war on the Western Zhou Dynasty.

The reason is that in the Western Zhou Dynasty, King Wucheng of Zhenguo was prevented from returning to the court, and he led troops to surround the emperor, intending to rebel, which is an unforgivable crime!

Afterwards, the entire Dashang entered a state of war, and all the Dashang generals were ready.

Under Zhou Gongdan's order, the Western Zhou Dynasty also began to mobilize all the troops to prepare for the war!

All of a sudden, gunpowder smoke filled the air, and a murderous air reverberated across the entire Great Desolate Continent.

Judging by the posture of Da Shang and Xi Zhou, the two sides did not intend to contact each other, and were directly preparing for the decisive battle.

This is the first plan prepared by Yu Yuan and Di Xin, a direct decisive battle, one battle will determine the outcome.Directly in the battle, let the Western Zhou Dynasty lose to Da Shang, so that there is no battlefield for the Great Tribulation of the Gods.

It's not that Yu Yuan hadn't thought about letting Zhou Gongdan surrender directly, but in that case, he might be directly killed by Chanjiao and another monarch would come up.

Therefore, Yu Yuan needs an opportunity, and when the teaching has no energy to take care of him, it is the best opportunity.

This first plan was just a temptation for Yu Yuan.Success is of course great, and even failure is nothing.

Just when the situation in the world is about to explode, Jin'ao Island in the East China Sea is still peaceful and peaceful.

However, it is obvious that under the influence of the human form, this kind of tranquility will soon cease to exist.

Immortal music resounded in mid-air and spread throughout the entire Jin'ao Island. At the same time, flowers fell from the sky and golden lotuses gushed from the ground.Many disciples of Jin'ao Island all left their caves and looked at the sky above Jin'ao Island.

These Jiejiao disciples all know that when there are such visions between heaven and earth, there must be a saint descending.

However, now that the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods is coming, the relationship between the other saints and the leader seems to be not very good, but it is unknown which saint came to Jinao Island.

Accompanied by various visions, a luxurious chariot appeared in the air. This chariot seemed to be carved from a whole piece of beautiful jade. There were countless pearls connected in series to form a curtain, hanging around it, and there were countless gold lamps decorated with wreaths. superior.

In front are nine five-clawed golden dragons of the true immortal stage pulling carts, their bodies winding and exuding bursts of ancient aura.

Seeing this chariot, the disciples of Jiejiao knew who it was.It is Yuanshi Tianzun who dislikes Jujiao the most.

Seeing the disciples of Jiejiao who were looking at him below, Yuanshi Tianzun snorted angrily, and said disdainfully, "Scales and horns!"

As soon as Yuanshi Tianzun arrived, there was another purple aura across the sky, three thousand miles long, and there were rings of tinkling sounds in the air, and then he saw an old man with a bright head riding a green bull, coming happily.

This old man has white eyebrows, his face is as plain as water, and he holds a crutch in his hand.The blue cow who sat down had knotted muscles, and the aura coming out of his body showed that he was actually a great demon in the golden immortal stage.

This old Taoist is the boss of the Sanqing, Taiqing Daode Tianzun, Laozi.

After Laozi came to the side of Yuanshi Tianzun, the green bull that was sitting down stopped.

"Yuan Shi met the big brother!"

Seeing Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun quickly saluted him.

Hearing this, Lao Tzu opened his eyes, looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and nodded slightly, and then his gaze swept across the many intercepting disciples below, a look of disgust flashed in his eyes, and then he closed his eyes again.

Looking at the two saints in the air, many Jiejiao disciples felt a little uneasy in their hearts. They didn't know why these two saints came to Jin'ao Island.

Just when the Jiejiao disciples were feeling uneasy, the west suddenly shone brightly, and the entire western sky was dyed golden.Then I saw a colorful brilliance flashing by, followed by a golden brilliance.

Then, two Taoists appeared above Jinao Island.

One of the Taoist priests wore a bun with two flowers on his head, his face was yellow and thin, and he held a branch in his hand. Several treasures were hung on the branch, emitting precious light continuously.

Another Taoist, with a bun on his head, has a yellow complexion, with a look of pain on his face, he is six feet tall, sitting on a huge golden lotus, there are twelve grades of this golden lotus, emitting bursts of golden light, Surround that person.

These two are the leaders of Western religion, the quasi-sage saints and the guide saints.

"My two brothers came late, it's a sin to trouble the two Taoist brothers to wait for you!"

As soon as Taoist Zhunti arrived, he said to Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi.

As soon as he turned around, Zhunti's eyes lit up instantly when he saw the many Interceptor disciples below.

"It's really sad that so many mortals are lost in this world! You all have a predestined relationship with me in the West. I don't know if you are willing to join my Western religion, so that you will be free from karma from now on?"

Hearing Taoist Zhunti's words, many of the disciples below all glared angrily.Just when Taoist Duobao wanted to go forward and ask the four saints what happened to Jinao Island, Taoist Tongtian's voice sounded.

"My little Jinao Island, it's really an honor to trouble the four Taoist brothers to come in person! If you have anything to say, come down and say it! Zhunti, you'd better shut up, or I'll scratch your mouth!"

As soon as Taoist Tongtian finished speaking, four streams of condensed and sharp chaotic sword energy flew out, attacking the four people in the air.

Yuanshi Tianzun, Lao Tzu and Taoist Jieyin all simply waved their sleeves to dissolve the sword energy.Only the sword energy flying towards Taoist Zhunti was so powerful that it pierced a hole in the sleeve of the holy man's robe.

Taoist Zhunti's expression changed, and he didn't say anything, and flew towards Biyou Palace together with the other three saints.

Looking at the backs of the four saints, many Jiejiao disciples had serious expressions on their faces. Although they didn't know why the four saints came to Jin'ao Island, they all had a bad premonition.

In Biyou Palace, Taoist Tongtian sat on the cloud bed, looking calmly at the four saints who walked in.

As soon as the four of Yuanshi Tianzun entered Biyou Palace, they felt Taoist Tongtian's eyes. The four of them looked at each other and walked directly opposite Taoist Tongtian.

All four of them stretched out their fingers, and four cloud beds were raised in Biyou Palace. Yuanshi Tianzun and four people got on the cloud beds, and sat opposite the Master Tongtian, silently.

After a while, Taoist Tongtian glanced at the four people sitting, and spoke first.

"I don't know the four Taoist brothers, what's the matter when you come to my Jinao Island?"

After hearing Taoist Tongtian's words, the four of Yuanshi Tianzun looked at each other, and finally Yuanshi Tianzun spoke first.

"Junior Brother Tongtian, the four of us are here for the matter of conferring the gods. The matter of conferring the gods is imperative. We hope to communicate with Junior Brother Tongtian about the specific process of conferring the gods."

Taoist Tongtian looked at Yuanshi Tianzun quietly, without saying a word.

"This time, there must be 36 roads for the Great Merchant to attack the Western Zhou Dynasty, so that the luck of the Great Merchants will be reduced, and the luck of the Western Zhou Dynasty will be greatly increased! After that, you will teach me how to do it, and we will not force it!"

"Don't force it? Hahahaha!" Taoist Tongtian laughed loudly, and his laughter contained endless anger.

"The 36th Route crusade against the army? What are you doing? Let my disciples go to die, and use my disciples' lives to fill the god list? Yuanshi, you are delusional!"

Taoist Tongtian's face was full of anger, and the sword energy all over his body was full of sword energy, flying in all directions.

"Junior Brother Tongtian, the matter of conferring gods is not up to us. It is what the teacher ordered. I have three sects conferring gods. Don't you know that this list of conferring gods is originally to be filled by your disciples?" Is it?"

Seeing Taoist Tongtian like this, Lao Tzu on the side spoke.

Daoist Tongtian stared at Lao Tzu with red eyes.

"If my disciples die during the catastrophe, I have nothing to say if they are on the list of gods. But if you want me to send my disciples to the list of gods, don't you think about it!"

"If you don't do this, Junior Brother, we can only do it ourselves and send many Jiejiao disciples on Jin'ao Island to the list of gods. This is the number of days, and the four of us have no worries!"

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Fellow Taoists, "Fengshen Zhi Yu Yuan" is going to be released on October [-]st. Thank you for your perseverance during this period of time. At the same time, I also hope that you can continue to support and accompany the journey of Fengshen. Yu Yuan walked down together.Thanks!

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