() Hearing Taoist Zhunti's words, Taoist Tongtian opened his eyes angrily, and two chaotic sword qi shot out from his eyes and shot towards Taoist Zhunti.

This time, the other three saints who were sitting on the side shot together to block the attack.

"Junior Brother Tongtian, give us a reply!"

Lao Tzu still lowered his eyebrows and looked down, looking like an ancient well, but what he said made Taoist Tong Tian's chest almost burst.

Four immortal swords appeared around Taoist Tongtian, constantly revolving around Taoist Tongtian, emitting four soaring sword auras, each of which contained a mysterious dao pattern.

Seeing this, the four Yuanshi Tianzun also let go of their aura and competed with Taoist Tongtian.

Lao Tzu is the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda above the head of the head, and the Tai Chi map under the body is opened, ups and downs and sinking.

On the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, the Xuanhuang two qi circled around, and there were faintly two kinds of Dao patterns engraved in it. In the Tai Chi diagram, the yin and yang two qi chased and merged, and two kinds of Dao patterns could also be vaguely seen in it.

A streamer stood in front of Yuanshi Tianzun, and there were countless chaotic airflows floating in it, and these chaotic airflows also formed two kinds of Dao patterns.

At the same time, another pattern appeared, surrounding Yuanshi Tianzun's body.

The twelfth-grade golden lotus that led the Taoist to sit down is also shining brightly, and there are lines of patterns wandering in it.At the same time, there are two Dao patterns around the body, like ribbons.

The wonderful tree of seven treasures in Taoist Zhunti's hands emitted seven-colored precious light, and countless precious lights were connected together to form a series of lines, and at the same time, lines of lines surrounded him.

"Junior brother, are you sure you really want to be strong? Although you have mastered the four Dao patterns, I have also mastered the four Dao patterns. Even with the help of the Four Swords of Jade Immortals, your strength is stronger, but you think you are ours?" Four opponents?"

Laozi looked at Taoist Tongtian coldly, and said mercilessly.

Hearing Laozi's words, Daoist Tongtian felt a burst of grief and pain in his heart!

Daoist Tongtian knew that what Lao Tzu said was correct, although he could use the Four Swords of Zhu Xian to combine the four Dao patterns he had mastered, but Lao Tzu was just a little inferior to him.

Coupled with Yuanshi Tianzun, Taoist Jieyin and Taoist Zhunti next to him, he is really no match for the four of them.

Taoist Tongtian nodded heavily, and looked up at the four saints in front of him, with raging flames burning in his eyes.

The four saints have all left, and they have already received the promise of Taoist Tongtian.As for the wishes of Emperor Xin, they didn't pay attention at all.Feeling the disappearance of the four forces of pressure, the Jiejiao disciples all looked at Biyou Palace with some concern.

Taoist Duobao and Yu Yuan hurried into Biyou Palace, only to see Taoist Tongtian sitting there quietly, but there was a sense of decadence on his body.

"Teacher, what is the purpose of the four saints coming here?"

Seeing Taoist Tongtian's appearance, Yu Yuan hurriedly asked.

"They came to force me to agree..." Taoist Tongtian spoke in a low voice, slowly describing what happened just now.

"Too much deception! Teacher, don't worry, at worst, I'll stop teaching and fight them to the death!"

Daoist Duobao's eyes widened with anger, and he couldn't control the aura on his body, and began to radiate wantonly.

"Brother, don't be impulsive. Teacher, I think we can send 36 troops to conquer!"

There was a strange light in Yu Yuan's eyes, he lowered his head in thought, and spoke for a long time.

"Yu Yuan!"

Hearing Yu Yuan's words, Taoist Duobao turned his head to look at Yu Yuan, glaring.

Yu Yuan ignored the angry Daoist Duobao, and continued to speak: "Looking at the current situation, there is no room for change! Then, I will follow the conquest army, and whoever dares to come, I will kill him Already!"

At the end, Yu Yuan's eyes burst out with a strong murderous intent.

Taoist Duobao looked at Yu Yuan in surprise, he never thought that Yu Yuan would be so bold.

Yu Yuan himself was very confident, but Taoist Tong Tian shook his head slightly after hearing Yu Yuan's words.

"Teacher, is there something wrong with my plan?"

"Yu Yuan, what you can kill are the three generations of disciples who explain teaching. Yuanshi must have written their names on the list of gods. The list of gods is in his hands. If he is willing to pay the price, he can resurrect them at any time."

"Those three generations of disciples who explained the teachings were all prepared by Yuanshi to respond to the disaster for his disciples. Unless they encountered strong resistance, otherwise Yuanshi's twelve disciples would not go down the mountain."

"Then I'll wait until the Twelve Golden Immortals go down the mountain, and then I'll make a move. But, teacher, will Yuanshi Tianzun make a move to resurrect them too?"

Yu Yuan was a little worried. If he worked so hard to kill the Twelve Golden Immortals, but was finally resurrected by Yuanshi Tianzun, the loss would not be worth the gain.

"No. Yuanshi can't bear the price of resurrecting them. However, as soon as you make a move, Yuanshi will know and he will rush away immediately. The possibility of your success is very small!"

"Teacher, can't you stop him?"

"Although I can stop him, if they come together like today, I can't help it!"

Taoist Tongtian let out a long sigh, his tone full of unwillingness.

"Teacher, I don't know how strong you are among the saints?"

Yu Yuan asked cautiously, he must know the strength gap between saints, so that he can decide what to do.

"Apart from Teacher Hongjun, I am the strongest among the saints. I have mastered the four Dao patterns, and each of them has been integrated into the magic weapon. Next is Lao Tzu, who also mastered the four Dao patterns, but his The four Dao patterns are integrated into the Taiji Diagram and the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda."

"Then there are Yuanshi and Jieyin. Both of them have mastered three Dao patterns. It's just that Yuanshi has Pangu Banner, which has fused two Dao patterns, and Jieyin's twelfth-grade golden lotus has only fused one Dao pattern. Zhunti Taoist, He has only mastered two Dao patterns, and his Seven Treasure Tree has merged with one Dao pattern."

"As for Nuwa, she is the weakest. She doesn't have a dao pattern, so she can only integrate all the laws in the small world and barely display a dao pattern."

After listening to Taoist Tongtian's narration, Yu Yuan heaved a sigh of relief.It turns out that what the sage masters is no longer the law, but the Dao pattern.

"Teacher, what is the Dao pattern?"

"The pattern of the Dao! Only when the Dao pattern is integrated into the magic weapon can it exert a stronger power. The stronger the essence of the magic weapon, the more Dao pattern can be integrated, the stronger the power will be. Therefore, although I and Lao Tzu both master the four ways Wen, but I am stronger than him!"

"Teacher, how many saints can your strength withstand?"

Yu Yuan asked the most critical question, he needs to know how big his cards are.

"Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi are as powerful as me together!"

Taoist Tongtian thought for a long time before speaking slowly.

Hearing Taoist Tongtian's words, Yu Yuan's eyes lit up.

"Teacher, the two sages taught by the West don't care too much about the disciples who explain the teachings. If I deal with the Twelve Golden Immortals, the only ones who will take action at that time will be Lao Tzu and Yuanshi Tianzun. So, when the time comes, as long as you take action, teacher... "

Taoist Tongtian meditated quietly, but did not speak.

"Teacher, we've broken our faces with them now. We've fought them to death now! Don't hesitate any longer!"

Taoist Tongtian finally nodded slowly in agreement.Then there was a soaring will in his body. Now that he has made up his mind, no matter what the future holds, he must remain steadfast.

A few days later, the relationship between Dashang and Western Zhou, which was on the verge of breaking out, suddenly disappeared inexplicably.

Only Di Xin and Zhou Gongdan were smiling at each other across the endless distance.

Looking at their move, it really made several saints anxious, and actually directly lowered the decree.Of course, in the decree, threats are inevitable.

After a few days, the first crusade army set off.Zhang Guifang was in command, leading an army all the way towards Xiqi City.

In a few days, the army came to the city of Xiqi.

Zhang Guifang led Feng Lin to stand in front of the camp, quietly looking at Xiqi City in the distance.Xiqi City, with high walls and thick walls, looks like an ancient giant beast lying on the ground.

"Marshal, why do we have so few people? I'm afraid..." Feng Lin, who was standing behind Zhang Guifang, saw Zhang Guifang's serious expression, and asked.

Zhang Guilin raised his hand, interrupting Feng Lin who wanted to continue talking.

"Our coming here is just a cutscene! As for whether we can survive, it depends on our luck!"

The next day, Zhang Guifang led the army under his command, with Feng Lin as the vanguard, to challenge under the city of Xiqi.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Ziya on the city wall stroked his beard and smiled, as if he was holding a wisdom pearl.

"Order troops, leave the city!"

Following Jiang Ziya's order, the gate of Xiqi City opened, and countless soldiers and horses rushed out like a tide.

Seeing Jiang Ziya go out first, Zhang Guifang narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked, "Jiang Ziya, you Xiqi are really brave, you dare to prevent King Wucheng from returning to the country, and you even led troops to besiege His Majesty, what should you do! "

"Marshal Zhang was joking. How dare I send troops to besiege His Majesty? I just helped His Majesty to besiege the rebels. Huang Feihu led his troops to attack the palace. That would be a real rebellion. But I never thought that Your Majesty has already forgiven Huang Feihu. rebellion. Where is the law of heaven?"

Jiang Ziya's expression of righteous indignation was filled with grief and indignation, as if he had suffered an eternal injustice.

"Jiang Ziya, don't use your tongue, let me, Feng Lin, meet you!"

With that said, Feng Lin rode forward and rushed towards the Western Zhou army formation.

"Feng Lin, you're crazy! Today, Uncle Ji will chop you off your horse."

A military general came out from behind Jiang Ziya. He was wearing golden armor, crowned with phoenix wings, and holding a halberd in his hand. He was the son of King Wen Jichang.

Uncle Ji met Feng Lin with his horse, and the two men met each other with their sticks and halberds. They fought for dozens of rounds, and there was no winner.

At this time, Nan Gongshi, the general of the Western Zhou Dynasty, saw that the battle was stalemate, and couldn't bear it anymore. He yelled and rushed out.

Seeing Nangong Shi rushing out, Zhang Guifang hurriedly rode up to meet him.Immediately, the four of them divided into two pairs to fight.

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